When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation
Naruto took the other, and stared at the redhead.
Issei from the front had blood running through his nose and a happy smile on his face. Kiba laughed softly and Koneko... She was still staring at the "Ecchis" in her group.
- Please! You don't have it! - Naruto accused. - Probably gave it in exchange for pain and pleasure!
- Is this the man who exchanged his image for a contract speaking? - Akeno asked, making the blonde blush. - I won!
- He didn't win! He said. Rias already said... Whoever makes the most contracts wins!
- So it's a bet? - Akeno asked. How much time?
- 1 month! Rias said. And until then I don't want a fight or argument or insults!
-B-But Buchou! What will I use to have fun if not that blonde's stupid face? - Akeno asked, looking sad.
- How about you don't use that huge vibrator of yours? Naruto asked.
- Yours, you mean, right? She laughed. -It was in her bag, after all.
Damn damn it! He stood up again. Don't - worry, Rias! I will win and save you from the clutches of this demon!
Ufufu, thanks for the compliment... But.... Akeno grabbed Rias once again.
- Please, not again! - She whimpered, before feeling Naruto grab her too.
- Buchou is mine!
You force this relationship! Can't you see she's sad?
I think they were both awesome... commented, but was ignored. Kiba
- Let go of her!
- Let go of you!
-You're the one who has to let go!
- She is mine!
-Your enemy!
Both of you STOP! -Rias shouted filling the room with her magic, an aura that was a mixture of black and crimson was created around her body, before Akeno and Naruto were pulled away from her, falling into each corner of the room..-You... Are too much!
Akeno and Naruto blinked, surprised at Rias' action, before glaring at each other furiously.
- It was him/her! - They both accused.
- It was both! Always fighting and arguing! - She said. It was fun but now it's become boring! You have this month to sort this out and then I want you both to act like best friends!
Naruto and Akeno were already preparing to return to self-defense when Rias spoke seriously.
- Do we have a deal? - She asked, receiving nods from them. Excellent!
Akeno sighed, before getting up from where she had fallen and heading back to the kitchen, refreshing her mind by preparing a snack for the group.
Naruto was different, he spent a little longer lying on the ground, staring at the redhead with a look of shock and at the same time evaluating, before a blush covered his cheeks. He looked a little lost and disoriented before getting up.
- Man... Rias... He commented. That was hot.
The redhead blinked in surprise.
- What? It wasn't just her who said that, it was everyone in the room including Koneko, usually quiet.
Okay. My goal has changed! - He laughed, before giving a smile that Rias had never seen on his face. It was like a charmer that made her freeze for a second. - I will beat this, save you from Akeno... And steal your heart! Rias-buchou...! - He grabbed the girl's hand, kneeling on the floor in front of her. You will be mine, dattebayo!
And then he got up, with the redhead still disoriented, and left the room.
Rias, Koneko, Kiba and Issei stayed in the same place, completely oblivious to what had happened.
So, class... Today we will finish the presentations. The biology teacher was serious. - Naruto-san, you did your job.
The blonde sitting in the back gave his most confident smile as he stood up. Some girls let out passionate screams, and Akeno had to restrain herself from asking them if they were retarded.
- It is clear. He said calmly, as he went to the front of the room and arranged the projector for his presentation. A video in complete black screen paused was left before he left the room. Just let me finish a few things.
A few minutes passed, before the door opened and only a hand passed through it, playing the video... Which started at the bottom of the sea, showing marine life.
The ocean... Thousands and thousands of tons of water that could crush a truck like it was nothing... The most unexplored place on Earth and also the end point of the lives of thousands of people and ships that sank.
But not only that...
There is also a lot of life in the ocean.... Among them is...
The shark...
That's when the scene changed. Now it was an image of an animated shark with a pacifier in its mouth. A small melody began to play in the background, before the door opened and Naruto jumped into the middle of the room.
But it wasn't just him... Or rather, it was him and another shark costume where the fins were his arms, the tail was his legs and the huge head was the place.
Where the blonde's face was, which was barely visible between the huge mouth full of fantasy teeth.
At that point, beads of sweat were huge on the heads of everyone in the class.
But it only got worse when the melody became a song that Naruto made a point of singing too while throwing his waist from one side to the other and putting both hands together, making it look like a mouth opening and closing. And then, he switched sides, moving his arms as if it were a wave before going back to pretending it was a mouth.
Baby Shark Doo doo doo~
Baby Shark Doo doo doo~
Baby Shark Doo doo doo~
And then, he switched sides, moving his arms as if it were a wave before going back to pretending it was a mouth.
Baby Shark Doo doo doo~
Baby Shark Doo doo doo~
Baby Shark Doo doo doo~
- But what...? -The teacher was in such a state of shock that she had no reaction.
It's not just the Baby Shark that lives in the ocean! - The blonde shouted happily. There's also - mom!
Mommy Shark Doo doo doo~
Mommy Shark Doo doo doo~
Mommy Shark Doo doo doo~
-Mommy Shark! He gave a happy smile, finishing his piece... Or that's what everyone thought. - But mom has a companion!
Daddy Shark Doo doo doo~
Daddy Shark Doo doo doo~
Daddy Shark Doo doo doo~
- But Baby Shark also has grandparents! - He screamed. - Come with me... Grandpa Shark...
HE ARRIVES! - The teacher suddenly shouted, going to the projector and turning it off. - Naruto, your work was disregarded. The grade is zero.
- WHAT!? - He shouted, pulling the shark's head up and revealing his shocked and distressed face. - But I talked about the lives of sharks... Their families!
- Naruto, there are no "buts"! Go to the principal's office! She said seriously.
The blonde rolled his eyes, before leaving the room in his costume.
Here Shark-san, your tea~! - Akeno said, handing a cup of tea to the blonde in costume, who smiled.
- Thank you, Akeno~! - He said, happily.
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