
Dragon God of Domination

The story is about a Boy named Clark Kent who is also happen to be wielder of Current Boosted gear. He was almost going to die during his birth but Ddraig managed to save him by Changing his heart with a Dragon heart, turning him into a Pure Blooded Dragon. What he will do next? Find out All of these Characters in this Story Belongs To thier Respective owners I merely wrote this Story for Fun

Power_King_4153 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


"Where the Hell am I?" Again, Clark asks himself.

because he can tell he's in a DarkVoid and can feel it.

"Darling~""Sweetie!" He heard, so when he looked back, he saw Akeno and Elsha standing close by.

When Clark left the scene, he raised his eyebrows.

"Darling~. . . It must be somewhat challenging for you. However, as you can see, we have both fallen in love with someone else.

"Sorry, sweetie. I'm sorry. However, I'm apprehensive you're insufficient for me!" Elsha and Akeno both spoke in unison.

Clark was merely standing there. He was . . Pissed. . . He must have been.

"You . . Clark yelled, "Have some balls of steel to invade my dreams," cracking his neck.

As they vanished, Akeno and Elsha both exclaimed, "You are sharp."

Only to be overtaken by a massive, imposing demon with gray skin, glowing red eyes, glowing white hair that looked like a flame, a long tail, and four horns on his head, two of which were very long and curved. He also had gray hair. Additionally, he carried an elaborate gray helmet and pale yellow armor over his groin and shoulders.

"You interest me mor-" before he can complete his sentence.

"-ill you"


"I will Kill you " Clark said with antagonism in his voice.

Baran was shocked by his proclamation.

"Do you have at least some idea who Am I?"

"Baran I presume"

"Unequivocally, So you likewise understand what I'm able off?"

"Couldn't care less"

"I have an Arrangement fo-" before he can complete his sentence He punches on his guts.

Baran went flying and crashed away after a Mile of Voyaging.

"Fuck! For what reason does it harms!"

"Harms doesn't it?" Baran get's frightened from the Approaching Transmission.

He gets up and gathers his blade in his Grasp and released an Omni Directional Thunder.

Which illuminates the whole void in only seconds.

Then, at that point, there was quietness.

Baran turns to and fro attempting to find Clark who was out of his radar.


Then, at that point.

He felt a sharp torment on his shoulder

Clark dug out from a deficit and Handled a Karate Slash to his left side shoulder.

"AAAAAGGGHHHHH!" Baran shouts in desolation

"It sure priority hurt a Ton right? . Congrats for being my guinea pig." Clark expressed Obscurely as he Circles around Baran who was jerking in torment.

Clark was Utilizing Torquasam Vo. Theta State where he can Send off mental assaults on his objective without expecting to genuinely battle him.

He can cause the objective tremendous mental harm even in most pessimistic scenario Killing the Objective.

At the point when Baran came to the DXD earth interestingly he realize that he planned to have issue Overcoming This world.

There were Various Pantheons who were separated from everyone else a danger to EXE group.

Specifically Hindu pantheon, Egyptian,Norse,Greek and so forth.

He knew dissimilar to different universes this Perticular world was significant to manage.

What's more, he likewise realize that the spot he was working had This Person named Clark Kent.

He realized he was solid.

He needed to take him to his Military.

In any case.

There's are a few popular expressions of an Insightful man.

Nothing goes as arranged in this reviled world.

That is definitively what was befalling Baran right now.

'How did everything veered off-track?' was the main inquiry which was running inside in his psyche.

"«Where did you went wrong» that is you are presumably believing isn't it?" Clark said as he was strolling around Baran.

Baran's breathing turned out to be quicker, the apprehension which he hasn't likely felt in millennia were begun to reemerge. From what this scarcely twenty years old Youngster.

Then, at that point, Clark quits circumnavigating.

He brings forth lofty position made of fire and sits on it like a chief.

"You see what is the Issue with you all? You folks generally believe that you can get on my butt effectively objective I partake in my life how it is. Chuckling with my lady friends, dining with family calmly and Playing with pretty young ladies makes me powerless" Clark says as he put his hands under his jawline.

Then he proceeded.

"This is the thing I gained from when I was in Justice leage. There's a Scarcely discernible difference between a Decent Fellow and a Hero. The issue with a Pleasant Person is he is simply excessively decent. Decent folks are basically have ladylike attributes, and he doesn't want anything above being acknowledged by others. He is a Group pleaser,submissive, able to forfeit his self respect,even at cost of Good and bad so lengthy he wins endorsement. They are being confused with being righteous, when they are basically pretty much as innocuous as a Mouse. On others hand Great men depicts virility. He is being fit for being both empathy and coldhearted towards others, when either is generally vital , even to his friends and family. Tolerant when he can be and when he should be. That is the thing I gained from Taking a gander at Superman, Gigachad, General zod name it." Clark stand up strolls towards Baran who actually hasn't recuperated from his shock.

He snatches a First brimming with his hair and maneuvers his head up confronting him solidly at him.

"You have mixed up Me as 'a decent person ' which I'm most certainly not." Clark said with a Dim Grin. He punched on his guts.

He couldn't in fact shout from the aggravation he was filling.

"Likewise there's a few contrast between a Legend and a Reprobate. A Miscreant is generally a Wrecked legend, or a Man who is occupied controlled by other to do some unacceptable undertaking. There are some who are absolutely crazy or they are simply unadulterated malevolence, so what are you?" Clark punched again on his guts.

This time he had the option to impede his punch.

"Pay attention to me! *Cough* it's actual I was confused you with a lesser man with unprecedented capacity . . Yet, I'm mentioning you enlist in my military . . With your solidarity We can assume control over this world! Popularity power lady all them will be yours! Just. . Go along with me!" Baran talked with last of his endeavors.

Clark paid attention to him unobtrusively.

"Gee . . I can think often less about Cash and notoriety . . Be that as it may, there's a fantasy where I simply need to be covered with wonderful ladies with biggest sets of chest there and. . . They continue to cover me with their gifted assets. I will use their tities as pillows and much more~ yet think about what" Clark punched on straight Baran's face breaking his nose and making him shout on top of his lungs.

"I can accomplish that fantasy all alone 😈" Then, at that point, Clark crushed his Knee on his skull. What's more, tossed him like a Rag doll.

"Think about what. . . I'm as yet a 'Decent individual' I'm allowing you 24 hours leave this universe . . Or then again I will actually chase you down. . . Clock is ticking! Toc . .toc . . Tic . . toc "

"Do you believe you can escape this? After what you have done?" Baran said it in a hostile tone.

"Oh, yes, I can; I don't like killing. But as you can see, my father wants to commit genocide. Tic . Toc . .tic. . toc," Clark stated.

Baran taking a gander at the opportunity took off from the fantasy.

So the fantasy closes.


"I was wondering how is Clark senpai now?" Issei asked himself.

Issei is currently walking on the park. He was running some errands.

{He will be alright . . A Dragon can't fall ill that quickly you are thinking.} Dragoon said from inside the gear.

"That maybe true . . But I was just wondering what can possibly make him so Ill? Rias-bucchou was running everywhere you can see. . I even heard that Maou himself visited him"

{Then . . . I guess it's related with those two Gods} Dragoon said.

"What!? You mean the news we heard today?"

{Yes two gods were slain by a unknown entity . . And Ddraig host also fell ill yesterday, it sounds too good to be true.}

"You mean-" before he can continue felt someone collide with him.



Thud thud

Both of them fell on their bums. When he turned around, the first thing he saw was white. Looking more carefully, he noticed it was the body of a young girl who had clumsily collided with Issei having fallen face first on the floor, her robes having flipped over her head revealing white panties.

"A sister?" He recognized the attire of the young girl. It would certainly be someone related to the church. What puzzled Issei was the question of what was a sister doing in the territory of a devil. It is widely known that this was the territory of Rias Gremory and he doubted Heaven would be stupid enough to send someone that can be seen as a declaration of war. However, what most perplexed him was the very familiar feeling he was receiving when looking at this girl. Had he met her somewhere? While he was pondering such thoughts, Issei got up and approached the girl, offering her a hand to help her get up since he felt bad for having not paid attention to his surroundings.

"Are you alright?"

The girl took Issei's hand and stood up slowly.

"Oh, thank you very much. I'm sorry for having bumped into you" she apologized to Issei who quickly shook his other free hand.

"Oh no, it was my fault for not paying attention" he replied.

Then, a sudden gust of wind blew by causing the girl's veil to fly off.


Luckily, it was caught by Issei immediately. When he tried to give back to her, the girl's appearance was then revealed. Her long blond hair that was hidden beneath the veil fell down her shoulders. Underneath the sunlight, it seemed to glow even further but it was Issei looked at her face that he was honestly left awestruck.

Specifically, her eyes.

She possessed the most beautiful emerald-green eyes that he had ever seen. Her eyes were the glimmering color of emerald, sparkling in the light of the morning sun like a fresh sheen of morning dew. But most of all, it was what was what he saw in them that shocked him. Purity and innocence. An ignorance stemming from kindness. A feeling of comfort and familiarity. They say that the eyes paint a clear picture of someone's soul and hers are the definition of purity and innocence. Not a speck of evil or wickedness could be found in those irises no matter how deep you looked. Something that is very rare to find in the world these days.

Issei as well was awes trucked. She was the perfect definition of a blond-haired beauty. Her emerald eyes were so beautiful that it felt like he would be sucked into it. Eyes as clear as water, but with a color that matched a calm forest, with all the same serenity. Their color even reminded him of his boosted gear jewel but gave a strikingly different impression. While the jewel gave a feeling of power, hers gave off the feeling of absolute innocence and purity. Both of them could not help but stare at her

"Ano... umm" The sister looked at Issei with a worried expression but also darted her eyes back and forth in an embarrassed manner since Issei, in his absentmindedness, had yet to release the hand he picked her from.

"Ohh, sorry". Realising it, he let go of her hand, scratching the back of his hand in embarrassment with a huge blush on his face. You could tell he had no experience in this kind of situation.

Issei then realized he was still holding her veil and returned it to her.

"I'm sorry as well. I believe this is yours".

"Ahh! Thank you... wait a minute?! Y-You can both understand me?" her eyes widened in surprise that they could both understand her.

"Yes, I do" answered Issei for her. He was actually surprised the first time he learned he had this ability. He recalled what Rias had told him.

"When you turn into a Devil, one of the unique ability you attain is "Language". The moment you turn into a Devil, everyone in the world can understand what you are saying. People listening to you will hear it in the language they are most familiar with. If they are American, then they will hear it in English. If they are Spanish, then they will hear it in Spanish. And also the opposite. If they speak in a language besides Japanese, you will hear it in Japanese." It was an amazing ability to have and he guessed that currently he was speaking her language while everything she spoke was translated into Japanese. For Issei, it was pretty much the same thing.

"Oh, this has to be a blessing from God! I was having a lot of trouble since I got here because I cannot speak Japanese very well. I was lost and since people could not understand what I was saying..." She held her hands together in front of her chest and looked really sad. She did not notice Issei cringe in pain when she mentioned the name of the lord but he recovered quickly. That was when he noticed the bag; she was carrying with her.

"Are you travelling by any chance?" asked Issei.

"Oh no. That's not it. I was recently appointed to the church in this town but I got lost trying to find it. You must be residents of this town. My name is Asia Argento. It's a pleasure to meet you... um"

"Ah, my name is Issei Hyoudou. Pleasure to make your acquaintance" Issei gave a small bow.

"So your name is Asia ehh. Have to say, that is a very pretty name." he added causing Asia to blush.

"ehh! R-really?" she stuttered causing Matsuda to laugh a bit

"Of course, I would not lie."

Dragoon was enjoying the chat of a Believer in God and Satan himself.

Quite Ironic.

Then Issei felt something.

"Asia" he called out to her and she turned her attention towards him.

"Yes, Issei-san" she smiled

"um, I know this may sound weird but"




"by any chance, are you"




"a dragon"

It felt as though, her world crumbled.

'H-How does he know... no no no it can't be'

Asia was panicking internally. She did not understand how he could have known the one secret she was desperately trying to hide. Before her untimely death, her caretaker made her promise to never reveal the fact that she was part dragon to anyone for fear what people would do to her. Dragons were feared by everyone especially by the church considering that their lord's hatred of serpents and dragons. Being none the wiser, Asia made the promise and to this very day had never revealed her identity as part dragon even when she was exiled. Yet, to her horror, the man in front her seemed to have figured out who she was. She was both frightened at this fact as well as heartbroken that she was unable to fulfill the promise she made to someone dear to her.

Issei saw that her body began trembling almost as if she was starting to have a panic attack.

"Please wait, we mean you no harm. I am a dragon myself." He tried to calm her down by letting her know that they were not going to cause any harm. It seemed as though she was trying to hide her identity as a dragon which Issei found understandable considering people viewed his race as beings of destruction and would not take lightly at having one roaming in their territory unchecked. Most of the time, it ends in conflict so its no wonder Asia is all agitated.

His little tactic seemed to work as Asia slowly got a hold of herself.

"R-really" she stuttered wondering if he was telling the truth. Issei looked around to make sure no one was looking and then made his left eye turn to slits, proving his statement. Ddraig did turned his Weaker Demonic side into Dragon one. Asia went wide eyed that she met a dragon.

"So you Really, you are a dragon?" That is all he could ask but he still found it pretty cool since he was carrying a dragon within him.

Yes... I-I am part dragon." Asia nodded to his question revealing that Issei was correct in his assumption.

"wow, that is pretty cool, Asia" he said excitingly, once again surprising Asia. She always assumed the worst if someone ever found out who she was.

"is that so... I was often warned during my childhood to never reveal the other half of my species and I always believed that people would hunt me down if they learned." She said with a frown.

"Well, it is not as if you were wrong. A lot of people fear Dragon race and the overwhelming destruction we can cause so your worry is not misplaced. However, I can promise you that I will keep your secret safe." Issei reassured her with. Luckily, she seemed to believe them as her body slowly began to ease off.

"I see. In that case, I thank you from the bottom of my heart" Her smile returned on her face which let him know that she was fine.

"Alright, now that that has been settled, I remember you saying you got lost trying to reach some place?" Issei asked. Remembering her previous plight, she nodded.

"Yes, I was supposed to go to the church but because I'm new here, I had no idea how to get there and nobody understood me" she said, a disheartened expression on her face as she looked down on the ground. Issei smiled at her

"Well, in that case, its good that you bumped into me. If you have an address, I could probably tell or better yet accompany you to the place you are searching." This caused her to look up in disbelief.

"REALLY. Oh... I would greatly appreciate the help." She said, both her hands grasping together as if praying as she looked upon them excitingly causing both Dragons to giggle at her reaction.

"Yeah sure, it's no problem. I've lived here all my life so I pretty much know all there is about the city and I can tell you that there are two churches in our city and I know where they are. Let me see the address." Asia then gave Issei a Piece of paper which contains the address.

"huh, that is the address of the abandoned church. Are you sure this is the right address?" he asked Asia with a quizzical look, wanting to be sure but she simply nodded her head.

"Ah? Yes, that is the right one Issei-san." She said with a slightly nervous tone but it did not seem like she was lying so he simply shrugged it off.

"well, they must have decided to restart the place then. Anyways, let's get you there."

"Thank you very much. I'll be in your care" she said with a bow causing Issei to blush.


As they were about to head to the church, they then heard a child's yelp. Looking around, the sound seemed to have originated near them. They saw a boy who seemed to have fallen and scrapped his knee as he held onto it in pain. Both Issei and Dragoon's instinct kicked in as they wanted to help the boy. But, suddenly, Asia who was next to them swiftly passed them and headed towards the young kid.

"Hey." She knelt down beside him.

"Are you okay? Boys should not cry over a minor injury like this." She patted the boy's head gently. The boy probably did not understand what she was saying but she had a very kind expression so he didn't mind. She then put her palm where the boy injured himself.

In the next moment, two little rings appeared on each hand as a green light orb appeared from Asia's palm and flashed onto the boy's knee and within seconds, the wound disappeared as though it was never there.

{She possess a Sacred Gear partner}

"I can see that much I guess, but what is it?" Issei asked.

{Hmmmm my memory sucks. If I am correct it's called Healing rings or something, and it's pretty broken Sacred gear} Dragoon said.

"I guess we Can just ask Clark-senpai"

{Yeah Ddraig knows more about these sacred gear}

After the boy's wound disappeared, he got up and noticed that nothing hurt. He even started jumping, amazed that he was okay.

"There, your wounds are healed. The pain should be gone now." Asia said, her smile still present on her face as she got up from her spot and patted the boy's head once again.

She made her way back to the two.

"I'm sorry but I had to." She giggles as she stinks her tongue out playfully at both of them. It was a gesture that they couldn't help but find cute, especially Issei who felt like an arrow stroke his heart when he saw that display.

"Thank you One-chan" they heard the boy say as he ran off with a happy smile, waving his arm at her.

"He said thank you" Issei translated for Asia who smiled happily in return.

Issei pointed towards her rings.

"So that power..."

"Yes, this is the power to heal. It's a wonderful power bestowed on me by the lord." Even though she was smiling, her expression held some sadness. There must have been some sorrow connected to her sacred gear Issei speculated. Most likely a dark past and he couldn't help but feel some sympathy for her. That was when Matsuda came in.

"Wow, so you have a sacred gear just like mine. That is wicked." Issei said.

"Really! I-Issei-san has a power similar to my own? I-I have never gotten the opportunity to meet someone like me! T-T-This is an honor. Oh what a blessing this day has been. Not only have a met someone with a power similar to my own but I've also met someone of the same species as me. This is most definitely the divine intervention of the Lord. Praise his name."

Asia begun praying again in what seemed to be a comical manner but Issei didn't stopped for. Heck, he laughed at her cute mannerisms.

"Yes, my sacred gear is called the Typhoon gear and inside resides one of the three heavenly dragons, Dragoon" He explained causing her to exhale in surprise.

Then his blue Gauntlet materialised.

["Greetings, little Asia. My name is Dragoon as my partner just mentioned. It I a pleasure to make your acquaintance."] Dragoon introduced himself to Asia who began to stutter now knowing what to say.

"oh-oh-oh my, um. It-it is an honor to meet um... you" she managed to squeeze those words out causing Dragoon to laugh.

["haha, you do not need to be so nervous. Although I have to say, in all my years, I've never met a dragon as charming and comfortable as you"]. He said causing Asia to blush.

"T-Thank you". This time it was Issei who was confused.

"I understand charming but what do you mean by comfortable Dragoon?"

["Hm, you probably can't understand because you are a half-dragon but the aura emanating from Asia gives off a very serene and peaceful feeling. It makes you feel as though it is alright to let your guard down around her."] Dragoon tried to explain to his partner. Who nodded in understanding.

"Anyways, you've never met anyone with a sacred gear at the church you worked at?" Issei asked Asia curiously, considering that Heaven should possess many users that work as exorcists unless he was mistaken.

"Ah, no! Because of my power, I was seen as a very important figure and have been treated as a saint. Therefore, I did not get any opportunities to meet many types of people. I was usually kept away from people and didn't have any friends because the church deemed those things to be unnecessary since my purpose was to heal those in need."

Both Dragoon and Issei looked at one another after Asia finished her explanation, appalled at the church for treating Asia as a tool rather than her own person.

"Asia" Issei called out in a Serious tone.


"You've... never had a friend?" She smiled weakly twiddling her fingers as if a bit shy to admit it.

"N-No... I have not." At her confirmation, Issei made his decision without any hesitation. He stepped forward and grabbed both her hands with his making her a bit flustered as she was taken by surprise.

"In that case Asia, let's fix that issue right away. Would you allow me to become your friend? I'm pretty sure Dragoon here would also like to become your friend as well. You can never have too many friends." Issei asked her with a smile. Issei nodded as well confirming that he would also like to become her friend. Asia's eyes widened and her expression made it very clear how shocked she was to hear Issei's question. However, she smiled and nodded with teary eyes.

Yes... Yes I would love that" she answered as she cleaned away her tears filled with nothing but happiness at this wonderful moment.

Seeing her reaction caused Issei to smile softly.

"That's great. In that case, let's get you to the church. It's getting pretty late so we should hurry less you want to freeze." He joked a bit making Dragoon giggle.

The three then proceeded to make their way to the church together. They continued their small talk and eventually reached the church. Asia took a moment to match the location to the address and saw that this was it.

"Yes, this is it." She jumped for joy having finally made it to her destination. Both the guys smiled at her joyful reactions but then froze for different reasons when they came near the entrance.

Issei started feeling chills simply being near the church as sweat could be seen coming out of his body. It was only naturel considering that he was a devil, a being of darkness and the church was a place which belongs to God and the Angels so of course he would feel really uncomfortable standing near such a place. In fact, he remembered his president strongly advising him that he should never get close to a church or even a shrine. Now he understands why.

"I can't thank you two enough for bringing me here. Can I invite you in for some tea. . . Issei-san, are you alright?" Asia wanted to invite them over for tea in gratitude for bringing her here when she noticed Issei's state and couldn't help but ask him how's he doing. Her expression showed nothing but genuine concern for his well-being. Truly, a caring and innocent woman.

"Thank you very much for the offer Asia. Unfortunately, it is getting pretty late and we had a long day so may we take a rain check on your offer?" Issei politely decline her offer using the excuse that its late.

"Oh... I see" She seemed a bit sad. No doubt, wanting to show her gratitude by offering them tea.

"I'm sure we will meet again so you could invite us again next time?" Issei asked.

"Yeah... that's right. We are friends after all." she seems to be cheered up from his comment.

Asia bowed her head down as both of them left the premises waving their arms goodbye as Asia entered the church.

{Are you sure it was okay to let her go like that?} Dragoon asked.

"Yeah . . I may be powerful but I don't want to do Anything stupid. You sensed them right?"

{Yeah . . Fallen angels . . And there was a pretty strong one too}

"It's wise to ask Rias-bucchou And Mio before we can make any decisions."

{I agree}



Regardless of what shit he is going through Clark can't ignore the fact he has to help Marina out.

And it's also his supposed date with the Girl named Yumma.

He can tell some shit is going on with her.

From what Clark can Tell he is now currently weakend after the heart transplant.

He is Only as strong as a Heavenly Dragon at best.

He can't harness his full potential.

After he went to his home it was like shit.

Urvashi and Mira were worried so much.

But Ddraig was in his Chill mood. Cause only he and Ddraig knows what kind of deal they had made with two True Dragons.

And he had a Feeling he has hells to pay.

"Did I made you wait?" Clark heard a rather familiar voice.

He looked back to see it was Yumma herself.

Wearing a pink top and short skirt.

Now Clark notices she has similarities with Akeno. And It's uncomfortable for him.

The entire date scene is Uncomfortable for him.

Good thing Aria and Elsha weren't hostile anymore.

Good for him he has to guess.

"Nope I just arrived, You LOOK cute to be honest" Clark said with a Smile making her blush.

"T-Thank you . . You look really Handsome." She said pointing out how good he looked.

"So shall we start?"





They had decided to spend the day at a theme park, enjoying the rides and attractions together. As they walked through the gates, Yumma couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling up inside her. Clark seemed just as excited, if not more so.

"Which ride do you want to go on first?" Clark asked, looking around at all the different roller coasters and thrill rides.

Yumma grinned. "How about that one?" she said, pointing to a massive coaster that loomed over the park. "It looks like a lot of fun!"

Clark laughed. "You're brave! Let's do it!"

They got in line for the coaster, waiting patiently as the cars raced by overhead. Yumma could feel her heart racing with anticipation as they got closer and closer to the front of the line. Finally, it was their turn to climb into the car.

As the coaster began to climb the first hill, Yumma squeezed Clark's hand tightly. She felt a rush of wind as they raced down the first drop, screaming with excitement. The rest of the ride was a blur of twists, turns, and stomach-churning drops, but Yumma loved every moment of it.

After the ride, they wandered through the park, playing games and trying out different snacks. They rode several more rides, including a Ferris wheel, where they sat in silence, watching the sun set over the park.

As the day starts ending Yumma felt sadness taking over his heart.

'He is such a great person . He has been so kind to me . do I really need to do this?' she can't help but to ask herself.

The subject didn't went unnoticed by Clark either.

They were walking in a park. At the time of evening.

"I had a great time today!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah me too, let's do this more often" Clark also said.

"Hey? Clark-kun? Do you believe in supernatural?" Yumma asked with a hurt voice.

Clark knew where this shit was going.

"Hmmm . . Well in a sense I am a irreplaceable part of supernatural" Clark exclaimed.

'so he knows after all?' Yumma thought to herself with a sad smile.

Then she starts running. After coming a little far from Clark.

She released her black wings.

'she is pretty weak' Clark thought to himself.

"I am really sorry Clark but you have to die now" Yumma said as she spawns a light spear in her hand.

"And is that you really want?" Clark asks her.

Yumma felt a like a truck hits her after hearing to his words.

"YES! I WANT TO KILL YOU! I WANT YOUR DEATH!" She screamed on top of her lungs. And threw the light spear.

The light spear was moving super slow.

Super slow. To Clark at least.

It shattered upon contact with his chest.

"So why are you crying?" Clark points that out after shrugging off the attack

Yumma was both horrified and happy same time.

Then she checked her eyes.

yes those were tears.

"I-I am not*sniff* I am not SAD at all*sniff*" Clark places his hand on her head.

"Marina told me about you . ." Clark said gaining a shocked expression from her.

Then her face softens.

"Please help me"




