
Dungeon God Ragnarok

Jonathan North, an ordinary boy who falls for his fiancee was rejected instantly by her. He needs to defeat her if he wants to marry her. He battled her 13 times in 4 years and never won a single time. He was suggested to go adventure in the dungeon, however by going there e got betrayed and framed by his enemy. And was thrown under the deepest well of that dungeon which is known as the well of absolute death. Because nobody could crawl back from that hell. Then, how will our MC survive? Now, that's something interesting story to tell...

MrNine · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter-7: Wrong Persons

"People have been coming here for thousands of years. And many legendary people have also come here. It is indeed a miracle that you are the first human to discover this."

John said to Lloyd.

"There are thousands of such places which are still unknown to people. It is said that only 10 percent or less of this dungeon has been discovered so far. A greater miracle awaits man."

Lloyd said with a smile.

To say that this is the first time John sees Lloyd with different eyes. For some reason, John thinks that something changed inside Lloyd.

Suddenly John's instincts were telling him something is coming towards them.

Lloyd didn't notice yet because the thing was coming from behind Lloyd. John immediately used his ice magic which blocked the arrow.

Then Lloyd noticed and immediately stepped back, drawing his sword.

He glared at Zampa, and growled,

"What are you doing, Zampa?"

Yes, the north arrow came from Zampa's bow. But John understood very well what Zampa was doing. Lustful of gold, he wants to loot everything alone.No, not alone. Milin and Nion are members of their team.

"Lloyd, how cute are you? You still don't understand what's really going on here. Or you forgot about Golden Horse Group. You thought everything went behind our eyes? From the beginning, we know you've got something here. But you were denying it and hiding it. And you were hiding the very thing we were looking for."

Zampa told him. Then Nion came forward.

"You were taken to the Golden Horse party that day because we all know you have a special power. You can see hidden things with your eyes that ordinary people cannot see. But we didn't tell you that we know about this power of yours. Because knowing this secret is questionable. But who would have thought that you would deceive us? And remember, tricking the Golden horse around is not easy. One day we will reckon with it."

After listening to Nion, Lloyd finally understood where the root of this problem was.

"He asked them directly do you want to kill us."

"No, how is that possible? We don't have the courage to kill the North Family in the dungeon at midday. We have many other ways."

Hearing Mi Lin's words, John frowned. Something bad is going to happen, worse than murder. What do they want to do? It doesn't enter John's head though.

"No matter how strong they are we must fight, Lloyd."

John told him.


John was cursing his instinct. Entire-time he was suspecting the wrong person. For the first time, he understood how dull his ability to judge a person was, he was blinded by one bad doing that he ignore others. It may cost him expensive.

Lloyd went toward Mi Lin who has good defensive skills. He thought if they can defeat him earlier then the other two will be manageable.

"Meena, come behind us."

John almost forgot about her. She came behind him. She was a member with the weakest attacking power. After all, she was a healer. So, he cannot expect her to fight Zampa or Nion.

"If we get injured then try to heal us."

John told her.

John is a magic swordsman. Which means he can fight both melee and range. However, he can do the melee most because with magic alone he cannot fight against a higher level person than him.

The most problematic person will be Zampa. He is a good ranger. He can use his arrow and bow pretty well. If he made a single mistake, he will have to take the poison bite of a serpent. He didn't mean imaginative serpent, that arrow which hit a body turned into a fantom snake with strong poison.

As expected first bite came from him. John was ready to fight against the formidable Luna East. His sense of blocking range attack could identify as pretty good. Despite being weakest among his peers in terms of technique and movement he was not to be underestimated, he can even mark as better than his peers in terms of battle instinct and strategy.

He was able to block and knock off the arrows pretty easily. However, he was fighting against two rangers.

Nion shot earth magic at him. With his sword, it was hard for him to cut. So, he dodges the round mud bullet.

He took a glance at Lloyd. He was somewhat going tow to tow against the tank, his opponent was two ranks higher than him, so it could count as good work.

On the other hand, he cannot step forward once because of the unstoppable attack of those two. They are trying to stay in their comfort zone against him. John has another thing in his head, which is to protect Meena who was standing behind him.

John thought to himself if he should use his Ultimate Skill which he couldn't against Luna because he had already lost before he could use it. This guy isn't the same as Luna. Luna was out of the league.

He activate his skill which was only dedicated to the great North. Or it should be said that is why the North is strongest among all Dukedoms.

"Northern God Ultima!"

When he said his full body was covered in ice, which make the shapes of dragon armor of ice.

Not only that his mana level increased several times higher which is abnormal for just a level 10 practitioner. However, the more abnormal thing is he can use Northern God Ultima at this level which made even Lloyd surprised because he cannot use it.

"What? How? How he can release Ultima?"

He said while pausing middle of the fight. And it wasn't an abnormal reaction, many will react like this because even level 20 cannot release Ultima as easily as that.

It was so a smooth release that as if he was a level 50 northern Veteran.

John didn't wait for others' amazement and directly release an ice spike on the ground which travel through the surface fast and made a giant shape spike as soon as it reached Nion and Zampa.