
Dovakin in Westeros Insert

A guy is having Covid. he is with fever and is in isolation. while playing Skyrim he gets a blood clot and dies. he wakes up in Westeros just before the tourney of Harrenhall as his Skyrim character. Smut will be included. be advised.

OnanMaster · 电视同人
17 Chs

Fair Market and down the trident. Towards Castle Darry

he woke up well rested and decided to pack his stuff. there was already a little hive of activity in the camp, he wished farewell to the trout lord and ladies, Lysa was smitten and her sister teasing her did not help with how much she was blushing, Promising to take her on a dance when we make it to the tourney, Lord Hoster was heading to Riverrun before heading for the tourney, While Garen wanted to make haste and earn a reputation, fewer chances of the mad king thinking of him being an assassin if he got a good rep.


Mounting Shadowmere and waving farewell to the girls I pick up the pace, I wish to store all of my belongings in my inventory while traveling light only once I'm out of eyesight and away from earshot, I quickly store my tent and decide to ride south as fast as I can. following the side trampled river path where the river is flowing south. he was pressing Shadowmere he wanted to make it to Fairmaket by the next day, grab a river barge and by the end of the week make it to Harrenhal,

what people don't speak about is how Boring is riding horses, and being used to cars and bullet trains it was like the difference between day and night.

thanks to his Werewolf physique and the fact that Shadowmere does not tire like a regular horse he was actually going to make it to Fairmarket by that night, he will miss curfew and probably will need to bribe his way in, he has already exchanged some Septims and was not heavy but with a decent coin pouch with some gold, silver and copper pieces, if he had to guess he feels that Lord Tully has not stiffened him, in the exchange, what supported my theory was how Little finger looked as if he had bitten a lemon when we exchanged the coins. the Little man did not like that Garen played Knight in shining armor and found Lysa when she was lost. also, Lysa's game was so weak that he could have told her the sky was green and she would not question it. he kind of felt bad that he was kinda taking advantage of her youth. he might be young too, mentally, but he was not as naive as the Trout. he also liked more mature women. someone like legendary ass/eyes Ashara. or even Dacy Mormont who was described as a tall northern beauty. Perhaps even Val from the FreeFolk.

The sun was setting and the red was almost the color of Catelyn and Lysa's hair. gods why was he obsessing over that girl? perhaps he needed to get laid, perhaps he was fanboying that he got to meet some people from the cast. not that it will matter down the line, if he supports the Targs and kills Bobby B hell it was as easy as searching the brothel where he was hiding during the Battle of the Bells. but that would make Conington look good, and that sword swallower can eat shite and die. and if he supports Bobby. B. she would still marry Jhon Arryn and become deranged. Sigh.

Arriving at the gates of the city Garen is informed that due to an increase in bandit activity due to the tourney being hosted in the Riverlands they decided to close the gates. and they would not let Garen pass. "say that again? I'm sorry I did not hear you down there little man" the man was good two heads shorter than Garen. now that I dismounted and was in clear sight of the torches with my ornate full plate armor the drunk guards at the gate were scared that they have offended some lord. even offending a knight would have been bad.

After being let to enter town I found an inn. let the stable boy take care of Shadow. Fuck Shadowmare. way too much of a mouth full. Shadow it is from now.

I rented a room for the night and made sure that the Innkeeper sent someone to show me where and to whom to go to get a River barge. i knew that he would send me to some friendo of his. but I did not mind. this meant that he and his friendo will be earning some coin. good rapport building. also, that way if they betray me or some shite i will know who to kill once i get back.

I knew that Dovakin was not invincible. if he gets swarmed by 40 bandits he usually just gets Zerg rushed and dies. especially if they have mages (none that i think i will encounter any time soon) or archers. Thing is that I got shouts and real flashy magic. and that my friends... will make them run for the hills the moment I launch a fireball/firestorm from my hands.


Waking up the next morning was. well sore. he slept in his armor just in case. but it made him ache all over his body.

After eating breakfast and then having second breakfast immediately (thanks Pipin. fool as a Took. wise as a Foody) I left the Inn with the stable boy. made him walk me through the market and bought a few things. like freshly baked bread. some "how you like them apples" that resembled granny smith's and finally some freshly butchered mutton that i saw the butcher was just quartering. the carcass was still warm. bought it all.

after loading everything on Shadow. I walked while pulling the reins of the horse down towards the river port.

After paying for the transport of me and Shadow down the river towards Castle Darry's port. it was located a bit north of Castle Darry, but on the southern side of the bridge that connected castle Darry and the crossroads inn in the king's road.

it would be a two-day journey because of River Pirates. Lord all mighty what a stupid fucking name.


I knew I was planning on making a name for myself. but at the end of the second day as we approached Castle Darry, probably around 2 or 3 hours away a bunch of 50 morons in rags on top of a few rafts tried to attack us.

Dragon bow. Ancient Nordic arrows and 15 dead men later floating down the river they fleed like cockroaches. Everyone in the River Barge cheered for me. it felt... I don't know how it felt. good for saving these people's lives? guilt for slaughtering 15 people? nah. they would have slit my throat just for one of my gauntlets. let along my full plate armor and weapons.

At the town that surrounded Castle Darry while searching for an Inn to spend the night a Boy not older than 11 came running and said that I have been invited to the Castle as an honorary guest of the local Lord. seems that my exploits with the bow and arrow in the river have spread like a house fire and now I have slain 50 bandits in single combat. Refusing would be an insult... Crap.

Fucking gossiping hens. and their love to exaggerate the story with each re-telling

After arriving at the Castle i left Shadow with the Stable Boyo and was about to head to the main hall when i found a receiving party right in front of the entrance to the main hall.

"fuck me" i just whispered as I approached the clear Lord of the castle and his family. I'm not that fucking important. I know my armor is probably just as fancy as Rhegars and I'm a good warrior but this is overkill. they don't even know who I am since I have never gave my family name to anyone.

let us start with the Mummer's Farce. as they would say here.

Bobby B: give me your stones you shits!

OnanMastercreators' thoughts