
Elegy for a Star - A Character Driven Futa Story

Long running story! For chapters in advance, NSFW pictures, side-stories and more, see the Patreon. Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/elegisterotica For canon character pictures and emojis, see the Discord. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/wDJt4UZjCN --- A botched ritual left Tess sharing a body with a demon and an inability to remember much about her past. Reintroduced to the world of Auwra, Tess must perfect her abilities, gather the right gear and learn to pick apart a cosmic terror one god at a time before it swallows their sun. Join a company of characters as they hone the power of their souls and learn to trust one another in order to battle the threat of Old Gods. This is a story driven mostly by its characters and setting, interspersed with fun, futanari smut. The story comes first, but the smut is a close second. If you're only in it for the smut, then this probably isn't for you. If you like to have character development along with your smut, you might like this! Enjoy, if that's your thing! I'm happy to hear feedback.

Elegist · 奇幻言情
9 Chs

Elegy for a Star - Ch. 11-20

Chapter 11 - The College and Corps

The first place Tess was introduced to after her first experience with teleportation was the infirmary. According to what she'd been told, this holds true for many first timers here at Kravana Hall. Located high in the peaks of the branch of clouds, Kravana was home to the Expeditionary Corps and the Arosian College. Respectively, one was focused on acquiring information, and the other on deciphering it. During their time traveling together, Gwen had told Tess that she was joining the Corps.

While in the infirmary, Tess had met the doctor, Calliope. A dark, intelligent woman, Calliope appeared to be somewhere in her late twenties, though one wouldn't think it by how she acted. She was constantly humming or singing some tune or another under her breath. Tess didn't recognize any of the melodies or words, not that she expected to. Tess had mostly been given time to rest and overcome her sudden nausea. During that time, Calliope has been a most gracious hostess, delivering hot tea and small bites of bread when Tess felt like she could tolerate it.

Once she was feeling better, Tess sat up and let her legs rest off the edge of the bed. The bed wasn't anything to cry home about. It was simple, but it was far better than sleeping on the ground. Though, maybe not better than sleeping in the same sack as Gwen. Tess' heart fluttered at the thought.

"Tess," Calliope said, approaching her from behind. When Tess turned to look at her doctor, she had a lot more to look at than she initially expected. Calliope was wearing some strange type of gauntlet. It was clear that it wasn't meant for protection, as it was unwieldy, unable to grasp anything, and there were enough gaps between bands of metal and gears that it wouldn't protect much, either. Upon the bottom of it were needles attached to a metal arm and along the side was a small, odd, blue sphere. Stranger yet, it moved on its own. Whenever Calliope's arm swung with the natural movement of her walk, the device whirred and clicked to keep certain parts balanced and in place.

"What is that?" Tess asked with a suddenness that betrayed her fright.

Using her free hand, Calliope gestured to the device, "This is Edwyn."

More questions sprung to Tess' mind, but she had to decide upon one, "What does it do?"

"Edwyn does all sorts of things, but right now we are going to give you some medicine to calm your stomach," Calliope said, approaching once more. Those needles along the bottom of the contraption adjusted their placement, arms and gears rotating and switching positions with a series of clicks until one of the needles, willed with some sort of purplish fluid, stuck out ahead.

"Whoa, wait, wait.." Tess said, rising from the seat and taking a few steps away, "Keep that away."

"Edwyn is perfectly harmless," Calliope assured Tess, but she followed Tess' instructions and didn't approach anymore, "He's my medical assistant. I built him myself."

"You built him? With what?"

"Copper, brass, some glass lensing and threaded joints, and some magic," Calliope says without hesitation. She's answered this line of questioning before.

A familiar voice echoed from around the corner of the infirmary. "Tess?" It was Gwendolyn's voice, and Tess felt safer for it.

"Gwen!" Tess likely sounded more panicked than she meant to. Calliope stood by, looking back as Gwen rounded a corner and stepped into the room. The needle on the mechanical arm clicked back into place where it was before.

Gwendolyn inclined her head to Calliope and explained, "I need to take her. Do you need her for anything else?"

Before Calliope could respond, Tess blurted, "No, I'm done, I'm coming." Tess began to scoot around the doctor and move toward Gwen instead. Calliope didn't seem disheartened by any of this, but she looked confused as to Tess' behavior. She pulled the gadget off of her dark-skinned arm. For a moment, Tess thought the gold material looked pretty on Calliope. She would appreciate it more if it didn't come across as a death trap.

"Thank you," Tess said with a breath of relief.

Gwen looked at her and raised an eyebrow, "For?"

Tess gave a chuckle, "For saving me from… whatever she was going to do."

"Oh," Gwendolyn said, thumbing over her shoulder, "Believe me, you don't need saving if you're in the care of one of the Keszriona. Calliope's family is famous for their ingenuity and excellence in whatever field they decide to learn. Where I come from, you have to pay a lot of coin to get access to their expertise."

Tess felt a little stupid now, and hoped that she hadn't insulted Calliope. She made a mental note to visit her again and apologize. Something dawned on her, though. "Where are you from, anyway?" She asked.

The hallways here were made of arched stone, high enough that someone twice Tess' height could move through it comfortably. She wondered what may have lived or visited here to warrant such excessive space.

"The Empire," Gwen replied. That was one of the few things that was immediately familiar to Tess. She'd heard of the Empire, but there was a nagging feeling that, in her life before the ritual that brought her here, she wasn't much of a fan. "I'd been most of the way from Lannercost by the time I ran into you," Gwen explained with a laugh.

Tess' expression must have conveyed the lack of understanding. She had no idea where Lannercost was in relation to Kravana Hall. "Uh," Gwen started with a grimace, "It's a long way, okay?"

The hallway opened into a massive atrium, brightly lit from the glass ceiling high above. A spiderweb of hallways extended out from all sides, with murals of heroes painted above each one. Tess hadn't gotten a good look at it when she was last here, on her way to the infirmary, far too dizzy to pay attention to anything but the floor. It wasn't a busy intersection on the scale of a city, Tess would estimate, but it was certainly the area of Kravana Hall that saw the most foot traffic. There were a couple dozen others meandering about. Some of them looked quite average, but others far from it. Among the most extraordinary was a short, pale woman garbed in red, whose hair blazed and whipped about like tendrils of flame.

Gwen must have caught her staring and leaned in to whisper to Tess, "That's Aziza, the Fire Witch."

"What about her?" Tess whispered back, pointing to another woman. 

This one displayed large expanses of tan, unblemished skin, far too perfect to be natural. Her long, black hair traveled down well past her hips, but Tess' gaze stopped there. Tess normally wouldn't be staring at a person's hips, but this one was an exception, and not just for being pleasing to look at. From this woman's lower back, just above either side of her buttocks, stretched two, bird-like, black-feathered wings. Proportional to her body, they were small, and Tess couldn't imagine that the woman could fly with them. Tess only wondered what they could be for. All in all, he was dressed in jewelry and gems, golden headdress and golden bracelets, and wrapped in black tattoos that guide the eyes across her body.

Tess was enthralled, and it wasn't until she looked back up that she saw the woman's yellow-eyed, narrowed gaze looking back at her. For a heartbeat, Tess could only observe how exotic this winged woman appeared to be. During the next heartbeat, panic struck her, and Tess immediately redirected to stare straight ahead.

"Smooth one," Gwen said under her breath, "And I don't know about her. Never seen anything like her."

Chapter 12 - Registration

"Will you please hurry up?" Miri whispered into Tess' ear, which caused her to startle. The demoness floated in the air just behind Tess, an arm draped over her shoulders.

Tess let Gwen walk ahead a few paces as she whispered under her breath, "Are you sure you won't be seen?"

Miri sighed, "No. Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters. I don't think demons are common body-mates," Tess huffed, "In fact I don't think body-mates are all that common to begin with."

"Fine," Miri grunted, fading from view. Tess could still feel an arm around her shoulders, "Better?"

Tess was unsettled a bit, but it was something she could get used to, "Better. So why did you want me to 'hurry up?'"

"I'm horny," Miri whined pitifully, "I want to make you cum, Tessy." Tess could feel Miri's hand slithering down her chest, her stomach, to the waist of her trousers, "Can you help me make that happen?"

Tess felt a shiver run up her body and her heart skipped a beat. She tried to keep her composure, but could feel the swelling beneath her pants. She chose not to respond to Miri and instead caught up to Gwendolyn, causing Miri's touch to slip away.

"So where are we headed?" Tess asked Gwen. Tess wasn't sure if she was genuinely curious or just eager to satisfy Miri's desire. Her thoughts were somewhat cloudy in that regard, and she had no interest in puzzling it out right now.

Gwendolyn gave an easy answer, "To get you a job here."

Gwen didn't break stride for a moment. Her pace was dutiful and confident, which made Tess have to consciously keep up. In fact, most people in Kravana Hall were the same way. Everyone seemed busy, moving about with hasteful purpose. The rooms that Tess noticed seemed to be something one would find in a city barracks. Armories, latrines, dining halls, dormitories and training yards were labeled along some of the rooms and passages. 

One of the rooms stood out to Tess. A stone archway marked with constellation runes. Tess only recognized the Wanderer once again, but she stopped Gwendolyn and pointed toward another rune. It was somewhat heart shaped, with lines down either side and its anchor star at the bottom point. "What's this one?" Tess asked.

"Red poppy," Gwen replied.

"War and… and strength, right?"

"Blood and murder too," Gwen concluded.

As the pair resumed walking toward their mystery destination, Tess questioned, "What was that room?"

"If I had to guess, it'd be the Void," Gwen replied, "They have a stabilized pocket of the Black Sun in there, from what I've heard. It's for training."

Tess' mouth formed a circle as a dozen questions filled her head. Just how could that happen? Who could do that? How long has it been here and why is it not destroying everything around it? Before Tess was able to ask any of these questions, Gwendolyn pivoted into a room ahead. Tess followed her in.

Within were a few tables with inkpens and parchment scattered about. Along the wall was a large, strange, glowing board with deep, black scrawl written across it. The words and the board both floated, unattached from the wall, but were easy on the eyes and clearly legible. On the wall behind it was a ritual circle done mostly in black chalk, with the symbol of the Stag behind it. Tess couldn't remember all of the uses of this particular constellation, but remembered that work was one of them.

Tess turned to find a front desk with a man sitting behind it. He had short, cropped hair of a dark brown color and equally dark eyes. He was friendly enough, greeting Gwendolyn with a smile when she approached. Tess followed in tow soon after, propping her elbows up onto the wooden counter. On top of the desk was a wooden sign with one word painted upon it: Registration.

Wondering just how much Gwen was planning for her, Tess decided to just listen in on the conversation. Was Gwendolyn really looking out for her best interests? She saved Tess and shared some very scarce gear with her. She'd fought the wolves. Maybe saved her life twice, then? Plus, she knew Tess' secret summoning, she knew about Miri and… Tess' endowment. She hadn't run away despite many reasons to do so. Tess decided to trust the warrior and see what she had in store for her.

By the time she approached the desk, the conversation was already underway.

"Zero documentation? No pedigree? No invite?" The man asked with an incredulous look that left his face looking drained.

Gwendolyn nodded her head, "Unfortunately. She's got nowhere to go, though. A black ritual really fucked with her head."

"Well, something is getting fucked," Miri said, appearing to stand beside Tess, hands on her hips, "But I'd argue I'm more boon than bane.". From this vantage, Tess could see Miri's ample cleavage and she forcefully redirected her gaze. "Oh please, I see what you see. You pervert," Miri mused.

Tess chose to not respond, worried that she may come off as crazy if anyone else heard her. She redirected her attention to the conversation that had continued without her.

"Unorthodox, sure, but if I know my history, there's a bit of a precedent for taking in the lost," Gwendolyn said with a little smirk in her voice.

The man shook his head, "You can't possibly compare every abandoned amnesiac to-..."

"Of course not," Gwen replied, holding up a hand, "I'm only saying that it's worked out for the College in the past. What's the harm? Fit her into classes that aren't full."

"I'll bring the request to Lord Brandt," he replied, scribbling away on a scroll, "But I can't promise anything. For now I'll get her a bed in the dormitories."

"No need," Gwendolyn insisted, "I have space in my room. 254."

"As you say, Dame."

As they departed the registry, Tess turned to Gwen and asked, "Dame?"

"I am knighted," Gwen responded, "Dame Gwendolyn Mirabenise."

Miri cooed, "That just makes it all the hotter that she watched you cum. What a naughty knight."

Tess could only agree with the unseen, unheard demoness, but didn't want to admit that in front of Gwendolyn. Tess kept quiet.

"Is your family famous?" She asked.

Gwen placed her hands on her hips and said, "Maybe a little. We're well known in the Empire as a lesser house. We're not the Pomeroys, for instance. We're known even less and less the further out you go."

Tess wasn't sure what to ask about that, and felt that it may be bordering on something too personal for Gwen to share. "So I'm staying with you?" She said, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

"Don't get too excited," Gwendolyn said with a roll of her eyes, "There are two beds. No dormitories for me. Perks of being a little bit famous."

"So…" Tess said, trying to distract herself from the disappointment she was feeling right now, "What did you sign me up for?"

"Registering you in the College. I'll be swearing into the Corps tomorrow. Next week, you start classes," Gwendolyn explained, "You need some basic knowledge before they'll give you a job here. Even just as an armorer or librarian."

"Classes?" Tess asked, now unable to hide her utter disappointment, "What if I wanted to join the Corps with you?"

"It's dangerous, Tess," Gwen reminded her, "Too dangerous. You have no practice. You'd be torn apart by the Black Sun."

Tess didn't know enough about the situation to argue back. All she knew is that she wanted to stand side-by-side with Gwen against whatever threats the Black Sun posed to the world. "I'll figure something out," Tess said with unfounded determination.

Chapter 13 - Miri's Room

After an introduction to the dining hall where Tess could fill her stomach once again, the two women departed to the "little bit famous" Dame Gwendolyn Mirabenise's room. It wasn't spacious, per se, but it was definitely better than the description of the dormitories that Tess had heard. It was room enough for two simple beds, a small bathtub, a writing desk and a pair of dressers. Everything was lit by a pair of those rune-made torches that didn't produce any smoke.

With all of the day's events, Tess was sore and tired. Just the astral travel seemed to take a toll on her body. She was ready to sleep. Gwen seemed to be in a similar position, entering into the room and immediately doffing most of her clothing.

"Hope you don't mind if I go right to sleep," Gwendolyn said as she pulled her blue undershirt over her head, leaving her in nothing but her bra and simple, thin undergarments. Tess was surprised by what the Dame wore. For having such a fancy title and coming from such a fancy family, she wore underwear that was barely more than thin straps slipping over the hips and barely covering her sex.

A sigh pulled Tess from her staring, and she looked up to see Gwen looking right at her, "I understand that you have a dick and all, but must you always ogle me when I am undressing? Do I need to change in another room?"

Tess felt embarrassed, and more so because of the swelling between her legs. "No," Tess assured her, "Sorry. I don't mean to stare." She truly did feel bad for it, but part of her wondered if Gwendolyn liked the attention. She certainly wasn't covering up despite Tess' gaze. "You're very beautiful, Gwen. It's hard not to watch you," Tess explained.

"Gwendolyn. And thank you," the Dame replied, tucking some hair behind one ear, "Get some rest, Tess. I've got enlistment tomorrow, and you… well, like you said. You'll figure something out, right?"

Tess tried to take it in stride, but couldn't help but feel a bit mocked. Gwendolyn must have sensed it.

"Sorry," Gwen explained, "I didn't mean it to come off as sarcasm. I really do hope that we can convince them to let you enlist. But I'm.. I'm worried about you. The Black Sun is a dangerous place, as you might've guessed. And I'm worried about that demon in you."

"It's alright," Tess said, giving Gwen a soft smile, "I am too." She could feel a sting of Miri's amusement at the nape of her neck.

It wasn't long after that the pair had covered the smokeless flames and tucked themselves into their beds. Just what could she say to have the opportunity to enlist? Like Gwendolyn said, she had no training. Having Miri's phantasmal help was beyond useful and probably made Tess worth having in a fight. The demon seemed to be quite adept at slashing creatures to ribbons. But Tess knew that if she used Miri's help in front of a Corps official, it would raise a lot of questions. If Tess were found to be harboring a demon, then who knows how they would respond?

Tess could feel herself fading quickly, letting the weight of these questions drift out of her mind and off of her shoulders. Just as quickly as her consciousness slipped away, she awoke elsewhere.

She was lying down on a comfortable rug, feeling the warmth of a crackling fireplace on her skin. The ceiling was high and decorated with crimson drapes. The rest of the room was equally luxurious. A large hearth, a chaise lounge and one of the biggest beds Tess could imagine. It looked expansive enough for 4 people to fit comfortably side by side without touching one another.

The sight that most tempted the eyes was Miri posted along the edge of the bed. She sat with her legs crossed, hanging off the side, with her hands pressed to the bed just behind her, offering support. As Tess arose, she couldn't help but gaze at Miri's form. The athletic, lean muscle of her limbs and abdomen softened along her many curves. Everything about Miri's body just screamed enticement, and Tess was no exception to the demon's draw.

"Evening, Tessy," Miri hummed with a big smile on her face. Tess could see the dark lining around Miri's eyes that made their amber glow all the more gorgeous. Her lips were painted a light red and even the demon's horns seemed to shine in the firelight.

Tess' voice was caught in her throat for a moment, but she managed a couple words, "Hi, Miri. What is this place?"

"My room," Miri said, gesturing around the place, "You like it?"

"Yeah," Tess' voice slipped away toward the end as she was more distracted by the surroundings. Regaining her focus, Tess raised her brow and asked, "And… where is this place?"

Miri lifted a sharp-tipped finger and tapped at her temple with a wide smile.

"In your-..." Tess caught herself, lips parting wider, "In my mind?"

Miri gave a delighted little cackle. It was cute, without a hint of malice. "Well, of course! If I'm going to be stuck here awhile, I may as well make myself comfortable, right?"

Tess couldn't argue with that. She had so many questions, but none of them came to the forefront of her mind. Miri patted the bed beside her, and Tess slowly approached, unsure of what else she could do.

"Don't worry, sweetheart," Miri cooed, "Your body is still getting the rest it needs. And you are going to be well taken care of tonight."

Tess couldn't deny that she craved it. There was something about Miri that made every touch, every word, every sensation all the more tantalizing and exciting. The demoness sure knew how to satisfy her own carnal desires, and those of others.

"Miri?" Tess asked, drawing the demoness' attention. With a cocked brow and a tilt of her head, Miri looked receptive to another question. Tess continued, "You aren't a succubus or something, are you? You're not slowly draining me away each time I..?"

"Cum?" Miri giggles and waves away the concern, "No, I'm not. I just know what I want and have no shame in asking for it. Everyone should be that way. World would be a much happier place for it."

Tess was skeptical. There wasn't any law that succubi had to declare themselves, right? Tess didn't feel drained at all, but the temptation was overpowering at times. Even now she could feel herself hardening down the length of her leg, reaching mid-thigh.

"Besides," Miri continued, perhaps sensing Tess' uncertainty, "I'm a part of this body as much as you are. Why would I want to kill it? I have no idea what would happen to us if the other died."

"Right," Tess said, most of her worry washing away with that reasoning, "Okay, that makes sense." She would be lying if she didn't worry about that too. Luckily, it seems very unlikely for Miri to die before Tess, considering her ethereal nature. But Gwendolyn could see Miri that one night. Why was that? Why was she sometimes visible to others, but usually not?

"Now you made me a promise," Miri said, patting the bedside once more, "Come sit."

"I didn't promise anything." Tess assured her, but took a seat beside Miri anyway.

"Either way, it's time for you to give me what I want," Miri said, her lips curling. The smell of roses was coming off of Miri. The red of the room and the glow from the fire gave the demon an absolutely sanguine appeal. Tess couldn't help but lick her lips.

Miri did the same, sliding down from the edge of the bed onto the floor. She sat upon her knees, hands on her thighs. Her lips curled with catlike mischievousness, "I thought we'd step things up a little this time." Miri gave a little laugh and added, "Lucky you."

Chapter 14 - A Mouthful

Tess' breath hitched in her throat when she saw the sight of Miri kneeling between her legs. It didn't even occur to her that her pants were still on, or that the bed was a little too high for Miri to reach her in her current position. Miri was resting on her knees, rump on the floor between her spread legs. Each foot rested against the side of her plump ass.

That problem was quickly fixed. Miri wiggled a finger toward the bed, and the wooden legs shrunk until the bed nearly squatted upon the floor. It was just high enough for Tess' feet to comfortably rest on the ground. Her breath quickened, and all she could look at was Miri's full lips. They looked so soft, and the lipstick made them glimmer ever so slightly.

Miri smirked up at her, "Someone's excited. Try not to faint, yeah?" With another wave of her hand, Tess' sleepwear burnt away like paper. Tess would have assumed she'd be burnt, but it felt no more than a tickle along her body as her sleepwear turned to ash and floated away harmlessly.

"Now that that's out of the way," Miri whispered, her eyes set on what was between Tess' legs. Tess' cock wasn't as hard as it can get, but it was full and swollen, but hanging down between her legs. She couldn't imagine that this was going to be an issue much longer. "There she is," Miri said with a relieved tone.

Tess' heart was racing, beating against her chest as she waited in anticipation. Her toes curled and uncurled upon the rug as she waited, but Miri didn't seem to be in a hurry.

"I hope you don't mind if I savor it," Miri asked with a tender tone, "You won't be the only one enjoying this. I just love using my mouth." That alone caused a little throb in Tess' length, as it lifted closer to its proper angle.

Miri's smile grew as she noticed, and then she leaned in closer. Tess' lips parted as Miri laid a gentle kiss on the very tip of her length. The swollen head of her cock met with those plush lips for an all too brief moment before Miri slipped to the side. There was another gentle kiss along the side of her cock's head, then along the other side. It was a very slow and loving series of kisses, where Miri kept her focus entirely on Tess' sex. Tess almost felt like an onlooker between two lovers, and the thought that Miri loved her dick so much gave her a thrill.

Fully engorged now, Miri placed one hand at the base of Tess' shaft, holding it upward so that she could dip her head down and lay one long lick up the underside. Every inch was greeted by the ever-so-slightly bumpy texture of Miri's tongue. Tess' eyes closed for just a moment as her cock throbbed. A small swell of precum appeared at the tip, and it didn't escape Miri's notice. At the end of her long, long lick, Miri pressed her pillowy lips to Tess' tip, smearing them all over that soft, swollen crown, spreading the precum. She also seemed to get a taste, judging by the flutter of thick eyelashes.

"Miri…" Tess whispered, her voice shaky. The slow build of tension was almost unbearable, but under Miri's ministrations, she wouldn't have it any other way.

There was a growing concern however. She felt close to bursting. The anticipation and the gentle teasing—and just how gorgeous Miri was—had her squirming and panting. She wouldn't last much longer. It wasn't as though she had any experience with holding out in this manner. And this was her first time getting a blowjob! Still, Tess felt embarrassed, and it was either this embarrassment or Miri's cute kisses and licks that left her writhing.

Miri drew her lips away and whispered, "Oh my. Already? I haven't even taken you in my mouth yet, Tessy." Tess was on the edge of orgasm, teetering back and forth, and Miri's teasing tone wasn't helping.

"Can you magic that away?" Tess asked, desperate, her hips twitching and jerking to push her length through Miri's hand.

Miri gasped, "And ruin what would otherwise be a very genuine first time experience for you? I will not." She was being playfully dramatic, squeezing at the base of Tess' cock to stave off a premature eruption.

Tess was quivering, thighs tensing and relaxing rhythmically, again and again.

Miri let out a little sigh and offered, "If I let you cum this early, you have to give me a second load before we stop."

"Yes," Tess hissed through gritted teeth, "Anything, Miri, please, just.."

"Deal," Miri interrupted, releasing Tess' length and putting her lips on the underside of that thick, fat cock. She suckled there for a time, and Tess couldn't last a second longer.

A rope of thick cum jetted out of her cock and over Miri's head, a second one quickly following the first. "Uuhn~!" Tess grunted, jerking her hips forward as another stream poured from her cock, streaking across Miri's cheek. The demoness lifted her head and opened her mouth, jerking Tess' length with both of her soft hands. Cum surged out of Tess' cock in pulses. Miri caught a bit upon her extended tongue, but much of it painted her face, her hair, her neck and barely-garbed breasts. Tess couldn't tell how long her orgasm lasted, but by the time it ended, she was dizzy and let her body fall upon the mattress.

"Gods, Tess," Miri laughed. Tess could just hear the way Miri was licking her lips. Her hands were still milking the final drops from Tess' orgasm. Occasionally she felt Miri's mouth suckling at the end of her cock. "You came like a fountain," Miri's voice was drenched in amusement and joy, "You better have more for me."

Tess lifted her head up to see Miri's face poking up from between her legs, obscured only by her thick length, which measured the demon's face from chin to hairline. One of Miri's eyes was closed, with a curved streak of cum laying across it from cheek to temple. The rest of her face, neck and hair had pearly white lines marking it. Tess felt a moment of pride in having coated Miri so thoroughly.

Miri continued to use one hand to stroke Tess, and while doing so she whispered encouragingly to Tess' dick, "Come now, you can do it. I know you want a rest but hang in there, princess." Tess could feel that she wasn't flagging anytime soon. Miri's whispers and her touch were far too skillful and right up Tess' alley that her cock remained standing tall and hard, despite having emptied so much so fast.

Before Tess could even clear the cloudy, post-orgasmic bliss from her mind, she observed as Miri opened her mouth wide and took Tess' thick member between her lips.

Chapter 15 - You Owe Me One More

Miri lowered her head and took Tess' length within her mouth. She experienced the taste immediately, but it was unlike a man's cock. This one, as large as it was, felt pretty and feminine, veinless and pink. While there was still a faint musk, it wasn't unpleasant, and smelled flowery, and vaguely reminiscent of the ocean with the subtle salty taste. Regardless of the hows, whys or the exact tastes, Miri absolutely loved it. How lucky she was that the body she was trapped in also had the absolute most delicious and perfect cock she'd ever seen or held or tasted. Once again, the hows and whys didn't matter much at the moment. Right now, she was just enjoying the satisfaction of spreading her lips taut around Tess' girth and filling her mouth with that fat cock.

She could hear Tess moan as she let her length slide over Miri's wet tongue. She suckled gently, her hand still pumping away from the base to where her lips were on Tess' shaft. She loved getting to give Tess' first blowjob; to take that and have it forever. She'd been many the poor souls' first experience with satisfying their lust, but there was something different about Tess. There was an innocent veil that needed to be pushed aside to bring out the real desires of this beautiful woman, or perhaps it was because Miri was learning so much about her. She had delved so deep into Tess' mind that she probably knew more about Tess than Tess did. All of that helped to make an emotional connection which was something that Miri was not often willing to allow.

The hand she had on Tess' length slipped lower and cupped the woman's balls, giving them a gentle, tender massage while she worked above. Her head bobbed along those top few inches, suckling and licking off any cum from Tess' last orgasm that Miri could wring out of her. "Mm.. mmh.. Mm~.." Miri moaned, muffled by the way Tess' cock filled her mouth to the brim. Miri hadn't intended to make a noise like that, but there was something about this experience that thrilled her.

Her tongue molded to fit the contour of the underside of Tess' cock, making every inch she could reach experience the full surface of Miri's wicked tongue. She could feel Tess jerking her hips, pushing up and bumping the entrance of Miri's throat. Miri had long since willed away any gag reflex, but she often liked to work up to that experience, rather than go from zero to one-hundred from the get-go. This was Tess' first time, after all. Miri felt obligated to make it a special experience.

She slid her mouth off of Tess' length with a little pop. Her light-red lipstick had left a smear on the top third of Tess' cock. Miri felt somewhat proud to have marked Tess in that way.

"Miri.." Tess gasped, her chest heaving with deep breaths, "You-.. this feels-.."

"I know, sweetness. You just relax," Miri replied to her with a gentleness unbecoming of most demons. Miri knew that she was skilled, and had no doubts that Tess was having the most amazing experience of her life. As one hand replaced her mouth, pumping along the upper half of Tess' dick, Miri bowed her head lower. Tess' balls never seemed to hang loosely between her legs. While large, they always seemed tucked tightly up against her body. They too looked so perfect, with a small seam in the center of that full pouch.

Miri brought her mouth to those orbs, giving each one a kiss, each one a gentle lick. All the while her hand never stopped tending to that hard shaft above, but Miri felt a need to praise Tess' balls for a while. She sucked each one into her mouth, finding it to be more of a challenge than she expected, with their size. She was drooling by the time she was done suckling. She spent some time lapping at Tess' hefty sack, much to the woman's absolute delight. Miri could feel Tess' shaky hands on top of her head, combing through her soft hair and scratching needfully at her scalp.

Eventually, Miri couldn't resist her own temptation, and brought her lips back to Tess' cock, drawing a long, long lick up the underside again before replacing her mouth on that fat crown. "Mmh~.." She moaned again, trying to suppress the light embarrassment she had for enjoying this so, so much. Miri wondered if she should take Tess into her throat on the first experience.

The demoness was busy debating with herself when she felt Tess' hands adjust and take Miri's horns into hand. A shiver ran up Miri's body, a heat built in her core, and Miri popped her eyes open, looking up at Tess with curiosity. Tess looked delirious and overcome with pleasure. One of Tess' thumbs stroked Miri's forehead before grasping Miri's horns once again.

Without being given a choice, Miri's head was pulled down until Tess' cock pressed up against the tight ring of muscle that resisted her entry. Miri gulped, eyes wide and staring down at Tess' pelvic region. With the teasing at her throat, she felt compelled to continue swallowing, and eventually, one of Tess' pushes and Miri's gulps aligned just right that Tess' cock squeezed down Miri's throat.

Even Miri could feel what a tight fit it was. It felt almost like her throat was going to explode, but with her air cut off—and yes, she typically needed air—the sensation was growing cloudy. Tess jerked up and down on Miri's horns, facefucking the demon quite thoroughly, pulling her head deeper and deeper until Miri's nose was nudged up against Tess' body. One of Tess' hands adjusted to the back of Miri's head and the human woman stood up, demonstrating her authority with a dominant posture.

This was new for Miri. She couldn't remember a single time when a human took such control from her. Miri was utterly thrilled.

It was then that Tess began to thrust into Miri's throat, and the closer she got, the more her cock swelled and pulsed, until Miri could feel the woman's hips quivering uncontrollably. She could feel Tess shudder and her cock throbbing rhythmically, and it dawned on Miri that Tess was cumming. She'd swallowed Tess' cock, so there was nothing else to swallow, as copious amounts of cum was deposited straight into her belly, being force fed Tess' cream.

Miri felt that pressure in her abdomen intensifying, and as she started to hear Tess' whimpers and soft cries, Miri's mind went blank. Tess withdrew to Miri's mouth, emptying creamy gushes of seed upon Miri's tongue as Tess jerked herself off to milk out every ounce. Miri gulped instinctively, swallowing down all she was given, having already been coated with cum from the previous orgasm. Miri herself was quivering, burning up, her hips rocking to try and uselessly rub her sex up against something. Anything.

When Tess withdrew from Miri's lips, tendrils of cum still connected Tess' tip to Miri's tongue and mouth. Tess took care of this by slapping her thick cock upon Miri's tongue and face, leaving the strands of cum all upon the demon's pretty features.

Miri felt a sense of bliss overcome her. She felt weakness in her legs; a numbing of her lips.

"Miri," Tess whispered, "You came too?"

It dawned on Miri that she had, but she'd been too hazy to put a label to the pleasure. She felt between her legs and sure enough, the wetness and messiness supported Tess' words. Miri knew she'd been enjoying it intensely, but to cum from sucking a cock?

"Miri, did you just-..." Before Tess could finish the statement, Miri waved her hand, willing Tess away and back to her sleeping form. Two fingers came to her lips, feeling the plump tiers to be a little swollen from use. 

Miri needed to contemplate what had just happened.

Chapter 16 - Table Manners

Tess slept deeply that morning, and when she woke, the only thing that came to mind was Miri's face. How good she looked with her mouth wide open, pearly white streaks across her pretty face. Toward the end of it all, Miri looked half drunk; Her eyes were hazy and lidded. She was so enticing. Tess just worried that something happened that Miri didn't like. There certainly was a moment—or many moments—where Tess lost control.

"Miri?" Tess whispered from beneath the sheets. There was no response and Tess decided to not push her luck.

Looking to the side, Tess noticed that Gwendolyn was already gone, and her mind ran through all of the possibilities of where the knight could've gone.

After getting dressed in a simple white shirt and tan trousers, Tess departed from the room to go search for her traveling companion. Tess was lucky, and found her mark in the first place she checked: the dining hall.

This large room was something you'd expect to find in a castle like this. A tall ceiling, painted with all of the constellations, save one that Tess didn't recognize. Buttresses could be seen through the windows, supporting the building from the outside. Food was ordered and delivered at the end of the hall and guests to Kravana Hall were given a specific long table to sit at.

Tess ended up ordering a pair of eggs with a bread roll and a slice of cheese. The only thing to drink was beer, and Tess decided to abstain given that she expected to need her wits in order to convince the Corps to allow her to enlist.

With her food gathered, she moved to the table where she saw Gwen. There were a couple others there. One of them must have been over six feet tall, wearing leathers that appeared stretched to their capacity with the muscles she carried. Blue lines were tattooed across her body, most noticeably in a V that crossed from hairline to hairline, with its bottom most point reaching just above her brow. Golden hair was tied in a braid that rested against her right cheek, while the rest was left loose and flowing. She had a pretty face, but it was stark, serious and unwelcoming.

The other was equally odd. The first sight that took Tess' attention were her long, pointed ears. Tess could remember that the Fey existed, but couldn't recall many details besides that. She knew that there were different clans, but little else. Furthermore, this woman had long, auburn hair, upturned and pouty lips and an adorable slope leading to an even more adorable nose. She was dressed in what appeared to be formal clothing hidden beneath a linen tunic. She could only see the noble collar sticking up around her neck, while the tunic had a neckline so deep that the Fey displayed just a taste of—judging by her curves—what must be plentiful cleavage.

Gwen turned to greet her, having left a spot beside her for Tess to sit. She pat the bench and with the other hand gestured to the others.

"Tess, this is Mairaela Aulidwulf," Gwen gestured to the Fey, before redirecting her hand toward the tall, tattooed one, "And this is Joyona Virkian." Tess found it amusing that someone so sobering could be named anything resembling Joy. "Please tell me if I pronounced that wrong," Gwen said to the both of them.

They both confirmed the knight's pronunciation, and Mairaela looked to Tess and asked, "And your family name?"f

Tess scrambled for an idea, but nothing came to her, so just as she began to explain, Gwen interrupted, "Orphaned. We're unsure."

That was better than whatever Tess was going to think up, so she was grateful. And who knows, maybe it wasn't a lie, either? That said, should the Dame really be lying? Her eyes flitted to Gwen in curiosity, and when she faced forward she caught Joyona observing that glance.

"Have you two been traveling together for long?" Mairaela queried, and Tess decided to let Gwen answer for the both of them.

"We traveled a far way from the Empire to get here. It is no short trip, for certain," Gwendolyn gave an easy laugh, "Took us weeks." She pointed between Mairaela and Joyona, "What about you two?"

Joyona didn't budge, just looking back at Gwendolyn and Tess and letting Mairaela do all of the talking. The interaction felt odd, with Gwen and Mairaela being the only speakers for either side, and it pressured Tess to speak up and say something.

"No, we only met here. Joyona has been here awhile, though I just got here two days ago," Mairaela returned, "We're both joining the Corps."

"So are we!" Tess replied, before it dawned on her once more that her entry was still very much up in the air. 

Mairaela didn't need to know such details, though. The Fey clapped her hands together and said, "Perhaps we will have the same Void test. In fact, I'm certain of it. They usually wait for four new recruits to come to Krevana Hall before running them through the Void. That's why Joyona had to wait so long."

Joyona confirmed as much with a slight nod of her head.

"Do you know what your gift is, yet?" Mairaela continued.

Gwen replied quite easily and with a hint of pride, "Swordsmanship."

"I'm jealous," Mairaela laughed, "What luck you have."

Gwen smiled and then gestured back to Mairaela, "What about you?"

"Archery," The Fey replies, "And evasion."

Even Gwen raises her eyebrows, "You have two gifts and I'm the lucky one?"

"We can both be lucky," Mairaela said, holding up a finger as though this was a wise point.

Gwen shook her head and looked at Tess, "I can probably count on one hand how many people in the entire Corps that have two gifts."

The finer points likely went over Tess' head. Hells, all of the points went over Tess' head. Then attention turned her way for an answer, and Gwendolyn didn't save her this time. "I don't know mine," Tess spoke below her breath, "How do I find out?"

"Meditation or rituals, typically, or an interaction with the Black Sun. You'll know it when you step into the Void, too. I recommend figuring it out before then, though." Mairaela then pointed to Joyona, "She's got armor."

"That tracks," Gwen says, looking the large woman up and down.

Tess took a bite of cheese, feeling embarrassed to be so out of the loop. She decided that she should get over that feeling, as it would be happening a lot with how little she remembered about the world.

"Say," Mairaela started, planting her hands upon the tabletop, "How about we finish our breakfast and then go get Tess' gift tested? If we are all going into the Void together, it would be good to know one another's capabilities."

Joyona bobbed her head and Gwen smiled. Even Tess cracked a smile at being treated so kindly. Immediately, she liked Mairaela, and was equally excited to learn what may be special about herself. Then came the dreadful thought that she wouldn't be accepted into the Corps regardless. What if her gift was useless?

Tess pushed the thoughts away and returned to her meal while Mairaela and Gwendolyn continued their conversation.

Chapter 17 - Tess' Gift

After breakfast, the four recruit-hopefuls traveled through the busy hallways. Tess once again saw unnatural figures, such as a reptilian creature, with a humanoid upper half and a slithering snake-tail for his bottom half. It was difficult to not stare. In fact, Tess often found herself staring at people. Tess didn't mean to be impolite, but there were more and more incredible things to see every day.

Tess would have been lost without the three others after only just a few turns. The stone floor changed to hardwood and the doorways were labeled with engraved bronze plates. Rooms such as "Alchemy" or "Ritual Circles" were listed, and Gwendolyn explained, "We're in the college now. This is where you would be attending classes."

"You know, I bet your gift is stealth," Mairaela mused, "You seem like someone that would like to go unseen, you know?"

Tess wasn't sure how to take that, but couldn't deny it. She did sometimes wish that she were invisible like Miri, especially when she was feeling as out of place as she had been lately.

Every hallway seemed to lead to a central library that the group had to pass by before they came to their destination. It was there that she saw the winged, bejeweled, exotic woman that she'd seen in the hallways before, sorting books. She caught Tess' gaze once again and offered a wave. Tess returned it with a soft smile. 

Eventually they made it to a room marked "Ritual Guidance." The door was open and Mairaela led the way inside. Within was a large, open space with a circular platform roughly ten feet in diameter. Along the walls were all sorts of reagents stuffed into bottles and meticulously labeled. Iron ribbon was separate from iron filings and that was separate from iron powder.

At a desk beside the raised platform was an old, balding gentleman. What hair he had, plus his full beard, were as white as snow. A large nose, aged wrinkles and dark eyes came together to give him a comfortable and grandfatherly appearance. According to the placard on his desk, his name was Ulrich Bernauer, Ritualist Guide.

"Good morning, Mr. Bernauer," Mairaela said, greeting the old man.

"I'm afraid I don't recall your name," Ulrich spoke, continuing his writing.


"Ah. Yes. Aulidwulf, right?" Ulrich asked and Mairaela nodded her confirmation. "What can I do for you?"

"Well," Gwen stepped in, "Not actually for us, but for this one." She gestured toward Tess and gave her a quick introduction, "This is Tess. She hasn't had her gift revealed yet and may be stepping into the Void soon. It's short notice, but could you help us?"

"That's about as short a notice as one can give, Miss," Ulrich acknowledged, placing down his inkpen and closing his ledger, "But this is my favorite ritual to conduct. I'm always curious to see a person's specialty, so let us get started."

"Miss," Ulrich said, gesturing to Tess and then to the center of the platform, "I'll need you to sit right here."

Tess did as asked, sitting cross-legged upon the platform, squirming a bit as the cold metal was chilling even through her clothing. A jar labeled "sieved mud" was pulled off of the shelf and Ulrich dribbled a thin line of it in a unique pattern upon the platform. Whenever the line would need to cross Tess, it did exactly that, leaving a line of mud across her legs or her back, but thankfully nothing touched her face.

That is, until Ulrich pressed a muddy thumb to her forehead.

Next came powdered silver, laid in a different pattern that criss-crossed over the top of Tess' head. She wondered how she was going to wash any of this off. Next came a new symbol, though when Tess tried moving her head, Mairaela spoke behind her, "Stay still, Tess." She couldn't see what material was being used, but from her peripheral vision it looked like some form of white powder. It was laid in a unique pattern before Tess was made to form her hands into a bowl, where a small bit of the powder was placed.

Ulrich then took a jug of water and poured small amounts over the white powder, which caused it to smoke, and then ignite in a small, blue flame. The same was done for the powder in Tess' hands, and while it felt warm, it wasn't causing her pain.

"See you soon, Tess," Gwendolyn said, and before Tess had a moment to panic, a black dot appeared in the center of her vision. Rippling, the dot expanded outward, swallowing the reagents along the wall, the platform she sat upon, everything and everyone in the room, until there was nothing but darkness.

There were no more reagents scattered about her. The flames were all snuffed out, except for the powder and the fire in her cupped hands. She held it out, trying to see if it could illuminate anything, but all around her, on all sides, was a black, inky pool.

"Hello?" She called out, "Gwen? Mairaela?" Tess squashed the panic rising in her throat, stuffing it down as best she could. Now wasn't the time. There was no one here to help her, so she needed to help herself.

Just in front of her, two blank, white eyes opened and a shifting, amorphous figure pulled itself through the darkness to step in front of Tess. It could only be seen by how the firelight played off of its figure, making it appear like a piece of the black background had an imprint upon it that was pushed out in her direction. The figure was androgynous, with no notable features save for the two white, hollow eyes.

The voice entered her brain like intrusive thoughts, ones she had no control over, and felt entirely foreign.

"Who are you?" came Its words.

Tess spoke back, her voice echoing, "I just want to know my gift. Can you tell me what my gift is?"

"Wait," It replied, and hands lifted to grasp Tess' face. She couldn't pull away, no matter where she moved this creature was tied to her, locked against her, and followed her wherever she went. A four-fingered hand cupped her left cheek, while a three-fingered one met her right cheek. "It's you," The thoughts It put into Tess' mind were tonally similar to undulating waves, "My little Crow, it's you. You came back to me."

"I don't know who you are," Tess snapped, trying to pull away, but while she had full movement, the dark shadow seemed to go wherever she went.

Tess could feel Its disappointment; Its pain. 

"Am I supposed to?" Tess asked.

It released her and slunk back toward the shadows, its hollow eyes narrowing and drooping with sadness.

"Wait, please, I want to know more about you," Tess said, holding out a hand without realizing the flame would slip from her fingers. When the firelight hit the ground, it burnt out, and Tess was left in the dark once more.

"Please?" Tess pleaded once more, "You know something about me. I need to remember."

Tess awoke with a gasp. Color and life had returned to her sight and she looked around to find herself right where she'd been during the ritual. The mud and silver were gone. The white powder had burnt away except for a few small piles here or there, forming dots along the platform. 

"Where did he go?" Tess gasped, looking around with a dumbfounded expression.

"Who?" Joyona, of all people, responded.

"The.. the Thing I saw. With the white eyes," Tess insisted.

Gwendolyn and Mairaela both shrugged at one another.

Ulrich, however, was focused intently on Tess' words. "You saw something?" The old man asked. Tess nodded her head vigorously, and Ulrich rubbed his chin through his beard, "I'll have to check the library. That should not have happened."

Gwen reached out toward the man and asked, "What about her gift?"

"What gift?" Ulrich said, gesturing to the platform that Tess sat upon, "She does not have one."

Chapter 18 - Sympathy

Upon the platform, the reagents had rearranged themselves into a series of dots. What would they have formed otherwise? How could they tell she was giftless? It must have had something to do with the constellation, so why was Tess' looking like a random smattering of stars? That is all that Tess had; like paint splashed upon a canvas.

Tess didn't know what to say. Her heart sank, her stomach felt like it was turning, and the color drained from her face. She felt a reassuring hand on her shoulder, and looked back and up to see Gwendolyn's sympathetic expression. She took the knight's hand and assistance in rising to her feet. Mairaela and Joyona had the grace to not stare at her too much. The situation was as awkward as it could already be. They'd stepped into the room with so much excitement, as a group of four, venturing into the Void together, whatever that meant.

Now Tess knew she wouldn't be a part of it.

After saying their goodbyes to Ulrich, the group stepped out and into the halls of the College. "Sorry, Tess," Gwendolyn said softly, squeezing her shoulder, "Let me bring you back. We can get you registered for classes."

Tess shook her head, "This can't be right. I saw something in that ritual. I-.. I was brought here in a ritual. What-.. What about Miri? There's no way that I'm just plain and useless, right?"

Mairaela and Joyona shared a glance, but perhaps decided that this was not the best time to inquire about these strange circumstances. Tess was thankful for that. Everything happening was already weighing on her to a breaking point.

Gwen grimaced, and though the words caught the attention of their companions, they didn't dare interrupt Tess' distraught ramblings. "Tess," Gwendolyn's voice was gentle, "It's okay. Let's just head back."

"No, I'm-.. I need a second," Tess said, running a hand through her hair, "Go on without me, I'll find my way back."

Gwendolyn motioned with her head to Mairaela and Joyona. Mairaela inclined her head and even the normally taciturn Joyona said, "See you soon, Tess." The pair departed back toward the barracks. The knight, however, took hold of Tess' tricep 

"Come with me, okay?" Gwen urged her. Tess relented and went along with Gwendolyn wherever she was about to take her. They ended up finding a little nook in the library with cushioned seats where they could speak in relative privacy. Tess could only look at all of the paintings of great heroes and mythic warriors, knowing that she would never achieve those heights. She reminded herself to not be so dramatic, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was unfair; that this was wrong.

The pair took a seat and Gwendolyn let out a little sigh. She was rubbing at her shoulder with one hand. For once, she appeared vulnerable. "I know this isn't easy," the Dame started.

Tess interrupted, "I'm still going into the Void exercise with you."

Gwendolyn looked shocked and shook her head, "Hells no, Tess. Do you know how dangerous that would be?"

"I can still use Miri," Tess insisted, "She helped us when the wolves attacked."

"You can-.." Gwendolyn started, paused, and started again, "Use her how?"

Tess squeezed her hands together, "She can still affect things in the world, even unseen." Tess went quiet when Gwendolyn didn't respond, and then decided to lay out more evidence, "She saved you when that wolf was on top of you. She's strong and powerful and comes with me wherever I go, even if she's a dem-.."

"Stop it." Gwendolyn hissed, "Don't say another word." She looked around them but must have found no one in sight, "Do you know what would happen to you if that got out? You need to keep your mouth shut about her. You could be killed, or much worse."

Tess' eyes widened and she did a scan of the surroundings too. No one. "How do you know?" She asked.

"Because.." Gwendolyn's voice fell off for a moment, then stopped. She wouldn't make eye contact with Tess.

Tess reached out to Gwen, but decided to not touch her in the end. Instead, she whispered, "I won't press."

"I've dealt with something like it before," Gwendolyn nodded her head in thanks, "I'll tell you someday."

"Of course," Tess said in reply, "Can I ask something else?" Gwendolyn nodded and Tess continued, "If this is such a bad thing, why haven't you told the Corps? Why are you defending me? Why didn't you kill me that night you found out?"

Gwendolyn frowned and stared down at her boots. Tess waited. This wasn't something she was willing to pass off down the line. She wanted an answer. Without one, could she even trust Gwendolyn anymore?

"Because you're innocent," Gwendolyn spoke softly, "I am certain." She pushed a hand through her silver hair, letting out a soft sigh, "This isn't your fault, it's some-... it's an unfortunate circumstance that has put you in a precarious situation."

Tess opened her mouth to speak, but she noticed Gwendolyn shaking slightly. The knight reached up to wipe her eyes before looking at Tess. A few tears started running down her cheeks. She spoke loudly, unable to compose enough to whisper, "And I caused it. I did this to you."

Eyes wide, Tess looked confused and asked, "What do you mean?" Perhaps it was some form of empathy, but Tess felt tears welling up inside of her.

"I did this to you. I ruined that bitch's ritual. I did it out of spite even though I knew it could be dangerous," Gwendolyn confessed, keeping Tess' gaze, "I did it to stop whatever she was doing. I had good intentions. I never thought it would affect someone like this. But it did. It's changed you in a way that may be irreparable, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Tess replied instinctively, like clockwork.

"It is far from okay, Tess," Gwendolyn snapped, "The Corps isn't interested in dealing with someone in your condition, and if—and this is a big if—they let you go unharmed, the people that would be interested are going to do unthinkable things to you. They'll open you up to scrape out what they can of your-... Of her." She was referring to her body-mate, Miri, Tess knew.

Tess was silent. She was beginning to see Gwen's point.

"I put you in this position," Gwendolyn's voice shook, her eyes were damp, "I put you in a helpless position that, if known, would isolate you from the world. You won't get anyone else's help. So you'll have mine."

"But the Void," Tess began.

Gwendolyn wasted no time, "You cannot go, even if her help would make you useful. The Void exercise is monitored. If they saw you, you would reemerge to a knife sliding across your neck."

The thought gave Tess a shiver, deflating her last hope to join what felt like a group. A place where she could belong, in a world where she had lost that in some previous life. For a brief moment, she wondered if she had living parents and if they were looking for her. She pushed the thought away as quickly as it appeared, knowing that she couldn't handle dwelling on that right now.

"So what can I do?" Tess replied, a dimness in her words.

Gwen took Tess' hand and insisted, "You sign up for the college. We keep our mouths shut about this. You attend classes. One day, when you're an associate of the college, you may be assigned to us on an expedition."

This didn't feel like the thrilling heroism that Tess had in mind, but according to Gwen there was no other choice. Tess found it hard to argue her points.

"Why is a gift even so important? Why can't I learn to sword fight?"

"Because when you go into the Black Sun, nothing is the same, and just being able to use a sword means nothing," Gwendolyn explained.

Tess was confused, "What do you mean? How could it not be useful?"

"I suppose it's more useful than nothing, but it wouldn't go a long way, Tess," Gwendolyn stated, her eyes clearing, "Bodies don't go into the Black Sun. Souls do."

Unsure of what to say, Tess remained quiet. How would you respond to something like that?

"Most souls are incredibly powerful," Gwendolyn continued, "They aren't bound by material laws. Hells, they aren't bound by much of anything. But that's because of gifts. A gift makes them able to do the impossible. A gift makes them exemplary."

"So you're…" Tess started, speaking uncertainly.

"My soul will have inconceivable abilities with a sword," Gwendolyn explained.

"Will have?" Tess asked.

"Well, I haven't done it before, Tess," Gwendolyn whispered.

"Then how do you know how to do it?"

"I've been told it's natural. Instinctual."

Tess furrowed her brow, "So you'll just go in there and be the perfect swordfighter?"

"Nothing is perfect, and as powerful as a gift is, it can still be made better, understood more. There are ways that souls become more or less powerful," Gwen replied.

"But I don't have one," Tess replied sourly.

"No, Tess, and it's okay to be upset about that," Gwendolyn replied, "But you don't."

Chapter 19 - Scirocca

Tess wished for some alone time and Gwendolyn left with a squeeze of her hand.

"Miri?" Tess reached out in a whisper, but to no avail. The one time she really needed Miri's input, she couldn't get it. There was a tinge of frustration in her brow.

Tess began to cry. Thrust into this world with nothing to grasp onto, save Gwendolyn's coattails, she had finally thought she'd found some semblance of purpose. She could find a family in the Corps and make a life for herself.

The College sounded like a nightmare. How was she supposed to learn when she didn't even know the very basics of the world? Gods, what was the world even called? It felt like it was on the tip of her tongue. She knew it at some point, but it was beyond the reaches of her memory now. Joining the College would be like reading a novel when you didn't know your alphabet. Besides, Tess wanted to stand beside Gwen, not become a scholar.

"Excuse me," came a voice from behind Tess. It carried a unique accent that Tess wouldn't be able to place, but it was melodic and sweet. Tess turned around to see that winged woman approaching. For all of her golden jewelry, she was surprisingly silent; a testament to her gracefulness. The avian wings that sprouted from her lower back were folded and rested upon her hips.

Tess was trying to avoid her gaze as she wiped tears from her eyes. The woman leaned to the side to get a look at her. Her silky, jet black hair and the golden tassels hanging off of her headdress shifted about as she dipped her head to the side. "What's your name?" The woman spoke. Everything from her form to her eyes to the way she walked was exotic and inhuman. She could pass for a Fey like Mairaela if she kept her ears covered, but they were rounded like any human's.

"I'm…" She looked at the unnamed woman beside her and said with a sad laugh, "I'm Tess."

"Hi Tess," she replied, "I'm Scirocca. Why are you upset?"

"I have just been informed that I have no gift."

Scirocca's eyes widened and she shook her head, "Were you the last person in the ritual room?"

"I think so," Tess replied.

Scirocca sat down in the same seat where Gwendolyn had been moments ago. "You know," Scirocca spoke like her words were angelic, "Ulrich doesn't know as much as he lets on."

Tess looked up and quirked a brow, "What do you mean?"

"I mean to say that he's wrong," Scirocca replied simply. Though her voice was so beautiful, her face carried little expression.

"I have a gift?" Tess asked, perking up a moment.

"No," Scirocca replied, shaking her head, "Not for certain. But we can find out."

"Where do we do the ritual?"

"There's space in my room," Scirocca replied, straightfaced.

"Okay," Tess said softly, "Now?"

"I'm finishing my time here," Scirocca replied, "About one more hour. Wait for me here."

Scirocca spoke as though it wasn't an offer, but an insistence. Tess felt obligated to listen. There was something hypnotizing about Scirocca. It was possible that it was due to all of the tan skin on the display. Scirocca only wore a golden bra and skimpy, skintight pants that hung low on her hips. She was even barefoot. The woman wore far more jewelry than clothes, giving an illusion that she was appropriately dressed. Clearly distracted, Tess simply nodded and began to wait.

There were a few books around the library that Tess read to pass the time waiting for Scirocca. She was at least able to find a map. Auwra was the world, consisting of four continents: Soponora, Kasthyr, Cadama and Covesera. 

Kravana Hall was nearly at the center of all of it. Tess wondered if that was intentional. It resided on the continent of Kasthyr, deep in the Branch of the Scholar, between the Empire and the Rebel Nations. The closest city was Oar's Rest, several miles north from the base camp.

By the time she was done orienting herself and learning the basics of the nations and city-states surrounding them, Scirocca arrived. "Are you ready to go?" She asked, offering Tess a hand up.

"Oh," Tess said, taking her hand and rising to her feet, "Thank you."

"Of course," Scirocca replied, turning and walking down through the aisles of books.

Bewildered by the winged woman's behavior, Tess hesitated, then followed.

Scirocca's room wasn't far from the library, located within the College. It was a larger room than Gwendolyn's, which was a surprise to Tess, considering Gwendolyn's special treatment as a knight. Immediately, Tess knew that Scirocca was someone special here, or the College treated their scholars a lot better than the Corps treated their soldiers. She suspected the former, however.

Her room was decorated with golden jewelry and red curtains. She possessed a writing desk, an armoire, a vanity table and a spacious bed with a crimson duvet with golden lining. She certainly had a theme going. Above the bed was a painting upon the wall of a desert landscape and a spire-like castle floating in the sky.

All in all, there wasn't much space on the floor.

"You said we could do the ritual here. Ulrich used a huge platform. Does it not need to be as big?" Tess asked as Scirocca moved about the room.

"That ritual requires space, yes," Scirocca replied vaguely. Tess narrowed her eyes a moment and navigated a little closer to the doorway. This was off. Had Scirocca heard the conversation she had with Gwen? Does she know about Miri? She and Gwen had been quiet and secluded, but not particularly vague in their discussion.

Scirocca took the hem of her low-hanging, skin-tight trousers, sitting just beneath the stem of the wings upon her hips. She wiggled those same hips, her wings bouncing from side to side, as she worked those tight pants down her legs. Tess got a lovely view of the woman's ass, full and round; a lovely contrast to her otherwise small frame. "This ritual will be different," Scirocca explained.

"What are you… doing?" Tess asked. Scirocca turned back around and began to work at the clasp between the two cups of her bra.

Scirocca had them separated in a moment, tossing the bra to the ground. Her breasts were average, but perky and high upon her chest, with small, dark nipples. Turning around now, Tess could see the mound of her sex. The wings certainly weren't some fashion statement. They sprouted from her hips like appendages, stretching and curling as Scirocca undressed. Tess was mesmerized for a moment, the blood in her body rushing downward.

"Preparing," Scirocca replied, "You'll need to take your clothes off." She then added, "Or at least your pants, but you may as well get comfortable."

Tess was standing there in disbelief, shaking her head a moment, "What are we doing?"

"The ritual, Tess," Scirocca sounded exhausted with the questioning. Scirocca eyed her a moment and then her brow raised, "My, full of surprises." Tess curled an eyebrow and Scirocca gestured to her pants. Tess could see the swollen bulge stretching her trousers. "That will make things easier," Scirocca said with a smile. One of the first emotions Tess found in her during their conversation.

Tess found her hands moving on their own. Miri wasn't talking to her, but she knew the demon would be pushing her by the shoulders to jump at the opportunity to fuck Scirocca. She was beautiful in an unnatural way, a way that was not better or worse than a human, but different. Unique. Gorgeous in a unique way that no other could duplicate.

"On the bed, please," Scirocca said, taking a few steps toward it.

Tess fumbled in her motions to remove her belt. Scirocca approached her, nudged her hands away, and began to undress Tess. Tess watched the woman, a few inches shorter than her, as her golden eyes stared up into Tess'. Her eyes were heavily lined with makeup, making them look large and beautiful, despite being narrowed in a sensuous way.

"Is this for the ritual?" Tess panted with a heavy breath.

Scirocca hummed with amusement, "Does it matter?"

With a clink, her belt was undone, her pants were shoved down below her hips, and Tess could feel her cock bouncing upward once it was freed. "Scirocca, I-.." Tess stammered.

Scirocca looked up at her, and Tess could feel her warm hand coming to grasp her length at the base, a second moving to cup her balls. Her hands worked slowly, gently milking her length while massaging the heavy sack beneath. "Yes?" Scirocca replied.

"I've never-.."

"That's okay," Scirocca replied.

Chapter 20 - Bedroom Ritual

Tess let out a soft moan, rocking her head back and panting toward the ceiling. Her hand rested on Scirocca's silky, black hair as her head bobbed to and fro, mouth wrapped around Tess' dick. Tess couldn't say who was better between Scirocca and Miri, but there was something that felt much more lewd about doing this with the winged woman, someone she wasn't sharing a body with, so soon after meeting her. That excitement made it all the more enjoyable.

Tess used both hands on Scirocca's head, not pressuring her in any way but using her to brace herself lest her knees buckle. Scirocca's suckling only picked up the more noise Tess made. Tess was in love. Not with Scirocca—though she was certainly enjoying the woman immensely—but with getting head. There was something so intensely enjoyable about someone giving their all to focus on just giving you as much pleasure as possible.

Just as Tess' eyes were fluttering shut, Scirocca's lips pulled away. Tess looked down at her and saw Scirocca licking her lips. She noticed that the woman had a hand between her own legs and spotted a glistening wetness. The thought excited Tess. Was she really going to have sex for the first time? Well, the first time that she can remember. Certainly the first time with a cock.

Tess must've had a dumb expression on her face for how sex-drunk she was. Dizzy with pleasure and lust. Even Scirocca couldn't help but cover her smiling lips, "You look ready."

Scirocca rose to her feet and took Tess' hand, urging her toward the bed and laying her down upon it. Tess relaxed, her head upon a pillow, her cock standing tall and wet from Scirocca's attentions. Gods, did she need to cum. Even her cock conveyed that notion. Hard and swollen, throbbing, already dribbling precum in little beads that run down the tip of her length.

Tess' chest was rising and falling, and she took it upon herself to cup her breasts and gently rub her own nipples. She gave little whimpers as Scirocca climbed onto the bed—dark and sleek, catlike—and made her way over to Tess. On her way, she dipped her head and drew one long lick up the underside of Tess' cock, crawling forward until her knees were just beside Tess' hips, and Scirocca's body was just above Tess' cock.

Scirocca was gorgeous. Tess knew that already, but seeing her there, so confident in herself—in her actions and body—knowing just what she wanted. She felt her body sinking into the bed, her mind going blank. For a moment, when her heart was fluttering like a vibrating bowstring, Tess forgot all of her problems and was just grateful to be here, in this bed, with Scirocca, about to do this.

The winged woman leaned down and pressed her lips to Tess', canting her head to find a more comfortable angle. Lips closed, the kiss was rather chaste for all that they've done and are going to do; It was a show of kindness and care, rather than lust and haste. That was the kiss that Tess needed. Any thought that she wanted to "save" her virginity for someone special fled her mind. Scirocca was special. Scirocca respected her. Scirocca cared that she was comfortable and secure. It was strange to find this in a stranger, and stranger still that Tess wasn't worried about anything right now. She was comfortable, relaxed and felt very safe for the first time since her summoning.

It was all of these thoughts swarming her mind that distracted her from the fact that Scirocca's hand was on her cock, guiding it between the woman's legs. Tess let out a lungful of air, unable to wipe the soft, excited smile off of her face, and watched between their bodies as they came together.

Tess could feel Scirocca's heat, and the winged woman parted her labia by running Tess' crown back and forth through them. After that, all it took was lining her up and slowly lowering her hips. Tess' head went back as she felt Scirocca's body struggle to accommodate her. "You're so big," Scirocca whispered, "The biggest I've seen." The compliments drove Tess wild. She couldn't say that it was a fantasy of hers—as far as she knew—that she wanted to have a dick, but it was quickly becoming something she was happy about. Better yet, it was a really, really nice dick.

Scirocca had to wiggled her hips, urging them down to squeeze Tess inside of her. It required a lot of back and forth, rising and falling, slickening Tess up for her to take inch after inch after inch. "Uuhn~.." Scirocca moaned, and that erotic sound drove Tess wild. She wanted to make this woman feel incredible. She had to.

The task was easier than Tess had expected, because Scirocca looked to be enjoying herself immensely as she slowly took Tess' cock inside of her. "You're going to reach places in me that no one ever has," the jeweled roman whispered, "In a way, that'll be a first for me, too, you know."

The thought drew a quiver from Tess, before she felt Scirocca's body meet her own. She was inside of her; inside of that tight, squeezing, hot body. She was burning up, feverish even, and Tess felt like Scirocca was melting around her cock like butter. She was wet, which made it all the easier when Scirocca began to bring up her hips and gently drop them down to Tess' body. The slick motion of squeezing Tess' cock in and out of her body drove Tess wild. She rocked her head back, side to side. Her toes curled and she let out excited, panting breaths. Her hands naturally went to Scirocca's hips, and the woman's wings covered around them, soft feathers embracing Tess' hands, as though she wanted them to remain there.

"Tess," Scirocca whispered as she rose and fell, building up a rhythmic pace, "Spank me."

Tess obliged, bringing one hand behind Scirocca's hip and smacking the woman's buttcheek, causing it to bounce and ripple in a pleasant manner. Tess enjoyed it, especially hearing Scirocca's gasp, and she repeated the action a few times, each to the same effect.

"You're getting close," Scirocca whispered, and Tess could very much feel that this was true. She wondered how her lover knew, but didn't press the issue right now. Scirocca continued, "Roll us over."

Tess followed instructions, urging Scirocca to the side and rolling on top of her, all while staying stuffed inside the woman's tight sex. Being on top gave Tess a feeling of control. She could fuck Scirocca however she liked right now; as fast and hard as she needed, if Scirocca were willing. Tess gave a testing motion, rocking her hips back and forward.

"I want you to cum inside me," Scirocca whispered into Tess' ear. Her breath was cool and smelled of cloves, "Can you do that for me?"

That was the last straw, and Tess knew that she was nearing the point of no return, so she dug in and went for it. 

Pak, pak, pak!

The sound of flesh slapping flesh filled the room as Tess lost all control. The rhythm she'd built began to slowly break down as her hips jerked desperately. She couldn't bear it. Scirocca was too hot. Those wet, hot, grasping muscles squeezed Tess' cock it felt like they wouldn't let her go.

Finally, Tess' thrusts broke down into three deep, powerful pushes, climaxing into one final pump where she stayed as deep in Scirocca's body as she could. Tess' body quivered and shook, her whole form was tensed up and her cock pulsed once, then twice, and then began gushing cum deep into Scirocca's womb. "Keep going," Scirocca encouraged in between her own cries of joy, "Let it all out, Tess!"

There were a few more twitchy thrusts from Tess, but she otherwise stayed buried, filling Scirocca until the cum had nowhere else to go but for that pearly cream to spill out around Tess' thickness and make a mess of the bed between them. Tess collapsed atop Scirocca, who embraced her with arms and wings both. "You did it," Scirocca whispered proudly, which was charming given that it was such an easy and desired thing to do.

"Now let me clean you up," Scirocca cooed, "And I'll tell you about your gift."