
Dominating Hollywood

Born again. Want to go back? Give me Hollywood domination first

DaoistdFIViN · 现代言情
83 Chs

Chapter 82 Jenny's Ambition

 Jenny's feelings about this Tony Award may be the most complicated one on the team, which is not to say that she values this award very much, on the contrary, she does not know what to think of the nomination given to her by the Tony Award.

 After being with Cesare for so long, she probably has a certain understanding of the abilities of this supernatural agent, Cesare can indeed be said to be a very rare agent genius, and also has a unique career foundation. He joined the industry at the age of 20, and seven years later now has at least five or six A-list artists, as well as a number of B-list artists she doesn't know, even if he is not the only one of these artists, which is a remarkable achievement, and she estimates that in a few years, Cesare will be able to challenge the company's limited partner status.

 But that's not to say that Cesare is omnipotent, and although he has always been unfathomable in front of her clients, according to Jeanne's observations over the past year or two, Cesare is still on the rise in his career, and he has been taking every opportunity to continue to develop and refine his network. For example, by starring her in "Chicago", he used this to establish a friendship with Rob Marshall and James Schubert, two key figures, and turned the meeting into a partner who had worked together on a project, and before that, Cesare's Broadway connections should have been a blank slate, and there were not many places to use it.

 Perhaps because of this, Cesare was not very enthusiastic about the Tony Awards in the first place, and the whole thing was always run by James, and Jenny's team tried to cooperate. It cannot be denied that this attitude has also affected Jenny, so she has never had much real sense of winning the award, even if James has blown the sky before March, and feels that this award is in her pocket, Jenny has never really believed his words. - Although James is also very shrewd and capable, he certainly can't be trusted in her mind compared to Cesare.

 And after she left Broadway and returned to Los Angeles, the premiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean" and the Oscars ... After James told Judy at the end of May that he had given up the public relations of the Tony Awards, Judy slightly assessed the Tony Award award tendencies and the public relations scale of "Hairspray", and wisely gave up his own money into public relations - the new drama needs the Tony Award to attract audiences, and the investment in public relations is definitely not Schuber The special theater is comparable, not to mention Jenny, who still owes a lot of money to the bank, and fighting for public relations fees with others is a battle that must be lost.

 At that time, the whole team was spinning for the Oscars, and at the regular meeting, Judy also mentioned a word to Cesare and Jeanne, and Cesare also told Jeanne something about adjusting his mentality during the awards season: he has to win awards for at least seven or eight clients a year, not to mention Judy, this kind of pre-game warm-up period is widely optimistic, and it is not uncommon in Hollywood to be stolen by dark horses a few days before the deadline for nominations. After all, there are only a few awards, and unless they shoot super-god-level works, it is impossible to say that they are determined to win awards. Since they can't come up with the money, and the Tony Award isn't that important, it's not bad to mix up the nominations first.

 Later, after the explosion of "Pirates of the Caribbean", the Tony Award is basically nothing, among the four awards in the entertainment industry, Hollywood is of course more important to the Oscars and Emmys, the Tony Award is not too high for industry insiders, the first is because the artists who have been affirmed by the Oscars go to star in Broadway, Broadway will almost give awards to satisfy their desire to collect, and second, many Tony Award winners and nominees have mediocre performance in Hollywood, not even a C-list. Jenny's critical acclaim, audience popularity and 700 million box office in "Pirates of the Caribbean" are the basis for her promotion to the list, and the Tony Award is certainly good, but it is nothing if it is not.

 Therefore, this time to attend the Tony Awards, there was no tension in the team, it was just another fashion show, taking the route of stealing the limelight for Best Actress by sponsoring clothing, jewelry and makeup, and popular performances. -- Of course, you can't waste such a great exposure, can you? It's a show with six million to seven million viewers.

 And although she has been calm, as if she doesn't care about this award at all, and even attracts Mary's praise for her psychological quality, Jenny's mood is not so calm, however, her heart may not be understood by others at all - Jenny really doesn't care about not winning this award, in fact, she finds that she may secretly hope that she can't win this award, and if she does, she may still be a little uneasy.

 She is not a person with flawless morals, Jenny herself knows this, but she has one character that has not changed, that is, unless she is forced to a dead end, she will still try not to break her bottom line. When she auditioned, she felt that there was no burden on using acting gold fingers, Hollywood auditions are a game process, you are the second generation of stars and directors, and you have a gold finger, so it's nothing for me to open an acting gold finger. Even when she said that she used a golden finger when performing a musical, she was at ease, and the audience bought tickets just to see a wonderful performance, and they definitely didn't mind how the performance was produced. But if you want to get commendations or even awards because of the golden finger, Jenny really feels that she has broken through the bottom line. Of course, Broadway is not paradise, and the Tony Awards are also full of shady factors such as public relations, lobbying, and connections, but most of the actors are at least very hard working professionally, and they may not get too much paid for them, and they have been silent on Broadway for several or more than ten years, and they will only have such a chance to be nominated after continuous luck, which may be their only chance to win the award. In this kind of competition, you won the award by relying on the empathy golden finger, are you embarrassed to see the disappointed expressions of others?

 Of course, this is also because she used empathy gold fingers 80% of the time in the performance of "Chicago", and she was not skilled enough in the early stage, and her mental state was too poor in the later stage, and she cheated directly. If it is an Oscar, Jenny's mentality will be different, the first is that the Oscar is more important, and the second is that she rarely directly empathizes with the camera when making movies, which is not appropriate, and it is more likely to shoot with her own satisfactory performance mode after many rehearsals, and there are fewer cheating components.

 So this Tony Award for Marissa Vinnock to win, Jenny did not feel sour, but very pleased, "Hairspray" with its own strength in such a bleak market to achieve outstanding results, Marisa received unanimous praise from critics, she deserved the award, although there were some remarks against her in the public relations process, but that has nothing to do with Marisa, and it can't be said that other people's articles are unreasonable. The Broadway awards must be to encourage the development of Broadway, there was no more suitable person before, she won the award, and now there is a more suitable person to Marissa to win, the Tony Award has been the rules of the game for fifty or sixty years, and she is very willing to lose.

 Therefore, when she walked on the way to receive the award and saw the unconcealable lost expression on Marisa Vinnock's face, Jenny did not have any joy and refreshment in her heart, but ... It can even be said that she is a little weak-hearted.

 With the introduction in the background music, 'Jennifer Jefferson broke the difficult situation caused by the harsh winter and the bad economy with her charisma, and achieved a double miracle at the box office and word of mouth in the most difficult year of Broadway, and her impressive performance won the New York Drama Critics Association Award, the Outside Drama Critics ...Award, and the audience spontaneously expressed their support for her with cheers and applause – and it was the first time that Jenny was very straight Facing an auditorium-level audience, the most important thing is that she knows that in addition to the general audience, there are many famous people in the musical and stage drama circles sitting in the audience, and her award comes from their appreciation and support for her.

 This support is not because of James's half-PR, nor because of her connections, or the usual tendencies of the Tony Awards, Jenny can hardly believe what she is thinking - these judges who will vote for her just like her performance, this appreciation overwhelms the public relations of the "Hairspray" crew, or the traditional cultural prejudice of Broadway, she is a vase of Hollywood's first-line productions, and it is said that she should be ignored and excluded everywhere on Broadway- But in the 700-strong jury panel, there were still people who admired her Lockhee, excluded all these factors, and voted for her.

 The Tony Award is still the gimmick above the actual award, but when Jenny took it from Rob, she felt that the trophy was so heavy that she had mixed feelings, although on Broadway and Hollywood, it was very strange and even a little embarrassing to say this, but at this moment, she couldn't help but admit it... She was really moved.

 And with the emotion, of course, came a deeper sense of guilt: she could not say that she deserved the votes of the more than 350 judges (the lowest), who voted for her because of their professional qualities and artistic pursuits, but Jenny or Chen Zhen did not have a clear conscience in front of this integrity.

 But this is not an occasion for mixed feelings, Jenny looked at the trophy in her hand, quickly collected her mood, and bent down slightly to approach the microphone.

 "I ... I really don't know what to say. She said sincerely, "As you should know from what I just asked, I didn't prepare a speech tonight. "

 Her witty remarks immediately provoked a burst of laughter, and someone shouted in the audience, "You're a star, Lockhee!

 It's a line from the "Roxie" song, and in the midst of laughter, Jenny holds up the trophy, "Thank you, I love the audience too - you love me too, don't you?"

 The audience erupted in a burst of loud laughter and a jagged 'yes'.

 Jenny looked at the trophy, suddenly shrugged her shoulders, made a narcissistic expression like Lockhee, and said with a brutal expression like Lockhee, "And I love your love for me, And we loooove each other." And that\'s Tony. "

 The laughter in the audience never stopped, and now it was even stronger, and Jon in front of the TV was laughing from ear to ear, "Jennifer is so funny!She's so cool!"

 She was completely overwhelmed by Jenny's completely impromptu joke and her cool energy of not losing her cool even after winning a Tony Award.

 Although this is a heavyweight award, there is also a limit to the time for awarding the awards, and after a few jokes, Jenny didn't say anything more, she raised a proper smile, "In addition to my audience and the honorable judges, I would like to give special thanks to Rob beside me, it was you who gave me the opportunity to get on Broadway, my teacher Agatta, honey I saw you, give me a smile, okay?"

 In the audience, Agatta, who was quickly found, smiled happily and gave a thumbs up to the stage to give encouragement, and Jenny also gave a thumbs up, "My theater manager, James, we can't have a miracle without your audacity, my colleagues, my co-actors, ..."

 She quickly clicked a series of names, and finally it was her turn, "My assistant Mary, my PR Judy, my agent Cesare, and most importantly, my former employer Johnny, thank you for always giving me leave to audition, and my good friend Dave, thank you, without you it wouldn't be all this!"

 By the time the list of names was all called, her speech had already exceeded ten seconds, and the red light began to light on the sidelines, but Jenny still paused for a second.

 She looked at the countless faces in the audience, browsing their postures almost blankly, feeling their patient waiting and kind support, imagining their affirmation and affection for her.

 A thought suddenly came to her mind very clearly.

 Regardless of whether they have crossed over or not, Chen Zhen and Jenny have always been doing what they should and must do all their lives, and what they will do if they don't do it, how they can do it, has always been the driving force of her actions. She got married because it was beneficial to get married, divorced because divorce was beneficial, and she lost weight because she couldn't enter the career of a good film company if she didn't lose weight.

 Now she finally has something she wants to do, and it's so literary that she is a little embarrassed to say it.

 She wants to use her strength to conquer them, to win this honor with her own acting skills, and when she picks up the trophy again, Jenny wants to be proud of her achievements with a clear conscience. She wants to be worthy of the honor she has received, even if this sentence can only be said to herself, she wants to say it loudly, "This role, I did not rely on the golden finger to empathize, I did not refer to the successful performance of others, even if there is public relations, I also rely on my own speculation and hard work to obtain the judges' recognition of me." "

 The applause brought her back to reality, Jenny took one last look at the black head in the audience, took a deep breath, covered her chest and bowed to the audience, turned to hug Rob again, and walked off the stage with him with the trophy.


 'Jennifer Jefferson Wins Tony Award, Another Miracle Girl for Miracle Girls'

 'Broadway critics are happy with this, Jennifer's acting skills are recognized'

 'Tony Awards Shift Style, Surprising Results'

 'The Jennifer Jefferson Tony Award was quick, and although it won unexpectedly, it showed humor and conquered the audience'

 'Rob Marshall: This girl [Jennifer Jefferson] is very humble, but she is very talented, and she will change the world'

 'Jennifer's value has increased sharply after winning the award, and the sequel to 'Caribbean' has changed'

 ... When the public was optimistic about "Hairspray", Jennifer suddenly came out halfway, seemingly uncontroversial, and seemed to have taken away the Tony Award for Best Actress by accident, which also surprised many media, just less than a month before "Oprah Show", this girl once again occupied the headlines of major media. In July and August of this year, Jennifer should be the most eye-catching new face, and the path she took also made it difficult for the media to find a suitable position, and even to say that it was difficult to get the right attitude towards Jennifer in the report.

 For example, in 1998, Gwyneth Paltrow, the second generation of celebrities in the circle, won the Oscar with her unremarkable performance in "Shakespeare in Love", defeated Cate Blanchett and Meryl Streep, whose acting skills were significantly better than her Live, Gwyneth is definitely the most ridiculed popular actress after the rise of the Internet in recent years. This also makes her have an Oscar, but she has never opened up the situation in the field of commercial films.

 And now, Jennifer Jefferson won the Tony Award and a big-production actress less than two years after her debut, to say that she has no background and promoter behind her, the media don't believe it, but if this Tony Award is pulled out of Marisa Vinnock's mouth, the New York drama critics should not be so calm about the news, and even most of the columns are satisfied.

 For authoritative journalists and film critics in Hollywood, the brief appearance of the film version of "Chicago" and Elizabeth, who has no room for performance in "Pirates of the Caribbean 1", find it difficult to convince them that Jennifer is a very talented young actress, and the film critics who have seen the musical "Chicago" before, because they are not involved in the field of musical theater criticism, and after all, the overall number is small, they may be able to affirm Jennifer's "Chicago" sound It's true that the musical drama is no worse than the movie, but it doesn't seem to be qualified to affirm Jennifer's acting skills in the movie. So now there is a more embarrassing situation, that is, the Tony Awards, which have always been relatively niche and cold, are the first to recognize the status of Jennifer Jefferson's acting school, but many reporting models here in Hollywood still treat her as a youth idol.

 For youth idols and acting schools, there is still a difference in the treatment of the media, just like Meryl Streep will never be ridiculed by newspapers and magazines, but reality TV stars such as Paris Hilton are caricatured every day, although Hollywood is all about business, but the talented acting school with a future in the future is also praised and cared for, even if she consumes her popularity for paparazzi reporting, there will not be too much malice, and youth idols are different If this actor with insufficient strength actually won an award with his own relationship and public relations, then the media may not be small to ridicule her, in Hollywood, no one can give a 'gag order', every reporter and editor enjoys freedom of comment, and newspapers and magazines will not suppress a report just for the sake of face.

 "It would be nice if Jennifer went to act in a literary film at this time. Many media people unconsciously have this idea, "Let the market and awards test her acting skills, and her road to Hollywood can also show the prototype, whether it is a vase of commercial films that only pursue the box office, or the road of an ambitious powerful actor... Even if it is not a literary film, she should quickly reveal her new film plan, so that her self-positioning will be more obvious. "

 While the media was having a headache to 'set the tone' for Jennifer, Jenny was also sad about her next film, in the executive suite of the Four Seasons Hotel in New York, she was wearing a mask while flipping back and forth through a stack of scripts pinned with paper clips, and from time to time she picked up another stack of scripts, found a specific paragraph, bit the highlighter pen cover, and drew fluorescent annotations on a paragraph.

 "If only I had seen these two films before, at least I could simulate it and see if I fit this style. While chewing on the pen case, Jenny complained softly, "The simulation of the script is too poor. "

 Although at the moment of winning the award, Jenny had a very lofty dream on a whim, but she knows very well how many pounds and taels she is now, to use Chen Zhen's analogy, that ideal belongs to the communist society, and now she is still in the initial stage of socialism, self-absorption for a while is almost fine, most of the time you still have to live pragmatically.

 Of course, it's not a bad thing for people to have a little ideal, at least now she has more passion for her career, but it would be too hypocritical to really use a gold finger because of this ideal. Even in the ideal scene, Jenny's fantasy dialogue does not completely exclude the role of Goldfinger, but she doesn't need empathy to figure out the role, she still needs to use Goldfinger's time deceleration function, as well as the script rehearsal function. It's just that at this time period, the completion of the two scripts she got is not high, and they are not finalized, so in the performing arts space, she can only simulate some very vague human figures to play against each other, and the playback effect is naturally impossible to talk about, and even the simulation is not very useful.

 In this case, it can only be decided from the script and the two male leads, as well as the director's style. Jenny closed the two scripts, placed them in front of her, and added two more photographs of the male leads, staring at the somewhat similar faces of Ben Stiller and Adam Sandler, lost in thought.

 Whether Ben or Adam, they are all honest and people-friendly movie stars, and they are all small-cost and high-return stars that film companies like, Ben has been focusing on Steller's characteristic comedy, and has made a lot of money with "Meet My Father-in-law" in recent years, and in a few years there will be the trump card series "Wonderful Night at the Museum", in the field of comedy, he is a big man who no one has been able to bypass since 2000. Although Adam is also a talent, he is better than his seniority, and if you want to fight for the box office, you can't fight for it in recent years, which is undeniable, and this project is indeed better.

 But if that's all there is, Cesare won't give Jenny both scripts, "Meet Polly" and "50 First Loves" than "50 First Loves", the script of "50 First Loves" seems to move her more, she is still more optimistic about this script, tonight's meeting with Adam also made Jenny believe that Adam can handle this role well, and Adam and Benbi have a great advantage, that is, Adam is small, he doesn't have too much right to modify the script, and he won't dictate the shooting, this play must be relatively average in terms of focus. And it's different, as a comedy star who can carry a box office of 100 million or 200 million, Ben has enough influence to put pressure on the filmmaker and give priority to ensuring that he is brilliant in the movie, Jenny rewatched some of his films in the space, and also confirmed her vague impression: All the films that Ben participated in and produced, the role must be centered on him, you won't notice who the heroine is when you watch "Wonderful Night at the Museum", and a large part of Jenny in "Tropical Thunder" feels very much The boring scenes are also revolving around him, and the characters she thinks are interesting have little room to play.

 Of course, maybe this is just her own opinion, but the phenomenon of this 'drama bully' is a bit serious. In terms of brilliance, it seems that she should choose "50 First Loves" again, but this has another problem, the script of "50 First Loves" is good, but no matter how you look at it, the heroine is a vase character, a person who loses his memory every day, from the beginning to the end of the film, the psychological state cannot change too much, Jenny estimates that she will just stay there beautifully most of the film, and then react differently to Adam's pursuit, this character has no heart at all, of course, maybe she can fool a bunch of tears and fans' She's so pretty', but Josh is also pretty in Pirates of the Caribbean 1, and look at how critics ignore him, Jenny doesn't want to be a vase for a romance movie that is unlikely to have a sequel.

 From this point of view, Polly in "Meet Polly" has some advantages in this regard, Polly is a very funny girl, she is more capable of making good shows, and she also has some room to play.

 If Ben and Adam had switched, Jenny might have taken "Meeting Polly", but these two actors' interest in the script is the only investment point for investors, in other words, the script and the actor are bound, and they can't change people to play them.

 If the scoring system is adopted, the scores of these two scripts should be comparable, and even the difficulty of competition is about the same - although Adam and Ben both invited Jenny to join, but this is only a preliminary intention, a very simple truth, Jenny is now reading several scripts at the same time, and these scripts are impossible to 'remain single-minded', and it is likely that they are also waiting to be watched in the hands of some actresses, at this stage, everyone is many-to-many, and Jenny has taken a fancy to this script will enter the audition library in the future, and she still needs to go through an audition to get the role, and the difference from before is probably that she will be arranged to audition alone, instead of getting together with actresses of equal status, waiting for the call like a newcomer.

 According to the information revealed by Cesare, "Meet Polly" and "50 First Loves" now invite several actresses from the top of the B-list and C-list to read the script, and another Jennifer - Jennifer Aniston has a certain interest in "Meet Polly", and Drew Barrymore likes "50 First Loves", but Drew is a shrewd female producer, and the additional conditions for her joining are to bring capital into the game, pay more dividends, and the salary is not low, so the filmmaker is still hesitant about this, and Adam also revealed to her, " Colombia was ready to say yes, but after the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean", their attitude changed, they were very optimistic about you, and if the price was right, they would immediately give the crew the green light. "

 If the company gives the crew the green light, it may be possible to complete the construction and start filming within two to three weeks, which is just in time for Jenny's spare time this year, after all, she still has to go back to Broadway this winter to fulfill the contract.

 After holding the picture of Adam and Ben in her hand and looking at it for a long time, Jenny still put the picture of Ben down. Ben was eating with her, his words and deeds were very bold, although he was kind on the outside, but it could be seen that Ben was a confident person, of course, he also had this confidence, but Jenny doubted that he could play the role of the cautious insurance officer, if he played generally and must be Leading, even if this film does not lose money at the box office, the reputation of the film is not too good. Instead of this, let's try to see if we can negotiate changes to the script of "50 First Loves" to add some character depth to the heroine.

 She picked up the phone, "Cesare, I'm still inclined to "50 First Loves", Ben still helped me refuse, yes, it's a pity that I can't shoot both, ..."

 Both films are expected to be filmed this year, and Jenny's schedule only has one film left in the space, and she definitely can't take both.

 After some more interviews in New York and attending Rob's celebratory party (no doubt Rob voted for her), Jenny didn't linger and went straight back to Los Angeles to start preparing for her first film audition as a popular star.

 The author has something to say: Note:

 1 Well, as much as I like Pepper, I really don't really like Gwyneth's Shadow of the Water, and her Best Actress is definitely the most controversial one in recent years.

 2 Giving the green light is about the same as a special event, in the case of ST13 that is being prepared now, because the box office performance of ST12 is not as good as Paramount expected, although it has been preparing the crew, determining members, and writing scripts, it has not started filming, this is because Paramount has not given the green light. After the green light was given, the most important thing was that the money and the procedures in the company were in place very quickly, so that the crew could be formed in a short time.