
Do Me A Favor Drop-Dead

Every high school girl and boy desires and anticipates for that awesome, popular, and famous with extravagant easy and free going lifestyle. Having the most expensive and latest gadgets and clothes and not to mention having the most beautiful, impressive good looking body. When it came to the girls, every girl had to do what a girl gat to do, to always be the prettiest, most good looking girl in school, you had to have curves in the right places, long beautiful hair, a pretty face and lots of influence and the others that didn't fit in this kind of lifestyle centered their attention on studies. While with the boys, apart from the outstanding accessories, one had to have the hottest girl in school, with sustainable grades to impress the girls and a great athletie, tall and heavy built, with great dominance. And then came around this guy, famously known as Costa Nucho. damn did he have everything. He used to nail it in every aspect. Being the leader of the athletic team, he had this great body, the looks, money, influence, dominance and all the pretty girls flocking to him, captived by his charm. He was full of pride and arrogance, determined to get his way no matter what. Little did he know that his stubborn, superior attitude was soon to be challenged and changed, by a simple, low class girl, a girl way out of his league, who was determined to maintain justice even if it meant matching Costa Nucho's pride, attitude and arrogance. But things turned out different for both of them, terribly worse than they ever imagined.

Susan_Phiri · 青春言情
33 Chs

chapter 13

After the morning class lessons, it was finally breaktime, and when Vivian went out to grab a bite, Ken took advantage of that and went over to speak with Lola.

Ken explained to Lola everything that Vivian was up to, how they prevented Nucho from being expelled, and what they plan to do next.

Ken asked Lola to help him arrange a meeting with Nucho. Since Lola was so conversable, socially friendly with everyone, and mostly known by everyone due to her goal of being friends with everyone in school.

That being the fact, Ken thought Lola was the right person to help him arrange a meeting with Nucho, cause Ken was that quiet, introvert guy, who never gave a damn about interacting with others, he was that type of guy who valued his own company, he never showed or portrayed his true potential and capabilities nor did he reveal his real self to anyone, for he literally took nor interest in talking, helping and wasting his precious time with others.

Lola gladly agreed to help him out, thinking that this would increase her chances of being friends with Vivian.

"Well, when a friend needs help, I always answer the call no matter what it might be. I will do whatever it takes, and I do have one request in exchange for helping you guys talk to Nucho, I wanna help you out even more. Will that be okay?" Lola said brightly and excitedly.

"Huh.. Are you sure that's all you want?" asked Ken.

"Yeah, I really wanna help you out. Let's see,"

From her bag, she removed a note and wrote her number. "Here is my phone number so you can contact me whenever you want, instead of waiting till we meet at school."

"Really, you cool with that?" Surprised Ken asked.

"Yeah, I mean, we are classmates, right? Sorry I didn't give you till now, I just didn't think of it. You can reach out anytime you want. I've got to go now my friends are waiting for me. I am gonna talk to Nucho on my way back so that you can talk to him this afternoon during lunch." said Lola and walked out of the classroom with her friends.


When Lola told Nucho that Vivian wanted to meet up with him, Nucho immediately agreed. His immediate response could be because of the experience he had with Vivian at the beach.

No doubt Nucho was captivated by her and thought of advancing things between them.

'Maybe that's why she even wanna see me this afternoon. I am sure she felt the same way. And of course, who wouldn't be dazzled and captivated by my beautiful charms? She's definitely craving for me.' Nucho thought feeling flattered and special.