
Dragon Ball system

this book is trash ... if you free read my My serious book His name is king awaking etc .. you will find it in my profile i will wait u About an intelligent person reincarnated in the world of Dragon Ball and in the body of Goku with a powerful system Continued from chapter two

Gamal_3_3_ · 漫画同人
1 Chs

introduction "Strange death"

On one of the islands on a random planet of the seventh World .. With a pressure ball filled with very compressed air that ball moves to take out a lot of Palms and uproot them a lot of trees were broken ..

The whole planet has become uninhabitable, either by burning everything in it, or by the movements of high waves in the place, or by a lot of earthquakes and volcanoes here and there ..

What's going on It's a fight .. A fight between Kings ..

In a conflict that lasted more than a hundred years...

More than fifty Kings stood in front of each other to start a fight over who will get the title of the best of the best Kings ...

This fight would have been great if it weren't for those difficult terms and conditions that the Kings face in their fight, the struggle was not limited to blows and the loser surrenders with ease and it's over and another match begins ..

But this was the most difficult condition .. In order for your victory to be accepted, you must kill your opponent. Kill my opponent Does it mean that there is a possibility that you were the one who was killed Yeah, that's right

And so the fight began.. At first it was an official match between one of the Kings and his opponent, but this match lasted 10 years for one of them to win, but there are many kings whose number exceeds the or the King ..

Therefore, the form of competition changed and it became a competition of attrition , everyone began to compete with each other without the slightest prior thought, the thought of anyone fighting was "whoever you see, kill him" and so everyone thought..

No one with the other.. Everyone fights with whom he meets..

Because each King is from a different world or planet, there was a great lack of trust between them...

And then five years later this planet became barren there was no food on earth, the Kings were feeding on their food stored in storage rings..

It is true that they have great tolerance against hunger and thirst, but because of the many injuries, food and medicine had to be urgently needed ..

The number of Kings began to decrease more and more on this island, due to their killing each other, numerous assassinations and widespread hunger

And so after 65 a year of fighting, the planet is considered empty, there is no one there ...

Is it all for the title of the best Kings Of course not, otherwise many people would not care, but a monster egg of the legendary level was displayed ..

Monster eggs are divided into three sections ..

Eggs of ordinary monsters

Rare monster eggs

Eggs of mythical monsters


Under a coconut tree nearby, which is considered one of the last trees on the planet .. It seems that the Kings have not yet reached this place ..

Then a man appeared with a very long chin that you see like an elephant's proboscis and very long white hair, as in the movie The Princess locked in the palace, moving with great difficulty, he put his foot on the ground one step behind the other with a lot of blood splattered all over his body, and then suddenly began to spit one of the blood on the floor..

The man smiled and laughed and spoke in a low voice with chronic fatigue.

"I didn't think I would be the only survivor of this massacre. This was not a competition between Kings but a slaughter of Kings.. Kh .. Kh .. It was a good choice that I did not pay much attention so as not to be noticed, but after all, the damage was very severe. "

Right, after all, no one is going to waste his life for his eggs, you can't use them because you're dead

"Koh.. Koh."This man began to spray a lot of blood from his mouth , as if his stomach organs were mixed together

"It seems that I made a big mistake when I agreed to that message that came to me mentally about that competition . . But it was worth it. I was the only survivor. before this man finished, one of the Kings appeared from behind one of the surrounding sand hills."

"Who said You Were the last person haha .. You're going to die today, this one. " that fighter flew towards this old man with lightning speed, preparing his fist to kill him

"Oh my God," the old man thought to himself after he felt very dangerous, but he could not move because his bones were broken, and after he sat on the ground, it was almost impossible to stand up from them

This old man could only put his hand on his head and wait for his doom ..

The owner of the fist moved faster, but suddenly stopped and began to ooze a lot of blood from his mouth

"What is this?" "That old man thought to himself, he doesn't know what's happening now . . A minute ago he was about to die because of this man's fist and now the fist spits blood

"Oh, oh, this will affect me a lot.. Treatment may take a long time, perhaps more than another twenty years."This man crossing his legs to take the form of training his soul did not wait long and then fell to the ground," he said

A very beautiful woman appeared from behind the fist holder, looking like a nobleman, with white hair of gray and some wrinkles due to old age, with a lot of injuries and blood splattered from her body, then she snatched her sword from the body of the fist holder and said, " it looks like I hit his heart."

She was talking very comfortably, but unlike her, the old man sitting in front of her was terrified, he didn't know where to go or what to do.. His heartbeat started to increase suddenly and then he looked at that woman ..

But contrary to what he expected, this woman showed a very friendly smile towards the old man and then said, "Jimmy Wilton, old man, you have changed a lot." she said that word and didn't move at all."

"What?" The old man replied very quickly, " Jimmy Wilton?" That's my name .. How could a random woman like her know him I haven't even used it in the last thousand years 'There were a lot of questions going through that old man's mind.'

His thoughts were interrupted by the woman saying, "Don't forget me," and then she grabbed her sword and pointed it at her heart .. Tuh .. That woman committed suicide..

This old man named Jimmy Wilton was surprised by this, which showed a belated reaction .. "Wait," he said, and then he couldn't do anything but see that woman's smile and her red, blood-filled teeth ..

"What's going on here?" "Jimmy Wilton said and then that woman fell to the ground, Jimmy couldn't move because of his broken bones and then a purple egg appeared the size of an ostrich egg or a little bigger . . She began to fall from the sky..

"Congratulations to the last remaining King in this humble competition , you have been awarded the title of the best King , and the second prize is a legendary egg , you will be notified if there are any other prizes" a voice began to appear in Jimmy's mind like last time

"That voice?""Jimmy thought to himself and then said

"Is it?" Is there a cure, " Jamie said, after all, he is in a deplorable state and it's definitely who does a competition like that .. Surely it is an entity of another level

Jamie began to think about the medicine he is taking, maybe it consists of a rare or legendary healing pill, after all he is the only survivor

"No .. There is no cure .. Ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"What?" Why, for what "Jimmy started asking but the voice disappeared

"That fucking bastard," Jimmy said after letting out a long exhale

"It looks like I'm done, I'm going to die soon .. Now that I'm the king of the nlok, I won't be able to live even ١٠ more years Life Is Strange."

"How long have I been living in this world? I stopped counting after I reached the thousandth year? Have you exceeded a thousand or not ? Five thousand? Maybe?) Maybe the five have already passed the roll.. Most of the Kings here have been around for six thousand years already, no one knows... Koh... Koh."

This man spoke up and started coughing again with some blood dripping from his stomach again

"But I prefer Kings now .. Haha hahahahaha .. But what will be the background of the person who can give you the title of the best Kings"

The guy said that with a big smile

That old man remembered the storage ring he owned .. Old Jimmy put his hand in his pocket and then took out a small cloth with it ٤ storage rings.. He owned one of them and the other three he stole from the bodies of the dead

That old man started looking for any treatment for his internal injury in those rings, and fortunately he found some medicines, including the Red Dragon pond flower, then he took it out and started wrapping the flower to check it

While holding the Red Dragon pond flower. A very strong aura was coming out of it, it also gave an aura of dignity and extreme strength, with small branches emerging from it like thorns.

This guy started practicing and slowly sucked that flower.

"But.. What is this?"This old man suddenly said..

Then he spat blood all over the place where he was sitting and his breath started to get upset and his breathing had gone bad

"This.. This is not the right remedy.. Haha.. Koh.. Koh."This man's condition is getting worse instead of getting better.

"I didn't think that as a person who had crossed the boundaries of the heavens in the world would be killed by his stupidity?" Is this what fate is called?"That man said when his intestines began to turn black and become even redder .. Very dark red and even crazier…

"The correct remedy was not the Red Dragon pond flower, but I had to take the snow rosemary herb, because my organs had been boiling from the immortal's grip for a while. .. So I had to fight that intense heat by cooling it down..

But what I did was fight fire with fire.. But I didn't expect to be the one to be killed by this damn mistake, I was completely confident to do it but I didn't know that I was injured and that the Mana tank would end before I finished the operation .. What an idiot I am."

The old man said his eyes started to close due to sudden dizziness, as if he had completely lost hope of living

"Another life.. Just another life is all I need to kill these immortals forever and become the only ruler under this damn sky."

That man thought to himself before he drowned alone with the other immortals, with blood Cascades here and there this old man sleeps like a little child, sleeps and does not wake up after that ..


In the thoughts of old Jenny Wilton ..


I can only see the darkness around me... Am I Dead?

I think I did... Is this the afterlife? ...It looks very depressing...

It was life.. Well, it doesn't matter now..

It's no use crying over spilled milk..I was wandering in my thoughts …

But then a flash of light appeared in front of me at a distance...

She was as bright as the sun!

But I didn't feel any discomfort

Actually, I didn't feel anything

But then a flash of light appeared

Then I darken everything again...

Darkness. This was the first thing he thought about after waking up.

'Where am I?'

He tried to move his limbs, but the sense of touch was wrong with what he was used to.

'Wait, can I think?'

I clearly remember that I was killed because of my mistake in choosing the wrong treatment. '

He tried again to move or open his eyes, but the only thing he could feel was the sensation of his eyes narrowing, and the only thing he could see was darkness.

I think I'm still alive, and it seems that I can't even achieve a quick death in my life. Well, at least it's warm here.

There was a constant warmth in his body, which made the environment very cozy.


"Wake up, Jimmy the dog . How long are you going to sleep? You have to pay the rent now."

A strange voice appeared while old Jimmy was thinking.


He opened his eyes to start his new life

What will be the life of the best Kings after reincarnation

Welcome to the gamma system

Name is Jimmy Wilton

Age 18

Power 10

Agility 7

Vitality 8

IQ 8

The speed 6

Mana is zero .. A mana circuit must be configured to activate

Defense 5

Type : human

Titles: the best Kings, the five thousand years

Skills: control zombies under activation