
Dragon Online

Kyle Turner is a teenage boy who has always felt out of place. Unlike his peers, he doesn't possess any special abilities or magical powers. While others around him are accepted into the prestigious Mage Academy to train and one day defeat the tyrannical Beast King, Kyle is left feeling inadequate and alone. One day, as Kyle was going about his mundane life, a strange screen suddenly appears before him, displaying a starting message: [Dragon system online] [You have tamed the blue dragon] [New user details are now valid] [All abilities currently (lv1)] [New ability gained: Blue dragon flame] "What in hell is going on? A screen?" Kyle muttered in bewilderment, unsure of how to process this unexpected turn of events.

Danespl · 奇幻
10 Chs

Unwritten rules; What a Joke?

They told Anna not to follow them, which she immediately obeyed, not because of fear. It was merely because she didn't have it in mind to follow them from the start anyways.

"Boys problem" She thought.

The three; Kyle, Eddie and Jake were led by the boys to a separate building from the first year academy, the second year building.

"What are they going to do with us?" Jake asked Eddie in a low tone, Kyle was busy preparing for a fight if they brought it on. He might not be able to take them all down but he will surely take one down.

"We don't know. But let's just see what the fools are planning on doing. Don't worry, i will make sure that we don't get hurt" Eddie promised, placing his hands on Jake's shoulder.

After walking for a while, Kyle started to wonder "Why not take the elevator? They keep on going through the stairs." They finally arrived at the location. Two second year students walked pass them, staring and exchanged whispered conversations.

They entered into an empty class, "Here they are, Bryan" One of the boys informed a boy around 6'6" with a dark curly hair. He sat on a chair, placing his legs on the desk in front of him while a boy was being beaten to a pulp by some other students beside him.

"Exit the class." Bryan commanded them with an authoritative tone. The two students exited the class as commanded. Jake began to panic, fear etched all over his face.

"Would you grow up, Jake. The world is not for losers like you. So wake up to reality and stop being a cat," Kyle whispered to Jake.

"You guys seem to be the popular first years, would you like to know the rules around here?" Bryan asked, standing up from the chair and facing them with a grin.

"We just got here" Kyle said with confidence present in his tone, "So what's the rule? Respect trashs like you." Eddie added, moving up close to Bryan, who immediately stepped back a little. He saw a small dark ball in Eddie's hand, knowing that was a destruction ability.

Bryan started laughing mockingly.

"You don't know your place yet, i guess. The school was not made for Weaklings like you. No 1 Rule here; The weak should be devoured while the strong shall remain. This rule is referring to you."  He then walked over to Kyle, "I expected you to know your place. A trash like you shouldn't even have existed in the first place"

Kyle grinned as he started forming a fireball ready to fire it, Bryan immediately kicked Kyle in the face, sending him crashing onto the ground. Eddie jumped in, about to punch Bryan. But he immediately dodged and kicked Eddie from behind as he missed the punch, Eddie crashed into a chair and fell down.

Jake stepped back, shaking nervously. He couldn't attack or do anything, he was just frozen. Kyle expected the system to come up with a martial art skill notification, but for some reason unknown, it didn't.

"You are so weak, you can't even land a punch. I can't believe the mage academy allowed Weaklings like you in,"

Kyle got furious, he contemplated on if he should summon the blue dragon, but that would be too dangerous. He doesn't know what the dragon might do, even though it was relatively calm to him. It might go on a rampage and kill students. He decided to settle it with fists, but upon all his trails. He couldn't land a single punch on Bryan, almost like he was predicting their attacks.

"I should teach you guys a lesson," Bryan declared, rolling up his sleeves.

Bryan cracked his knuckles, a sly grin spreading across his face. Kyle, still fuming from the kick, charged at him with a flurry of punches. But Bryan dodged each one with ease, his movements were lightning-fast. Eddie, recovering from the kick, joined the fight, his fists flew in a combination of hooks and jabs. Bryan weaved between the attacks.

Jake, still frozen in fear, watched in awe as the three exchanged blows. Bryan landed a solid punch on Kyle's jaw, sending him stumbling back. Eddie countered with a powerful kick, but Bryan caught it mid-air, twisting Eddie's leg until he cried out in pain.

Kyle, refusing to back down, summoned a wave of flames to engulf Bryan. But the older student simply raised his hand, conjuring a shield of swirling air that extinguished the flames. "Another wind ability user?" Eddie thought, taking advantage of the distraction, landed a series of quick jabs on Bryan's face.

Bryan retaliated with a devastating uppercut, sending Eddie crashing into the wall. Kyle, with his anger boiling over, unleashed a barrage of fireballs. But Bryan dodged each one, his agility was sharp.

Jake was still paralyzed with fear.

In a stunning turn of events, Bryan landed a series of swift kicks, sending both Kyle and Eddie tumbling to the ground. As they struggled to get back to their feet, Bryan stood over them.

"You're no match for me," he sneered, his foot raised to deliver the final blow, kicking Kyle to a wall and causing blood to flow out of his head where a cut had appeared on his cheek.  The system chimed in:

<Injury detected>

<Healing process begins>

<Healed >

<Health: 15>

Kyle's wound started to close up in an instant, nobody noticed the tremendous event. Only a healer would be able to heal that fast.

Bryan and his gangs left the class, grinning. Jake rushed to Kyle and Eddie's aid. Eddie stood up from the ground, using Jake as a standing help. He went over to Kyle, who immediately shook off his hands away in anger.

"Darn it, I hate this school. All of you should just die." Kyle shouted, one of his eyes started to glow red while the other glowed blue. Jake and Eddie saw this and stepped away from him in fear.

<Blood Traits detected>

<Evolution declined>

<Not allowed to Evolve yet>

<User's level is too low>

<Dragon traits retained>

After fifteen days, finally releasing a new chapter. Author promises to release more if you continue to support him.

Danesplcreators' thoughts