
Douluo Dalu: Stealing Through The Heavens

Alternate Title: 'Douluo: Stealing Treasures from Myriad Worlds System'" Tang San: "Thief, return my Eight Spider Lances! Return my immortal herb! Why can't my Blue Silver Grass awaken into the Blue Silver Emperor anymore?" Xiao Yan: "Who is the thief that stole my Heavenly Flame?" Yan Dan: "Who on earth stole Feiyan's heart? I've tried every way to please her, but she remains unmoved!" Tian Yan: "Father, when will you come back to see me and mother?" Li Xingyun: "Isn't the Empress supposed to like me?" Sasuke: "Give back my brother's Sharingan!" ... A certain salaryman from the Earth, through a stroke of luck, transmigrates to the Douluo Continent and binds with the Steal System! From then on, treasures, techniques... everything from the myriad worlds is his to steal! He can also traverse the heavens. Note: This is a translation and I own nothing Raw title: 斗罗之偷取万界系统 Check out my Patreon at patreon.com/Medinator to read advanced chapters.

Medinator · Anime & Comics
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Heaven Dou Empire Royal Academy

Heaven Dou Empire Royal Academy was less than twenty kilometres from the capital city of the Heaven Dou Empire, located in a beautiful environment. Although Xiao Wu claimed she didn't like it, the thought of this place being her future home made her secretly happy.

More than five years had passed, and they had finally graduated from the Nuoding Primary Soul Master Academy. With their talents, the academy had planned to send them directly to intermediate or even advanced Soul Master academies. Many academies had invited them, but Zong refused all offers.

Especially Yu Xiaogang, who visited Zong almost every year. His main intentions were either to persuade Zong to become his disciple or to join the Shrek Academy after graduation.

Becoming a disciple was out of the question. Most of his theories were incorrect, and for those that were useful, Zong already knew about them. He nearly resorted to using the River of Zimu Water on him several times.

As for Shrek? Aside from being interested in the remaining two girls, there wasn't much to it. The teaching quality was average at best. Other than helping students acquire soul rings, it had little to offer.

As for its teaching achievements? With talents reaching level 25 before the age of twelve, even a pig could be taught well! It was suitable for the pampered sons and daughters of noble families.

Zong had no interest in the other minor academies. If it had been the Tianshui Academy, he might have considered it. Unfortunately, they didn't accept him.

During their six years in Nuoding, many things happened.

Zong lived a fulfilling life, attending classes in the morning, training or competing in the Arena of Souls using transformation techniques in the afternoon, and practicing "Nine Yang Divine Art" at night to enhance his soul power, leaving almost no free time.

Due to the rules of the Douluo Continent, no matter what methods Zong tried, he could not break through certain restrictions. After acquiring the "Nine Yang Divine Art," he broke through to the second level in less than a month. However, he could not progress further until he obtained his second soul ring, which allowed him to reach the third level, and the fourth level came after obtaining the third soul ring.

Despite spending a large amount of resentment points to travel to the world of "The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber," he could not break through the existing bottleneck of the "Nine Yang Divine Art" due to differences in cultivation systems. However, he did manage to save the young Zhou Zhiruo during this period.

Speaking of resentment points, the theft system must be mentioned.

After obtaining the "Nine Yang Divine Art" over five years ago, Zong found himself at odds with Bibi Dong. Out of ten attempts, he stole items from her seven times, including some dangerous ones. Alarmed, he had to call a halt.

Apart from obtaining the Body Flicker Technique from "Naruto," most of the stolen items were useless for improving his strength.

It was worth mentioning that although five years had passed, the Fourth Great Ninja War in the Naruto world should have ended long ago. Strangely, over these five years, Uchiha Itachi never generated resentment points towards Zong. Was he really that great? As it turned out, Zong was overthinking. The timeline in "Naruto" was even slower than in the Douluo Continent. After consulting the system, Zong learned that the Allied Shinobi Forces had just been formed.

At twelve years old, Zong no longer appeared as immature as he once did. His face had gradually matured, faintly resembling the previous Blue Silver Emperor. The years of rigorous training had given him a strong physique. Though not bulky, his muscular body beneath his clothes was full of explosive power.

Zong's soul power had now reached level 37.

The Blue Silver Domain had also evolved to its second stage.

Unlike the original story's Tang San, Zong didn't pursue a pure control path initially.

His second soul ring was acquired in his second year at Nuoding Academy, sourced from a 1,100-year-old Saber-Toothed Tiger.

This granted Zong the soul skill "Blue Silver Blade," which could transform dozens to hundreds of Blue Silver Emperor vines into blades that cut through iron like mud, capable of attacking enemies. The blades could also be imbued with fire poison. 

There was no usage limit; as long as Zong's soul power was sufficient, they could be used endlessly, greatly enhancing his offensive capabilities. Facing this soul skill, soul masters of the same level could not afford to get injured, even with minor wounds. Unless Zong helped them dispel the fire poison, they would inevitably die within a few hours.

The third soul ring was obtained two years ago. Zong chose the original Tang San's fourth soul ring, the Pit Demon Spider. Though it had less than 3,000 years of cultivation, Zong still gained the group control skill "Blue Silver Cage," a high-temperature version that could burn the flesh upon direct contact.

With a yellow, purple, and purple soul ring configuration and at only 12 years old, Zong was indeed a soul master genius. Fortunately, the Blue Silver Domain had a "Camouflage" ability, allowing him to change the soul ring's color or even hide a ring entirely.

Zong understood well the concept of "an innocent man gets into trouble because of his wealth." With unparalleled talent but without the backing of a powerful force, he was vulnerable to those who would seek to either recruit or destroy him.

In the eyes of others, Zong was just a genius who had recently acquired his third soul ring, with the soul ring configuration of yellow, yellow, and purple. Although his talent was monstrous, it was not unheard of on the Douluo Continent, so it wasn't enough to attract undue attention.

"This must be the place," Zong said, holding the map given by Director Franklin earlier.

Xiao Wu, who was standing nearby, was not pleased. She thought, "I've been talking this whole time, and you just ignored me! Looking at a map? Am I not as good-looking as that map?"

Blinking her big, cute eyes, Xiao Wu pouted, "Hmph! I'm upset now. I'm tired and don't want to walk anymore."

She squatted down, playing the spoiled child, staring at Zong.

Zong understood this look. They had developed a mutual understanding long ago. He crouched down and gestured with his right hand, "Alright, come on."

"Yay!" Xiao Wu cheered, having once again succeeded in acting spoiled. She jumped onto Zong's back.

If it were two years ago, Zong would never have agreed. A proud man like him, the most handsome man in the Douluo world, would rather carry any beauty on his back than this 100,000-year-old rabbit. Although the Transformation Pill had turned her into a human being, once a rabbit, always a rabbit.

But two years ago, due to an accident, Zong finally experienced a strange comfort while carrying Xiao Wu. He found it unexpectedly pleasant.

Zong refused verbally but was honest in action.

Well, after training for so long, his back had become stiff and hard, and it did need a little soft, round cushion to relax.

A man and a woman, the man carrying the woman, swiftly made their way to the entrance of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

"Stop, who are you?" Ten soul masters around the ages of eighteen or nineteen blocked their path. Though they hadn't summoned their martial souls, their goose-yellow uniforms indicated they belonged to Heaven Dou Royal Academy.

Zong put Xiao Wu down, glanced around at the people blocking them, and thought, "Why does this scene feel so familiar?"


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