
DxD: Issei The Abomination

You all know what happened at age beginning of DxD anime. Where Issei got saved by Rias or to be exact he was all along planned, Rias set him up to use him, thpigh later on she unknowingly developed feelings for him. But that is the story of alternate timeline. So, what would happen if Issei got to know the whole truth of the incident where he got killed, why Rias saved him, and all the otger tgings that he didn't know. So, if you wanna know what will happen what will he do and how he will react when he got to know the truth of it, want to know then you have only one choice which is to read the story.

Franklin237 · Others
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90 Chs

Chapter 88 : Skyrocket

I hope you enjoyed the fanfic and if you want to read ahead by 10 chapters you can check out my patreon.



Chapter 88 : Skyrocket

"I took the liberty and inform lord Lucifer about the attack. He said that he will send reinforcements in an hour." Akeno added shocking Rias.

"What? Why did you call him? Why didn't you call Leviathan?" Rias demanded but only got a stern look from her Queen and best friend.

Like it or not Rias. Even if Issei, Kiba and Lucy show up on time they still don't have enough firepower to stop him.

We need a Maou-Class fighter and your brother is the strongest we know off.Akeno answered making Rias growl a little at that.

With that out of the way, the Gremory girls made their way to the front line. Sona and her group made their way towards the school gate where they planned to put up a barrier.

Though they were surprised when they saw four girls running at them.

"Sona, where are the Gremory group now." Chelsea said as Cassie, Murayama, Katase and her stopped in front of the Sitri heiress.

"On the field track, though where is your friend Xenovia, Cassie?" Sona asked quickly as Cassie just sigh.

Xenovia is with Kiba. She sent me a message saying that they are delayed a little bit, so they will be a little late for the party.

Though good new, Issei and Lucy are on their way to help. Oh, and Murayama and Katase will help your group. Since they learned Magic and they are good at it.

Cassie quickly answered getting a shocked look from Sona.

"W-what? They know magic?" Sona asked getting an affirmative from the Kendo duo.

"Yeah, Lucy thought us how to use it and both of us are good at fire and ice. We can help with barrier if you are planning on it." Katase said making Sona widen her eyes in realization.

"Fine, let's just hope all would be alright in the end." Sona said, as Kendo duo stayed behind while Cassie and Chelsea moved forward to the track field.


Back on the track field, Gremory's group was confronted with the Fallen Angel himself Kokabiel and someone they never expected to see again.

In front of them were Freed Sellzen and Valper Galilei with the former having a crazy look in his eyes and the later having a smile that gave girls the creeps.

"Well, what do we have here? An heiress of the Gremory Household and I can sense a Sitri also. How pleasant. Tell me girl is Sirzechs or Serafall coming?"

The strong yet bored voice asked making the girls look up to see a man sitting on the throne with his legs and arms crossed while having a bored expression on his face which consisted of blood red eyes and bat like ears. The man was wearing a tuxedo w

"Sorry to disappoint you Kokabiel but my brother and Leviathan are busy with bigger things. They have not interested in dealing with small fried."

Rias said arrogantly, only making Kokabiel look at her bored as he lifted his hand and made a small spear of light that he thought at the gym destroying it completely while making a 15-meter crater.

"Well, at least you can entertain me with a small battle. Valper when are the Excaliburs going to be fused?" Kokabiel asked getting the old man to bow a little answering him.

"In 10 minutes my lord." Valper answered making the Fallen grin.

"Good, though in the meantime, you girls have fun with my little pets." He said as he snapped his fingers making the ground explode in a fire before reviling three fully grown Cerberus making the girls gasp in shock.

"H-he brought Cerberus that guarded the Grigori?" Raynare said in shock and fear, making Kokabiel laugh.

"Oh, if it isn't my old servant. I thought I felt some fallen in the area. Oh, and daughter of Baraqiel, this is going to be fun." Kokabiel laughed seeing the two half fallen girls growl at him.

"Forget him now, let's get those Cerberuses. They are a bigger threat now." Rias said also growling at Kokabiel making him smirk.

"Yes!" The girl shouted as they divided into two groups containing Rias and Akeno and Raynare and Koneko, who went to subdue two Cerberus making the last one to do as he pleased as they didn't have the numbers to engage all of them.

Though that was a short worry as two more people plunge into the battle.

Cassie and Chelsea join in and engaged the last beast making the girl sigh in relief as they didn't have to worry about the last Cerberus that was on their back.

Through the battle that was underway, it got interrupted when all of them felt a powerful aura skyrocket as they sensed something going in extreme speed their way.

Thinking it was Issei the girls cheered, though they were surprised when they saw that it was Lucy gathering huge power in her hands.

As Lucy got close to one of the Underworld beast she let loose a hell storm of magic that disintegrated it to nothingness shocking the people that were fighting.

"Ahh, that was good. I need to do it more often." Lucy said as she landed on the ground before she smirked seeing a shock Kokabiel.

"Oh, where are my manners. It's pleasant to meet you leader class of Fallen Angels. My name is Lucy Lucifuge, future Queen to The Red Emperor and one of your executioners." Lucy introduces herself as the Fallen Angel looked at her in shock.

"Lucifuge? So, you must be Grayfia's sister?" Kokabiel asked getting a nod from the girl.

"Hahaha...this is better than I expected I get to kill three heirs and make three very powerful people piss and have my war finally."

Kokabiel laughed as he got the answer he was hoping for as the two girls were a sibling to the current strongest people one of which is the head Maou and the other was his wife who was the 2nd strongest female Devil.