
Chapter 012

Akeno laughed.

I never put them in my backpack. She admitted shamelessly. It's in my closet at home. A - safe place!

Drops fell from everyone's heads, as Issei woke up to this, feeling his blood boil with excitement. Did he stand a chance if he offered to be a puppy for her?

What would you want in SexShop? couldn't help but ask. Rias

Naruto just laughed.

- Please... Tomorrow you will find out. He said laughing evilly.

A chill ran down the spines of many in the room.

But they didn't say anything as they continued their lives.


Issei hummed happily as he ran to his happy home.

He had just met a charming girl with beautiful legs and a kind and gentle appearance... Of course, not only her appearance but also her personality.

Well, it was just a detail that she was a nun and he was a demon, which seemed more like a dirty joke than two enemies on the path to peace.

"Although... I still feel like something is strangely wrong." He thought, looking towards the only Church in the region, which was at the foot of a forest and was quite... Desolate, in fact. "I just hope Asia is okay..."


Naruto sighed nervously as he watched his own hands.

He had finally managed to gather enough chakra to make sure he wouldn't die while doing this technique... Or at least he thought so.

What? Since he was 12 years old he could do this technique and he was sure he had a lot of chakra in this life... But, there was also the case that hand signs didn't work, after all this was a different world.

- Okay, I can't wait around. He said to himself, before making the sign of a cross with his fingers. - Kage Bushin... No Jutsu!

And then there was a slight loss of chakra, a "Puff" of smoke and then a clone in front of him.

The clone blinked in surprise before turning to Naruto.

- Boss! He exclaimed, with a mix of surprise and happiness.

- I! - Original Naruto called, before quickly getting up and hugging him with crying tears on his face. - I thought you would never see me again.

Me too boss! I thought it would never be created again! The clone replied, while crying in the - same way as Naruto. So... New world? - He asked when they separated.

Yes, Angels, Demons, Gods, Monsters, everything we are entitled to. - Naruto replied, throwing himself on the bed. The clone sat cross-legged on it.

- Hm... And what do we have to do? The clone asked. Like, I'm you and I have no idea what I want.

Exactly! I have no idea what I want, I thought someone else might give me an idea. - Naruto replied. - Maybe we should do something to help think.

How about playing Monopoly? I like playing Monopoly. The clone said excitedly. -

- Lie! I also love playing Monopoly! - Naruto replied happily. - Man, I love you too... You understand me perfectly!

- AND! Like, who can understand me better than myself? - The Clone said throwing his hand up. - Shall we do a "Secret Touch of the Uzumaki Ninja Gods Nine Times?"

Man... Naruto looked at him seriously. I was thinking the same thing...!

Gulping down the ramen broth, Naruto stared at the game board in front of him.

I can't believe I'm losing to myself. commented calmly. He

-Me neither.

- Me either.

Bléh, you are just bad losers. The last of the 4 clones around the table said calmly, observing his Empire. The loser pays for another round of Pizza, okay?

What? But you don't have money, it's mine! - The original complained.

- Don't be selfish, we are you! It's our money! - The winning Clone said, while the other two agreed.

- You are just chakra... - He was interrupted.

- And you're losing to this "chakras" in Monopoly!

-The 3 clones spoke at the same time.

Naruto looked at him, and snorted.

It was hard to argue with yourself when you had a good argument against yourself.


Laughing like crazy Naruto watched the bell ring.

Everything was ready:

Proof he called "P1. AND." Was it planted? Yes, then: Okay.

Strap cut but perfectly disguised? Yes, then: Okay.

Akeno without knowing anything? Yes, then: Okay.

5 min for the signal to ring? No, there were still 2 hours left...

"Hell! When I become a God-King, all this changes... Or would a Devil-King be better?"-He thought, unable to remember what decision he had made with his clones last night. After the 18th bowl of ramen everything started to get blurry. "Devil Ninja? No... That's what I already am... It has to be something better like... Ultimate Devil Ninja! Yes, that's a good title!"

Naruto laughed imagining his meetings with the High-Class of Devils:

"Yes, it's me... Naruto Uzumaki, Ultimate Ninja Devil... No, it sounds really ugly..." - Sighing, the blonde let his head fall on the table.

He didn't even notice when he fell asleep.

When he woke up, the bell was ringing signaling the end of class...

His sleepy eyes looked around the classroom, trying to understand what was happening... Until he saw Akeno leaving the classroom with her bag...Nothing wrong had happened!

Blinking in surprise, Naruto quickly stood up, grabbing his bag when that happened...

The strap of his backpack tore... His backpack collapsed on the floor... The open zipper spilled everything inside onto the classroom floor... Along with a huge yellow vibrator with the words on the base: "Belonging to Naruto Uzumaki".

The blonde quickly understood what happened when he saw this written right above a: "Belonging to Akeno Himejima".

"No... That... No..." He thought, while in slow motion he observed the events around the class.

His colleagues watched the events in horror... The red girls... The disgusted guys... But all of them giving him that surprised look while some were in love that he quickly erased from his mind.

His eyes turned to the door, where Akeno was looking at him with a sweet smile.

Naruto felt like vomiting.

How can he be so stupid?

How could he have slept before a prank?

It was his moment to make one last attack on her... End the fight between them... Just to fuck off.

His eyes filled with fury...

YOUR... He started walking towards the woman, only to be stopped by the teacher.

- Uzumaki-san... You have to accompany me to the director's office. embarrassed look. He said with a dark and

The blonde almost cried.

-Do not wait! You are not understanding! That's not mine...! He tried to explain, while being dragged. Tears of sadness and pain gnawing at his soul from the inside, along with hatred towards the sadistic demon, who waved at him. - Damn! Will be back!






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