
Enjoying my life in Marvel, (BL)

This is a fanfiction i will write at the Side, since i focus more on my other one, that's based on Twilight. You might not see the other one, since i wanna write around 10 chapters first, before releasing it. This is more a way for me to write a fun story with bl elements, i will not take this story seriously and some character will or may act differently than you want. Also you guys know the Typical trope behind transmigration or reincarnation by now. So expect nothing less! This story might be filled with typical stereotypes!

Iced_Red_Tea · 电影同人
25 Chs

Chapter 2 Money Money Money

Rose walked out of Hells kitchen to some gold buying stores, having turned some other stones into gold as well. He made sure to disable the Camera and make it loose it's data for that day he visited and used sand he had edited into forgetting powder, to make the clerk forget how he looked like. He did this by every store where he exchanged his gold for cash.

Why you might ask? Simple Rose sold a lot of gold and there are many gangs or maybe even certain organizations that will investigate where the gold came from and who sold it. After selling his first batch of gold, he bought a black designer bag and edited it to function similar to marry Poppins bag, with a mix of Thor's hammer.

The Bag had a pocket dimension inside it, large enough to store a lot of things, but only Rose could access it and for others it's a normal bag. It was thief proof, since no one else then Rose or people with his permission could lift his bag and it would even teleport to him with a single thought. Really useful to store all the money he had made.

Currently Rose was relaxing and drinking some boba, well he tried too but his good looks did attract people. There were already up to five woman that asked for his number, ten who gave Thiers and one that even tried sitting down next to him, without asking. She even tried touching him inappropriately, he only looked at her with a death glare and edited her, so she would have the biggest wart ever on her face. Then made politely pointing it out to her and made her run away in panic.

He was ready to just leave, when he saw someone, or more a group of three, though only one of them interested him. It was professor X, with Jean Grey and Iceman probably on Thier way to a new mutant. Iceman or more Bobby was the one that interested him. He looked rather good and he always wanted to try some ice play... Jokes aside, he wanted to try his chances.

Well taking out a piece of paper and editing it, he send it off with a kiss, it turned into a paper butterfly and started to fly over to Bobby and flew around before his eyes. Before then landing in his hands and unfolding. Bobby looked at the paper and smiled. He quickly went over to the Professor, told him something before leaving Thier group and walking over to Rose.

"An interesting way of gaining my attention." Bobby said as he sat down next to Rose. "Well i seemingly played my Cards Right. Anyway my name is Rose Night and you?" Rose introduced himself with a smirk. "Bobby, though you might know me as Iceman." He said and looked at Rose. "So you are a mutant?" he asked and showed Rose the paper.

"Not a mutant, more of a god and a part of the personification of death? I think that would describe me best?" Rose said and Bobby laughed. "Good joke, so Mr god, any plans for later?" Bobby asked with a charming smile. "Nope, no plans, why wanna do something fun?" Rose replied and wiggled his eyebrows. "Sure had been some time since i had some fun or even someone being into me. The being a mutant thing makes finding partners hard." Bobby replied and Rose could fully understand it.

Though the Mutant hate hasn't escalated yet, it still existed and a famous mutant like Bobby here, probably got his fair chance of hate and rejections simple because of it. "Cool, so want something to drink? It's on me!" Rose stated and handed Bobby the Menu. He took it, browsed it and soon ordered his own boba.

They talked a lot in the Cafe and Rose knew that Bobby was also collecting info on him. But he didn't care much, the information he gave out made Bobby look at him with pity. Well it was mostly information that everyone would get that investigated him. A poor boy from Hells Kitchen, who made some money and tried to escape the Crime life.

"It's getting late, how about we find a place for the Night?" Rose asked as he saw the Sun going down. "If you want you can come to my place in the Mutant Academy, i have a pretty big room and bed for myself." Bobby said and Rose thought about it. For him, no real danger existed in the Academy. He could probably walk sideways through it, while kicking everyone in the Crotch and get out unharmed.

Thinking about it, he really wanted to kick Professor X in the Crotch for all the Mind manipulation he had done on the Members of the X-Men. Just look at Jean Grey for an example where he went to far. Rose didn't like people that played with other people minds like a toy. Well at least not in the brain rape and manipulation way.

But he did like to confuse and mislead others. Maybe even spreading a bit of chaos, maybe it's the power of Eris that influence him a bit.

Bobby called a Taxi and soon both of them stood before the Academy gates. Rose looked in and saw no children outside playing, probably because it's already dark outside. Bobby opened the Gate and took Rose's hand, leading around the Academy to a big dorm building. "This is the Teacher Dorm, well we call it that, but pretty much all adult X-Men members have Thier rooms here." Bobby explained and opened the Door like a gentleman for Rose.

Rose looked inside and suppressed a grin as he saw Cyclops and Storm standing near the Entrance looking at him.