
Dominating Hollywood

Born again. Want to go back? Give me Hollywood domination first

DaoistdFIViN · 现代言情
83 Chs

 Chapter 58 Star Industry

 So, there's no profit to be early, in Hollywood, where can there be a free lunch!

 Jenny suddenly understood why Josh and his agent expressed such enthusiastic support for him, in addition to everyone being CAA artists, it is estimated that there is this plan waiting in the dark, and even why Eno Martin personally called Jerry, why Jerry changed his attitude at the last moment, it can be said that there is this hype plan influencing their decision-making. A large part of the reason why she was able to PK out the pure British beauty Kayla is that the rebellious artist Kayla cannot accept a love arrangement purely for commercial considerations.

 "Hi Josh, nice to meet you, I'm your girlfriend Jennifer. She waved at Josh, who grinned.

 The crowd chuckled as Jerry motioned for Cesare to sit down with her, "You can ask your agent for the details, but now we'll finalize the details of the contract." "

 He turned on a projector on the desk, and after a short operation, a PPT was projected on a white wall in the study, which marked the production process of "Pirates of the Caribbean", "We will set up all the crews in June, start formal shooting in July, finish in October, post-production in November, produce special effects in April 03, edit in May, and release it worldwide in June." With global publicity expected to begin in April, I think it would be a wise decision to officially blow the story after the film's release in June. "

 Although Jenny has some common sense about Hollywood and knows some gossip about working couples, she definitely doesn't know anything about the specific inside story, and Jenny doesn't plan to ask anything more now, just listening intently to Jerry's explanation.

 "There's no objection," Cesare said, "but in order to make the romance seem real, I look at the photos taken in July, and in mid-August there can be some photos of the group of friends gathering and the parties that will be distributed after the completion of the party in October, so that the briefing on the media in June will be very natural, you know, with the current level of development of the paparazzi, the media and the people are not so easy to tease." This way we can say that they actually sparked during the filming. "

 His arrangement won Jerry's nod of approval, and Cesare looked through the contract attachment on the table, "For the sake of Jennifer's personal image, she will enter the cleaning period after June this year, and Josh should be in the cleaning period at least after the start of filming in July, what we need is the pure love of two youth idols, not a polyamorous relationship or a rash dewy marriage." "

 "No problem," said Josh's agent, Anna, "Josh can do it, huh, Josh?"

 Josh smiled wryly and nodded silently.

 Jerry said, "We all know that this is a movie that wants to make a sequel, should we add a clause to the contract to make provisions for the renewal? At present, I see that the text stipulates that this relationship must last at least until the release of the "Pirates" DVD, and if there is a sequel, unless the parties have a clear objection, it should be regarded as a default renewal, what do you think of this clause?"

 Chen Zhen doesn't know how the Chinese entertainment industry hypes up scandals, but I believe that everything will not be written into the contract, and as far as her impression is concerned, it is generally fried by the party with small wrists, and the party with big wrists sometimes admits and sometimes denies, and makes enough money to make a public appearance after the news, but the official spokesman will never admit positively that the idol himself has a boyfriend and girlfriend. But in Hollywood, the game follows another rule, first of all, the general public is not disgusted with celebrities falling in love, celebrities are not in love for a long time, but for them it is a hint of homosexuality, normal men and women have nothing to hide, so she also expected that this time the hype scandal will not be as simple as everyone in China to put some news and send some press releases, but I saw Jerry, Cesare and Anna around the first kiss (here is not the first kiss between the two of them, but the first kiss photographed by the paparazzi), Chu \\ How the timing of the night (the first sleepover date filmed for the paparazzi) fits in with the follow-up promotion of Pirates of the Caribbean, and whether the culmination of the relationship should reach the height of engagement - seeing how seriously these big names discuss these things, Jerry has to cut and alter the text from time to time, and she still has an unspeakable sense of absurdity. However, this sense of absurdity dilutes the dreamlike unreality she felt after signing the starring contract: the world is still harsh, and it has not changed because she has just finalized her role in a box office harvester, she has not ascended to the sky in one step, and she is still working hard to rush up at the bottom of the entertainment industry.

 "So, Cesare contacted you and your agent early on, didn't he?" she pulled back her chair a little and began to talk to Josh.

 Like Hayden Christensen, the Anakin actor in the Star Wars franchise in the original world, Josh is a handsome brown-haired guy who is also very young this year, only 23 years old, just graduated from college, and even a little cramped in talking to Jenny - Jenny thinks she is a lucky girl.

 It's not because Josh is handsome (if he's not handsome, it's not his turn to 'fall in love' with her), but because Josh has a really good personality. He was not philistine or slick, but rather shy and naïve, and in a vulgar adjective, 'he still had dreams in his eyes'. Jenny hasn't seen his film so far, and I don't know if his screen image is not bad with his real impression, but in terms of the feeling during the conversation, Josh is a very comfortable green character, and it can be said that everyone in the room is stronger than him.

 "I found out about this plan earlier this year, when I had just decided to star in Pirates. He lowered his voice so as not to disturb the bargaining at the other end of the table, "At that time, your agent said that he was sure that he could put you on a B-grade production as a female lead actress in six months, if it was better, 'Pirates.'" Anna reached a tacit agreement with him at that time, as soon as you sign the acting contract, you start to work together. But we didn't expect things to go so smoothly and you actually took the pirates down. Of course, that's good for us and for Pirates. "

 "Opportunities are always reserved for those who are willing to sacrifice. Jenny thought of Kayla, of course she was also an excellent actor, and Jenny didn't have the face to say that she must be prettier than her or have good acting skills, but she didn't want to accept fake boobs, and it seemed that she didn't want to have a fake relationship, so she could only regretfully pass by "Pirates of the Caribbean". In Hollywood, unless you enter the 20 million club, the winner of a leading role is really not determined by acting skills or resume, there are too many factors to consider.

 "It seems that you see your relationship with me as a sacrifice. Josh's eyes curled. "Should I say my heart hurts?"

 The discussion on the other end of the conference table suddenly became louder, and Jenny seemed to hear the words "chastity ring", she shook her finger, "Do you think it is an honor to take off my ring?"

 Josh's eyes fell to her fingers, "Uh-then are you- I mean- I want to ask-"

 Jenny swallowed her laughter, "No. "

 "Okay. Josh looked visibly relieved. "OK, no problem, good news. "

 "I can't help but feel like you're thinking this contract covers sex. Jenny couldn't help but laugh, and she couldn't help but admit that the more socially shy people were, the more people wanted to tease, "Are you ready to take advantage of me with your contract?

 "What? no! Of course not. Josh's voice was amplified, causing the big guys to frown and stare at him, and he lowered his voice again, and Jenny, who was expressionless and only laughed in his throat, said helplessly, "It's just... You know, if you're a devout Christian, my moral burden is heavier. "

 Pretending to be a couple is certainly intimate, and if Jenny is a novice, then Josh is a bit of a big advantage, of course, this seems to be discriminatory against women, but Jenny has a better impression of him, and of course doubts arise - Josh's performance completely hints at his 'naïve simplicity', which is a rare trait in a place like Hollywood, and it is not very suitable for his identity.

 "It's time to come and sign. Both Cesare and Ana looked up to greet their entertainers. Jenny took the contract and skimmed through it quickly, noticing that Josh had signed her name without looking.

 This is a very simple contract, stipulating that from November 2002 to November 2003, Jenny and Josh will remain in a relationship, and the "first kiss" and "first night" will be coordinated by the producer and the CAA, and must not be self-determined, from June 2002 to the beginning of the cleaning period until the announcement of the breakup, the paparazzi will be fined for dating photos, sex photos, and more radical video materials that can prove the cheating, and will also lose the initiative to negotiate the sequel pay. Depending on the severity of the damage, the liquidated damages fluctuate from 300,000 to 3 million, and if the scandal is caused during the North American release period, the same amount of fine needs to be paid to the producer. After the end of the promotion period, the producer does not interfere in the process of the relationship and can break up, but if "Pirates of the Caribbean" shoots a sequel, both parties must ensure that they will 'get back together' during the sequel's filming and promotion.

 From the point of view of the contract, the filmmaker does not value liquidated damages, but to show his tough attitude, which is a hype that is beneficial to three sides - or it is not impossible to call it love, after all, this is a contract that spans at least one and a half years, and may even progress to engagement. Jenny reviewed the default penalty back and forth a few times, confirmed that there was no problem and signed her name, and she exchanged contracts with Josh, who had been waiting for a long time, "Happy cooperation, partner." "

 "I wish you a happy cooperation. Josh muttered softly.

 Jerry, Cesare, and Anna also signed their names, and Martin was a witness to the contract, and when the contract was signed, he shook hands with Jenny and Josh, respectively, "It's a good start, young people, I hope you can push each other to get more and better opportunities." "

 The meeting lasted less than thirty minutes, but it was very important for both Jenny and Josh, who of course had not had time to have fun, but she guessed that for Josh, the happy time was coming to an end, and the remaining month or two would be very precious to him.


 "Did you think everything about it at the New Year's party?" Jeanne asked Cesare on the way home. "I mean, you came to Josh not only because he was the right target for hype, but also because he was already in Pirates at the time?"

 "Suitable fake lovers are not so easy to find, this kind of thing is like a blind date, you must pay attention to the right person. Cesare and Lillian were both drunk, so it was Jenny driving the ride back, his voice coming steadily from the back seat. "Josh is a great partner, not only because he has a great future, but also because Anna and I have a good relationship, and this kind of cooperation requires a deep trust on both sides. If an agent can't control his artist, the results of this collaboration can be disastrous. What you need now is a healthy and uplifting relationship, not a tiresome love triangle. "

 "Yes," Jenny nodded approvingly, turning her chastity ring again, "and I'd venture to guess that this ring is part of the plan?"

 "That's true. Cesare agreed, with Lillian's question, 'What are you talking about?', "So before you leave LA, we're going to have a meeting with Judy." Why don't you go home and she should be back from the banquet too. "

 Judy is very busy today, she has an important client to attend a charity dinner, and the whole team has no time, otherwise Jenny's shopping trip should have her to join - it is also the job of PR to guide the artist's private clothing purchase. But even then, she was in the same spirits when she appeared on the computer screen, "Good evening, Cesare, you've signed a contract, haven't you? I'm assuming Jennifer has already met Josh." "

 "They get along very well, and we wouldn't be surprised if they do fall in love. Cesare replied with a sense of humor that he had always behaved appropriately in business situations.

 Judy immediately turned to Jenny and said, "Of course it's a good thing for us to see, but listen to me, Jenny, no matter how much you like Josh, you must control yourself and decide the pace according to our arrangement, it's never a good thing to be too hasty, it will ruin the whole publicity plan-"

 "OK, Judy. Jenny exclaimed, "Trust me, I'll be obedient." "

 Judy turned her head and exchanged a clear glance with Cesare, she slowed her tone and soothed, "Okay, okay, let's get down to business, when is Jerry going to announce her appearance?"

 "It should be half a month to a month before filming starts," Cesare said, "and I think it's a good time for us as well, because Jennifer's first year Broadway contract should be at the end of the year, and the rest of the time can be scheduled for the end of the year, and I think James will be happy to accept that change." So it's not bad to continue with a low-exposure style, and the paparazzi will have a hard time finding her street shots. She can go on vacation overseas and go directly back to LA to participate in the shooting. "

 "I think from June onwards, there is no need to continue the current mysterious style, maybe I can contact a few magazines to do a little interview with her," Judy mused, "Of course, it's not yet the time for a talk show, and the cover of Vogue is still a little too far away, but I believe that the interview and even the cover of People can be done, one or two, not too much, to introduce her to the public and arouse the curiosity of the masses." "

 They didn't discuss the feasibility - as the heroine of an A-list production, these interview resources are still not a problem.

 "After the film is completed in November, we will combine Broadway with a round of exposure for next year's show, and of course, don't forget that "Chicago" in October is also a good opportunity. Can we talk to James about moving the remaining days of Jenny's contract to the end of the year, so that the publicity can continue to be 'Our Roxie is Better' and form an interactive promotion with the movie. Judy went on to say that while she's been talking to Jenny straight to zero, she's now acting like she's in the back of her hand. It can also get the attention of film critics. "

 "Great idea, but watch out for the heat, I'll find the time to talk to James and Harvey [Weinstein] and see what Broadway and the producers have to say, and of course take care of Rob's thoughts and Renee's mood," Cesare agreed, "so now can I tell Jenny her true origins?"

 "My true origin?" Jenny was a little confused. "Wait, you're not going to make me some kind of bastard of noble blood. "

 Judy and Cesare gave him a tolerant glance at the same time.

 "Listen, Jenny, everything I'm saying below is the result of market research and sophisticated argumentation," said Judy, digging through a folder, "don't ask why, just do it." Your name is Jennifer Jefferson, you were born on June 7, 1981, your father was a federal prison felon, you almost never met him, your mother left you away from home before you can remember, you grew up in your grandmother's house, and from a young age your desire was to be different from your parents..."


 "Ever since I was a child, my wish was to be different from my parents. "I mean, I came from a low level of society, my parents weren't very good people, I lived at the bottom of society, and no one expected me to be an exception, and even if I didn't graduate from high school and I had a big belly, I was addicted to drugs, I couldn't find a decent job, and I had to be a dancer to support my children, no one would be surprised, because they thought I should live like this." "

 Tina, a young woman who also editor of People magazine, leaned forward with her hands folded and pressed against the coffee table, fully focused. Just adjusted the voice recorder on the table so that Jenny could continue.

 "But this is America, it's a place where miracles happen, it's a place where the American dream comes true, and Martin Luther King Jr. has always been my idol, and of course I know he did a lot more than I did, but to a fifth-grader girl, it seemed as difficult to change her own destiny as it was to liberate the Negro — it seemed just as impossible. Jenny paused and decided to cut back on some of the details, because Judy's instructions for this interview were 'give some, but don't let them know too much,' but I said to myself, he could do it, so he became a great man, and I didn't feel great, you know, I was just a very ordinary thirteen-year-old girl living in foster care, with pimples, and my biggest problem was that I couldn't afford to go to the dentist, but I needed to straighten my teeth. "

 Tina smiled knowingly, "But you ended up saving up money to straighten your teeth." "

 "Yes, in the end, I got my teeth corrected with the money I earned from my part-time job, and of course my problem was not very serious, but I had braces for a few months, otherwise I would definitely not be able to pay for it. Jenny smiled too—it was a history of her childhood struggles that she had come up with at Judy's behest, and she was glad to have it in handy now. "But the moment I put on my braces I thought, of course I'm not as great as Martin Luther King, Jr., but if I can straighten my teeth, why don't I have the courage to try a bigger one?"

 "So you came to Hollywood after high school. Tina asked, "Is this your bold attempt for you?"

 "Yes, I've always been interested in acting," Jenny said, "but I can't deny that the lucrative monetary rewards of the industry are appealing to me." I wanted to continue my education, but at the time, university tuition was a big burden for me, and many people would choose to apply for a tuition loan to continue their education, but I was willing to try another path. I've been enrolling in short-term courses at community colleges since I arrived in Hollywood, and I've always wanted to have a regular role of my own, so I can grow my career and continue my education at the same time. "

 Tina's smile deepened, and she channeled Jenny into the conversation just right. "You're undoubtedly over the scheduled schedule right now. "

 "Yes, it was a really, really nice surprise to be selected for Pirates of the Caribbean. Jenny also smiled, "To be honest, when I went to the interview, I never thought I would be selected, all of this is really not very real yet, it's like a dream." "

 "Can you tell us a little bit about how you got selected?" asked Tina, "I think it's going to be a really interesting story." "

 "It didn't really make a splash, and I wished I could say more, but the process was that Gore, the director, stumbled upon a show I did on Broadway, and he thought I might have a chance to get a role in Pirates, so he auditioned for me, and when I came back to Los Angeles, I never thought it would be Elizabeth who was interviewing, and I thought I was going to put down roots in New York. And then they called me and told me that you were selected, that you were Elizabeth – really, it was all like a dream. "

 "It looks like this character was meant to be built for you. "

 "I wouldn't say that, but I believe it was all God's arrangement. "

 "Yes, I have noticed the ring you are wearing, is it a chastity ring? "

 "This should be a very personal decision, I don't want to talk about it, at the moment I can only say that this is not a wedding ring, if you know what I mean, I don't want to give it too solemn meaning, it's more like an agreement between me and myself. "

 "Can you share the agreed content with us?"

 Jenny smiled and said nothing, and Tina laughed too, "Okay, let's get that out of the way, my dear, can you talk about Chicago on Broadway? This play did a little miracle in the first half of the year, you're already a celebrity in New York, and I've heard that people here love you so much, and you're just everywhere from the time I got off the plane to here." "

 "No, of course I may have achieved some modest fame in a certain field, but I don't think I'm famous – I prefer to think of myself as an actor, it's all just getting started, I don't think I've achieved anything to boast of. "

 "I think in the past year, you have become the embodiment of the American dream, a living legend—"

 "No, no. Jenny laughed, "Don't think so, Tina, I'm still an ordinary person, an ordinary rookie actor, don't put your halo on me, you'll make me fluttery." "

 "Okay, okay, last question. Tina said, looking at her appreciatively, "We all know that the Pirates are going to start filming in the near future, right? You're going to be working with some of the best in the industry, Johnny Depp, Jeffrey Rush, Josh Blanche, how are you feeling right now?"

 "Very nervous, but also looking forward to it. I'm sure it's going to be a really good movie," Jenny said, fanning her eyelashes, "and I'm really looking forward to working with Josh, Johnny, Jeffrey and of course Gore, it's going to be an opportunity for me to learn and improve." "

 Tina gave Jenny a strange look, but instead of asking, she turned off the recorder, "Thank you very much, Jennifer." You're a very cooperative interviewee. "

 "Thanks," Jenny said, holding up her hand, "would you like another cup of coffee?

 "Of course I want to come, but you know how hot Chicago is at the box office—" Tina's voice stopped, she took the two tickets Jenny handed her and let out a surprised laugh, "Wow - thank you, this is such a thoughtful gift." "

 "I have a purpose," Jenny said jokingly, "to write me better in the interview." "

 "Not one, but two?" Tina simulated typing on the table, "Honey, you bet it is." "

 With her click, thousands of sheets of paper are fed into the machine, the lead ink is gradually formed after repeated printing, and bundles of magazines are unloaded from the truck and arrive at the transit point in the middle of the night... As people hurried past the newsstand, a corner of the booth was already occupied by the latest issue of People, and under Julia Roberts's cover photo, there was a line in bold headline that occupied a small position: Jennifer Jefferson – Hollywood's most noteworthy new face.

 In all corners of the country, people are constantly dropping change and grabbing magazines. "A copy of People, thank you. "

 People magazine has a circulation of about 3.5 million copies, and on this day, 3.5 million readers in the United States, including tens of millions of people in the information radiation group, knew a new name: Jennifer Jefferson.

 The author has something to say: Note:

 1 Fake love is a common situation in Hollywood, but it is difficult for contemporary people to know the truth, and those who have evidence of the truth are probably 20 years ago. I remember seeing reports before that a very well-known male star was gay, and then it was still the era of big studios, and the studio appointed him a jade female star as his girlfriend, and every time he went out on a date, he and his boyfriend, took that girlfriend, went out together, and then sent his girlfriend home, and then started real dating... This kind of cover gay's girlfriend has a proper noun ~beard

 Even now, for the sake of movie promotion, film dealers or agents have also matched male and female stars with matching careers to be fake lovers, such as ... At present, the most suspicious is the eldest cousin Jennifer Lawrence and her ex-boyfriend Nigrath Holt, their love, breakup and reunion, and breakup are very consistent with the characteristics of fake lovers, and those who are interested can study it. There are also twilight couples and singing and dancing youth couples who are also very suspicious. Spider-Man's couple file is relatively less suspicious.

 2 Yesterday I forgot about the Amish, a self-sufficient Christian sect that refuses to modernize, and its members generally live in seclusion doing farm work, bartering goods, etc., and living a very hard life...

 3 People Weekly is the largest circulation gossip weekly in the United States, and it was the king of gossip until TMZ Online was founded. (Not out yet in TMZ2002)