
Dominating Hollywood

Born again. Want to go back? Give me Hollywood domination first

DaoistdFIViN · 现代言情
83 Chs

Chapter 57 The first boyfriend

 Because "Pirates of the Caribbean" has been finalized, so the production process time is limited, released in June 03, at least a year in advance, at least a year in advance, at the latest will not exceed July, the shooting cycle is usually around three months, after the end of filming in October, it takes half a year to produce post-production special effects, complete all editing, soundtrack work, and also start a variety of pre-publicity, after the film is released in April, there will be an internal test screening, a film critic's test screening and the world's premiere, this business process has been very mature, For example, Pirates have completed the casting of the heroine two months before the start of filming, which is already a bit slow. Therefore, once the candidate was decided, the producer did not delay at all, and quickly signed Jenny for $300,000, and the two sides went to CAA the next morning to sign a three-way contract.

 The salary of 300,000 yuan is only a fraction of the amount he got compared to Johnny Depp, and Jenny's salary is not even as good as Jeffrey Rush who played Captain Barbosa, this one is bigger than Depp, you must know that Depp has not won the real actor award so far, but Rush won the Oscar for "The Pianist" as early as 1997.

 However, in terms of commercial value, Depp's value is greater than Rush's, and the salary agreement he signed for his role in "Pirates of the Caribbean" is very complicated, not only has a guaranteed salary, but also has a certain share when the box office reaches a certain value point, which also reflects Disney's importance to Depp and everyone's risk awareness of this project. - Although Depp's worth has never crossed the threshold of tens of millions of dollars before, it was "Pirates of the Caribbean" that made him enter the club of 10 million, but he still has to get a share of the box office before he is willing to enter the game. In other words, Depp believes to some extent that this film may be planted with tens of millions of dollars, and it will not be able to make up for the loss of his star path. And Disney would rather offer a box office share than a salary increase, which shows that their confidence in the box office is not very strong, and tens of millions of dollars are already the limit of cash remuneration.

 As for Jenny, although she would rather have zero remuneration as long as she shares, but the rules of Hollywood are not played like this, box office sharing is the business of producers, directors and big stars, if you can't carry the box office, you are not qualified to talk about sharing, no matter how little. "Pirates" needs Depp's fame and acting skills, Jeffrey Rush's acting output, and Josh Blanche's popularity in the hearts of teenagers, they are all rare resources in the hearts of film companies, but if Jenny can't say how to act today, Jerry will go to Keira Knightley every minute - she doesn't act, she has to play by people. Give you $300,000, and you can be considered worthy of you.

 Of course, this is the current situation, if you look at the future, it's hard to say, Jenny debuted less than a year, the first time the protagonist is an A-level production, which not only shows that she is talented, but also shows that there must be a very strong agent team behind it, and even said that CAA's resources are fully inclined to her, others will not believe it, and Disney has no need to push the market too low, even if only 30,000 Jenny will act now, but what if she becomes popular after this film? 300,000 for a new out For the actress of Dao, it is a very suitable number. Besides, for a big production with a budget of 100 million, 30,000 or 300,000 is actually not that big. A qualified producer will not be a dime a dime when he should save money, and he will never be soft when he should be sprinkling money - it is obvious that the heroine's salary will not be an area that should be saved.

 Jerry Bruckheimer is also worthy of being an elite in the industry, and people in this industry may be proficient in face changing, although he did not attend the signing process in the morning, but soon after the contract was signed, it is estimated that he will wait for the film company to call back, so he will call Jenny directly to ask Jenny to come to his house for dinner.

 "I'm guessing you'll be back in New York in two days, so there's not much time left for our small group. On the phone, Jerry seemed to completely forget that he had been cold to Jenny's audition just a day ago, "You must come tonight, almost all the core members of our crew are here, even if it is a warm-up party." "

 If she is not reborn in the United States, it is really difficult for Chen Zhen to feel the love of Americans for parties and nightclubs, although Chinese also love to eat and make tea, it seems to be half a pound and eight taels, but at least the friends can do something more interesting together, instead of getting together to chat with a group of unfamiliar people, and must have a glass of wine in hand. - Jenny was most annoyed by these two points, not to mention going to bed late, and forcing her to drink at least one or two glasses of wine in disguise. But people can't help themselves in the rivers and lakes, this kind of dinner and party, she will refuse to be stupid, "I will definitely come, thank you for the invitation, Jerry." "

 Then she hung up the phone and went to change her ticket - she had planned to fly back to New York this afternoon and return to work tomorrow, but now she had to fly back tonight or tomorrow morning and perform directly on stage tomorrow night. After all, she has taken two days off for auditions, which is a relatively uncommon absence for the head of the troupe.

 Of course, Jeanne had to inform Cesare when the itinerary was changed, but Cesare already knew about it when the phone was called, "I'll be there tonight too, and Jerry called me just now." "

 "So you're back together now?" asked Jenny.

 "You could call it the rational choice of a mature business person. Cesare replied dryly.

 With $200,000 in income after taxes and shares, and a promising outlook, Jenny can make some more changes to her wardrobe. She spends the afternoon shopping, despite a saying in Beverly that if you ask for a price in Beverly, you can't afford it. But Jenny didn't care, and when she could afford it in her previous life, she also asked for the price. In other words, if even an inquiry can make the clerk's face worse, then she doesn't have to contribute to the store's turnover.

 In fact, celebrities are a profession with a lot of income and expenditure, according to Cesare's figures, among the thousands of actors in Hollywood, there are only about 100 who can earn more than 10 million yuan a year, and these 10 million miles have not deducted taxes, commissions, and other more necessary expenses: famous cars, luxury houses, personal assistants, private makeup artists, income reinvestment, and so on. A person's gross income of 10 million a year does not mean that he can buy a million watches without changing his face, and few people in the customer base of Beverly Avenue can pick up a bag of 200,000 yuan and pay for it without feeling distressed. Of course, for the entry-level models of major brands, Beverly still has a lot of customers who can win it at a glance.

 Although she is not a high roller, Jenny is still a guest who is more popular with the luxury clerk, she has taste, does not try on casually, her body is neat and smellless, and she is very decisive, although the amount of consumption is not too large, but she still gets warm service, and she spent the whole afternoon in the middle of the smiling greeting, Jenny spent about fifty to sixty thousand dollars, and bought the silk scarves, wallets, bracelets, necklaces, and of course various shoes and a limited number of small dresses, as well as three or four more low-key women's bags.

 Yes, a quarter of the salary flew like this, and the deposit part was basically spent before it was settled. However, Jenny felt that this cost was still necessary, she had been financially stretched for more than a year since she was reborn, and the money had to be spent, and now she finally had a little hope of getting rid of poverty and becoming rich, and she had to allow people to indulge a little.

 After some shopping, when Jeanne drove to Cesare's house to meet him, it was indeed a shotgun exchange, which not only made Lilian's eyes light up, and she happily praised her several times, even the fastidious Cesare rarely showed a patient expression, of course, when he was not drinking, it was a bit difficult to squeeze any compliments out of his mouth.

 Generally speaking, when invited to dinner, you have to bring some souvenirs, the most common choice is wine, Jeanne saw Cesare brought a bottle of 82-year-old Lafite, that is, the famous wine, all kinds of film and television dramas are a must-have, and have not been sold out for many years. Before she crossed, the golden tasting period of 82-year-old Lafite was almost over, the inventory was almost exhausted, and fake wine was rampant on the market, and a bottle of authentic 82-year-old Lafite was probably sold for more than 100,000 yuan, of course, it was in distant China, and now in the United States in 2002, Lafite was about to sell for thousands of dollars, but even so, this can be said to be a very generous souvenir.

 In addition, before leaving, Lillian also took out a small gift box with frost from the refrigerator, "Peroga white sturgeon caviar that was just delivered this morning." "

 "Did you spend all the commissions on this order?" Jenny calculated and found that Cesare's upfront investment was not counted, so she said that the combined market price of these two gifts was estimated to be more than $10,000, "Seriously, the scale of your spending often makes me wonder who is the star." "

 "Oh, then you don't have to be with Chesabi. Lillian also smiled, "You know that Chesa has a lot of A-lists in his hands, but he gets a share of all the revenue from their films, and if someone cuts production this year, the annual income may not be as high as his." "

 Well, it's all more than the A-list, what else can Jenny say? Cesare didn't usually flaunt his wealth, and he was even very considerate, and he asked Jenny to come over and share the car with him and Lilian, because on the one hand, he could save a gift, and on the other hand, save Jenny the embarrassment of driving her poor Volvo to Jerry's mansion. - Sometimes it's not that everyone will chase fame and fortune from the bottom of their hearts and like flashiness, but the atmosphere in the circle is like this, and it is very difficult for you to resist this pressure, and now she has entered the circle of A-level production, tonight's dinner, from the host to the guest, the car that drove over was not less than 500,000, and you drove a used car for a few thousand dollars in the past, okay?

 Of course, a maverick artist is probably embarrassed, not only embarrassed, but probably proud, but this is not a good attitude to fit into the commercial production circle. Good clothing and an expensive sports car are like a business card, and although everyone knows that it doesn't represent your character, it at least represents your professionalism. So, when you don't have the money to buy a car, rent it, although it is expensive, but it is better than driving an entry-level used car from Ford or Volkswagen to a top party.

 Jerry doesn't live in Beverly Hills, he makes his home in Hollywood Hills, where the Hollywood Sign is also home to the celebrities. Compared with the traditional American house where Lillian and Cesare lived, his house is completely a mansion in the true sense, with a large expanse of lawn, a safe door, a driveway, Jenny can also see the tennis court when the car drives in, and the main building is also relatively large, and it is estimated that the single-story usable area is more than 300 square meters. The price of such a luxury house is at least more than 10 million US dollars, and if the interior decoration is worth it, it is not uncommon for the price to be close to 100 million yuan in terms of location. Even if it is Chen Zhen's ex-husband's family, it takes a little thought to buy such a house with cash. Cesare was right to ask her to come to him, there were a series of guest cars parked in the driveway, and Jeanne didn't find a bargain anyway, not even a Mini Van, almost all of them were supercars, or high-end cars with drivers.


 Jerry himself came to the gate to greet them.


 The two men hugged each other warmly, and both Jerry and Cesare smiled passionately, as if all the previous suspicions had disappeared. Jerry was full of praise for Cesare's dress, "Always so tasteful, huh? Chesa? I always say you should try a few movies in the industry...

 He was also very enthusiastic about Lillian, "Honey, is your grandfather okay? We haven't seen each other since last year's birthday party, he should go back to Hollywood more often..."

 This proves once again that Hollywood is a small circle, and Jerry seems to have known Lillian for a long time, but they don't have a deep friendship. Lillian chuckled and kissed Jerry, "He's good, maybe you can go on vacation to our farm next time, the maple syrup tastes really good." "

 "Jennifer. After a brief pleasantry, Jerry gave Jenny a warm smile and gave Jenny a firm hug with open arms. "My girl, you're shining tonight, and I bet you'll be Hollywood's most striking new face at this time next year, and I bet I'll be honored to have your first appearance in movies and TV series, knowing that I'm still the producer of CSI...

 Although such a ruthless change of face is a bit unbearable, to be honest, producers and agents are the same as essential skills. Imagine that in a big-name film, the director is only in charge of filming, and the person who coordinates the relationship between the director's team, the cast and the various departments of the film crew, and even the relationship between the actor and the actor can only be the producer, Hollywood is not like China, the actors and directors are extremely strong, and the social atmosphere of the entire crew is dependent on the actor-director game. For important awards, as long as they are talents, their temper is not small, especially for film crews, where interpersonal relationships are complicated, and it is difficult for producers to screw together a film team of hundreds of people if they do not have a little skill.

 Jerry is undoubtedly a very good producer, and he had an opinion about Cesare before, but now that Cesare stuffed Jeanne into the show as the heroine, this decision was finally nodded by Jerry himself, and he has now immediately changed his attitude, obviously turning the page on the past. Cesare also showed considerable sincerity, and after he handed over the gift, Jerry and his wife's smiles became more sincere, "It just so happens that we can have a wine to accompany the meal later, I have to go to the cellar to find it, and the white sturgeon sauce still needs to be paired with vodka." "

 Jerry is also a good person, although tonight's guests are rich or expensive, but the dinner is not arranged too formally, but an open-air barbecue in the backyard, which is a common form of dinner in American families. Many communities turn on barbecue grills in their backyards on weekends, and neighbors come to smell the smell, some bring wine and some bring their own meat, and everyone has a lively dinner. Of course, there will be waiter service tonight, there are more ovens, and there are a lot of snacks and side dishes to take, and it feels like a buffet, but the overall style is still relaxed and casual, which helps to shorten the distance between the crew.

 "Johnny, thank you so much for supporting me... Vanessa, nice to meet you, you're so beautiful tonight..."

 Jenny spent the whole night greeting people from place to place, including Johnny Depp and his live-in girlfriend Vanessa Paradis, directors Gore and Mrs. Wibinski (who was very happy about this), Geoffrey Rush and his wife, and of course Josh Blanche. However, he, like Jenny, also came with the agent's family, and it seems that he is still single at least on the surface. - The biggest name is even CAA CEO Eno Martin and his family, as Jerry's old agent, he will be here today can be said to be very face-to-face.

 Although they are attractive on the screen, most of these actors are thin ordinary people in reality, of course, whether they are in a group photo or video, they can show an extraordinary star temperament, and it seems that the laughter is very harmonious, but in reality, a group of actors sitting around eating together is really boring, and even the oldest Jeffrey Rush is keeping in shape - he plays Captain Barbossa who doesn't really have much body requirements, but according to him, "At our age, the metabolism changes." Slowly, a big bite to eat and drink can give you two more pieces of meat hanging down your cheeks. "

 Then the most extreme Jenny doesn't even drink much, Josh is following the fitness diet, can only eat a special sandwich made by a nutritionist, of course, the only thing that can accompany him is plain water... However, the agent, director and the actor's family all ate more happily, and Depp's girlfriend Vanessa even ate two bites of ribs, which can't help but make people jealous and hateful.

 But, on the whole, because there was no need to force himself to eat and drink, and with Jerry's family and a few children from the Wibinski family and the Rush family, the dinner party was relatively enjoyable. Several agents and Jerry chatted and quickly got acquainted with each other, Johnny and Jeffrey were older and had a good chat with each other, and Jenny and Josh sat close to each other, had similar status, and of course had a common language.

 "So, you're still living in Silver Lake?" Jenny was a little surprised, "I mean, with SW (Star Wars) income, you should at least be able to afford Beverly's rent, right?"

 "They were really pressuring me to find a Beverly house, and my landlord in Silver Lake wanted me to move out as soon as possible, and he didn't want to have the paparazzi harass other tenants after the film was released. Josh grimaced and smiled brightly, "Jerry said he had a vacation home in Malibu that he could lend me a vacation home to move to Beverly when I got my contract for the next Star Wars installment." You know, even though I took the deposit here and Lucas's salary, it had to pay for the pension fund that I had set up for myself, so I didn't have a lot of cash right now to really not be able to rent a good house in Beverly. "

 "You can swipe your card. Lillian couldn't help but acclaim.

 "I don't like any form of debt. "So I don't swipe cards, I don't borrow money – I'm still like an Amish in this regard, always refusing to compromise with the modern financial system." "

 "Then you're really like Jenny, and Jenny never overdraws her credit card," Lillian said with a giggle as she chuckled after drinking some of her drinks, "Jenny said that the habit of spending early can eventually ruin our country's economic prosperity." "

 "Really?" said Jenny, who was astonished, she couldn't remember when she had ever said such a wise thing - it was plagiarism, of course. Because it is true that Americans' early spending habits directly dragged the U.S. economy into the abyss after the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in 2008, "Then I must have drunk too much that day, and I don't usually have such brains." "

 As she was happily talking, Jenny suddenly felt two taps on her back, and she turned around, and Cesare nodded to her, motioning for her to follow—and Jenny noticed that Josh had also left his seat and entered the mansion under the eyes of his agent.

 Did Jenny not have time to think deeply, so she hurriedly greeted the people at the table, and followed Cesare's footsteps into the mansion as naturally as she could.

 As soon as the glass door closed, the room fell silent, and the commotion outside was only a distant background, and Jenny coughed, "Don't tell me you're going to take me to a secret smoking room and then dedicate me to someone or something." "

 Cesare familiarly ushered Jenny into a large study, where she was shocked to find Jerry and Eno Martin already waiting in the study, as well as Josh and his agent.

 The scene was a bit bigger, and Jenny's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little, and she stopped joking. "What happened?"

 "You haven't told her yet?" asked Cesare's agent, Anna, a kind-faced middle-aged woman, in surprise.

 "It's the same now. Cesare replied disapprehantly, then turned to Jenny. "Jenny, I'm sure you already know Josh. "

 As he spoke, Josh turned to Jenny and raised his hand to say hello, and Jenny raised her hand in awkwardness and beckoned back. "Uh, that's right?"

 "I'll just do it again. Cesare said, quite formally in the direction of Josh, "He's Josh Blanche, Jenny — your boyfriend, Josh Blanche." "

 The author has something to say: I originally remembered that the chapter was called Luxury Silhouette, but it seems that everyone cares more about their boyfriends...

 Please note that this will definitely not be her last boyfriend

 Jenny's love path is not a Hollywood outlier, so it's really no fun to care about being together so early, the key is whether each one is interesting, isn't it? Besides, she is only 21 years old this year, which Hollywood box office big is to start falling in love at the age of 21, and to get married and then grow old? It's basically impossible in Hollywood.