
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · 漫画同人
178 Chs

Chapter 36: A friend? A female friend?!

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Raynare shook her head, "I'll catch up with you... I want to tidy up Issei's living room before we leave."

"Oh? And why is that?" Kalawarner smirked.

"Because it's filled with our feathers... I don't want Issei to resent us. You witnessed how angry he got, right? His aura was overwhelming. He's not someone we should provoke... and besides, any effort to make Issei like us is a step in the right direction, isn't it?" Raynare explained her reasoning.

"First you cook for him, and now you're cleaning for him? Are you trying to showcase your housewife skills?" Kalawarner laughed.

"W-what?! No, of course not! I just feel like I owe him," Raynare retorted.

"Well, in that case... I'll stay and help," Kalawarner chuckled.

Far Side of Town, Fallen Angel Territory

"Issei, please slow down!" Irina shouted fearfully as the daring dragon swiftly maneuvered through crowded urban areas, skillfully evading traffic and pedestrians.

Xenovia, though equally distressed, managed to maintain a calmer facade.

"What's that? You want me to go faster? Consider it done!" Issei laughed, revving his bike to increase the speed.

Flames erupted from the exhaust as he raced down a long stretch of road that led straight to the targeted apartments.

After an exhilarating burnout, he gradually decelerated and finally came to a halt in front of the designated building. Irina and Xenovia were both panting heavily, their expressions a mix of relief and terror. Irina clung tightly to Issei's back, seeking solace in his presence, "Thank goodness!"

"You can get off now, we've arrived," Issei replied, turning his head to address the two girls who were still gripping him tightly.

"Oh... haha, sorry," Irina said, her cheeks tinted with a blush as she realized their compromising position.

"I've seen motorcycles before, but never one this fast," Xenovia commented in disbelief as she and Irina disembarked.

Issei surveyed their surroundings, his gaze focused and determined. "Alright, we need to locate this guy quickly so I can wrap this up and enjoy the rest of my weekend."

A moment later, his phone emitted a notification sound. He swiftly checked it while Irina and Xenovia regained their composure.

His eyes widened as he noticed 15 unread messages on his phone. Glancing over them, he discovered that 14 were from Serafall, mostly consisting of her ramblings about the Milky Spiral Seven game she was engrossed in.

However, it was the last message that caught his attention. It was from an unfamiliar number. The message read, [Why didn't you tell me you had a cellphone? I would have given you my number.]

Issei's fingers quickly tapped on the screen as he replied, [Who is this? How did you get this number?]

The mysterious person texted back, [Your employer gave it to me when I visited your bike shop. Didn't know you were into making illegal motorcycles for gangsters, haha.]

[Stop playing games. Tell me who you are!] Issei responded, his frustration evident in his words.

Xenovia and Irina exchanged puzzled looks, curious about Issei's actions.

"What are you doing, Issei?" Irina inquired.

"Is that a cellphone? Who are you messaging?" Xenovia asked, her interest piqued.

[Haha, take it easy, turbo... it's your favorite devil in the world.] the unknown sender replied.

[Vali?] Issei quickly sent another message.

[So, I'm your favorite devil in the world, huh? Good to know. Hey, want to hang out today or something? Tiamat is busy in the Underworld this weekend, and I'm feeling bored.] Vali texted playfully.

[Maybe later... I'm currently occupied with something. I'll let you know when I'm free.] Issei replied.

[I see... I swung by your place earlier, but you weren't there. What are you up to?] Vali inquired.

[It's a long story... I'll fill you in later.] Issei responded.

[Alright, just give me a heads-up when you're done with whatever you're doing.] Vali replied.

[Will do.] Issei messaged before closing his phone and turning his attention to Irina and Xenovia.

The two girls looked curious about his conversation. Irina spoke up, "Who was that, Issei?"

"Just a friend of mine... She wanted to know if I was available this weekend," Issei answered truthfully.

Irina's eyes widened. "A friend? A female friend?"

"Yes..." Issei tilted his head in confusion at her reaction.

At that moment, Issei's phone chimed again, signaling a new message. He picked it up and checked the notification.

It was from Serafall, [This game is even better than the movie we watched last night! It would be so much more fun if you were here playing with me. Oh, by the way, I created a character named Sera Hyoudou! She's like a fusion of you and me. You'll love her!]

'What the hell?! Why would she use my last name for her character? I can't respond to her... Come on, Issei, just ignore her and she'll move on. Getting Serafall involved in this mess is the last thing I need. Besides, with all these angels, devils, and exorcists popping up out of nowhere, I can't afford any distractions. What's next? Cat girls? Fox girls?! If some furry creature tries to join the chaos in this town, that'll be the day I lose it,' Issei scoffed silently to himself, lost in his thoughts for a moment.

As Issei continued on his mission, his mind wandered and he momentarily forgot that Xenovia and Irina were standing right next to him. Unbeknownst to him, both girls had managed to read the message on his phone before he realized what had happened.

"You went to see a movie with a girl last night? Is she your girlfriend?" Irina exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Issei's expression turned blank as he shook his head, dismissing the idea. "No, she's not my girlfriend," he replied, his tone slightly distant.

Irina let out a barely audible sigh of relief, her words almost escaping her under her breath.

"What about Sera? Who is she? Just a friend?" Xenovia inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Issei let out a sigh, clearly trying to find the right words. "Well, it's complicated... She's someone I met at a convention recently. She's a bit... unconventional, to say the least."


As always if you Want to read ahead by at least 23+ chapter via my pat(e)on.
