
Douluo Dalu 3: Just one punch

“One day something totally unexpected happens in your life and someone great walks into your life totally unexpected takes you by surprise and changes your life forever” Li Akuma is an Orphan who enjoys spreading fake news on Instagram and enjoys charity work. He's Stable and reliable, but also very kind and caring. But unfortunately met his end in a terrible accident. Watch as he somehow was chosen to be reincarnated and survives in this new world. -No Harem -Overpowered -hard working -romance, 1 interest -slice of life -comedy (Correct me if I do anything wrong with how the douluo dalu universe works)

CookieFromAjar · 漫画同人
12 Chs


Everyone on the Douluo Continent possesses something called a martial soul. Martial souls are a part of one's body it can be an animal, plant, or even a tool.

If one's martial soul were a Hoe, their farming abilities would be more potent than others. If it was an animal, they might possess some animal abilities.

As a result, martial souls have long since become one of the most critical factors in everyone's life.

However, whether one has soul power is more important than the martial soul. Soul power is energy capable of upgrading one's martial soul. Even amongst a thousand people, not one person could have soul power.

Possessing soul power was equal to becoming strong. If one's martial soul had soul power, one could cultivate it to upgrade one's, martial soul.

In 100,000 years of the Douluo continent, soul master is among the most respectable professions.

"Ok, Ya happy now I read it? Does that mean I can go sketch now?" Akuma asked his mother, Li Tomoko, who was in the kitchen staring down at him with a sharp gaze, then turned into an eye smile.

"Sure, but don't be gone for too long. Tomorrow morning we have your martial soul awakening at the academy, so you have one hour, alright? And you know what it means to not be back in one hour, right?" Tomoko said with a smile, but Akuma shuddered 'you may look like an angel at first sight, but you're a devil,' Akuma thought as he ran out of the house.

It was a relatively lovely medium-sized house. It had a small backyard, a kitchen, and a good-sized homey living room. And upstairs was a bathroom and two rooms, one his room and the other his mom's.

His dad, well…. He died last year, getting caught up in a fight with spirit masters the previous year. Akuma truly loved his dad. He was perfect. He was strict with him and his manners and always taught him to be kind to others, giving, and forgiving. He teaches him to be independent.

Even if he was reincarnated, he didn't live that long, just 20, and had a regular office job. So, what his father said to him from a young age was implanted into his mind.

And Akuma loved his dad and mom. He didn't have any in his past life; he had them in this life, and he wouldn't trade them for anything. But after his dad died, his mom didn't change, but he could hear her cry at night.

Their family was well off, thanks to what his dad had earned while a blacksmith, so they were fine for a good while.

Akuma arrived at a bench next to a small pond with fish swimming around inside of it. He smiled as he sat down and took out his sketchbook and pen from his small backpack, which he carries with him.

It took him 40 minutes to finish his sketch; it was two fish circling each other in the middle of a lake with a sun setting in the background.

After he finished his sketch, he sat back on the bench and closed his eyes. Loving the warm breeze, he slowly drifted off into a dream world.

Akuma opened his eyes and immediately shot up to his feet 'crap, I'm going to be late! Moms are going to be mad!' Akuma then ran as fast as he could home. But it wasn't fast at all. He's a six-year-old, after all, a child.

When he arrived at the front of the house door, he opened it as silently as possible, trying to escape his room, but it was all in vain.

"Hehe, you thought you could get away from punishment!" Tomoko stood towering over Akuma with a dark aura surrounding her, making Akuma shiver.

"I'm sorry! I lost track of time!" Akuma immediately apologized, and his mother's demonic aura disappeared immediately.

She gave him a hard chop on the head. "OW, what was that for? It hurt!" Akuma complained, rubbing his head, which now had a bump.

Tomoko sighed, kneeled to Akuma's level, and enveloped him in a hug "sorry about that, but you needed a consequence. You can't be late. It makes me worry…."

She ended the hug and walked to the kitchen "oh, and no meat for you today!" She yelled, and Akuma's eyes widened.

'No meat… but meat equals life force, and if I don't get my life force for the day, then my vitality will go down, and I won't be able to live as long then….' Akuma continued to sulk about not getting his life force for the day as he sat down on the couch to watch Tv.