
Douluo Dalu: Stealing Through The Heavens

Alternate Title: 'Douluo: Stealing Treasures from Myriad Worlds System'" Tang San: "Thief, return my Eight Spider Lances! Return my immortal herb! Why can't my Blue Silver Grass awaken into the Blue Silver Emperor anymore?" Xiao Yan: "Who is the thief that stole my Heavenly Flame?" Yan Dan: "Who on earth stole Feiyan's heart? I've tried every way to please her, but she remains unmoved!" Tian Yan: "Father, when will you come back to see me and mother?" Li Xingyun: "Isn't the Empress supposed to like me?" Sasuke: "Give back my brother's Sharingan!" ... A certain salaryman from the Earth, through a stroke of luck, transmigrates to the Douluo Continent and binds with the Steal System! From then on, treasures, techniques... everything from the myriad worlds is his to steal! He can also traverse the heavens. Note: This is a translation and I own nothing Raw title: 斗罗之偷取万界系统 Check out my Patreon at patreon.com/Medinator to read advanced chapters.

Medinator · 漫画同人
29 Chs

Prince Xue Beng's Daily Beatings

Before Zuzong could speak, a person on the opposite side suddenly yelled, "Insolence! How dare you not bow when you see our Prince Xue Beng!" He then turned to the leading soul master and respectfully said, "Prince Xue Beng, these two disrespectful commoners don't know their place. Should I teach them a lesson for you?"

The leading soul master gave off an impression of sheer arrogance—not just in appearance, but as if "arrogance" was ingrained in his very bones.

Zuzong suddenly understood, thinking, "No wonder this looks so familiar. Turns out it's Xue Beng, who was beaten up by Dai Mubai in the original story. He pretended to be weak but ended up as the biggest winner, becoming the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire after Tang San exposed Qian Renxue's disguise."

Although Xue Beng was a scoundrel, he wasn't stupid. While he was a prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, he was the least favored and lived in constant danger. His older brothers, who died early, were proof of the peril. There were some people he absolutely couldn't afford to offend, like the upper three sects, Spirit Hall, or his elder brother, the Crown Prince Xue Qinghe.

Seeing Zuzong's refined attire and extraordinary temperament, Xue Beng cautiously asked, "Which family are you from?"

Xiao Wu, already impatient, had finally managed to enjoy resting on her "little boyfriend's" back, only to be interrupted halfway. "Family or no family, we were invited to join the Heaven Dou Academy," she retorted.

Hearing this, Xue Beng relaxed. It seemed they were just commoners who had risen to prominence. Nothing too significant.

With a change of expression, he said, "You two brats haven't even weaned yet, dreaming of lofty ambitions here. This is the Royal Academy, not a place for any random chicken to become a phoenix. However, this girl is not bad. Keep me company, and I'll let you in. Hahaha."

While speaking, Xue Beng ignored Zuzong entirely and approached Xiao Wu. His eyes were filled with lewd intent, embodying the very essence of a rogue.

Zuzong couldn't help but think, "This might just be a case of acting true to character."

He didn't stop Xue Beng; if the guy was seeking a beating, why intervene?

Xiao Wu wasn't as simple as she looked. With Zuzong's alchemical elixirs and regular training, her soul power was much higher than in the original story, reaching level 33.

As Xue Beng reached out to touch Xiao Wu's round face, Xiao Wu smiled sweetly at him. Xue Beng hesitated for a moment, thinking, "There's a chance here!"

Zuzong glanced at Xue Beng with sympathy and silently prayed, "Poor prince, may you rest in peace."

As expected, in the next moment, Xiao Wu grabbed Xue Beng's arm and unleashed a complete set of the Eight-Stage Drop technique on him.



"Mercy, Auntie!"

Xue Beng's screams and pleas for mercy filled the air.

The more Xiao Wu beat him, the more excited she became. In Notting Academy, aside from Zuzong, no one was her match, which made things boring. But whenever she sparred with Zuzong, she was always swiftly subdued. 

As for that Tang San, whose glorious exploits Zuzong often narrated, she avoided him like the plague. "Even his first soul skill sounds disgusting," she said. "He must be equally disgusting. Hmm! If Zuzong says so, it must be true."

Tang San (angry and tearful): "Zuzong, not only did you steal my wife, but you also dared to speak ill of me! I shall capture you alive, eat your flesh, and sleep on your skin. Zuzong, surrender your life!" charges forward... and faints again.

After half a cup of tea's time, Xue Beng was beaten into a pig's head. Only then did Zuzong intervene to stop the beating.

In contrast, the nine soul masters with Xue Beng were mostly trembling with fear. Only two or three managed to summon their martial souls and take a defensive stance.

They were terrified of the violent Xiao Wu, a young girl of twelve or thirteen with such incredible strength. She was like a tigress.

Zuzong gave them a glance, "So these are flowers grown in a greenhouse."

Beside him, the unconscious Xue Beng, upon hearing the beating stop, mustered his remaining willpower to regain a sliver of consciousness. He immediately scolded his lackeys, "What are you all doing just standing there? Did you turn into idiots? Can't you see that I've been beaten up? Quickly, summon your martial souls and beat them up! I refuse to believe so many people can't take down one little girl."

Xue Beng's plan sounded great, but reality is often cruel.

Xiao Wu's violent Eight-Stage Drop was too intimidating. Xue Beng's die-hard followers didn't dare to step forward. Sure, Xue Beng was their leader, but risking their lives for him? No way.

Seeing there was more fighting to be had, Xiao Wu's eyes sparkled as she raised her fists eagerly. "More fighting? I like it!"

At this moment, Zuzong stepped forward to stop Xiao Wu. "That was just for you to let off some steam. Girls shouldn't be fighting all the time. What if you can't get married in the future?"

Then, looking at the remaining nine of Xue Beng's lackeys, he coldly said, "Are you sure you want to fight? I'm not like Xiao Wu. I won't take as much time."

Zuzong (holding his breath): "Ahh, finally got to say Uchiha Itachi's classic line!"

Uchiha Itachi (furious): "Thank you very much!"

Hearing Zuzong's comment about not being able to get married, Xiao Wu's cheeks flushed as if understanding something. She had no more intention to fight.

Seeing that the "tigress" had been restrained, they relaxed. As for Zuzong, they completely ignored him. "A guy who hides behind a girl, how strong could he be?"

"Brothers, summon your martial souls and beat him up!"

With the first one making a move, the rest followed. Nine people, all their soul rings released, revealing that they were either Soul Grandmasters or Soul Elders.

Zuzong shook his head and vanished with a Body Flicker technique.

In less than the time it takes for five blinks, the nine men were either kneeling or lying on the ground, clutching their abdomens, writhing in pain.


"It hurts..."

"My little P.P..!"

Xue Beng, lying on the ground, was dumbfounded. "What was that speed? Is he a human or ghost?"

But it wasn't over yet. Zuzong kicked each of them one by one, sending them flying and stacking them on top of Xue Beng like a human pyramid.

The surrounding crowd of onlookers was also stunned, looking at Zuzong with a changed expression. From seeing him as a pretty boy to seeing him as a demon. Of course, these reactions were mostly from the men.

As for the majority of the girls, their eyes were shining with stars from the beginning to the end.

Xiao Wu walked over and threw herself into Zuzong's arms, her arms wrapping around his neck. "Wow, Zuzong, you're amazing! What was that soul skill? It almost matches my third soul skill!"

Zuzong couldn't help but smile, "It's nothing special, let's go sign up!"

[Author: "Keep showing off."]

Just then, a strong voice suddenly rang out, "What's going on here? Why such commotion?" From the wooded pathway on the hillside, a figure quickly approached. Wearing a silver outfit, he appeared to be in his fifties, with a round face, thick eyebrows, and large eyes, his hands clasped behind his back. He looked like a master.


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