
DxD: I Like Orange

When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation

William777 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 013

Breaking open the door that led to the Club Hall, Naruto entered the room.

You lying slut! He said, looking at Akeno who was next to Rias, all the members were in the Hall at the moment. You will die today!

-Oh! Rias-buchou! He's going to kill me! - Akeno said hiding behind the redhead.

- Yuuto, Koneko, Issei! Hold Naruto-kun! - Rias said seriously, as she saw the blonde being quickly, but not easily, restrained by the three.

Oh! Let me go! This demon! He shouted, looking at the smiling woman angrily. She turned my fucking prank against me! Mine! Own! Prank!

Please, Naruto-san... No one here will judge you for your tastes. Yuuto said with a happy smile, which made the blonde look at him blankly.

- Yes... Let's accept how you are. Koneko said, before adding. -Pervert.

- No... You, don't... Stop! He said, forcing himself to cover his ears and fall on the sofa with his stomach down and his feet up. Ahhhhh! The whole - school is enough!

Don't worry, Naruto-kun. We will support you regardless of who you are! encouraging smile. Rias said with a fake

The blonde raised his face and stared, before turning his attention to Akeno.


- I? She smiled innocently.

- You deserve the worst and most painful death! - He roared.- Never heard that saying: Eat a guy's wife but don't mess with his prank?

- Hm... I don't know what you're talking about. - She pretended to be innocent. - If this is due to you not wanting to let everyone know about your sexuality... Ufufu, what does this have to do with me?

- Yes, Naruto... What does it have to do with you liking dicks with Akeno? - Issei said laughing.

Naruto's face turned to him slowly, before standing up and starting to approach him, who began to sweat.

The blonde placed his hand on his shoulder and smiled.

-You, my friend Issei... You are an unlucky guy. - He said calmly, with a dangerous look. I can't hit Akeno, because I know she's strong enough to hit me.

- Ara? -The brunette didn't say anything about it, but her smile was more than trustworthy.

- Rias-chan is my King, I can't hurt her. - The redhead smiled. - Yuuto is too handsome, a little mark and all the girls at school want my neck. Kiba just smiled embarrassed about this. And Koneko-chan... She's too cute for me to even think anything about her... It would be like putting water on a delicious hamburger... Koneko blinked at that statement. -But - you, my dear friend Issei... If you say something like that, I will kill you and defecate on her body.

At this point Rias' pawn was already moving nervously, while the blonde continued to give her that wide-eyed look and distorted smile.

It was at this point, out of a lot of nervousness and humor, that Rias finally clapped her hands to stop everything.

- Okay, Naruto-kun... We know about all this and we know you're sad. - The redhead said, getting up and walking towards the blonde with her gentle smile and open arms.

Naruto turned his attention to Rias.

- R-Rias-chan... Y-You, you know that I don't like that and that horrible object wasn't mine, right? You believe me, don't you? The blonde asked, walking towards him and hugging him tightly.

- Of course, Naruto-kun... Of course I believe it. - She said, stroking the blonde's hair, while she dragged him to the sofa.

The young woman sat on the furniture, while Naruto knelt on the floor with his head resting on her body, receiving her affection.

Issei looked at the scene with envy, Yuuto with a dull smile and Koneko... Well, she was more worried about the candy she ate.

Akeno watched the scene with a still sweet smile, before seeing the blonde point his hand and middle finger at her.

- Ara? -His smile only grew. - Do you know where to put this....

Naruto's eyes narrowed, before he separated from Rias.

- Right! I'm tired of this! Let's decide our impasse once and for all. He said, pointing at her.

As you wish, blondie. challenging tone. She said, in a

- But not just that! Whoever loses will have to suffer with this shame for the rest of their lives! - He said, seriously. You're going to have to tattoo the other person's name on your ass!

- What is that? A strange fetish? She laughed. - But I'm not denying it! What are we going to bet? How about a fight? Some shocks from me and some screams from you...

Naruto gave her a scared look and went back to hiding behind Rias.

- What!? No! Y-You sadistic monster! He said, pointing behind the redhead.

- Can I choose what to bet, then? Rias said, butting in. Koneko, Issei, and Kiba just watched everything, with slightly embarrassed and amused smiles on their faces. - How about contracts?

They were both silent for a second, considering their options, before nodding.

Ara? That is good. - Akeno commented. - I already have a loyal clientele.

And I can take some extra photos... - The blonde said, stroking his chin. Was it really worth it?

No, you will have to create new clients and it doesn't matter how many contracts you get with them. She said, smiling knowingly.

Buchou, using a fight to create power? Ufufu, my King is so smart. Akeno laughed, close to the redhead.

Rias gave him a proud look.

- Of course, if you only knew the headache you give me with this stupid fight! She said, gently squeezing his head. They force me to choose a side, they fight for my attention and...

- Wait... I thought you chose my side... - Naruto whined. - You always defended me from Akeno.

- Ara? Did Rias choose a newbie as her Queen? I'm hurt. - Akeno touched the spot on her chest.

Please, you have no heart. Naruto accused. - Probably sold it in exchange for a few screams of pain.

-Ah... Do you really think I could have sold it for screams of pain? She smiled, seeing his face fall.

- And no, I didn't take sides. Rias said. Akeno is my precious friend and Queen, while Naruto is my precious Tower and hopefully my friend.

- If you choose me I will become more than a friend. He said, seriously. Making Rias gasp softly.

-W-What? She did not understand.

- If so, I give you my virginity, Buchou! Akeno quickly said, while sitting on the sofa and pulling Rias' arm.





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