
Enchanting The Devil

Daphne Seraph thought she was unlucky enough when she woke up in a strange place filled with mystical creatures after a plane crash. But that is, until she meets. . . Her new goal: Find a way out of this place. Lucifer Black, the devilish young master of the powerful Black family, was quite dissatisfied with his boring life until he meets. . . His new goal: Find a way into her heart. --- Note ~ No rape and no major misunderstandings This is an original story by me and not a translation. The picture in the cover is not mine. Credits to the owner :) Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/e72ZjJAhS5 Author’s Instagram: helemon_author

helemon_ · 奇幻言情
106 Chs

A Naked Devil

Lucifer could not understand why Ramsey was suddenly acting so weird in front of Daphne, who was trying to pet the creature at the moment.

Ramsey slowly cowered back away from Daphne, and his slight movement made Daphne fall back in fear. Even if the creature appeared to be all pitiful and scared, he still looked terrifying.

Daphne stood back up, deciding to leave the hellhound alone, since she was not exactly attracted to it either.

As she straightened her back, there was a knock at the door, and then it was pushed open as a woman that appeared to be about the same age as Daphne walked in.

The girl first looked at Daphne and with a faint smile, she then turned to Lucifer. Daphne thought the girl looked familiar, probably one of the people at the dining table earlier.

She was holding a tray with two glasses of milk on it, and she lifted it up towards Lucifer as she stepped in, "Brother."

Lucifer looked at the beverages and then looked away, "No need."

The girl did not seem to be offended at all as she added, "Your mother told me to bring it."

Lucifer looked at her again for several seconds before taking the two glasses of milk off of the tray, taking a sip from one immediately.

As he did so, the woman turned to Daphne with a smile, saying softly, "I'm Calanthe, Lucifer's sister."

"Daphne. Nice to meet you." Daphne returned the smile, remembering that Lucifer had two younger sisters. This was the one who had not spoken earlier at the dinner table.

"You can go now," Lucifer noted, licking his lips as he had finished the entire glass of milk already.

Calanthe looked at her brother and did not say anything as she walked out of the room. Before the door could close, Ramsey, who still looked nervous, quickly ran out the room, slipping through the crack right before the door closed.

Lucifer watched as his hellhound left, both confused and disappointed at his favorite pet's behavior. Well, Ramsey was his only pet.

Daphne, on the other hand, was glad that the creature was gone. She did not want to ever see it again.

"Here." Lucifer held out the other glass of milk towards Daphne, who took it, holding the warm cup in her two hands.

She looked at it for a few seconds and then took a large gulp, shutting her eyes as the warm liquid filled her mouth. When she had drunk about half of the glass, she opened her eyes and tilted her head back down to see. . .

Daphne gasped as she quickly whirled around, staring at the wall in shock. Why didn't he have any clothes on?! In the few seconds she had been drinking her milk, Lucifer had removed his shirt and was in the process of removing his pants as well.

"You -"

"Hand me my bathrobe," Lucifer stretched his hand out as he looked at her with a grin on his face.

Daphne was still looking at the wall. Bathrobe?

"Can't you get it yourself?"

"It's right next to you," Lucifer added, "To the right."

Daphne's eyes slowly trailed to the right, and she noticed the black drawer. She edged over, pulling open the top drawer to see several black silk bathrobes folded neatly inside.

She randomly grabbed one and walked backwards a few steps, holding the bathrobe out behind her until she felt his hand grab onto it.

"I'll take a shower first."

Daphne heard footsteps and the sound of the door closing, and she waited several seconds to make sure he was gone before slowly turning around, her face still red from what she saw and what she was about to see.

She was 24 already, but she had never been in a relationship with a man before, much less seen a man's naked body! And such a handsome man!

She quickly finished the remaining milk in the glass and found a chair to sit on to wait for Lucifer to finish his shower.

She looked around, comfortably sitting on the chair. Although he was a devil, he did not seem to be as bad as she had imagined a devil would be. Plus, she had nowhere else to go, and if he wouldn't hurt her, then this seemed like a decent place to stay for now.

Until she could figure something out. . .

Daphne sighed, looking out the door to the balcony although she couldn't see anything in the darkness of the night already.

Healeh. . . Lucifer Black. . .

It would have to do for now.

Another chapter coming soon ~ Please don't forget to vote for this novel <3

Thank you ^o^

helemon_creators' thoughts