
Dudley Dursley The Cousin Of Harry potter (HIATUS)

My brother asked me to replace him playing Hogwarts Legacy because he tired losing the game against the final boss. Suddenly here i am became Harry Potter cousin, the heck..

JOM_MAKAN · 电影同人
19 Chs

Chapter 16: The Trial

What Dudley didn't expect was the trial of Dolores Umbridge. He had read a lot of fanfiction where Dolores Umbridge often managed to escape her crimes, partly because she was one of Fudge's supporters.

When he heard from Madam Bones about the trial of Dolores Umbridge, he was dumbfounded. Why didn't Fudge want to help her? Why didn't the Dark Faction assist her?

Fudge did want to help her, but unfortunately, Dudley had released the news that Dolores, who claimed to be pureblood, was actually a half-blood.

The pureblood faction didn't want to help Dolores. Why should they assist her? She was hated by almost everyone, especially after the news broke that she tried to kill Harry Potter.

As for Voldemort, he had heard about Dolores. She was a weakling who loved to bully others. She lied about her heritage and abused her position.

So, what the Dark Faction did was to support Cornelius Fudge's position. They needed a year or two to gain more supporters before kicking Fudge out of his position.


Because of the trial's publicity, most seats for the Light and Gray factions were filled, while the Dark faction seats remained largely empty. They had little interest in Dolores Umbridge, the half-blood witch.

Madam Bones leveraged her connections to gather support from other factions regarding this case. She was determined to see Umbridge judged for her crimes.

"Members of the Wizengamot, today we are here to judge the crimes of Dolores Umbridge for the attempted assassination of Mr. Harry James Potter and Mr. Dudley Dursley," announced Madam Bones.

Ironically, Cornelius Fudge, having temporarily removed Dumbledore, now served as Chief Warlock.

Due to Madam Bones' influence and pressure from other factions, Fudge was forced to conduct the trial for Madam Umbridge. Normally, criminals would be seated on the metal chair, bound by chains, but due to Umbridge's special status, she was spared from this indignity.

"You are Madam Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic?" Madam Bones asked, glaring at Umbridge.

"Yes," she replied.

"Do you know why you are being tried today?" asked Madam Bones.

"Because I am being framed by Dumbledore and Harry Potter," Umbridge retorted. "Fudge, you must save me from this injustice!"

"At 17:00, you sent Dementors to kill Mr. Harry James Potter and Mr. Dudley Dursley at 4 Privet Drive, did you not?" Madam Bones stated the charge.

"No, I was framed," Dolores responded.

"There are also additional allegations against you, accusing you of abusing your position against Muggle-borns and half-bloods," Madam Bones added.

"No, I didn't! They framed me!" Umbridge was shocked that her secret was being exposed.

"Would you be willing to prove your innocence?" Madam Bones asked.

"Yes, because I was framed!" Umbridge insisted.

"Very well, you will be administered Veritaserum to prove your innocence," declared Madam Bones.

"No! I'm pureblood! I am protected by Wizarding Law!" Umbridge objected.

"We have checked your ancestry and discovered that your mother was a Muggle and your father a janitor at the Ministry," Madam Bones revealed.

"No, I am pureblood! There is no Muggle blood in me!" Umbridge finally panicked, realizing that she couldn't avoid taking Veritaserum.

Purebloods were not required to take Veritaserum unless three-quarters of the Wizengamot raised their wands to force it. Umbridge was ultimately compelled to take Veritaserum, and under its influence, she confessed to her crimes against Harry Potter and the Muggle-borns.

In the end, Umbridge was sentenced to life imprisonment for her attempted murders and other crimes against half-bloods and Muggle-borns.

Fudge's face turned pale as he realized he had lost his most powerful ally.

Suddenly, Madam Bones shocked the assembly with another announcement. "Today, we also seek justice for another Auror who was wrongfully imprisoned."

Everyone was stunned by the unexpected declaration.

"Sirius Black," she announced, causing nearly every wizard in the Wizengamot to widen their eyes in surprise.