
Dragon God of Domination

The story is about a Boy named Clark Kent who is also happen to be wielder of Current Boosted gear. He was almost going to die during his birth but Ddraig managed to save him by Changing his heart with a Dragon heart, turning him into a Pure Blooded Dragon. What he will do next? Find out All of these Characters in this Story Belongs To thier Respective owners I merely wrote this Story for Fun

Power_King_4153 · 漫画同人
50 Chs

Chapter -1 (R-18+ Warning)

"Where the fuck I am?" Clark asked himself while floating in deep space.

Space wouldn't be a Correct word of use cause there was no starts, no planets, and most importantly the sky wasn't black.

It was really hard to explain what it looked like.

It felt like some random reels of Films were mashed together and that mixture of reel is being played on 360⁰ radius wherever his eyes went.

What he was seeing was . . . No he can't even Tell what is he seeing.

The pictures or movies pictures he was seeing was way too distorted to understand. It felt similar to seeing a Tesseract cube on 2D view where you can see complex mathematical angles merging, collapsing, building and destroying itself on same time.

It was painful to watch on naked eyes.

What was he is seeing felt like a Dream a Illusion.

Illusion, Illusion,Illution..

"Son! You there?!"

His thoughts were interepted by a Very well known voice.

It he looked back to see none other than Ddraig himself.

He was also flying in the deep space.

He was coming closer to him.

And. . . He was.


"DAD! What the fuck are you doing put some damn clothes on!" Clark shouted from afar.

"Huh!? Who the fuck are you saying you yourself are flying nude there!" Ddraig shouted while flying closer to him.

Clark didn't noticed at first now he takes a Closer look, he himself was naked too.

He immediately covers his private parts with his hands.

"Don't look!" Ddraig raised an Eyebrow from his behaviour.

"It's not like I never saw you naked, we are family?" Ddraig said.

"Bruh! I know cover your family jewels with something! Bruhhh!"

"You literally came from my nuts what are you even talking about! you are just looking at your birth place!"



And at last both dragons decided to turn into their Dragon forms respectively.

"Ugh! Were are we?" Clark asked.

"You are in . . It appears like Great Red's domain "

"Huh! Great red have Domain? Doesn't he lives in dimensional Gap!?"

"That's also something I knew, . . Before that's it"

Clark nodded in understanding.

"Okay. . . Now I think about it . . Why my heart was aching so Much?"

"Cause your Dragon heart has reached it's Genetic limits."


"To put simple words, the Heart I gave you was meant for Belzard my previous strongest host. But MF rejected it. And since it was made for him the heart was already Incompatible with your body. I did made sure to set the heart on you during you were Inside Martha's womb so It can adapt itself with your body and make itself compatible with your body. It was working great . . Until you were sent to DC Universe. Kryptonian powers and Torquasam like Alien powers and knowledge were poured into your genes cause itself to evolve on a Alarming state. So alarming that your heart Can't keep up with Your growing body. And Now your Power of Domination and Apocalypse is residing on your body which is constantly trying to reject Weaker organ from the Body. But the Heart was already it's evolutionary limit so It wasn't able to evolve on influence of Both Auras. Causing the Aura to reject the heart from your body to survive and grow a New heart on the spot on the empty heart." Ddraig explained himself.

"Huh!? Is that possible that Dragon Aura can Generate hearts? No I mean I know Aura's on conceptual level has Monstrous regeneration properties. But is that really possible to regenerate a Vital organ like a Dragon heart?"

"Yes . . Yes it can do that . . You are almost immortal son you won't die from something like stabbing in heart or anything like that. It's the the subject itself is way too bizzare. To make a Absolutely new type of Heart which will be settle on Body . . It's insane. Sure I can regenerate a Crushed heart but to make a New heart with different properties. I highly doubt that's it is even possible. " Ddraig said with a rather concerned voice.

"Okay! So how am I . . Alive?"

"Ah! I replaced your heart with a Microscopic White dwarf star"


"Yes, unlike me you have Kryptonian physiology so As long as You have a valid steller energy source you won't die even if your heart is gone. According to my calculations the start will last for around 2 billion years Inside your body untill it exhaust itself. And until then I am pretty sure we can Come up with a solution to your problem " Ddraig said with a Confined grin while Clark runs his hands on his chest desparately trying to feel his heart beat.

"Ughhh! It feels so weird without Heart beat! I feel like I am damn zombie!"

"That's the reason I called both of you here" Said a Thundering voice.

Both Dragons looked up to see who was the source of it.

To see Great Red the Dragon of dreams came out from a Portal.

Alongside with Bahamut himself.

"Hello there Red Dragon it's second time we met in person " Bahamut greeted Clark.

"And It's been a While Ddraig " Great red greeted Ddraig. Ddraig just snorted and tried to avoid his gaze.

"How many years has it been since we met last?" Great Red asked Ddraig.

"2700 years or something like that" Ddraig said recalling his past.

"Wait you knew Great Red?" Clark asked Ddraig.

"Stop Calling me Great Red bruh! The name is So Cring . . Just Call me Red. And speaking of How he knows me . . It's because when He became very first Heavenly Dragon he came to Challenge me in dimensional Gap." Great red Said as he piqued interest of Clark.

"What happened next?" Clark asked.

"Uhhhh . . He used his Most Powerful attack that time . . What was it's name again?"

"Blazing inferno of scroching flames " Ddraig said.

"Ah yes . . But It did nothing to me . . I think I got tickled at first and Ddraig went running away when he saw his attack has failed." Great Red said gaining tic mark from Ddraig while Clark just sweat dropped.

Good thing he ran away that time.

"Cut the Crap state the buisness."

"You are quick to catch aren't you?"

"Well given the fact You called them In YOUR domain already hinted the fact afterall " Bahamut Said as he was floating comfortably.

They were more than Double size of What Clark and Ddraig were.

"Hmmm so why I called you huh . Hmmm Actually we know the problem you are facing, So I wanted to make a Deal" Great Red said shocking both individuals.

"What!? What deal?" Clark and Ddraig asked in unison.

"This" Great red Summons a Glass vial which contains something.

And it was . . A Newly formed Dragon heart! It was Beating inside a clear liquid, it was Red in colour.

"Dragon heart?" Ddraig asked.

"Yes it is and I made it from My flesh so Clark can avoid Complications while he starts to evolve in Dragon God and True Dragon in Future." Great Red explained.

"I also poured some of My powers so It can stabilize Your Aura of Apocalypse and Kryptonian powers same time without interference of Your Dragonic Elements and Chakras." Bahamut said.

Clark and Ddraig were in deep thoughts. True Dragons World's most feared beings were willing to help them out! And Out of no where! This thing was wayy too Fishy too be true.

"What's the catch?" Clark asked rubbing his chin.

"Ah yes" "The price" Great red and Bahamut said in unison.

Clark and Ddraig had a Bad feeling about this.

"I will give you the heart and Bahamut will do the Heart Transplant but in exchange you have to take care of OPhis."

"SAY WHAT!?" Both screamed in unison.

"Exactly you heard the thing is Ophis has become a Pain in ass even for me quite a while, she Randomly drops nukes in my ass when I am asleep in dimensional Gap." Bahamut said with a Sad tone.

"Dude At least she drops nukes to you. For me once she tried to shove Eiffel tower in my ass." Great Red said sadly.

Ddraig and Clark sweat dropped from their State.

"Then why didn't you tried to get rid of her?" Ddraig asked.

"We tried . . But the problem is that Shesh Naga is Holding the Physical Omniverse and we are prohibited from entering inside it let aside killing Someone " Great Red said.

"Pluse we have entire Hindu pantheon to deal with if we transpass through the place"

"So you want me to Kill Ophis or something?" Clark asked.

"Huh! Hell no You can't kill her, I want you to make her Yours"


"The Fuck are you saying?" Ddraig asked.

"To be precise we want Clark to make Ophis fall for him"


A handsome man with long blond hair and gentle green eyes was sitting on a very well crafted golden desk seemingly doing some paperwork. This is Michael the secret head of the angels. Michael became the head of the angels after Eloheim's demise along with the 4 great devil kings.

Michael was humming a happy tune to himself while filling up some paperwork. but that stopped when the door of his office opened and an other person came in.

The person that came into the room was a woman of divine beauty. She had long curly blonde hair and the same innocent green coloured eyes as her brother. This is Gabriel, the strongest and most beautiful angel in heaven.

But the normal cheerful and optimistic Gabriel was now replaced with a very worried and serious one. The angel hasn't been so serious since the great war. Michael saw the expression on his sister face and addresses it immidiatly.

"Hello Gabriel, you look like something is bothering you." Michael noted making the female angel nod and walk towards the desk of her brother and placed a file.

"Read this brother, this matter needs to be addressed at the up most importance." Gabriel said seriously making Michael nod and took the file and opened it and started to read the context of it. The time came from an organisation called the copper black cross. An organisation Michael is familiar with of course he will cause it works under heaven.

"Dear Lord Michael and the angels in heaven. We the copper black cross have an very important matter to inform you about. Yesterday the infamous red dragon emperor has defeated and killed two heretic gods in the lands of Italy."

"The gods were identified as the Mediterranean king of the gods melqart and the Persian god of Victory Veretrhagna. We have sought out the red dragon emperor and has asked his aid in stopping Verethragna from causing calamity in our lands."

"At this moment we are repairing the damage caused by the legendary battle between the dragon and the gods."

"If you all in heaven are concerned that the red dragon emperor is part of our organisation. Fear not, the red dragon emperor helped us for only this time and we don't have any other connection with him."

"We appreciate it if you could relay this information to the factions of the underworld. Have a blessing day"

"The copper black cross"

Michael was shellshock. To hear that the red dragon emperor has defeated and non the less killed two gods is a lot to take in. What is more surprising is the identity of the two gods. One being the king of the Mediterranean gods and the other one being the god of Victory. The same god that fought against indra and tied with him. Not to mention that means that this red dragon emperor is the first one to effectively killed a god. Not one of the 13 original longinus sacred gears has ever done that before

Michael placed the document on his desk and slowly looked towards the direction of his sister.

"Why are we even Surprised?" Michale asked.

"We should have expected that . . I still can't believe that Super Dragon Emperor will Return to Super Natural world by Killing two Gods!" Gabriel said.

"Was He actually willing to help heaven?"

"From what I heard yes he helped us with his very own free will and he didn't even asked for a Compensation. He saved our innocent children!" Gabriel said with a Smile.

"Guess You are right! I think we should thank him personally "



Baraqiel the cadre. He was busy with his daily job.

His life is now better than ever.

He was able to find both his Daughter and His son in law alive and well.

He daughter became a devil tho.

He can careless about that as long as his daughter is well and healthy he has no problem with her being devil.

Counting the fact Both Ddraig and Clark were personally Strong enough to protect her from any threat.

He is really happy after seeing his daughter 2 days ago. She was going on a Date with Clark.

He himself can confirm that he gave his full support.

But his thoughts were interepted.

"Sir! SIRR!" a 8 winged fallen angel came running in his room.

"What happened? Don't you know you have to knock on door?" Baraqiel said with rather annoyed voice.

"I am sorry My lord! It's just!"

"It's what?" Baraqiel asked.

"S-Someone wants to meet you!"

"Who?-" Baraqiel felt like his eyes popped out of his skull.

In the entrance there was a person standing.

She was a beauty.

And It was none Other than Akeno herself.

"A-Akeno!? Is . . That really you?!" Baraqiel asked in sheer shocked voice.

"Yes . . Father it's me, I am sorry I should have came sooner" Akeno apologies.

"No! It's okay-" before he can complete his sentence, Akeno ran over and threw herself on his arms. Much to his shock.

She was . . Crying.

"W-What's the matter Akeno? W-Why are you crying!?" he said as he rubbed her head comforting her.

"Father . .*Sniff* please . . I have no one to ask for help .. please help Clark!"


The leader of the fallen angels Azazel was currently in his office reading the current letter in his hands. His eyes lit up in Interest. After reading the content of the letter and has called a special someone to meet in his office.

"Hmm the current red dragon has slain two high ranking gods huh? Very interesting." Azazel said to himself. But his thoughts were disrupted when the doors of his office opened and came in was a young man with white hair.

"Sup Azazel why did you called me?" It was Vali who said.

"Yo Vali, here it's news about your Crush" Azazel threw the letter to Vali who had a WTF expression.

He then starts to read the content carefully. Gaining a few surprises in it.

{Is it true Azazel?! What this Letter saying is true?} Albion himself asked.

"Michale is anything but a Liar . . So yes it is Not only true but also Facts" Azazel said as he poured a some of whisky in his Glass.

"Hmmm Albion was there anyone who has Slain a God before?" Vali asks.

{If you mean Longinus gear then No. It should be Ddraig's host who killed a God in entire history} Albion said.

"I think we should have expected it . . He can kill Super Devils in Age of 10 . . And it's 8 years later he is now back . . And even Stronger than before" Vali said with a Battle hungry grin.

{Even I will find fighting those two gods pretty Troble some, I need to talk to Ddraig first . . What ever happens I need to question about his reasoning behind all of this}

"There's no need for that" Azazel said while drinking. Shocking both.

"What do you mean?" Vali asked.

"He doesn't have any Ill intentions like we previously assumed. And if you ask how I know me and Sirzechs did met him" Azazel went flying after saying his statement.

Vali fired Demonic energy on his face.

"YOU DAMN CROW YOU MET WITH HIM AND YOU DIDN'T TOLD ME?" Vali said while ragging out loudly.

Azazel stands up from the debris cracking his neck.

"Ah yes Sorry for that! Damn that would have killed me! I am getting old!"

"What kind of person he is?" Vali asked.

"He. . . . Is. . . . Intresting . . . He looks exactly opposite of you . . . You have White hair, red eyes . . He have black hair, blue eyes. He is red Dragon Emperor, you are white Dragon Emperor. You are devil he is A Dragon, you are a Battle hungry person while he is . . . . Peaceful!" Azazel said recalling his encounter.

"Your kidding right? He is peaceful person after what he did in past?"

"Trust me! He is! And he has very good reason to be!"

"What do you mean?"

"Unlike you he is a Total ladykiller he has already such beauties on his side that even puts Princess to shame! He has a Dragon Queen, a Valkyrie, he has Sirzechs sister and her Peerage, Sirzechs queen and most importantly . . Daughter of Baraqiel " Azazel said shocking Vali.

"Speak of the Devil" Vali said under his breath as doors of the room flys open.



There is a Meeting going by. And Urgent one.

Sirzechs,Ajuka and Serafall is having a meeting with Demonic council of Underworld.

And there's a Footage playing on the news of underworld.

"This is Underworld Demonic News reporter Delia is speaking" said a Young and beautiful news reporter.

"As we got the news of Super dragon emperor KILLING two gods we Came immediately rushing to the spot! We can't give you clear footage! *COUGH**COUGH* I am sorry viewers We will All DIE if we go any closer to this! The Ammount of Aura he is releasing from 2KM away is insane!" The reporter said as she placed some defensive spells on her body. She also wore the bracelets which can stated to be surpress powers emitting from the dragon.

She tried to get closer to the spot with her camera crew.



The bracelets fucking gave up.


So did her protection spells.

She and her entire camera crew started to choak.

They can't even breath due to the sheer pressure.

The camera man passed out.

Leaving the reporter Somewhat alone.

And the footage ends there.

Sirzechs used his magic to zoom the footage she recorded to zoom in certain individuals.

Where they can see certain individuals.

A Pink dragon, a Blue dragon and A Red dragon and a Black giant horse who were doing something to a person in the middle of the Circle. There was person. Who was definitely Super dragon Emperor he was occupied by two beauties. Who were they was still unclear.

"W-What a Monster!" a devil said.

"To think . . They can't even get close to him even when he is Completely out cold . He Aura is so strong that it didn't destroyed the bracelet the Bracelets itself gave up . Imagine how strong he will be when he is awake!" said Lord phenex himself and he threw away his bracelets which was supposed to mean protection from Super Dragon Emperor.

"And who are those Dragons?! We have never seen them!" said a Elder.

As all of them looked at Sirzechs face.

"Ahh Shit . . My plans are ruined" Sirzechs said under his breath.




it's the only sound which was pretty much clear to Clark.

He was feeling weak. His memories are still clear. He was pretty sure he accepted the deal and the heart transplant was done.

Then they were kicked out of the dimension.

After that he doesn't remember anything.

"mm-hmm,mm-hmm" he heard some humming noises.

It was a sweet and alluring voice. He moved his neck to see the persons butt.

She was smelling sweet. His senses still wasn't online yet.

She has a faint smell of Angel similar to Akeno.

"Akeno!?" he said weakly as he extended his right hand

And Groped her ass.

"Ohh~! Oh my! What a naughty patient we have here~" she Playfully slaps away Clark's hand.

Clark blinks dumbfoldly for a moment to understand what is happening.

"Akeno? Is that you?" his vision was hazy and desparately trying to understand who the person was in front of him.

"No~ sweetheart Your girlfriend is Outside and she is currently worried about you" she said with her Charming voice.

"Ughhh" Clark groans and rubbed his eyes to see correctly who the person was in front of him.

To see yes she indeed wasn't Akeno. She was a Beautiful young woman with purple hair matching eyes and with a Curvy figure

(Image here)

"Hello~ there I am Penemue chief secretary of Grigori and . . Your nurse " she said while bending over a bit. Her tities Jiggled freely from the action she made.

Clark blushed realising what he has done.

"I-" before he can finish his sentence Penemue silenced him with her finger.

"Shhhhh~ it's okay . . I didn't minded a bit it's natural for you . . We can keep this a Secret between us~" she said with a wink.

Clark himself had a Really bad feeling about this.

His senses were tingling. His heart beats were loud and clear.

"Okay! Your heart is in perfect condition . . . You should be good to GO within few hours let me call your family real quick" she said after checking his Vitals on the machine.

And then she walks over near the door.

"I gave you my phone number, it's near the table. Let's meet again sometimes~ bye~" she said as she walks out of room.

Clark was still blinking dumb foldly to understand what was happening with him.

"Damn! That's nuts! Wait am I inside fortress?" Clark said as he quickly scanned his surroundings. To find out yes he really was inside his fortress of solitude.

He stands up from the capsule he was lying and secured the Phone number she gave.

He quickly memorized it and burned the paper.

"Clark! Darling!" he heard some familiar voices to see Akeno,Aria and Elsha were standing on the door way.

Clark just Smiled seeing them again and Extended his hands.

All of them ran over and immediately threw themselves in his arms.


(Lemon warning people, and There's Gangbang)

Akeno explained to Clark how she went to Grigori on her own and called his Father and Azazel over even White Dragon Emperor came to see him! This was really shocking to be honest for either of em.

Aria literally went to call a Army of Fairy Dragons. As expected of her.

Ddraig forbid anyone other than Those three to meet him today.

And Only Penemue was over here due to her nursing skills so she can Look over Clark.

Clark doesn't need to be told twice how good of a  nurse she was.

"Clark let me escort Penemue-san to Grigori, Aria Come with me, Elsha look over him" Akeno said as she and Aria walks outside of the room.

Leaving Elsha and Clark alone. Seeing this she hugged Clark again.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

"Ah it's my biological heart which was malfunctioning at the moment " Clark said.

"You were having a Heart attack?" Elsha said.

"you can say that " Clark said rubbing his hair.

"But see now I am perfectly fine! As healthy as a Dragon!" Clark said as Elsha giggled a Bit.

She starts Cuddling with him.

"Hey~ sweetie . . You do know that You promised me to take out in a Date didn't you?" Clark sweat dropped from her comment.

"Well Yes, And I will don't worry!"

"But I felt sooo~ lonely when You were Gone"

"Then What Can I do for you?" Elsha let's him go and sits in front of him.

She thought for a Bit.

"Are you really that healthy?"

"Yes Exception being Fighting I can do anything!" a smirk formed on her face .

"Never mind" she said as she jumps down the bed and went inside bathroom.

Clark blinked dumbly again. Did he said something wrong?

He had to wonder.

Then he heard Elsha talking a Shower. After a few minutes of Good showering it stoped.

Then something unexpected happened.

"Sweetie I am stuck!" Elsha practically sang out from bathroom.

Clark himself had some question mark on his head regarding to this stuck inside matter.

She isn't THAT incapable to stuck inside something.

Even if she does that doesn't means that she is absolutely helpless to not help herself out.

Whatever Clark stopped thinking for a Moment and decided to check inside the bathroom. Upon entering the bathroom . . . What he saw was . . . . Rather TEMPTING.

Elsha was stuck inside the washing machine. And she was wearing a Black lacy panty which were revealing a LOT of her delicious ass cheeks.

"Sweetie~ are you there? Please~ help me out~" she gave him the invitation as she giggled as her ass erotically.

In fact she can move her waist inside washing machine easily . . Meaning it was indeed intentional.

Clark's eyes turned into slits and a victory grin formed on his face.

'I see it's a Absolute Win-win situation ' Clark thought to himself as he walked near Elsha's ass.

And bends down on his knees.

"I am here Ellen. . . To help you of course " Clark said as he gropes her soft ass cheeks.

"Mmmph!~. . . Ohhh~🤤 Yeeess~♥️ S-Sweetie I-I told you to help me! N-Not Ahhhh~♥️ to grope me" Elsha tried to play dumb regardless of her sweet moans were making Clark's dick pulsh harder than he can think.

"Playing dumb huh! Take this!"


"Ohhhhh~♥️ YESSS~♥️ That's what I wanted ~ Ah~♥️ Ah~ Ahhh . I was sooooohhh~" Elsha moans loudly as she realises that Clark has removed her panty and his tumb is now inside her Asshole.

He gently but quickly moves his tumb inside her ass hole which caused a Alien sensation on her wrong hole.

"S-Sweetie! T-That's wrong hole! My love hole is down that hole!"

"I know you damn slut *SPANK* Now be a Good slut and continue what you were saying!*SPANK*" The Spanking and his dirty talking were sending pleasurable vibrations throughout her spine.

Her virgin pussy starts to burn with desire and it starts to leak a Lot of Love juices.

"Hmmmph~ I-I was Jealous of Akeno! S-sh- Ohhh~ she told me how Ah~ hard you fucked her! Ohhh~ mmmmm~♥️ I was so jealous that she became your bottom bitch first! I was so Jealous that Ahhh~ I didn't get treated like your personal Cock sleeve! Kyaa~ I was jealous that you didn't used my pussy for Ahhhh~ 5 damn hours like a CUM OHHHH~ Dump! Please Clark! Make me your bitch! Ahhh! Make me yours! Claim me! Breed me Until I get pregnant with your child Ahhh♥️" Elsha tried to explain while trying to not moan in pleasure in each of her words. Clark was having too much fun to see her on this State his dick was already twitching madly to breed this horny woman.

He knew that Akeno will told them how he fucked her.

Clark already had too much fun while Fucking Akeno. It's just he wasn't able to do the cosplay was really frustrating. And after Beating Verethragna and counting his heart issue he has loaded quite a Lot in his balls.

He will now going to blow everything inside his second girlfriend.

After receiving some pleasing answer he decided to remove his tumb from her asshole. Thus in response she mewled in displeasure.

But she suddenly her eyes shots open and her back arches painfully.

Clark has entered his Draconic tonge inside her tight cunt.

Clark slowly enters about 2 inches of his to tonge and makes sure to lick every inch of that place. Making her whimper in pleasure.

But it wasn't for long of course.


Clark pushed his entire Draconic tonge inside her vagina and starts licking her entrance of her womb.

She didn't had her hymen. But that doesn't makes her any less breedable.

The tightness of her cunt was incredible on his tonge.

'He is licking my Evey nook and cranny! I will goo crazy~' she thought to herself as he moaned like a Street whore who was paid to do tricks.

"NOOO~ NOT THAT! DONT LICK ME THERE! OHHHH~♥️" Clark stops licking for a Moment gaining a displeasure groan from her.

"So that's your G-spot huh? Then let me destroy it" Chills ran down on her spine inside the washing machine. What does he mean by Destroy it?

Clark enlarged his tonge. And starts to Vibrate it like a Vibrator. Something he learnt from Superman and flash respectively.

And he shoved it all way In


Her love juices squirt out like a Fountain as her Golden honey makes mess out of Clark's face. Clark stops the Vibration and starts to drink the honey she was releasing.

She couldn't stop her orgasm for a solid minute.

The Orgasm blew her mind.

"Delicious" Clark complimented admiring taste of her love juices.

Elsha had a Fucked stupid smile on her face.

Clark pulls her out of washing machine and gropes her tits roughly. Thus her senses came online again.

"So this is what you wanted to ease your lonely ness?" Clark asked while Playing with her breasts.

"Yes~ I want it~ you are soooo~ amazing " Elsha said while Dazed with lust.

*SLAP* Clark slaps across her face. Not enough to make her hurt. But to arouse her even more.

"See this?" Clark pulls out his 14 inch dragon dong gaining a Surprised Gasp from her.

"This is the bitch breaker that broke Akeno into my personal Sex slave. You sure you want it?" Clark said while he rubbed his cock across her belly enjoying her silky smooth skin.

"Yes~ I want it from the moment I met you~"


Clark released his pre cum on her body. The force was so strong that the sticky solution of pheromone covered her breasts, belly entirely.

It's something he learnt from Ddraig. Whenever Dragon releases pheromone on a Female's body it works like a Aphrodisiacs so the female get's her arousal on peak and she doesn't runs away despite seeing his sheer size.

This was the exact reason Why Dragons were Bad mouthed for stealing women.

While In reality,they didn't stole shit.

It was the females who walked on their own after smelling there pheromones.

"Then What should I make you huh?"

"C-Cum dump! . . Make me your personal Cock sleeve, Whenever you need a Relief feel free to come to me I will let you Come inside me anytime you want!" She said while rubbing his cock gaining a few pleasurable groans from him.

He tears away what ever he was wearing at the moment.

"That's what I want to hear. But . . . First you need to make me cum first . . If I am not pleased from your service I won't fuck you ever again, got it?"

Elsha nodded dumbly, she had hearts on her eyes.

Clark then Picks her up from the ground and throws her on his shoulder as he carris her out.

Upon existing bathroom.

He saw his two Girlfriends has returned.

"My goodness!" Aria gasped seeing the scene.

"Ara~ Ara~ looks like Elsha did dirty! Ufufuf~"

"Yes *Spank* she did, Akeno let's use your room shall we?"

"Ara~ sure I have no problem, but my services aren't free you know?"

"Looks like you also need a Very good Fucking, either way I was going to Fuck both of You eventually. Let's get started then"


Clark throws Elsha on the bed. The theme was a luxurious love hotel. With bed large enough to fit 6 people.

The way he threw her Already indicated that He was going to have her first.

Clark would have fucked her really badly on his birthday. But the chance was missed for a Painfully long time. He is gonna fuck the living shit out of her.

"Suck" Clark ordered Elsha as he placed himself comfortably on bed.

His dick was standing proud as it wants to pierce the sky.

Elsha got on all fours and came closer to his cock.

She kissed the tip first. Liked the over powering flavour. As she shoved the entire thing on her mouth on one Good go.

"Ahhh Yes! Fuck it!" Then he looks on his other two horny Waifus who were patiently waiting for their turns. But Clark had different plans for the.

The thing is he got a New skill after the heart transplant.

He can now Summon 4 clones of him. Who have their own sentience and each one of them has 10% of his total states. They can do anything ordered. Anything!

The Clones were result of Great Red's powers.

Clark flicked his finger summons his 4 clones in the bedroom.

Their eyes shots opens in surprise. Of course they didn't knew Clark is capable of doing so!

All of them look exactly like him.

Including their Demon dongs.

They were almost as sizable as Clark is.

Akeno and Aria's breathes became hotter each time.

Cause it doesn't takes a Rocket scientist to understand what is going to happen to them.

Elsha herself didn't cared she is whole heartedly giving Clark blowjob with all the passion she can muster.

"Damn your throat is killing!" Clark moans in pleasure. Her throat is as Good as Akeno's if Not better than Her. It's just she isn't as natural expert as Akeno is. She is choking and gagging multiple times during the deep throat blowjob.

"Hey Boss! Can we get some action?" a horny clone of Clark asked who had a really painful erection after seeing naked beauties for first time.

"Yeah sure go ahead, you two can have Akeno all you want and you two make sure Aria doesn't stops moaning, I haven't taken her Virginity yet keep that in mind"

"Whooooo hooooo!" all of Clark's clones roared like a beasts in heat. Aria and Akeno can't help but themselves to feel excited from their excitement.

It's not like . . . They are cheating or something . . Neither they are slutting with multiple people.

They are just gonna make sure that the man they love stays satisfied. This was just part of that satisfaction.

"Ara~ Ara~ what a Bunch of naughty boys we have. Come too Onee-Chan ~ I will teach you everything~ " Akeno used her Natural Seductiveness to charm 2 clones for herself who were most hung than other 2.

The Clones themselves were very much virgin. Clark 1 and 2 were already captivated by her curves. And adding her invitation was too much for them to contain themselves.

Akeno walks over and spawns another bed right beside the king size bed.

To her they were just perfect sex toys for practice the real deal.

Akeno licks her lips in anticipation and lays down on the bed comfortably.

Then she spreads her legs apart inviting those two horny boys so they can have their meal.

Her pussy was already drenching wet from the excitement she was already feeling.

She gave her juicy melons a Good squeeze to tempt them further. She still isn't on her fallen angel form yet. It was for Clark only of course. So only he can enjoy her body in full glory. That doesn't means her lesser K cup tits something that won't captivate any man's sight.

"What are you two waiting for? I want to fully enjoy myself you see~"

"Aye Aye~ ma'am!" two horn dogs said as they jumped on bed and landed onto her.

They both immediately shoved their faces on her gifted bossoms.

"Hey! These tits are mine!"

"Fuck off I came here first!"

Akeno can't help herself but to Giggle at two clones fighting.

"Geez boys~ I have two very large tites, each one of you can have one at a Time~" their bulbs inside head lots up from her suggestion, as they focused on each erected perfectly pink nipple.

"Kyaaaa~" Akeno mewled in pleasure as Clark 1 shoved her nipple inside his mouth.

"D-don't ahhhh~ on my tits! Ohhh~" Clark 1 was lost of his words as he won't listen to anything. Her delicious bust was the most delicious thing he has tested in his entire life. He sucked her nipple with his all might. He played with her nipple with his tongue, twisting, turning with his tongue and making sure to bite sometimes with his canine teeth gently. Seeing Akeno turned on so much Clark 2 also can't hold himself. He licked his lips and also started to enjoy her unoccupied breasts.

But Clark 2 did something different. He kept squeezing and massaged her breasts as if he wants to milk her dry.

"I am gonna suck everything out!" Clark 2 announced as he thoroughly did his job.

Akeno helplessly moaned as her body was now a new play ground for those two horn dogs.

Aria was looking at Akeno with a massive blush on her face.

"Ma'am!" Aria looked around to see two remaining horny clones were standing in front of her swinging their 11 inch meat rods like they are their tails.

"We are Horny you see! I hope you are same" Clark 3 said.

"Y-Yes I-I am" Aria said blushing as she can't take her eyes off from those swinging rods.

Then she looked back at Original Clark. Finding out that his thing is bigger than his Clones.

"Hey! Boss is Gonna be angry at you he hasn't fucked her yet!" Clark 4 said.

"Come on Boss said we can do anything besides fucking her! Ma'am can he suck in your tities?" Clark 3 asked.

"O-Oh! S-sure, but I will kill you if I don't feel good" she threatened them.

They can care less about it. All clones has inherited Clark's sexual experience. It will be piece of cake.

Both horn dogs immediately attacked on her large jugs and her Bubble butt respectively.

"Shit! These tits Don't even feel real at all!" Clark 4 said as he smashed her fun bags Together and pinched her nipples gaining a few pleasurable moans from her. Meaning he was doing a great job.

His hands felt like they were sinking into warm flour dough, no it feel even Softer than that.

"Oh man, Her ass his best! It's sooo soft! Boss is so lucky to have such a lovely girlfriend!" Clark 3 said.

He was far too busy too feel her ass cheeks.

He shoved his face and kept kissing on her butt. His hands did their respective magic.

"Ohhh~ shit! It already feels so Good!" Aria exclaimed.

"Don't worry Aria. After I am done with Elsha you will be next . . And I will make you feel even better ah shit!" Clark cursed as he felt he was getting close from Elsha's mind blowing blowjob.

Soon Clark 2 grew bored just from sucking her breasts. She isn't lactating at all no matter how hard he massaged.

Clark 1 took the chance to Occupy the Unoccupied breast. He stopped sucking her left breast and shifted his attention on right one. But he make sure to grope the left one.

"Ohhh~ My God! You two are sure skilled! Hey~ my lower lips need some attention!" Clark 2 immediately shifted his attention to her neather zone.

He extended his hands to touch her lower lips.

"Shit! It's so wet!" he exclaimed as he felt the sticky love juice on his hands. He rubbed that liquid together and licked on her love juice.

"It's delicious!" Without Wasting anytime he immediately attacked on her clint.

And shoved his 2 fingers on her needy cunt.

"Ahhhhhhhh~♥️" Clark 2 furiously starts to fingering her as he kept sucking her clitoris in order to drink her honey.

"Shit! Elsha I am Cumming!" Clark announced as he shoved his entire thing inside Elsha's throat.

And he stained his entire throat with his seeds.


Thick ropes of semen went flying inside her system.

Elsha made sure to accept all of his cum and love he is offering she wholeheartedly accepted his treat.

'It's coming! Sweetie is Cummings inside my mouth! What's with this taste! It's sooo strong! Ohhh♥️ it's tastes weird but I- I will really get addicted to his Cock! He sure made Akeno addicted to it! Wait he is still coming! How much he is gonna release!' Elsha panicked as she continued to drink his gallons of cum.

Clark roughly gropped Elsha's soft fun bags as he enjoyed the Orgasm he is having in a while.

"Oh~Ah~Ah~ hmmmph~" Aria helplessly moaned as Both clones played with her body.

Both clones are busy to feed on her gifted breasts


Aria furiously jerked both clones off as they continued to enjoy her breasts.

"Fuck! She is so Good!" Clark 3 moaned

" Her tits are absolutely Delicious*smooch*" Clark 4 moaned as he continued to feast on her bust.

"Shit! That was amazing!" Clark finnally calm down his orgasm after a Minute.

The orgasm Literally blew his mind.

He looked at Elsha who was out cold after drinking so much Cum

Clark clicked his tongue and looked at Aria who was busy with his clones.

"Aria bring your ass over here!" Clark ordered the fellow dragon to assert his dominance over the females.

Aria immediately stopped fapping them as she heard her master/Lover's order. Gaining a few groans of displeasure.

Aria got on all fours and crawls over Near Clark.

Clark just simply flipped her over which is comfortable for a perfect mating press position.

Clark can't hold himself back anymore as he aligned his dick in front of her pussy which was wet enough to avoid fourplay.

"Aria . . I will ask you do you want it?"

"Yes! Clark I want it . . I want you . . Don't hold back just fuck me already!" Clark immediately sealed her lips with his lips and both shared a passionated kiss.

After a while they let each other Go.

"Aria. . . I love you"

"Me too . . At first I wasn't sure about it . . . Now I am! I love you too!" Aria confessed her feelings towards him.

On the other hand two clones were Crying cause . . They were lonely.

"Heyy~ why are you two crying there?" they heard a Seductive voice to see it was none other than Akeno who was covered in white stuff. And Clark 1 and 2 both were knock out cold.

"Are you two feeling lonely? Don't worry sweet hearts I will take care of your pain you see these two aren't just enough for me~ I need more~ and In return you have have your way with me~" Akeno invited them with her alluring voice.

"Akeno? Can you really take 4 of em?" Clark on other hand asked.

"Ufufufufu of course I can darling~ they are still nothing compared to your real thing ~ please be on ease and Have your way with those two so I can have a Turn you see" Akeno said licking her lips.

He just knocked Elsha out with a Blowjob. And he gonna make Aria his bottom bitch. She still hasn't forgot about the Dicking he gave her few days ago.

He is really dominating in the bed. He loves to dominate his love while he claims what belongs to him. Exactly the way Akeno wanted to take her.

She has access to all kind of BDSM stuff if Clark wants to punish her.

But for now she has to deal with his clones. She can feel two knocked out clones were restoring their erections.

Clark now shifted his attention towards Aria.

"Here I come!"

"Ohh~~ Yess~~~ You are inside of Me!" Aria moans in pleasure.

Clark wasn't gentle on any sense. He directly penetrated her hymen.

But the Blood didn't came out. Her healing factor was kicked in.

Her pussy tightens around his cock even More.

They gave each other a Sloppy kiss as Clark starts to mercilessly fuck her. The bed Underneath creecked horribly. But his Thundering cock knows no bounds.

Her ass Was so Juicy and Bubbly that It tanked his full onslaught on mating press like a Pro.

"Oh~ Oh~ Ah~ Ah~ Yes~ Fuck me~ Breed me Just like that!" he doesn't needs to be told twice. It's the second pussy of a Woman he is tasting for the very first time.

And A Dragon's pussy was simply Incredible. He can't let himself stop breeding her at any cost.

Loud cheeks clapping noises echoed throughout entire room.

And after half a Hour. He couldn't hold it anymore.

"Shit!" Clark cursed as He experienced a Mind blowing Orgasm.

Thick semen filled her up from Inside. So much that her belly started to expand with his enormous cum.

Her tonge was hanging out like a slut in heat. And her eyes rolled back on her skull.

She already experienced 5 mind blowing Orgasms.

And the Last one literally knock her out cold.

After he enjoys his Prolonged orgasm he let her go and allowed her to take some rest which she needed.

Then he looks at Elsha who was already awake and was furiously masterbating from the sex scene from both side.

"Hmmmphhh~!" Clark's attention shifted towards Akeno.

Who was enjoying her very first gangbang.

He three holes of her body were filled with Cocks and Cocks.

"Fuck it! I can't really tell the difference between her ass and her pussy! Both are amazing!" Clark 3 moans as He keeps pounding her ass hole with his all might.

"Her mouth feels as good as Both! Fuck Nutting hard!"

"Hmmmphh~!" Clark 4 enjoyed a Mind blowing Vaccum Orgasm from Akeno's mouth.

"Shut! She is Sucking me soo hard!" Clark 4's legs felt weak from the impressive suction so much that he fucking passed out.

"Ugghhh ma'am Please suck me Dry too~ shit!" Clark 2 Cursed as he was furiously pleased by her magical Hands. Akeno without wasting any time shoved the free dick in her mouth.

"Come on boys! Give me everything you got! Don't stop stuffing me! Give me Everything you got!" Akeno cheered them up as she sucked on a cock.

"Yes ma'am! I promise I will fill you up With everything!" Clark 1 who was on best position among them his face was buried between Akeno's melons and he was the one who kept pounding pussy without taking a Rest.

He can't stop sucking her breasts and neither can't her pussy.

"Maam! You are pussy is amazing! It's sucking me in like a Succubus! Fuck! CUMMINGS!"

"SAME HERE!" Both Clark's clone announced as they had their best orgasms in their life!

For Now of course.

Clark now looked at Poor Elsha. He got horny again.

For next 2 hours he didn't stopped Breeding Elsha.

Aria regained her Consciousness after 10 minutes.

To see Clark was making Elsha scream on top on her lungs.

She didn't wanted to Masturbate a Bit. So she wanted to borrow two clones from Akeno.


Akeno refuses to give any one of em. As she kept milking the clones.

The clones were also definitely in love with Akeno's tight cunt.

After 2 hours of Intense breeding sension Clark found out Elsha passed away a Few minutes ago from the intense Fucking.

Without wasting any time he sensed Aria unoccupied and launched himself on her.

Both Horny Dragons wanted to assert their Dominace on each other.

Their sex was really rough. Sometimes Clark Breeds her aggressively sometimes Aria rode him like a Mad woman.

After worning out her from the sex. He shifts his attention towards Akeno.

To find out she knocked Out the clones long ago now she already took a shower to clean herself.

She isn't even close to worn out.

"Are you pleased with them Darling ~ as you can see they are unable to continue on both sides. So I am free~" Akeno said seductively.

"I am not even Close to be tired . . You see" Clark said with a Dark grin.

"Neither am I, They were Good . . But you are far too Good at this department, I will also learnt some new skills you see, To milk you Dry of course ~" "Let's see your skills then"

Clark found it Entertaining as for past one hour she ONCE hasn't stopped Screaming.

Neither His bitch breaker stopped Plowing the Slut. .


Akeno misunderstood herself. Clark far Outclasses his clones. In everything size, stamina, endurance and skills.

Elsha and Aria were grinding each others pussy hard. From seeing both of them mate like wild animals.

Clark's clones were long vanished.

"So Akeno where are your skills?" Clark mocked her. She didn't replied she had blush all across her face.

Clark have her a Sloppy kiss. As the speed of mating became faster and faster.

After a 5 minutes of speed up both lovers released their Respective cries.

After filling her up. Clark shifted his attention towards Elsha and Aria who were busy with Yuri play.

"This is gonna be a REALLY long night!" After that 4 of em were engaged mind blowing sex for next 24 hours.





