
(Part 10)

"Looks like you really had some luck on your hands today. Off you go then." Smiled the figure while looking at Su Yuewei. Pointing his finger towards her he pointed them down. Su Yuewei who was floating in midair suddenly fell down on the floor with a thud. Talk about rough treatment.

Su Yuewei stood up in anger rubbing her back. "Those damn demons…" she cursed. "Thank you…" Xianwu thanked while looking at the figure behind the curtain slightly bowing. Su Yuewei looked at Xianwu perplexed, "Why in the world are you thanking him?! He created this damn place and then committed all those miser deeds. A good for nothing!"

Xianwu walked towards her. Taking a deep breath she whispered, "I think that's enough, your highness. We should better leave now." However, before Xianwu could leave the figure behind the curtain called out, "Wait a minute…" hearing his call Xianwu halted turning around with Su Yuewei and Weixiao. "Hm?" Xianwu asked. "Are you not going to leave behind the wager you bet?" he asked.

"Wager?" asked Weixiao puzzled. Su Yuewei clicking her tongue annoyed stood before Xianwu. "Are you going back on your words now?!" she asked annoyed. Xianwu clearing the confusion spoke up, "We did bet, however, didn't I won?" "You're right, you won, but don't forget you lost the round before that, Sister." he told.

Grasping his parasol in his hand. The figure stepped out from the curtains. Moving Su Yuewei aside Xianwu walked forward, "But, didn't you say that round didn't count? Since, you were teaching me." "I did say that Sister… however, I never said anything about not receiving a reward in return." he smirked.

The moment his figure revealed Xianwu stared at him astonished. His red and black robe glowed brightly while his hairs crowned with a crescent crown dangled down to the back of his knees. His sliver vambraces clanked while the blade resting on his left glinted. The demons around the Auction hall including Weixiao and even Su Yuewei stared at him blank for a split second.

Removing his parasol which hid his face, the figure closed it, resting it aside on the ground upside down. Revealing a silver glittering mask over his eyes. His left eye covered with hairs while the right one shined crystal crimson red with a black dragon resting amid his pupil. His ears pointed from the top, were studded with earrings while his red lips curved into a beautiful, mischievous smile.

"Yeying long…?" Xianwu whispered staring at him with her eyes widened.

"What do you think sister, ain't I right?" he grinned mischievously. Xianwu standing stunned for a moment gazed at him. "So… he is Yeying Long…" she thought with her mind blank. "The Ominous star who soothed nightingale… so this is what he looks like…" she wondered.

Su Yuewei regaining her consciousness gritted her teeth, "That damn demon! I knew he was no good! He won't let us leave so easily and I don't want to get caught by him again!!" she angered while pulling out her sword however, Xianwu and Weixiao stopped her.

"It's alright now. There's no need to get so worked up. Calm down, you don't have to fight." Xianwu consoled her. Turning around she looked at Yeying. "So sister… do you agree?" Yeying asked griping his parasol from the top. "I do." Xianwu replied. "Huh?" asked Su Yuewei as Weixiao too looked at her surprised. "So what can I give you in return?" she asked looking at him seriously.

Yeying smiled "Hm… it's not too much. Anything you have with you right now." He told. "Anything I have with me right now… what do I have with me?" she thought while trying to remember if she kept something with her. "I don't even keep a single penny or protection talisman with me… what could I possibly give him...?" she asked herself awkwardly.

Suddenly a thought hit her mind. Rummaging inside her sleeve Xianwu found a little silver pouch. Pulling it out she walked towards Yeying. Standing before him once more she handed the silver embroidered pouch before him. "What is it? What is she giving the lord?' asked the demons curiously.

"This might not be much… but, these berries are the only thing I have on me right now. They grow on the nearest tree before my cottage. They might be a little sour but they are very appetizing." Xianwu told while handing him. Yeying suddenly gleamed. "Is that so…? Then, thank you very much, sister. I don't mind if they are sour, I'll still eat them." He grabbed the pouch from her hand. Xianwu smiled gleefully.

"He really accepted it! Our Lord really accepted some sour berries from her so easily! Just who in the world is she?" asked the demons. "It seems there's some hidden mystery behind it or could it be that she is really our Lord's real sister?" asked one of them guessing hard. Upon hearing their conversation Xianwu tugged her hairs behind her ears slightly embarrassed. Her heart thumping fast.

"I wonder about that too, not only did he let her win the game he even accepted her wager. She must be the lord's sister." claimed the other. "Um… Well then, we'll leave now." Xianwu told while turning around. Walking back towards Weixiao and Yuewei, Yeying gazed at her with a smile. "Judging by the way you walk sister, you must be a great sword dancer, right?" he asked.

Hearing his words Xianwu once more stood stunned.

"Now what?!" asked Su Yuewei even more exasperated than before. Turning around Xianwu looked at him with her expression widened. "A sword dancer?" asked the demons perplexed. "Can master really judge someone just by looking at the way he or she walks?" asked one of them wondering.

Taking a deep breath Xianwu concurred, "Indeed, I was a good sword dancer once however, not anymore. I don't even wield a sword now." Yeying smiled, "Hm… Sister, if by any chance, you yield a sword once more. Will you dance with me?" His request genuine and earnest at the same time, Xianwu blinked her eyes puzzled while Weixiao stared at him surprised. The demons too stood stunned upon his words.