
Bitter Reality and a Stronger Soul

Arthur always hated the way this world was. How couldn't he hate something so unfair?

He lost his parents at a young age and faced many difficulties since then. He grew up in a simple life and only through strenuous effort he managed to reach his current life.

Of course, it only was possible because his intelligence when it comes to research is out of any parameter.

Even though what Arthur reached in this life can be considered the dream of many, Arthur was nothing satisfied with this, he didn't changed nothing the way this world was.

During his life Arthur saw how many people who didn't put they effort on things. He never blamed them for being like this because he knew it wasn't truly their fault. It was the fault of this world!

This world didn't allow one's to fully reach their potential, and many times people end up being mediocre even if they are talented. It is just a complete waste.

Arthur's dream was to create a world where everyone can unleash their true talent at the fullest, including of course himself.

He did unbelievable achievements at such young age, but it wasn't easy. Arthur put more effort than anyone when doing things. He did all that mostly because he wasn't unwilling to succumb to this world. He just wanted to transform the world into something better.

Arthur wanted a world way different than reality. A world full of infinite wonder!

And it bring us to this moment in time.

Before creating a world Arthur needed to name it first. He though for a couple minutes before deciding for 'Dream Ascendancy'.

He wanted this world to be made of dreams.

Then he started the draft of the new world...

Arthur soon found himself absorbed in a completely new world. He even forgot to continue discovering more about mana and conduct all sort of tests with it.

But one thing that Arthur noticed was that the more he did actions as a computer, the easier it became!

His mind was gradually passing through great changes as he continued the creation of a wonderful world!


12 hours later...

The alarm Arthur seated went off. He had seated this alarm before he started the creation of Dream Ascendancy, to make sure he return to his body, after all he can't just abandon it in the floor.

When Arthur recovered control over his body, he felt hunger. It was normal considering the time he didn't ate anything.

Arthur quickly had a meal and returned to his room, his next goal being to familiarize with the process of wielding mana.

He practice by moving small objects all around his room, and doing all kinds of handling with them.

He practiced for 2 hours before coming to a stop. All the time that he was practicing he didn't needed to focus 100% on using mana to move objects, the more he practiced the more natural was for him to make the objects move. It reached a point where he was able to freely think on others things while handling mana!

And during one of these sections of thinking he come up with an savage idea.

"It depends of my will and soul if I can handle mana, considering it it is normal to assume that the strongest my will and soul are, the more mana I can handle."

Arthur's eyes released a stronger light as he said those words, he knew that he was getting closer and closer to understand more of the nature of mana.

"But the question is, how do I strengthen my will and soul?"

Arthur frowned his eyebrows with these thoughts.

He already have some theories around these concepts, but he wasn't sure if it would work or not. If it didn't work, he will be in a difficult position.

"For the strengthening of the soul right now the only thing I can think about that can possibly do this job is mana."

As Arthur concluded he began the experiment.

First of all Arthur simply tried to guide mana into his soul to see what happens.

He took a small drop of mana and carefully placed it inside his soul. Arthur noticed that His soul couldn't absorb the mana the way it was, because of that he went to the second experiment.

With the drop of mana in the center of his soul, Arthur made his soul take a spherical shape and make revolutions while gradually compressing.

In the beginning there was no reaction in the drop of mana, but as the revolutions increased the speed and the soul became more and more compressed, the drop of mana slowly started to release a mana gas that was then absorbed by the soul!


Arthur was happy that he had success in the experiment, otherwise he would've be in a tough position if something went wrong with his soul.

Five minutes later Arthur fully absorbed the drop of mana.

"My soul seemed to be a little stronger... that is not bad."

Arthur said to himself as he took another drop of mana to strengthen his soul even more!

At this hate he could absorb 12 drops per hour which wasn't neither slow or fast in Arthur's opinion.

Arthur suddenly smiled.

"I never expected to such fantastical things to exist hidden in this world. The more I involve myself into these magical things the more I like it, I wonder how the world will react when they discover that magic exist."

Arthur take a deep breath and started to make plans for the future.

"For the next five days I will split my day into two parts. Half of the time I will spend on designing the Dream Ascendancy while the other half will be spend on strengthening my soul."

Just as Arthur was about to get another drop of mana, he received a phone call. He looked who it was and as we though it was Sam. He quickly answered the call.

"Hi Sam."

"Hi Arthur, what miracle happened for you to miss work today?"

'Direct as ever' Arthur thought

"Nothing much, I am just not feeling good. I will take a break of five days."

"Oh, that's it? I though you found a girlfriend, what a pity."

Arthur's lips twitched when he heard this

"Aren't you worried about me? Why did you called again?

"Take easy boy. I am just worried that you will become a loner for your whole life, you seem to be like these crazy scientists who's life is only made of research and research."

"Aren't you the same? I heard that..."

"OK ok, you are OK. Goodbye!"

Sam interrupt Arthur and immediately ended the call.

"tsk tsk, he called for nothing."

Arthur said that but his mood was much more relaxed when compared with before. He smiled and then continued to enhance his soul. The next five days was faded to be full of fun.
