
Dovakin in Westeros Insert

A guy is having Covid. he is with fever and is in isolation. while playing Skyrim he gets a blood clot and dies. he wakes up in Westeros just before the tourney of Harrenhall as his Skyrim character. Smut will be included. be advised.

OnanMaster · TV
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17 Chs

Castle Darry and Arrival at Harrnehall. (a bit NSFW?)

"my name is Lord Raymund Darry. this is my wife and my son " he keeps naming people in his family as if I care.

"thank you, Lord Darry. I'm honored to be your guest for tonight. as for tomorrow I will be heading for Harrenhall. that is the reason I did not want to intrude in your hospitality," I say with a nod, not a bow just a nod.

"nonsense. the river demon can stay here as much as he wants, you saved my 3rd cousin's life. a debt of blood." Says Lord Darry as he points at a young man, not even 9 years of age that traveled with them in the river barge.

River fucking demon? for fucking real? I glare at the kid just for a few seconds. which makes him flinch.

Bob and weave. roll with the punches.

"there was no need since I was doing my duty as a Knight. for one of my oaths is to protect the innocent" I just say with a smile.

They offer me bread and salt, after getting guest rights and excusing myself to "freshen up" and get into some "appropriate" clothing before the night feast. first, I have gotta get my "story" in order that will be while I bathe.

The woman that filled the tub with buckets of hot water and then took away my armor for "maintenance by the lord's page" as a favor for honoring him with my presence returned and took off her robes. before she could climb inside the tub I stopped her and after making sure that she was ok with it. I told her just to use her hands. needed to release some steam. and that would be fine. for now. her tits were truly marvelous.

"What is your name?" I ask her as she is stroking me. I need a name to picture her later. in case of need of release by my own hand.

"Bessie" she answers while she leans forward and kisses my neck. while her huge tits and erected nipples brush against my chest and shoulder.

I almost started to laugh like a madman. I don't believe in coincidences. and if this is the wench that Bobby B fucked in the river lands and was so obsessed with this was GOLD.

after Finishing and *cough* finishing my bath I started to dress up in some clothes. clothes I pulled out of inventory when the young woman left with swaying hips.

When you got the pouches mod you don't even know how much shit you got in your MISC tab. I got from buckets, and baskets to anything else that you can loot randomly by accident.

it was not the fanciest of clothes. but for this, they will serve.


As I approached the main dining hall I have already cleared my mind (thank the gods for post-nut clarity) and had my story of who I was and how I got here structured. I will never deviate from it, nobody can prove that I'm lying.

but what was more in my mind was what was Lord Darry scheming. you don't just invite a random Knight/lord you don't even know the house off to a feast as a guest of honor just for shooting down 15 bandits in rags. well, yea I did kill them rather quickly. but still.

One of the things he was thinking of is for some kind of marriage proposal. my armor alone would be enough to buy a holdfast. that and the fact that I had chances of winning the archery contest and its prize would be a good enough deal to get your daughter/cousin/niece into.

another thing would be to kill me. steal my armor and then dispose of my body. I already had an antidote potion in my belt and a healing one so it was not a problem. instead of carrying my sword, I had an ebony dagger on my belt. appropriate for the setting. also, I have already "selected" so to speak the biggest healing spell in my right hand and the strongest armor spell on my left. also ready to shout at any moment.

If they try anything. ohh gods the look on their faces would be priceless before I slaughter them all.

After arriving in front of the main hall the steward of Castle Darry as he introduced himself asked me to tell him my name and title.

"Lord Garen James Crownguard. High Thane of Skyrim. the last Dovakin. Master of Tuum. True Descendant of the Aenor. last Blood of Isildur King of Gondor. The one who Crossed the Sunset sea." ALL of it said with a straight poker face same as I had done with Lord Hoster.

I perhaps might have had my head up my ass at that point. but I can not back down now.

Seeing how the Steward paled the more titles I named made me want to laugh but I had self-control.

"go on" I just waved him off.

After opening the doors the Steward repeated my words verbatum and the entire hall was quiet as if someone had just fallen dead in the middle of a dance floor.

"what does that mean?" Lord Darry asked confused.

"that is my name and those are my titles." I just said nonchalantly.

The dinner was awkward after that. after explaining how I came from the other side of the sunset Sea from the continent of Nirn. how I was a High thane and what that position implied. what was the Tuun. eTc. they were looking at me as if I had grown two heads. ate their offspring and then grew a third one.

After asking how was that with all my power and martial prowess they were able to take my ship and crew down. I explained that it was a ship full of mutes and that they ambushed us while we were sleeping during the night. after seeing they could now win the fight they just set our ship on fire and ran away like cowards. I gave them the sigil of Euron Greyjoy.

"a demonstration perhaps?" I say as we have finished feasting and drinking.

"well if your claims are true then perhaps. ether that or you are a madman" Said Lord Darry.

"let us go outside. would not want to destroy your castle and bury us under the rubble." this was the best thing about building rapport and reputation. if I showed them just the candy and waved in front of them. then the stories would exaggerate and finally, no one would believe them. well, maybe the spider. but he can be dealt with easily.

"you mind losing a horse-drawn cart Lord Darry?" I asked as I entered the courtyard.

"not at all. hahaha" the half-drunk man laughed and waved at soon a cart was dragged by two servants where I pointed them to, so I would not level a castle wall with the shout.

I was thinking of using Unrelenting force (fus ro da) or the Fire Breath. but knowing that Castle Darry was a Targaryen Loyalist house during the rebellion. well (Yol Toor Shul) also known as fire breath would be more apropiate.

"Yol Toor Shul!!!!!!" the Shout resonated through the entire castle and the town surrounding it. the flames coming from my mouth as if I was a fire-breathing dragon made human flesh consume the wooden cart in seconds, before hitting the wall behind and creating a wall of fire rising to the sky like a torrent.

"Still think I jest?" I say with a coarse voice as I fakely stumble around """trying""" to stay on my feet.

after being helped to my "honor room" in the castle I found my armor there placed on a table. I bet these idiots will not try to kill or steal anything from me after that.

The next morning I dress in my armor and walk to the main hall. the Servants dodge me as if I was the plague incarnate. saying things like "dragon made flesh". I just chuckle at that.

this is all part of the big plan. the end game for the rebellion. see?

If I fancy Rhegar. he will see me as an ally. a fire-breathing human with super powers. to fight the long night.

but if I fancy Bobby B. I can explain to him that these powers are acquired by KILLING dragons and taking their soul and that DOVAKIN on Dragon Born is there to KILL dragons.

He would probably fuck a wench just thinking about it.

so yea now that I'm Dragon-made Flesh. Aeris can not kill me. he just can't, he is obsessed with them. HAHAHA

Can Westerosi people even Learn the Tuum if I try to teach them?? got close to 20 years to experiment. I bet Quiburn would be interested. poaching him from the citadel the first chance I get.


after taking for my horse reigns from the stable boy who has actually pissed himself the moment I approached I just took out a golden septum and flickered it to him.

"BOY listen close." the kid stiffened up like a seasoned log "I'm from a Land called Skyrim I killed many who were deserving... and many who were not. we are the men we chose to be. keep your head high and fear no darkness. I ride now. Ride for Victory. Ruin and The world's ending. FORTH EORLINGAS!" mixing up Kratos and the Rohirrim charge speech just to fuck with the kid. before I kicked the horse and rode south

god... I'm a piece of shit. but I love messing with people's heads. I bet he will remember that speech until the day he dies.


getting to Harrenhall was not difficult 1 and a half days of riding south on Shadow. Let's see how my ploy and gamble play out. I can always run away and go to esos or beyond the wall. say fuck it, and let Lord Snow Brooding grand master to fix all the shit.

prob gonna wite chapter 7 after i go to the store and get some booze.

OnanMastercreators' thoughts