

When Arthur arrived at home he finnaly let a sigh of relief, then he went to take shower.

After getting in his room, Arthur lay down in his bed and closed his eyes with a smile. He barely could wait for tomorrow to come.


When the morning comes Arthur was awake by the sunlight. He quickly did everything he usually do at morning before returning to his room.

Today he is not going to the lab.The things he is planning to do today do not require any equipment other than himself, and it would be too risky for him to go out with his eyes the way they are.

Because of that he bought colored contact lenses, but it only will arrive in five days, so he will be on quarantine during that time to avoid any unnecessary problem to occur.

Today and the following days Arthur was going to try to get something from the feeling he believe to be his soul.

Currenctly Arthur was in meditation position on his bed.

"Then let's start."

Arthur closed his eyes and started to carefully feel his soul.

In the beginning he was having difficulty on focusing only on his soul, but he slowly was submerging in it the more he tried.

So, after 20 minutes...

"What is this?"

Through his soul Arthur seemed to have gained onother sense. He was able to sense what was around him and the image was directly passed to his mind, it can only be described ad magical. But one thing that he noticed was that everything seemed to be submerged in a liquid.

The liquid seemed to be everywhere he 'looked' at, but it gave the feeling that at the same time it couldn't be touched.

To test that theory Arthur tried to use his soul to try to do something with the liquid, but he wasn't successful even after trying for 10 minutes. Just when Arthur was about to give up he suddenly remembered of the strange dream he wasn't giving much importance to.

"I had this dream right after breaking my limiter. In the beginning I thought that it was just a dream, but now after coming back to the dream I notice some familiarity with my current state. Knowing that everything have its purpose, this dream should be very important."

Arthur stopped for a moment before his silver eyes shine brighter. He seemed to have found the answer.

"If I really was in a 'soul state' at this dream, it is very likely that the dream itself is related to the soul, and if I am not wrong it should have something to do with this mysterious liquid."

Arthur wasn't called the greatest genius for nothing. He quickly connected the dots and approached the truth.

Now the only thing left was...

"How are they related? I know that both the mysterious dream and the mysterious liquid have something to do with the soul. Considering that, I should find a way to connect them through the soul which is what they have in common. Now, how do I do it?"

Arthur frowned his eyebrows and began to ponder what his next step should looks like. Then after about five minutes he hesitantly said.

"I should try to interact with the mysterious liquid while having the image of the 'cosmic brain' in mind. Hopefully it will give some results."

Without losing any more second Arthur started to deeply concentrate.

The image of the cosmic brain slowly started to get shape. Maybe because the dream itself was special, the amount of details was beyond Arthur's expectations. He could clearly imagine each part of the cosmic brain, which was fascinating.

Soon Arthur finished imagining the cosmic brain something utter realistic happened.

The mysterious liquid before motionless was now flowing to Arthur's soul from everywhere, or more precisely, they was going in the direction of the image Arthur created in his head!

Barely overacting, Arthur calmed down and stay quiet while looking at the changes occurring to his soul and mind.

On his mind the image of the cosmic brain seemed to be gaining life. It wasn't more a mere thought, but something else. Under Arthur's attention the changes that was happening finally stopped. As for what was the results...

"This... is not science."

A conclusion that carries the weight of years of experience came out Arthur's mouth. The things he is experiencing right now can't be explained by science, and it only can be described as magical.

The first change Arthur noticed, was that he now could manipulate at certain point the unknown liquid that was everywhere! He don't know the exactly meaning of this but it is certainly something that will later give him good surprises when he find out.

The second change was that Arthur now could passively use his soul to feel things. There was no need of meditation anymore, he gained another sense for free!

The third change was that the 'image' of the cosmic brain gained life! It was vividly pulsing and incessantly working. As for what it was functioning... it was the next and last change Arthur felt.

When the cosmic brain gained life. Arthur instinctively knew how it's astonishing functions works! Yes, it's functions were outstanding!

The first functions was a great elevation in Arthur's brain capacity, while the second one...

It allowed Arthur to make connections with objects, and when he does it, he will be able to live in it with his soul, but any action the object performs only can be made through the use of the mysterious liquid.

Arthur took a deep breath and tried to calm down, but his new super brain couldn't help but think in the possibilities of this ability, and the more he thought about it the greater was the light in his eyes. Lastly, he forced himself to look away from that supernatural godly ability to something that was essential to use the ability, the unknown liquid!

As something that is needed to activate a magical ability it's not hard to conclude that this unknown liquid was mana!

But Arthur wanted to know more about it, he wanted to know every detail possible!