
Isabella’s Gift Ceremony [1 / 2]

It was the afternoon of Isabella's Madrigal and the Casita was a hubbub of activity. The whole town were invited to Isabella's birthday party to celebrate her getting her own Magical Room and Gift which they accepted. Everybody was excited to what powers she would gain.

Said little girl was in the nursery pacing the room in anxiousness, trying her best not to crinkle or mess up her pretty white dress, but too nervous to stay still. All of which were noted by Andres and Bruno who was baby sitting them until the ceremony starts.

Bruno's POV

'Wow she's nervous. Okay Bruno, you can do this, just don't put your foot in you mouth and calm your niece down…I'm doomed. Why did the family think it would be a good idea to put the always nervous man in charge of the nervous child before their important event?'

I watched her pace a few seconds longer before sighing and got ready to speak, when all of a sudden I felt something cool appear in my hand. Looking down, I noticed it was a beautiful comb of ice… giving me an idea on how to help Isabella calm down.

I took a quick glance at the frankly too calm little toddler next to me who was also looking at me with an expression that just screamed 'Well? Hurry up already!'… me thinks this little one spends too much time with Pepita….

"Little flower, Isa, come here. You will tire yourself out before the party if you keep pacing. I'll style your hair for you."

Isabella just looked at me like I grew a second hand and spoke gibberish.

'Geez, when did kids become so sassy? …. Maybe they spend to much time around ME? …. Meh. They will be fine, a little sass won't hurt them…. Much. *flash back to many times I was hit by a flying slipper* I apologize kids, for the slippers you will have to endure later.'

As I thought this, Andres made a funny expression like he was trying to prevent himself from laughing… I said that out loud, didn't I? A quick glance at Isabella confused face just confirmed it.

Clearing my throat I showed the comb to Isabella which was enough to distract her and come to sit in front of me, facing away from me to give me access to her hair although her legs were still bouncing due to nervousness. Sigh, I still don't know what mama was thinking, making Isabella's Gift Birthday into a town spectacle.

They could do it the day after and save her all this stress… I shook my head to clear my head from these thoughts, I would knock but I don't want to make Isabella more nervous. With one final shake of my head I started combing Isabella's hair, lightly scratching and massaging her scalp which my years of experience taught me quickly relaxed the recipient and temporarily gets rid of their stress. Growing up with two sisters and a stressed mother does come in handy at times like this.

True to my expectations, Isabella quickly calmed down and relaxed into a slouched relaxed position in front of me instead of the stiff prim and proper way she has started doing to imitate mama.

While I was helping Isabella to relax, I could see from the corner of my eye Andres using his Magic to make some ice jewelry for Isa.

'Smart thinking kid, while not as interested in jewelry as most girls, my Pequeno Cactus still appreciates pretty things and adores your ice creations.'

True enough, Isabella also saw the new ice jewelry Andres made for her and a beautiful, happy smile bloomed on her face, all trace of nervousness and anxiety gone. Before she could even reach for them, the necklace and bracelets floated to her wrists and throat and equipped themselves.

They were yet again beautiful masterpieces. They looked like they were made from pure diamonds with an always moving blue aurora floating inside, making random exotic but beautiful patterns and designs that were almost entrancing to look at, definitely calming though. Even I felt calm looking at them.

As this was going on my hands were moving automatically, and before we realized it, Isabella's hair was styled into a French twist up. This was a style my sisters were obsessed with as teenagers before Pepa went back to her normal braid and Juli decided it was not worth the effort to tame her hair every day.

Seeing we were done, Andres created an ice mirror in front of Isabella, allowing her to see what she looks like now. Her face of awe and happiness warmed my heart.

It was at this moment that Julieta and Agustin entered, well Julieta entered, Agustin tripped and fell in, much to the amused laughter of Isabella and small smirk from Andres.

"Thank you for watching over them Bruno. It's time now.

"Wow! Isa, little flower you look beautiful! Just like a real princess!"

Well show time I guess.