
Martial spirit

"Wakie walkie sunshine! Get out of bed; we must be at the academy in 30 minutes. Get dressed," Tomoko said, hovering over the still-sleeping Akuma, totally being ignored.

"Wake up!" Tomoko then karate chopped his head, and he sprung to his feet.

"Ahggg ouch, why did you hit me!" Akuma yelled, mad as he rubbed his head.

"We have to be at the academy in now 26 minutes. Hurry it up; I'll make breakfast," his mom said, walking out of the room, and Akuma smiled slightly.

He had a weird relationship with his mom. They would constantly bicker, but it was mostly just a facade as they are both too Stubborn to show how they feel except for the accessional warm moment.

He got up and put on a plane comfy grey hoodie with black shorts. He went to the restroom and looked in the mirror; he looked at his messy dark red hair and slightly combed it hair making it into a middle part. He had pretty long hair just reaching his shoulders.

He went downstairs and went to the dinner table where his mom had placed the wood; he quickly gobbled it down as he had his mother hovering over him with a friendly smile on her face 'truly is a Devil' 'it's all a facade if I didn't devour my food and we were to end up late she would end me or take away my meat privileges.'

"You done?" Akuma nodded as he walked to the sink to wash the plate off. "Alright, let's go; put on your shoes then we'll leave"

After Akuma put on his shoes, they left and eventually arrived at the academy. It was quite crowded, and they arrived just in time for his name to be called "Li Akuma!" The announcer shouted

Before Akuma could walk forward, he was stopped by his mom's warm embrace: "you'll do great" Akuma smiled, hugged her back, and walked into the academy. He eventually made it to the third floor of the building.

And what was waiting for him was a soul master standing in weird rune-type things that Akuma wouldn't even try to understand, way too complicated for his mind. There are three things that Akuma is good at. one is fighting. He would beat up some bullies he found picking on other kids. He had a talent for fighting; two was drawing, and three was eating. He could eat a full buffet of food all by himself if he tried.

"You must be Li Akuma. Good, stand here, and I'll awaken your martial soul." Akuma just nodded and let the soul master do his thing. Golden-like energy appeared on the soul master's hands as the runes in the room lit up.

The energy entered his body he got a slight warm feeling for a millisecond before it disappeared. Two red gloves then appeared on Akuma's hands.

'Gloves?' Akuma and the soul master both thought.

'Hmm, this is new. Is this a new martial soul? It has to be. I've never heard of it.'

"Hmm, "red glove" martial spirit, and congratulations, my little friend, you have soul power. I measured your soul power to rank 2; even if it's not the greatest, you are still one in a thousand. Moreover, you can strengthen your martial soul if you cultivate!"

Akuma nodded his head; he wanted to become a soul master to protect and help his mom in any way he could. And he knew that being a soul master could earn a lot of money.

"Thanks, mister," Akuma said, and the soul master nodded.

"In any case, your future is up to you; what you make of it is how much effort you put into it, so train hard and don't give up!" Akuma smiled at the soul master left, and Akuma thought, 'I'll train hard! I'll work my body to the bone to protect mom and the ones I care about in the future,' Akuma thought, determined as he walked out of the academy to see his mom standing in the crowd.

He smiled as he ran up to her and gave her a big hug. "I heard that my little Devil has spirit power! Let's celebrate with meat!" Tomoko said, and an enormous smile appeared on Akuma's face. Where do you think he got his love for meat from?

At home, Akuma was eating a massive plate of meat, taking huge gulps, not even chewing, just swallowing it whole.

Tomoko sighed "you know you don't need to go to the soul master class. You can go to the normal one if you don't want to be a soul master."

"Huh? But I want to be a soul master! I'll be the strongest! I know I don't have much soul power, but that doesn't matter; I'll make my body so strong that I can take out anybody with a punch! I'll protect you, so you don't have to do anything. Just watch." Akuma said with conviction.

Tomoko smiled "why aren't you a determined little Devil." Akuma had a dissatisfied look as he looked at his mom. "Who are you calling a Devil? I'm an angel!"

"Fine, you're a determined little angel," Tomoko said, and now Akuma had a satisfied look on his face.

"Alright, go outside and get some fresh air. Play around, get friends, and act like a normal kid." Akuma's mom deponed taking away the plate he finished for lunch.

Now Akuma had a dissatisfied look on his face. "Tch, normal kids, I'm a grown-up, don't you see that?" Akuma gestured to himself, a six-year-old.

Tomoko rolled her eyes.

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