
Double Comparison: Start with Revolutionary Army

Two years after the Summit War, the Contrast Room came to the world. The contrasting figures are the leaders of the revolutionary armies of the two worlds. The original leader of the world, Monkey·D·Dragon is already very good, leading the revolutionary army to grow stronger. However, Roja, the leader of the Revolutionary Army in the parallel world, is even more astonishing. Relying on the idea of time travel, it brought a dimensionality reduction blow to this pirate world. A few years later, when the dragon was still gathering strength. Roja has boarded the Mary goisie, and the flags of the Revolutionary Army are flying high all over the world. Fujitora: He is the unique mentor of the Revolutionary Army. Aokiji: On Ohara's side, I knew this man was the real justice. Kizaru: I was doing badly until I met a mentor. After watching the movie, when the two worlds merged, the Five Elders in the original world panicked. ______________________________________________ This is Chinese Fanfiction I am just translating it . ______________ If you want to read more join my Patreon. My Patreon link https://www.patreon.com/AnimeFanfic01 ---------- if you want to show more support u can donate or tip me on Ko-Fi website. My Ko- fi link https://ko-fi.com/animefanfic01 note- Ko-Fi only supports PayPal.

AnimeFanfic01 · 漫画同人
168 Chs

chapter 148

Chapter 148: Dawn In A Corner Of The World

[Morgans has an almost crazy obsession with big news. ]

[Some people seem to be born for something. No matter when or where they are, they seem to be able to give everything for it when they first come into contact with something that seems to be destined. ]

[Life, dignity, morality, humanity, everything can be given up in exchange for the firmest consciousness. ]

[Morgans is such a person. He no longer knows when he first came into contact with newspapers, but he seems to have been devoted to this industry since he was very young. ]

[Just like the Valley of the Gods incident twelve years ago, even in the face of the terrifying pressure from the world government, he, who was just a reporter at the time, dared to investigate and report part of the content. ]

[Now, he really smells the smell of big news. This smell is not ordinary big news, nor is it temporary, but news that heralds the opening of the curtain of the era. ]

["Revolutionary Army, Roja." Morgans stared at the young man with a gentle smile in front of him, and his heart suddenly agitated. ]

[He was the first newspaper president to make big news about the Revolutionary Army. He began to pay attention to this organization when the Revolutionary Army emerged in the Lvneel Kingdom. ]

[In the Flevance incident, the reputation of the Revolutionary Army spread throughout the sky. ]

[But from the very beginning of doing news, he only regarded the Revolutionary Army as an organization similar to the Legendary Pirates. Even though he learned about some of the ideals of the Revolutionary Army during his investigation, their organizational structure was completely different from that of the Pirates. ]

[It's just that, even though he knew so much, he never really regarded the revolutionary army as a challenger to the world government. Even the once extremely powerful Rocks Pirate could not challenge the world government, let alone an organization that was only established for two or three years. ]

[However, now, Morgans suddenly felt the immeasurable future of this organization. ]

[Miracles in the eyes of ordinary people have happened to this organization countless times. Perhaps, that is not a miracle, but the normal state of the revolutionary army. ]

[The changes of the times, the subversion of the world, before this grand event unfolds, there must be some obvious but easily ignored signs, and there must also be a traceable context.]

[The Revolutionary Army is the thread that Morgans is currently grasping. ]

[From growing at an incredible speed step by step, to now, with the addition of Marine Admiral, Morgans has finally seen a glimpse of the great era that is coming. ]

[This is big news that shakes the world, and it is also the beginning of a great era, and he, Morgans, a journalist, will have the opportunity to report this great era from beginning to end. ]

["Gah." Morgans suddenly exclaimed with excitement: "I'm going to write a press release right away, Chief Roja."]

["Marine Admiral joining our revolutionary army, this sounds so shocking." Morgans laughed strangely. ]

["You need to seek Comrade Zephyr's opinion on this." Roja looked at Zephyr and asked. ]

[Announce to the world that the joining of Zephyr can indeed greatly expand the influence of the Revolutionary Army, especially at this time when the power of the masses is needed. ]

[The addition of Zephyr will definitely give people all over the world a shot in the arm. After all, the Revolutionary Army's reputation in the world and in the hearts of the people is not that great at the moment. ]

[Under the suppression and blockade of the World Government, the Revolutionary Army was basically labeled as pirates in the eyes of many people. ]

[However, Marine Admiral is different. The name of Marine Admiral resounds throughout the sea, and is considered by many people to be the embodiment of justice. ]

[This is a vigorous promotion by the World Government, which is largely linked to the credibility of the World Government. The World Government spares no effort in promoting Admiral. After all, they have never thought about Marine Admiral joining an opposing organization. ]

[Of course, even if there are so many benefits, Roja will not do it if Zephyr is not willing. ]

[The Revolutionary Army never puts too much pressure on its comrades. For example, Roja never forced Aokiji and Marines to fight. Many times, he would even take care of Aokiji's feelings and let him avoid fighting with his former comrades.]

[Facing Roja's question, Zephyr just smiled softly. ]

["The so-called enlightenment is the belief that you have to give up everything and reach the end. Men will not have any scruples or hesitations about the decisions they have made."]

["Since I have chosen to join the revolutionary army and stand on the opposite side of the World Government, everything about Marine has nothing to do with me."]

["The revolutionary struggle is cruel. Isn't this what you have been teaching everyone, Mr. Roja?" Zephyr said firmly. ]

["The comrades who I once fought side by side, the students who I once devoted all my efforts into teaching them, all of these must be cut off today when the positions are opposite. This may sound a bit unhuman, but this is a good thing for both sides."]

["What we are engaged in now is a war."]

[What Zephyr said was not polite. This Marine veteran with a lot of experience seems to be showing his awareness and belief that he has burned everything up to now. ],

[He used to burn everything just to cultivate more Marines, so he is gentle, firm, tolerant and stable, giving selflessly as much as the calm sea. ]

[However, at this moment, after joining the revolutionary army, he regained his belief in fighting, burning everything just for revolution and changing this decayed world. ]

[At this moment, he looked a little cold, like a warrior crawling out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. His whole body was full of the coldness and determination of a veteran. ]

["You are right." Roja was silent for a moment and nodded. ]

[The revolutionary army's smooth development for a long time made him a little slack. Although this slack was not shown in slack, it was subtly reflected in his perspective. ]

["Revolution is not a dinner party. It cannot be so elegant, leisurely, or modest. Revolution is a riot, a violent movement in which one class overthrows another class."]

[Our revolutionary army represents the lowest level of the people, the proletariat. There is a huge gap in strength between the ruling class and the World Government. We must do our best to "overthrow the Celestial Dragons at all costs."]

[Like Zephyr this time, like Aokiji before, Roja's preferential treatment towards them is more like a questioning of their beliefs and consciousness. ]

[Since they have chosen to join the revolutionary army, they are already prepared to face everything in the past. ]

["Morgans immediately use Marine Admiral Zephyr's joining the revolutionary army as the biggest propaganda point, promote the power of our revolutionary army to the world, and at the same time continue to hold high the flag of liberating slaves." Roja said to Morgans. ]

["I need your newspaper to have two effects. First, to give the people greater confidence in the power of the revolutionary army. Second, to have greater confidence in the slave liberation movement."]

["Leave it to me, Mr. Roja, and I will definitely write the best and most shocking press release." Morgans said excitedly, and then immediately trotted out of the cabin. ]

[He can't wait to let the world see his economic news newspaper, the biggest news in history. ]

[Twelve years ago in the Valley of the Gods, he failed to capture the biggest and most shocking news. This time, he must spread the big news to the entire sea. ]

["Big news, maybe." Roja looked at Morgans' back and smiled softly. For him, tomorrow's actions are the real big news. ]

[Roja is in a good mood now. After the big news about Zephyr, Morgans' attitude towards their revolutionary army has changed drastically. ]

[In the beginning, it was just a temporary show of resignation, but now, it is obvious that Morgans may not be so repulsive to the revolutionary army anymore. ]

[He is a master at adapting to the changing circumstances. After seeing the growing strength and potential of the revolutionary army, he naturally came up with some ideas. ]

[Of course, with Morgans' character, it is impossible to completely join the revolutionary army. However, at least in a short period of time, Roja can be sure that "Morgans will be used by them."]

[that's enough. ]

["Tomorrow is the last day, let this world see a corner of the dawn." Roja's eyes were blazing, as if he could penetrate the distant clouds and see the holy land located ten thousand meters above the sky. ]

["These people who are born with incomparable dignity, I really want to see their panicked expressions."]

["Who stipulated that only they will always be superior." Roja's voice was full of determination and a long-simmering anger. ]

[The orphan of the Krojashi Kingdom who survived the blood and fire, step by step from East Blue to North Blue, and from North Blue through the entire Grand Line. ]

[After a few years, he finally went from being an orphan who was subjugated, from the bottom of the world to the place closest to the Celestial Dragons, the so-called most noble people in the world, and had the opportunity to let out his own roar. ]

["The farther away from the war, the more arrogant and conceited people will become. Everyone is equal in the face of war." Zephyr said in a low and calm voice. ]

[This is what he learned in his life . ]

[Celestial Dragons? Descendants of gods?]

[Zephyr will never forget the ugly appearance of a Celestial Dragons exposed by a murderous pirate who gave up everything on the Sabaody Archipelago. ]

[As time goes by, the sunlight gradually becomes dim, and the world enters darkness again. Basically all the slaves have been sent to The Fish Men Island, and some who are strong and determined even take the initiative to stay. ]

[Clumps of bonfires pierced the darkness, the soldiers wiped the guns in their hands, and there seemed to be flames burning in the eyes of these soldiers. ]

["Revolutionary Army."]

[In the port of Sabaody Archipelago, a one-man boat that looks like a cross slowly left the port. ]

[Standing on the ship is a young man with a huge black blade on his back and eyes as sharp as a hawk. ]

[He is standing on the cross boat now, looking at the Sabaody Archipelago getting farther and farther away, swallowed by darkness. ]

[Revolutionary Army, Marine, he could feel what the Revolutionary Army was preparing, and his keen insight allowed him to see the edge in Naguri when he saw him at a glance. ]

[An old man who should be full of twilight energy has a sharp edge that seems to pierce the sky. ]

["It's a pity that the revolutionary army is not my path." Mihawk's eyes were as sharp as the supreme black sword on his back. ]

[He is destined to walk alone at this moment. Before his swordsmanship has been honed to its peak, he will not join any organization and does not need any help. ]

[Use the most difficult situation to hone your sword. ]

[Become the strongest swordsman in this world. ]

[Shaky's Rip-Off Bar. ]

["It's too quiet." The bar is closed now, Shakky is leaning on the counter, In front of her, a large number of telephone bugs have been placed. ]

[This intelligence expert among pirates, even though she is no longer a pirate, still controls a powerful intelligence network. ]

[However, she did not receive any useful information throughout the entire day today. ]

[Obviously the revolutionary army has made such a big noise in Sabaody, and it is obvious that Marine Admiral Zephyr has arrived at Sabaody Archipelago. ]

[Whether it is Zephyr defeating the revolutionary army, or Marine's follow-up reinforcements, it stands to reason that there will be a huge commotion. ]

[The current situation is that the Revolutionary Army still exists safely, and there is even a sense of harmony between Marine and the Revolutionary Army. ]

[Marine is unable to reinforce? World government is empty of power?]

[This is simply impossible, even with the power of Marine, Fleet-Admiral has not been dispatched, and the World Government and CPO are strong. ]

["What happened?" Shakky murmured in confusion. ]

[She thought of the leader of the revolutionary army, that young man with a charm that was hard to describe in words. He must have done something. ]

[Darkness swallowed up the world, swallowed up this bar, without lights, Shakky was also swallowed up by darkness. ]

[She stayed quietly in the darkness, feeling an inexplicable palpitation in her heart, as if she had fallen into the center of the whirlpool of the times. ]

[Mangrove Area No. 1, on the deck of the Revolutionary Army's warship, Ivankov stands leaning on the railing. ]

[Ivankov's big face is still full of high-spirited smile. ]

[It seems like his big face was created specifically for laughter. If you ignore his weird makeup, you can feel the powerful appeal of his smile. ]

["Are you nervous? Ivan." Dragon walked to Ivankov's side. ]

["No, not at all, I am only excited at the moment." Ivankov's face is full of smiles. ]

["Aren't you afraid of failure?"]

["What is failure? Dragon?" Ivankov laughed and said: "Failure for me means not being able to reach the land of Mary Geoise."]

["As long as we can set foot on the land of Mary Geoise, it will be a victory for us."]

["The yearning for liberation, the pursuit of freedom, this is everyone's expectation. This operation, as long as we board Mary Geoise, this challenge to the tyranny of Celestial Dragons, It's our victory. "]

["As far as our behavior is concerned in this world, as long as it can inspire even one person, it is victory. This world has been silent for too long, Dragon."]

[Dragon was silent: "As expected of you, Ivan, your will and consciousness have always been stronger than mine."]

["After all, I was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons." Ivankov laughed. ]

["This is not something to be proud of, hey."]

["If Kuma knew that we boarded Mary Geoise to liberate the slaves, he would be very happy. I really want to call him."]

["There will be opportunities in the future. In order to reduce the risk of intelligence exposure, it is better to tell later."]

[There was silence on the deck, everyone fell asleep, and the world was completely swallowed up by darkness, extremely quiet. ]

[In the darkness before dawn, before the mighty wave of the times sweeps over, there always seems to be an inexplicable calmness. In this calmness, endless power is accumulated. Once it breaks out, it must be earth-shattering. ]

[On the seventh day, the morning sun shone, and silently, an iron army gathered at the port. ]

["Departure, destination, Mary Geoise."]

[With Roja's command, Fujitora drew his sword, and the blade suddenly emerged. ]

[The battleship takes off, and the army with the will of liberation is about to challenge the most powerful regime in the world.]

Author: The missing person is back, ahem, apologies, I've been waiting for a while. And, as expected, I was stabbed in the back by the manga again. Kuma has not yet joined the revolutionary army at this time.