
DxD : King of Asuras

No System. harem. ( only around three ) timeline of the story is in the ancient era of Hindu mythology the Mc is the son born from the Darkness of Shiva and fear of Parvati. Given to Asura king Hiranyaksha by Shiva. Now let's see the story of The Asura in Dxd and how he bashes the devas. [ My second DxD story after 'Adam in Dxd ' ] [ the name of the protagonist is Andhakasura and he is a real character mentioned in the Hindu myths. A very - very powerful Asura king who even went on head-on with Shiva ]

AshGod7 · 漫画同人
57 Chs


Andhaka calmly looked at Kalanemi with a little doubt and tons of excitement bubbling in his heart. What he had shown him some days ago was very - very shocking.

Although the matter regarding the Nagas had covered this incident but now thinking about it once again.....he truly and actually comprehended how monstrous Kalanemi's performance was.

He considers himself as a Quasi Supreme God-level deity. Above the Elite High god-class deities but still below the Supreme class deities like the Trimurti, this was nearly a true assessment of his power and if he ranks the strength shown by Kalanemi through these standards then...

" Peak High God class, that bastard may even enter the category of Quasi Supreme God soon if that power wasn't some one-time fluke. " Andhaka spoke with a little excitement.

First, due to Kalanemi being his little brother and second, they desperately needed the emergence of such a strong Asura beside him, Jalandhara has the potential but he is still a child at the moment and can't be counted on for at least two to three centuries, so Kalanemi's performance had really made Andhaka excitement, now he was eagerly waiting for him to wake up and see if that was permanent or some death move which did century long damage to his powers.

Though looking at the pale face of his unconscious brother, he really didn't have much hope about this matter but still, it was better than nothing and he was certainly being optimistic in this matter.

" Mahisha? "

" Yes, my King. " Mahisha the powerful high god class aura stood behind Andhaka like a loyal butler.

" What do you think we should do with the captured Nagas? " Andhaka asked in a calm and questioning tone.

Mahisha looked at the back of his king for a moment, trying to guess why this question was asked of him.

" King, this may displease you but I think we should let them go back to the Nagaloka. Talking truthfully we don't actually need any slaves to rebuild our city or for any other work and sooner or later... Our people will start to lose control and ignite the killing and rape of Nagas once again. This may result in becoming the permanent villain even in the eyes of the Trimurti. Nearly all the races are already thinking of ganging up on us if we start any other war and if the Trimurti decide that we are Evil.....then... Looking at our current strength we won't be able to do much. We have already killed nearly all the high-level Nagas from the High god class to the ultimate class so until some super genius appears among the Nagas, they won't be of any threat to us in five to six centuries and since there isn't much time left in THE SAMUDRA MANTHAN, the Nagas don't even matter anymore. " Mahisha answered calmly while not sugarcoating any words.

Andhaka didn't have much political experience but still didn't rush to decisions like his uncle and father, instead thought and discussed the matter with people around him and Mahisha has always been happy to give his honest opinion, his King's wish is his command and since his king had asked him about this matter then he told what he thought.

" but won't it leak my identity to the other races if we let them go now? You should know that I was the promised prince of Asuras and if it leaks out that I am alive then the Devas and their favourite Lord Vishnu will try their best to not let me reach the Samudra Manthan. " Andhaka muttered with a slight dilemma.

The pressure regarding the Naga prisoners had been increasing on the Asuras by every single day and it has only been three days and The envoys from nearly all the races had made their appearance in front of Prahlada to appeal to let the remaining Nagas free.

These other races weren't his main concern. They all can be ignored easily but judging by the pattern soon the messengers from the Trimurti may also arrive and that too with tough attitudes due to the two eldest Nagas and he can't ignore them like he ignored the others, but let the Nagas survivors go may also end up leaking his identity to the world.

"AH!! " Andhaka said suddenly while turning around and looking at Mahisha.

" contact the messenger of the Gods and tell him that we would be bringing the Naga prisoners with us at the Samudra Manthan and if they try to argue back then just tell him that, ' The Nagas tried to cook and eat our people, we have every right and capacity to do it.' " Andhaka spoke with a haughty grin forming on his face.

This request may end up sounding a little weird to others but since the actions of the Nagas were so glorious, there was nearly everything the Asuras could do to them in the name of revenge.

" By The way, how many are there? " Andhaka asked curiously.

"ugh..... around eight hundred thousand. " Andhaka froze and looked at Mahisha as if he couldn't believe him.

" King I think you may also employ some policies which encourage childbirth. " Mahisha with a little embarrassed face.

" Try and see if we can marry the high-class bloodlines of the Naga girls to our people. " Andhaka spoke with a cunning glint in his face.

The child born by a Naga and Asura may be discriminated by the normal Asuras but after one or two centuries of assimilation and royal propaganda, they will be integrated into the Asura society perfectly as an important part of it.

' ugh, why do I feel like I am becoming more and more like the general image of an Asura? ' Andhaka thought with his conscious trying to reason with him.

" Sigh-, those girls aren't responsible for the idiotic decision of their king and superiors but still it is their bad luck they were born as Nagas. Since the Nagas didn't show any mercy to us then we aren't saints too. But still don't use force anymore. I didn't say anything about it but..... What our soldiers did on the battlefield was truly disgusting. " Andhaka spoke with anger creeping up on his face.

He understands that the Asuras were very angry and in the mood for revenge but that doesn't mean you get to commit such heinous crimes. Even he, the Asura King had limits, even the previous Asura kings would have condemned it.

Mahisha looked at his king with quick breaths as his shoulder was near dislocatement due to the pressure from which Andhaka was gripping his shoulder.

" Anyway. Just do as I say. " Andhaka spoke while returning to calm once again and retrieving his hand.

" As you say, my King. " Mahisha gave a light bow and vanished from Kalanemi's room.

" sigh-, Master Shukra where are you? " Andhaka spoke in a little annoyed tone. Such a big event had transpired and Shukracharya was still nowhere to be found.

" King? "

Andhaka turned around and looked at Svarbhanu.

" yes, my dear brother," he replied with a little smile.

" the ritual for the dead Asuras is gonna start soon, precisely two hours to be exact. So don't go off wandering somewhere. " Svarbhanu with a sleepless and tired face.

" I remember it. How can I not? You also look quite tired yourself, so make sure to get some rest. " Andhaka spoke calmly.

As belonging to an elite supernatural race they didn't need much sleep but it wasn't like they didn't get tired at all and the recent events haven't been too bright either, the mental plus physical exhaustion has left even him fed up with thoughts of going into closed practice.

But as a king, he didn't have that option.


" Wudi what do you think? " a small-statured man with ghostly pale skin and a delicate and expensive-looking black robe around him, muttered in a pale voice while staring deathly at the buff and muscular-looking man sitting in front of him.

The muscular guy continued to sip the drink he was having in a small white cup and drank it all before putting it down.

" Going there of course. That old man won't allow it, of course, but it doesn't matter at this point. " The male named Wudi spoke with a fearless grin on his face as stared into nothingness.

" heh, it looks like you are really betting your chips on this Samudra Manthan. " The pale guy with some joy in his voice.

" why won't I? This isn't someone using a single type of treasure like the well of knowledge of those Norse bastards, the Amrita is enough to be divided between two races from what I have heard, so don't you think it won't hurt much if one extra guy got it? "

" aren't you being too optimistic? Although the probability is very low but don't forget that they have Shiva. If he gets annoyed..... Then no god in this world can save you, lest you have forgotten the battle between Amun Ra and Shiva. " the fire inside burned more and more fiercely as he recalled the greatest battle between the Mythologies.

" I REMEMBER IT. HOW CAN I FORGET IT. that display of power and dominance, but....do you think I am satisfied with just watching it. I want it, I want to battle at that level someday, I want to defeat Shiva one day. " Wudi spoke with excitement and fire dripping through his words.

The Pale man looked at Wudi before bursting out laughter. "..... Hahahahahahahahaha, you really are a War God Wudi. "

" but remember this, without power your declarations only look like pathetic ranting. " The Pale guy spoke in a dark tone.

" .... DO...YOU--- ARE YOU STARTING FIGHT WITH ME? " Wudi asked fiercely while dropping all his previous friendliness and courtesy.

"bastard, why didn't you answer me immediately when I asked you, what do you think in the starting? And YES I AM STARTING A FIGHT WITH YOU. ARGH " the Pale guy spoke as two figures appeared behind, one black and one white.

" heh, it looks like you are still living in delu---

" STOP IT IMMEDIATELY. " a black-haired youth with godly facial features and a similar physique while wearing a naked top suddenly appeared beside the two deities.

" Wudi and Yanwang. This isn't the time to start these petty fights. " the youth said in a calm tone, yet it made the two gods quieten up as they disappeared while still glaring daggers at each other.


The Human Realm, Indian continent.


" It's finally here. I was getting bored from all this waiting. " a beautiful voice echoed on the top of some random mountain in a large forest.




The Godking who was busy in his entertainment activities stood up quickly after hearing the loud drumming voice.

"hehe, it's finally here. GATHER UP EVERYONE. " all the major and powerful devas had already gathered in the Swargaloka since the Asura-Naga war while waiting for the Samudra Manthan to start, so they all dripped whatever they were doing and gathered in the heavenly hall of The Godking. Ready to go.




" So this is what Master was talking about. " Andhaka muttered as he focused on the drumming sound which seemed to lead him to some location, acting like a map, Leading him to its originator.

He was currently sitting in his hall and had just finished the burning of their deceased people and was in the middle of some debate with Svarbhanu over the casualties they had taken during the whole phase of this incident.

" Get ready guys. Today either we win or we won't be coming back. " Andhaka spoke with diamond-like conviction.


Andhaka looked at the beautiful and enchanting ocean which seemed to spread as far as one's eye could see and remember it was an Asuras eye not puny humans with some little range.

He would have surely liked to spend some time admiring the scene in front of him but it was nothing compared to the three mighty and peaceful figures floating there in the air on the ground.

The primal and chaotic surge of energies buzzed around the three figures who floated around hundred metres above the ocean with calm and serene expressions on their faces.

The figure on the left was a four-headed old man with white hair and an uncontrollable and formidable power of knowledge and creation omitting around him while a beautiful and enchanting lotus in one hand and a rosary in the other.

" The Creation God Brahma. " Andhaka muttered slightly while looking at the lotus in his hand, the white-coloured lotus radiated divinity and a genetic attraction to him, he doesn't know what it is, but....it feels like, he has some connection to that lotus.

Beside him was the Asura's favourite god, Vishnu on his mount, The eldest of the Nagas, The Cosmic Snake Shesha with its endless heads.

And lastly, it was a mature and peaceful-looking man barely in his thirties with ash-coloured skin and tiger skin covering his chest, a snake coiled around his neck and a black-coloured trident with two little drums at its joint in his hand.

The Trident gave off a feeling of an immense and unstoppable force of destruction to Andhaka which seemed to react to something dormant in him, something which had been pressed down by his dominant power, the Powe of darkness. His destructive nature as the son of Shiva was reacting now.

Andhaka took a closer look at the God of Destruction with some hate and anger in his eyes.

Looking closely he found a fact which only made him more annoyed, he did look a little like the Strongest god of the three realms and he doesn't like it a single bit.

If he could go back in time and select his natural face, then he would have opted for something else. It once again reminded him of his birth and how he was without his parents...once again.

While Andhaka was looking at the Trimurti they also gazed towards the group which appeared first and to the displeasure of Vishnu, it was the vile and evil Asuras.

He had thought that by installing Prahalda as their ruler, they would quiet down and let the world go on in peace.

But in the end, it was the same. Although disappointed he shouldn't have expected much since no matter the circumstances, Prahlada is also an Asura in the end and bloodshed runs in the Asura's blood.

The First Naga and the Cosmic snake Shesha also had similar thoughts but with much more directed hatred towards the Asuras.

But to their surprise, and also to the surprise of Brahma, it wasn't Prahlada who was in the front. There wasn't any sign of prahalda at all in the group, Instead, it was a young man with streaks of red in his dark hair with matching robes and an evil-looking mask hanging at his waist who led the Asuras.

Beauty wasn't that big of an indicator in the godly affairs and there were tons of handsome and godly-looking guys in the world like the man in front of Asuras..... But something still made the two members of Trimurti stare right at him and then look at Shiva before once again turning their heads back to Andhaka to confirm something.

Andhaka smiled a little while seeing the reactions of Vishnu and Brahma while ignoring the smiling face of Shiva.

" Son of Hiranyakashipu and The King of Asuras, this Andhakasura humbly greets the Trimurti. " Andhaka spoke in a respectful tone while bowing slowly.

Although he didn't have any favourable impression of the Trimurti but still they were stronger than him and he had to respect that. So giving this reason to his complaining heart he bowed.

He was still mad at Vishnu for the death of his uncle and father.....but... He can't do anything at the moment and at least he didn't bow personally to him.


Vishnu looked at Andhakasura with incredulous eyes before his face turned into sour and his jaws hardened.

" Dear Andhakasura. Where are the Naga prisoners? From what I heard you told the messenger of the gods that you will bring them with you in the Samudra Manthan. " The First Naga Shesha spoke with a formal tone, he doesn't have any interest in talking with these Asuras and if the situation didn't force it, he wouldn't even give them a look until he was free to destroy them.

" Lord Shesha I have been hearing many wonderful stories about you since childhood, and today seeing you with my eyes. I can say with certainty that it was all just ' Wonderful stories ' " Andhaka spoke with a chuckle while taking out a parchment from his waist and floating it towards Vishnu.

" here, the Nagas had already been sent to the Middle realm in the forest of Ayodhya for relocation. " Andhaka spoke in a haughty tone while observing the large snake but it didn't do much benefit as he certainly can't understand snake expressions as, unlike the normal Nagas who preferred to be in their humanoid form, both Shesha and Vasuki were in their original snake form.

" What about the Nagaloka? " Shesha spoke with a slight anger trickling from his voice. Relocating them to Ayodhya? What kind of crap is this? The Nagas had lived in the Nagaloka since their origin and this was a major embarrassment which they won't be able to forget....ever.

" We have taken it from the Nagas as a penalty for starting a war on us. If the Nagas want it back so much...They can try to take it back. " The other Asuras behind him also looked fiercely at Shesha with devilish grins on their faces.

They were certainly under pressure due to the appearance of the Trimurti but since their king doesn't seem to care, then why should they and it wasn't like they were saying something wrong.

It was the Nagas who started it first, so for the first time, The Asuras felt how it meant to be the aggrieved side in a war.

"We should discuss this matter later. " Shesha spoke while looking at the second group which appeared on the horizon.


Unlike the dark and vicious atmosphere around the Asuras the atmosphere around the second group was happy, radiant and divine but it didn't stay like that for much and quickly turned sour after seeing the Asuras.

Sparks of hatred and ego started to fly from both sides and if not for the Trimurti then another Deva Asura war would have started right here and now.



" GREETINGS LORD BRAHMA " Indra spoke respectfully while the other devas also followed suit and addressed each of the Trimurtii personally.

" where is my dear Prahlada? does he dare not show his face after making lord Vishnu so proud? " Indra, currently in a silvery and sparkling gear spoke in a taunting voice while taking a jab at the Asuras as soon as he finished greeting the Trimurti, but to his disappointment he didn't find his counterpart anywhere and how could he find Prahlada here, because he was back there in the Rasatala, guarding the home.

" I am sorry to disappoint you Uncle Indra but Prahlda isn't here. Why don't you try and put up with me for once? " Andhaka spoke in a voice seething with venom and pure hatred as the primordial black aura of darkness which had been quiet since he was fighting against Prahalda started erupting out of him, even the other Asuras had to back up a little despite the Aura not being focused on them.
