
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · 漫画同人
22 Chs

Testing Dragon Physique ^..^

[A half-dragon has benefits, you know?]

What are they?

[Dragon Physique, Increased Mana, Enlarged Mana core, Access to Magick and Parallel Thoughts.]

What does the dragon physique have?

[Increased strength, endurance, stamina a-an-and in-n-ncreased l-li-bido.]



 So, now I can fuck for days or something?

[NO! What are you saying?]

Huh. I thought it would be OP. But what is this? I wanted to subdue a woman with my dragon.

[Just! Just stop what you're saying.] It felt that Reg was embarrassed to hear such things.

Why? Don't you have tons of experience?

[N-no.... I never allowed someone to do that to m-me.]


[S-Shut up.]

"Hey, Pat~. What are you thinking now?" Spoke Tiamat drinking coffee wore a shoulder-less sweater and shorts that accented her creamy thighs.

"Nothing. Why?"

"You just seemed to be in a daze."

"Maybe I was in a daze looking at you?"

"!" Tiamat's face flushed a bit since no one dared to flirt with her.

"Tia, I'll check up on Asia. Make yourself at home while your here." Patrick walked towards Asia's room. The door was not locked so Patrick being an idiot opened the door without thought.

"Ehh!" Asia was startled by Patrick in the midst of changing clothes. Her white lingerie was visible to him.

Patrick stood still not knowing what to do.

"Why are you still standing there!" Patrick closed the door at her shout.

After a few moments of rustling inside, Asia called Patrick to come.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"God! Who'll marry me now?" Asia looked away from me disgruntled.

"Come on. Who believes in that? I saw you naked, so I have to marry you? Don't be silly, Asia." Patrick explained to the girl.

"I believe in that!" Asia shouted at his face.


"If nobody marries you then I will. Okay?" He grasped her chin.

Asia stuttered, 'B-but, w-what about R-rias?'

"If you genuinely want to, then I'll convince her." He held her thin neck this time.

Asia weakly tried to pry my hand off but I held her hand instead, "L-lets s-stop this. Why did you come here in the first place?"

"How are you?" I gave her a smile.

"Just that?" Asia asked.

"Honestly, i wanted to know how you were and I wanted to know how much progress you made in your gear." 

"Your just after my gear, aren't you?" Asia looked at me in betrayel.

"No. What are you talking about?" Patrick looked confused.

"Don't act innocent. Your just like the others. You would also throw me out after you use me."

I was bewildered, where had my innocent Asia gone?

"Listen girl. Do you think your special? Your gear is at best above average. You don't have any skills. The only reason i am keeping you with me is.....

"What is it!" Asia clenched my hand.

[No! Don't do what I am thinking you're going to do.] 

"Because I want you." 

"What?" Asia was puzzled.

 "You heard that right." Meanwhile, my hand calmly stroked her hair. "I want to see you scream beneath me, make me breakfast, lunch, and dinner, comfort me after a hard day, bear my kids. Overall a dutiful wife." To make things clear, Everything Patrick said right now was bullshit. Love? Wtf was that?

It's just that as a future conqueror of the world, he would of course have many women. Just like the famous generals and kings, Genghis Khan, Alexander, Napoleon Bonaparte(Though granted he was cucked), Hannibal, Atlita the Hun. Patrick was destined for greatness and he knew it. Therefore no women shall oppose him, in contrast, they should help him.

"Hm. What's wrong? You're not saying anything?" I asked curiously holding her waist.

"....." Asia was dumbfounded, she stared at me. Predictable considering she was a former nun who spent her previous days singing the names of God.

"Is your silence an acceptance?" My head moved closer to hers.

"Wait!.. Does that mean you loved me from the beginning?" Asia held my head from coming closer.

"No. At first, I rescued you from the fallen because I wanted to use your sacred gear. But then, slowly I realized how cute you were, how innocent. My mind became infatuated with you. I swear if I hadn't gotten to you, something terrible might have happened." I sweetened her with words.

"SO! Do you agree?" I eagerly asked with big eyes.

"Agree to what?" Asia playing innocent asked.

"To be my love, my eternal partner, my caregiver if I were to fall sick."

"...Sure" Asia answered with a meek voice. 'He is a bastard, but I can fix him.'

"What did you say?" I motioned to my ears pretending to not hear.



"I AGREE," Asia screamed in my ear while laughing.

"What are we waiting for? Let us seal the deal." I carried Asia like a princess to her bed and asked, "Do you want to?"

"It's my first time, be gentle," Asia warned. "Wait what about condoms?"

"No need, I'll fuck you raw." 

I closed the door.