

One week after our quarrel, if i can say that, i didn't see him again. Even when i ask fo him. And i promise, i ask. I was like a fool screaming a name in my own mind, even when i didn't sleep. I think, it was the most hard week i had since a long time.

- I should take time for me. I said to myself.

Then, i prepare a relaxing weekend, by the beach ! It will bosst me up a bit.

And then, i arrive to the hotel i reserved for the weekend. My room is incredible, even i got it for almost nothing.

- This week-end will be mine!

The first thing i want to do is to go to the beach. It is the reason why i am here otherwise i would have stayed at my little appartment.

- Lets prepare for the beach.

Beach is the place i love the most. Wherever it is. A beach is a beach. Peacefull and lovely.

When i arrive, lie down on the sand, i felt all my problems go.

- It's heaven !

I enjoy the sun, and the soft warmth of the sand.

- I could stay here forever

And when i try to enjoy the moment, someone came and hide the sun.

- You know how to enjoy things, even the most little. Said the person

I thought i was dreaming, but it was him.

- Lucky ?

- Again, he said.

I look around me to try to fiigure out if i was sleeping or not.

- You, here?

- Me, here.

- Ah, i know, i said, i fell asleep on the sand.

And i lie back on the sand.

- I should wake up in few moments, i said annoyed.

- Are you angry against me?

- How could i after you leave me without telling nothing.

I hide my face to not let him see that i am angry.

- You ask me to leave. He said, natural.

"What ?"

- So it's my fault if you desapeared one week?

I start to feel the anger rising in my face. He leave one week after a little quarell and it's still my fault if i am angry? What a joke!

- Then, leave me as you used to, i want to wake up and enjoy my trip

- I said that you can enjoy it

- Not if i waste my time sleeping.

- But, you are not

- Stop making fun of me

He laugh. I missed his laugh but i want to show him that i am still angry for my bad week because of him. But, internally, i just want to jump in his arms and laugh with him. But i can't. I should still be angry.

- You are not sleeping. He said again while approaching me.

I can feel hiws warmht near me. I don't want to move to let him touch me but, as i am still angry, i slam his hands like to tell him to not touch me.

- Leave and let me enjoy, i said again too.

- Why are you so rude, i don't make fun of you, you are not sleeping, for real.

I don't know if i should believe him. But i know that i want to stay angry.

- I know you are angry, but, look !

I look around and knew he is right.

- It's not a dream. We say.