
Dimensional Group Chat Life

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). You know the deal a guy gets killed and reincarnated as the main protag of Akame ga Kill Tatsumi. Your usual reincarnated story with no cheats in the beginning only hard work trying to live his life the way he wants. Then one day his greeted with the fabled Dimensional Group Chat with a group of others how could this go? Probably something out of this world.

Jovami6729 · 漫画同人
121 Chs

Chapter 19: Liberation

~Third POV~

It was morning for the chat members as Hinata, Ruby, and Saeko all woke up again from the floor as they all saw each other with the same greetings.

But then they came upon Tatsumi who was holding a large bag as they all looked curiously at it and it was covered in dirt as he fell asleep. Ruby being the curious and adventurous girl she was then took a look at the bag, "Huh? Where the heck did Tatsumi find this bag of… what is even this paper anyway?"

It was natural for Ruby to not know what she held was the currency of this world known as Beri but to Saeko, she was surprised as she spoke to Ruby, "Uh… Ruby what you holding is a bag of money from this world. Like a lot of money here…"


Just like that Ruby's eyes then turned to money symbols symbolically of course as he takes a look at the literal bag of cash as Hinata looks at the money curiously as she spoke, "This is certainly different from what we use. The currency is different, but I wonder what we can use all of this money for."

That was when Tatsumi woke up from the sudden conversion of money as he spoke to them in a sleepy tone, "Ah~ Morning everyone… and the bag of money is for when we buy something in this world before we leave…"

Hearing that the thoughts of the three soon came to the idea of buying items from this world they would like but Ruby and Hinata didn't seem interested but Saeko, on the other hand, knew different items needed for herself that she could get.

Most importantly some swords from Loguetown would be ideal for her considering she needs an actual weapon and not her family sword. Ruby on the other hand would like to try the cookies in One Piece world as Saeko put it or something else interesting to her. Hinata would like to see as well for a chance to see what they have.

That was when they asked what they all thought as Hinata asked Tatsumi as he was busy making breakfast for them, "Say where exactly did you get this Tatsumi? I mean with the literal stacks of bills in these Beri would be a lot how…?"

Tatsumi then replied to the group as he cooks with somewhat shocked faces as he spoke while informing them what he did without any care, "That I got from the tree under Nami home the one Saeko explained but it would be pretty useless for them soon considering Arlong is pretty much dead. You're welcome."

The news of Arlong dead certainly raised their alarms as Tatsumi explained to them how he did it to use what he can to fight but soon found out that he got the opposite in return of Arlong reaction that he instead fought harder even managing to mortally wound him in the process but recovered.

The three took those thoughts of Tatsumi assassinating their main target with ease with poison certainly the methods disturbing but in the end, though it will make their job a lot easier for what happens next.

While it was disturbing how Tatsumi used his methods it wasn't something that settled well for some but then again though it will make their trip a lot easier once everything is done. Although Saeko would've liked to ask more but felt that subject wasn't up to be discussed.

Ruby just tolerated it for the time being since she was willing to understand Tatsumi's side of taking care of Arlong considering she also gathered info with one of the other members to understand more of the situation of the Conomi Islands.

She saw firsthand how the Fishman Pirates operated and was appalled that such a thing was even happening so she at least understood what was needed to be done although kept the opinion to herself as she didn't want to jeopardize their way home again with her way of thinking.

Hinata on the other hand nodded happily at this since it makes her job of infiltrating them a lot easier as being their leader and placing all the traps needed for the bombs to go off. At least she looked at the positive side of how it will end and added the fact they will shop here brought her mood up at least.

With that, they made a small change to their plans as Hinata will infiltrate the place as Arlong but that was when Saeko was reminded of who to spare in that place, "Oh yeah. Hinata I almost forgot once you enter inside the Arlong Park make sure to spare the octopus Fishman Hachi with the sun tattoo on his forehead and get Nami if she's there get her out of harm's way. Those two are very important to this world for different reasons."

Hinata looked confused but Tatsumi also nodded his head agreeing with Saeko as killing Hachi would lead Slivers D. Rayleigh to go after them and Nami was too important for the plot to kill off as there may be a chance for them to come to this world again on another quest but might get screwed over if they change too many things.

That was also another reason why Saeko didn't explain their plots since it would diverge her knowledge leading the members to unknown fates if need be.

Since they have new options of using Arlong as their disguise they then begin to talk some more before they finally let the big day, they start the raid towards Arlong Park happen as Ruby will be sniper, Hinata the good ninja, Tatsumi and Saeko front fighters.

The day they strike is today at midnight as Hinata began to change and leave as Arlong to prepare their explosive dust tags. Before she left Tatsumi asked Hinata a quick favor as he spoke to her, "Hinata before you destroy the place can you get some maps from their place and their treasure. It would be helpful to get some equipment for everyone to use once we leave this island you can use it however you see fit."

Hinata disguised as Arlong nodded her head as she brought a spare storage scroll as she left the day as Tatsumi sighs as he spoke to himself, "Sigh… I hope everything goes as planned. I just have to have faith in her for now."

Arlong Park is the Arlong Pirates' base of operations. Its located on Conomi Islands. This building, boasting several stories and their Jolly Roger at the top, was conspicuously placed at the coast to show that they had no fear of the law.

Arlong Park is built on the coastline, near the ocean, east of Cocoyasi Village where the pool on the outside was linked to the outer seas, for Momoo to go in and out of, with a pair of steel gates that kept it closed.

Arlong Park's design overall resembled Sabaody Park as this was due to the crew's childhood desire to become accepted into the human society and to reflect the cruelty of Sabaody Archipelago's slave trade.

The building itself was modeled after the main building in Sabaody Park and contained two notable rooms.

In that same building that was inside the Arlong Park, Hinata disguised fooled the pirates as she prepares her explosive dust tags around the building and she made sure to spike the drink to make them fall asleep more easily.

Once every one of the Arlong Pirates took their drinks they then fell asleep as Hinata made quick movements to set the tags all around the building. As she did so she had the chance to encounter the map room as she gathered everything as she spoke quietly to herself, "I see so this Nami person created these maps? These are good. I'll be sure to make use of it."

Seeing the maps she stored them in her storage scrolls then she placed the tags then goes around to search for Nami but wasn't found at least Hinata wasn't worried about finding Nami inside the building.

After that she searched till she found the treasure room as she saw gold and more Beri as she bit her thumb seeing the amount, "Dang… for someone who collected more money for six years would be wealthy. But I don't have enough storage scrolls to bring them with me. I hope gold is more than enough…"

With that, she began to collect more of what was inside the treasures until she saw some Fishman Karate manuals as she took them inside her storage scroll.

After that, she went around to find the Fishman Hachi asleep as she went over and get him over her shoulders as she finished setting the tags and she quickly flees away from the building.


With that, she was now over the edge outside the building walls as she threw him over to the sea as she spoke to herself, "There that takes care of that. Now time to release the signal. Tag seals release."


Outside the border of the walls at the night Tatsumi was looking things from afar as Ruby already took her sniper position as she took aim and Saeko took her stance.

The patience of the two looked on as Ruby replied somewhat antsy of the event as she talked to the two, "Say what happens if this whole plan fails guys? What happens if we lose here?"

There were such thoughts if they failed as Tatsumi replies to Ruby holding his sword, "If we fail we don't get a second chance simple as that."

That answer made the two nervous waiting for the Hinata signal to happen and hoping for the best…


Suddenly explosions happened throughout the building structure as the building parts were being destroyed catching the Fishman unprepared to be heavily damaged.

The destruction and smell of burnt meat were in the air as Tatsumi smiled as he sighed out a breath of relief, "Sigh… thank goodness that she's safe. Now it's time for my part."

With that Tatsumi used his semblance to construct a wall blocking the attempt of their escape trying to get through as they screamed enraged as it was Saeko time as Ruby and Tatsumi closed their eyes.

Saeko's semblance [Flash] uses her aura to flare up creating a flash of light that was enough to temporarily blind anyone nearby as the Fishman covered their eyes from the light as Saeko was unaffected by her semblance, "Now that is the expression, I wanted to see from them. The fear and worry in their faces are so satisfying… it's a great feeling…"


One quick bonk on the head as Saeko whimpers at the hit as Tatsumi lectured her as he spoke in a deadpan tone, "Cool it miss sadist. We get it that you can get in with your inner dark self like an anime protagonist."

Saeko for her part puffs her face as she responds to Tatsumi to the side as she spoke, "Yeah, I get it mister kill joy."


Tatsumi merely grins at his accomplishment as a loud banging sound was heard as Ruby [Crescent Rose] from her rifle mode shot at the Fishman's shoulders as they try to run away as fast as they could seeing that they are getting targeted.

Ruby then gets their attention as she calms her trembling hands from harming them as she steels herself while getting their attention, "Ok you two how about we get back to the liberation here. I swear that you make bad puns I'm bouncing from here."

The two laughed at that comment from Ruby seeing her lecturing them as they saw a huge fireball as they heard a shot from the distance, "[Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu]!!"


With that, a large ball of fire attacked the Fishman from the other side as all the Fishman were all too injured as they rolled on the floor and while some were escaping from to the sea…


Ruby fired off a Lighting Dust round in the sea as all the Fishman were all electrocuted in the sea as they tried to run away from the island fleeing with their tails between their legs from being burned or electrocuted.


More of the bomb tags were placed as the debris continued to destroy everything causing the Fishman Pirates to take the brunt force of the debris as it breaks their bones or legs as they try to flee.


Then suddenly the Sea King Moomoo came out to try and fight, but Ruby locked her aim at the Sea King as she fired the lighting dust round as she spoke waving at it, Sorry mister cowfish but you have got to go. Bye!"



Like that the Sea King Moomoo was shocked by a lightning strike and quickly flee from the fear of being electrocuted as Ruby blinks at this in surprise, "Huh? That is a weird monster? Is it that scared of one-shot? Oh well the less the better. At least I won't feel guilty harming that Moomoo. Hehe… Moomoo very funny name."

Returning to her duties the attack kept on as they soon gathered an audience of the villagers.

Seeing the destruction the people saw the light of smoke and explosions happening as soon enough the people of the Conomi Island villages as they see a group of people effortlessly destroyed the pirates that plagued them.

This event kept going on as all the Fishman in the Conomi Islands are leaving the area as they couldn't handle the lighting strikes and fire anymore and fled the Conomi Islands period.

The villages soon see the destruction as they were all grinning happily thanking their saviors for their problems as the mission soon came to an end as the village chief Genzo responds happily, "Hooray! We're finally free from those monsters!!! We must celebrate our saviors with a party right everyone!!!"



Seeing that the members were caught as they were suddenly famous, they all flustered at the sight as Tatsumi grins as he spoke, "Ok then my guy let's party all night everyone!! LET'S PARTY!!!"


With that Tatsumi with the flow as everyone then partied hard for the next few days to celebrate their victory.

Thanks for the ideas I think I know what to give out and as well as some ideas for the shop function as well.

Jovami6729creators' thoughts