
Chapter 87 : Cerberus

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Chapter 87 : Cerberus

"Okay, I'm ready, so let's, Lucy, we have some Fallen ass to kick." Issei said as he took her hand before they both teleported in front of the school.

As the duo appeared in front they were meet with the members of the Student Council who were busy holding a protective barrier.

Seeing them some of them sigh in relief as the two heavy hitters arrived at the front line ready to battle.

"Hyoudou good to see you come to the front." Saji said as his fellow pawn just smiled and nodded to him.

"Same thought, Sona could you drop the barrier, so we can enter?" Issei asked which he was rewarded with a nod.

"Of course, and I'm sorry for accusing you for helping the church members. Please forgive me." Sona apologized shocking her peerage though Issei just put a hand on her shoulder and giving her a smile.

"Apology accepted Sona, though now we need to hurry. I'm guessing that Rias and her group are fighting inside, correct?" Issei said getting a positive from the Sitri heiress.

"Issei!" A familiar voice shouted getting the brown-haired boys attention.

As he turned around to face the person that yelled his name, his eyes got wide as the owner of the voice kissed him on the lips hard.

Getting over his shock he saw that it was Murayama that was the one who kissed him.

"Issei please survive this, you mean so much to me. I would never forgive you or myself if you die today." Murayama whispered as she hugged Issei tightly not wanting to let go of him.

"I don't plan on dying anytime soon, Mura, you can count on that." He answered with a smile. Which made her have a huge smile on her red face.

"You better, or I will tell Lucy to revive you so that I can kill you myself. Though, knowing that I fallen in love for a headstrong perverted idiot, that gives me little assuring." Murayama giggled as Issei turn to stone at her words.

"Wha..." Issei wanted to say but Lucy started pulling him away from the girl while giggling to herself as Issei's face was too cute to resist.

"Come on my King, we have work to do, we can later discuss about your Harem." Lucy said with a giggle as Issei just shook his head returning his thoughts to the battle at hand.

"Yeah, you are right as always my beautiful Queen." Issei said as kissed her cheek making her blush with a huge smile.

As they entered the battlefield, what they saw made them widen their eyes. In front of them were four Cerberus while the ORC was fighting them with all they got.

"Cerberus, so Kokabiel decided to make fun of us Devils, didn't he?" Lucy asked no one in particular as she started to power up making her presence on the field known as everyone even Cerberus stopped to see who was letting this much power.

"Sure looks like it. Why don't you go and have fun love? Oh, and go wild, you can be destructive as you like."

Issei said with a smile that made Lucy smile, quickly kiss him on the lips as she released her 2 pairs of wing and flu in high speed at the nearest Cerberus smirking all the way as she was about to finally cut loose and could show her true power without restraint to her Love and King.

'Time to show off a little.' Lucy thought with a sadistic smirk as she gathers a huge amount of lighting in her hands.


Not too long after Rias finished her disastrous meeting with Issei and Lucy, with her brother lecturing her about her being not thinking about important things.

She returned to ORC to get a shower and relax before thinking about what to do with the couple that were getting on her last nerves.

Though before she could do what she planned, she felt something entering the school grounds and it was something that she knew was a big exiting the club.

Rias and her pieces saw that the one they felt was Kokabiel and from the looks of things he had some company.

"Ah, can I get a break?" Rias wined getting a giggle from Raynare and Akeno as they knew that Issei and Lucy were getting on her last nerves.

"No" Koneko answered without emotions making Rias fall face first while the others laugh at her bad luck.

"Thanks for that Koneko" Rias growled from the floor making Koneko just nod.

Suddenly Sona and her team appeared as Rias was about to go out and meet the troubled warmonger. Making the Gremory heiress look at her as Sona stood in front of her.

"Rias you know that this probably Kokabiel, right? Where is Issei Hyoudou? We could really use his strength now." Sona asked as her peerage stood behind her.

"Honestly… I don't know, he may be anywhere, he doesn't listen to me or respect my authority. And personally, I wish I never revived him. He and that Lucy are making me sick."

Rias said coldly though everyone knew that she was extremely jealous that she wasn't the one girl he loved.

Well it doesn't matter, I received a report from one of my familiars and he says that Irina girl was hurt almost fatally though it sends it to the Underworld hospital to try and help her.

Now it only leaves us with 2 church members and our peerages thought yours is missing two crucial people and they are your offensive hitting force.

Sona said pushing her glasses up as she was starting to get frustrated at this predicament.

"My peerage and me will keep Kokabiel busy, maybe Issei and Kiba will show up. Hell, I would be glad and happy even if that whore shows up."

Rias said as she and her team started walking towards were Kokabiel was.

"Than my peerage and I will hold the barrier up to prevent chaos from reaching the town." Sona said getting the thumbs up from Rias.