
Enchanted You Are

Archer Bates has a huge crush on beautiful and sexy Hazel Gabriella since they were in third grade. Ever since he never had the chance to tell her how he feels about her mainly because she was rich, famous and had the entire school crawling at her feet. She was also dating the cutest, coolest guy in school. And him? He was just seen as the quiet, nobody from nowhere. It continues this way until everything takes a huge turn and Hazel is seen struggling to maintain her popularity which is about to crumble with the fact that she's associating with Archer. How is she going to keep up? And will Archer accept the fact that Hazel can never be his? Watch out in this heart warming suspense packed filled book.

The_old_Venus · 都市
22 Chs

Chapter 13


Of every human I've encountered in this planet, Archer is the one with the worst attitude ever. What the hell? Not even a single thank you. I should have left Donny to beat him to a pulp. Another thing I hated most was people that don't appreciate. It eats me up to the core. He still had the balls to talk trash to me in his condition. Now I can see why he's being belittled at school. He's got no manners.

I got to the door of my house and opened it. It wasn't locked yet but everywhere was dark. Looks like everyone decided to sleep early. I sighed and walked in shutting the door. I walked up to the kitchen to grab my dinner when the lights suddenly came on causing me to jump. It was dad. He was at the staircase to my bedroom. He walked down to the sitting room and sat on the sofa. I held my chest taking a deep breath.

"Dad? You scared me."

"Only the guilty at heart show fear in situations like this. Where have you been young lady?" He inquired and I scoffed. So that's what was eating him up. I decided to tease him.

"I was at my boyfriend's house." I said and walked into the kitchen.

"What? You were with that jerk I saw you with today?"

"Cut it out dad. I was just messing with you. And he's not my boyfriend." I didn't want my dad to know Donny was my boyfriend. For some reason unknown to me my dad detested him and my association with him means me getting deeply grounded. I mean deeply grounded in an enourmous way.

"Then why did you leave for school in his car and not the school bus?" He asked corking an eyebrow.

"I requested him to do so. I don't like taking the bus." I said and pouted. He stared at me and sighed.

"Why? Couldn't you have asked me to?"

"Come on dad. I'm not a kid anymore. Only kids take the bus. And it didn't come to my mind to ask you."

"But you just pouted like a kid few seconds ago."

"I had to."


"So you could pity me." I replied and he laughed. He looked at me for sometime and shook his head.

"Next time you don't wanna use the bus, you inform me okay. Don't just go hopping into some kid's car. I don't want you to get mislead." I gulped and nodded. Was that what he thought about my association with Donny? "So why are you late home from school?" He asked.

Christ. Why doesn't he forget things easily? "Someone was not well at school today so I had to help keep him company till his girlfriend returns to accompany him. Happy now?"

He chuckled and walked upstairs. "Don't dish another meal. Yours is in the fridge." He said and disappeared upstairs. I shrugged and walked to the fridge.

After taking my food, I walked up to my room and shut the door. This has to be a cool comforting night.