
Dungeon God Ragnarok

Jonathan North, an ordinary boy who falls for his fiancee was rejected instantly by her. He needs to defeat her if he wants to marry her. He battled her 13 times in 4 years and never won a single time. He was suggested to go adventure in the dungeon, however by going there e got betrayed and framed by his enemy. And was thrown under the deepest well of that dungeon which is known as the well of absolute death. Because nobody could crawl back from that hell. Then, how will our MC survive? Now, that's something interesting story to tell...

MrNine · 奇幻
8 Chs

Chapter-6: Gold Room

A week has passed since the new healer was added. So far everything has gone well. Everyone went to the tenth floor very easily.

But from here all the obstacles will start because there is a boss monster on this floor.

Killing the boss beast is not so easy. Because the boss beast is at least level 25. It's easy to say that their party is not fit to face this boss monster.

Many do penance for a long time to overcome this bottleneck. Everyone plays one to ten floors repeatedly. To be strong. Many take one to two years. This is called the second-highest difficulty barrier. Because if a party can beat this boss then they are fit to beat the next boss.

But the bad thing is that about 70 percent of the adventurers died here.

But the reason John's group came here is not actually to kill the boss. According to Lloyd, there is a secret room where many gold grains are found.

They are now looking for that secret room.

"Meena, how are you feeling?"

John questioned the healer.

"Actually I didn't think everything will go so easily. Because I heard so much bad news about the dungeon many of my cousins ​​persuaded me to come here but still I stubbornly came here in my opinion I decided. Because I have learned a lot from here."

The healer's name was Mina. According to John, Ashe is a very polite girl. Speaks when needed otherwise stays silent. It is rare to see such a gentle girl now.

However, hearing her answer, John thought that if he was afraid to come to this dungeon? In fact, he never thought about the pitfalls of the dungeon. He only came here after hearing about Luna. His only intention was to listen to Luna. He was so blinded by her love.

"Anyway, as I said before if you have any problems, let me know right away."

John told her.

"I certainly will if I have any need."

Meena replied. John didn't say anything else, just smiled and looked forward.

He has no idea where Lloyd is taking them. He said he knows this place. Because he has been here before with powerful adventurers. And this is not an outright lie. John heard that he had indeed come here with powerful adventurers.

But John never trusted Lloyd as a person. Doubt whether it will do in the future. But till now Lloyd has not taken any wrong decision. So for now he is forced to trust him. Because if you don't trust each other in the dungeon, there can be great danger.

After another ten or so minutes of walking, Lloyd stopped.

"Have we come to the front of the room?"

John asked him.

"Yes, we're definitely here."

Lloyd replied with a smile.

But John felt uneasy. Because it is now a dungeon corridor. No room exists here. Lloyd spoke up before John was about to question him.

"I told you earlier that this is a secret room. Secret room means secret room. That means it will not be in front of our eyes. We have to find it. Do you understand?"

After listening to him, John didn't ask any questions, he wanted to see what Lloyd did.

Lloyd did what he did, he put his ear to one side of the wall and started tapping on that wall. He hears that knocking sound on the wall. Everyone looks at him in surprise as this is the first time they've seen Lloyd do something like this.

But John understood what he wanted to do. As if to prove his guess true, Lloyd tapped a certain spot and nodded. Then he took his sword and pierced the place.

To everyone else's surprise, the place immediately went down like a button. And a door opened.

He looked at everyone with a smile and motioned to go inside.

At first, Mi Lin(tank) went inside the room to see if everything is okay, then Nion the magician went inside, Meena followed them next, then others got inside.

Everyone's eyes flashed because what Lloyd anticipated came true. Because there were piles of gold coins and other treasure was at that room.

Though John's family is one of the richest families in this nation he was still mesmerized by this scene.

"Never did think something like this could have existed in this world."

He commented.

"Even I didn't believe this sight at first."

Lloyd smiled. His background is also rich because after all in his vein, there is blood of North.

"I have a question, then why didn't you take it when you saw it for the first time."

John asked him. It was really questionable because he said that he discovered it before.

"Remember I wasn't alone that time. The powerful adventure was with me. And they don't know about this place. If I let them know the share I would have got so little."

Saying that Lloyd chuckles and continues.

"So I vowed to myself to become strong enough to make a party and one day come back here and take these golds with me, and l will share it equally. Does that sound reasonable to you?"

Hearing him, he nodded and said,

"That is reasonable and makes sense."

John went in front of Gold's mount and thought if he has a supply of money it will be smothered to go up to the dungeon without his family's help.

He took a coin and look at it with one eye. He has an eye for gold so he instantly recognizes it was real gold.

For the first time, he thought that Lloyd have done something likable. Though he won't thank him. Because it was still unknown why he turned out like that who was a bad person and mocked him every time.

Though John was a weak boy and somewhat lazy like his father, he was never rotten. However, Lloyd was rotten to the core so he cannot think of a reason for his transformation.

However, after suspecting and all, in the amateur John has ignored a big fact, which will change the rest of his life.