
DxD : The Lost Immortal

NO HAREM ! World : High School of DxD Little Crossover : Oshi No Ko, Kengan Ashura... (if you want others, suggest me) Main Heroine : Hoshino Ai Shandor, the immortal younger brother of the legendary pirate Shanks, wanders the supernatural world, forever young and forever alone. His existence, granted by the mystical powers of his best friend, Trafalgar D. Law's Ope Ope no Mi, is both a gift and a curse. Haunted by the echoes of a forgotten era, Shandor grapples with the weight of loss. All his dear friends, including Law, have succumbed to the relentless march of time, leaving him in alcohol depression. Pirates, Marines, Government, Devil Fruits, Haki... All of that is the past, he is the only remaining one of a far era. Maybe he will find happiness ? No reincarnation, Isekai etc. MC is 20 physically, really OP (In the top 10, but not the strongest one) Not a serious fic so it might not be totally correct about some things (so lets say its a slight AU)

Bananuts · 漫画同人
9 Chs

Chapter 5 : Kokabiel

Shandor made his way to Asakusa, determined to find and kill Kokabiel. He knew that the leader of the fallen angels was a formidable opponent for others, but to him, Kokabiel was nothing more than a nuisance. He wanted to make him pay for his attack and show his superiority.

Well, he was also doing it out of boredom. Even though he disliked the supernatural, a little amusement wouldn't hurt.

He used his Observation Haki to locate Kokabiel's aura among the city's inhabitants. He sensed a strong malevolent presence in an abandoned temple. He headed towards the location without much thought.

He arrived at the temple and saw Kokabiel waiting for him. The leader of the fallen angels had five pairs of black wings and wore a black robe with accessories. He had black hair and red eyes. He looked at Shandor with disdain.

"Ah, you're finally here, Red King," Kokabiel said ironically. "I was getting bored without you. So, you received my invitation."

"Your invitation ?" Shandor repeated, laughing. "You mean your lackeys you sent to kill me ? They were just cannon fodder. You should have come yourself if you wanted to challenge me."

"I just wanted to assess your strength again," Kokabiel said with a cruel smile. "And I must say, you haven't disappointed me. You're truly strong for a human. But you're far from being a match for me."

"Don't be so arrogant," Shandor said confidently. "You know very well that you stand no chance against me. Be honest, what are you plotting ? Haven't you learned your lesson from the last war ?" Shandor unsheathed his sword, not even needing to use Haki. This guy is too weak...

"You talk too much," Kokabiel said impatiently. "If you came to fight me, then show me what you've got. I will make you regret being born."

The two adversaries lunged at each other, ready to engage in a merciless duel. Shandor appeared in an instant in front of Kokabiel, who still wore a mocking expression.

But just as Shandor was about to strike Kokabiel with his sword, he felt a strange sensation engulfing him. His vision blurred, and his strength diminished. It was indeed a trap, but it suited him even better.

He looked around and saw that he was surrounded by an invisible sphere that separated him from Kokabiel.

"Oh~ What magic trick is this ?" He wore a plastered smile on his face, not even caring about his loss of strength.

"This is the Antipower Field, a spell that creates a 10-foot radius sphere that nullifies all magic inside and and it also reduces a person's strength, the condition of the barrier is that the person must be human." explained Kokabiel triumphantly. "I prepared it in advance and activated it when you entered the temple. It took me five years to create this barrier. I had to accumulate a lot of magic for someone like you! It was my plan from the beginning: to lure you here and weaken you with this barrier." The fallen angel had a malevolent laugh while Shandor remained silent, staring fixedly at him, destabilizing the fallen angel for a moment.

'Why is he so confident ? I'm sure the barrier is taking effect, even if he is too strong for me, with it I can easily defeat him.' He was confused for a moment before hearing the man speak.

"Indeed, a fallen angel will remain a fallen angel. Even Ener was smarter." Shandor muttered to himself, while the angel didn't understand what he was talking about, but he felt insulted.

"Tell me, Kokabiel, do you really think your barrier will change anything ?" Shandor said with a mocking smile. "Do you think you can defeat me with a simple trick ?"

'Besides, you must be a complete idiot to explain your power to your opponent...'

"Don't be so arrogant," Kokabiel said angrily. "You don't know what you're talking about. This barrier nullifies any source of power inside. You can no longer use your special abilities or weapons. You're at my mercy."

"You're truly naive," Shandor said with disdain. "You think power is everything? Do you think I'm like those weak humans who need sacred gears or anything else to fight ? You're gravely mistaken. You're a thousand years too young to defeat me." Shandor's smile widened, revealing his sharp teeth.

"You're bluffing for nothing," Kokabiel said irritably. "I will kill you here and now and prove to the world that I am strong enough to kill you and trigger a war." Malice radiated from Kokabiel as Shandor remained silent, only charging at the fallen angel with his sword.

There was an onslaught from Kokabiel, using all the spells he knew, ranging from Holy to Malefic magic. Despite all that, he was easily overwhelmed, even though he could somewhat keep up with the fight.

But unfortunately for him, the duel was completely one-sided. Shandor dominated Kokabiel without any difficulty. He evaded his attacks, parried his strikes, and hit him with inhuman strength and speed.

He kicked him in the stomach, making him recoil several meters. He landed a punch to his jaw, making him spit blood. He sliced off one of his wings with his sword, causing him to scream in pain.

Kokabiel was outmatched by Shandor's power. He couldn't understand how he could be so strong without using any powers. He wondered how he would survive this nightmare.

'Damn... I underestimated him ! He's a monster...' Kokabiel feared for his life for the first time in his existence, seeing Shandor's amused scarlet eyes, he couldn't help but be angry as his expression turned into a grimace.

Kokabiel is a fallen angel with power equivalent to a Satan. He was also one of the most powerful beings, although far from the top 10.

It wasn't just anyone who could defeat him, but currently, it was an understatement to say that he was being brutally attacked. He thought he could easily kill this person if he had less power, but just with a simple sword, he could defeat him ??

Shandor, on the other hand, was enjoying himself. He hadn't had the opportunity to have a somewhat serious fight in a long time. He appreciated Kokabiel's resistance, even though it was feeble.

Haki wasn't even necessary honestly; he was confident that his physical abilities were the strongest in this world. A mere fallen angel couldn't defeat him.

He mocked him, throwing provocations and insults. "So, Kokabiel, is that all you've got ? You disappoint me. I thought you would be a more interesting opponent." He was gradually losing interest, even him couldn't kill him, huh...

"You're just a lamb facing me. A lamb that I will crush mercilessly." Shandor showed arrogance as his sword pierced through the heart of the fallen angel, who could only scream in pain in response.

A powerful Haki settled in the sky, making Kokabiel's grimace even more disgusting than before. The redhead's eyes displayed the characteristics of a king.

"You know what they say : taking away half of a dragon's strength doesn't make it weaker than a chicken. But you, you're worse than a chicken. You're a scaredy-cat~" Shandor sheathed his bloodstained sword, making a mental note to clean it at home.

Having already pierced the fallen angel's vital organ, he saw no point in letting him suffer. He intended to end his life without further delay.

"Too bad you wanted to use me as a scapegoat. I've already warned the supernatural world that I no longer want to be involved in your affairs. It seems that some haven't understood yet." The barrier was weak to him, it was just for a little fight that he didn't break it right away.

A simple strike was enough to shatter the transparent barrier, restoring all his strength.

His arm infused with Armament Haki, taking on a reddish tint, he gave a light tap on the terrified fallen angel's head.

An instant later, the body of the fallen angel exploded, leaving nothing but blood behind. He was disappointed that it wasn't more resistant.

He used one of the advanced concepts of Haki that he mastered perfectly, of course, he had all the time to do it. Internal destruction is a concept of Haki that allows emitting Haki without physical contact.

This particular version allows emitting Haki directly inside an object/person, inflicting internal damage. Shandor's proficiency in this concept had reached monstrous levels, a mere frame couldn't withstand such a thing.

Whistling, he took out his phone and called Azazel again to let him know to clean up the mess. He was too lazy for that...