
Digimon: Death X//

The physical world and the digital world converge, humanity and digimon kind face a crisis the likes of which they have never faced before. Society has fallen and the last and final hope of both digimon kind and human kind lie with 5 surviving digidestined, what they will face will result in either the fall of all life or the end of this apocalypse

asianfahzagamer · 科幻
3 Chs

Chapter :1 Part :1 The Winged Girl

"It's been 1 year since everything went to shit." A black haired oriental man in a dark blue hooded vest, with a worn black backpack that held a long wrapped staff, a black shirt and worn jeans with faded black boots. Standing in a dusty broken down office room covered in glass and aged debris, the musty smell of time permeated in every inch. He spat down a broken elevator shaft, the view downwards was pitch black, he stood there for a second staring down into the darkness, frayed wires hanging above him and torn gnarled metal remnants of the elevator doors on either side. Only the sound of the wind whistling through broken windows could be heard as it blew through this dilapidated building, the silence was suddenly broken by the low garbling coming from his worn pack. Startled by this sound He swayed and panicked, almost losing his footing as his boots scraped on the frame of the elevator doorway, catching himself on the wall with a dull dusty thud, leaning forward into the abyss of the broken elevator as bead of sweat dropped down the darkened shaft. "Son of a bitch!" He muttered as he nervously looked around, it was quite clear he was trying to stay quiet.

"Who's a bitch?" A gruff voice softly said as the speaker emerged from the next room, a 3 ft tall creature in Silver and gold armor, bejeweled with a large blue crystal, a draconian face, standing upright and with large oversized gauntlets, each tipped with a similar blue crystal as the one found on the creatures chest came around the corner just past remnants of doorway. This armored curious creature was a Digimon, "Ryong? Ya good?" grunted the Digimon as he stared at the hooded man. Ryong shook his head vigorously as he righted himself, a small cloud of dust billowed with each movement, before rummaging through his worn black pack searching for the source of the low garbling. "I am fine Lutyimon, just have to…..have to...find....this damn…..Radio!" Ryong triumphantly held a military green long range radio in his hand. Lutyimon smirked slightly at Ryong, "Good job, the intrepid hero is victorious, now could you answer the fucking thing so it stops making so much noise." "Stop worrying so much, the western section has been clear of Dexdigi's for a month and it's still…" Ryong trailed on as he looked at an imaginary watch on his left arm, "Noonish?..I think?"

Ryong pressed the call on his radio to answer, "This is Ryong, your friendly neighborhood Digidestined, how can I help you today ?" A woman's voice answered sternly back, " Sack the sass you shithead, what's your position?" "Ooooh someone's a bit fiery today, what did someone take your chili mac ?" Ryong said smirking in a mocking tone, " I am at the Western Section, Lutyimon and I found some antibiotics, a few packs of albuterol, and valium." A different voice frantically answered back on the radio, A male voice with a New Zealander accent, "Oi cuz we got movement in the Western Section!" Ryong and Lutyimon made themselves as flat as possible on the aged musty carpet floor of the office room and whispered into the radio, "Damien, our current position is in the old hospital, what do you see?" Damien responded back in a whisper, "We have two bogies, confirmed Dexdigi's, seem to be two rookies, stay low and quiet cuz, you should be fine." Ryong stayed silent with Lutyimon by his side unmoving as they waited and listened. As the tension rose, seconds seemed to hours, in the silence they could hear their own heartbeat as they waited. Bang! Bang! Two gunshots echoed in the distance, followed by a deafening moment of silence as Ryong and Lutyimon lay there hearing only their heartbeat pounding in their skull as they waited.

Damien's voice answered on the radio once more, "That's two Dexdigi's munted, you alright there cuz?" "Yup we are good as gold my friend, thanks for the back up," Ryong chuckled into the radio as he and Lutyimon stood up, dusting themselves off creating a small cloud. "Ah it was a piece of piss, just two rookies, but Clothomon says it's time to pack up and get back, meet you at the pass cuz." the radio buzzed slightly as Damien ended his transmission. Placing the radio back into his worn pack Ryong turned to Lutyimon, "Alright buddy let's get moving, Clothomon is never wrong." The digidestined and his partner Digimon turned towards the hallway covered in debris and broken glass that led to the stairway treading carefully trying to stay as quiet as possible as they maneuvered past destroyed furniture. Ryong and Lutyimon reached a white door with chipped paint and a shattered window, it already was propped open and led down to a winding stairwell equally covered with dust and debris as the rest of the building. Peering just far enough into the doorway to be able to see downward, Ryong scanned into the dimly sunlit stairwell, intently searching for any sign of movement. All he saw was dust and darkness, content with the stairwell being clear Ryong gestured with his hand to Lutyimon to move forward and enter the stairwell carefully.

The two would move in tandem as they moved down the musty dimly lit stairs, each footstep and scrape gently echoing downward as Ryong and Lutyimon made their way. The pair had reached the bottom of the stairwell, which had a tile flooring the dust only disturbed by their previous footsteps and a few bits of broken glass, a slight shift was heard in the distance, as if a pebble had fallen but in the silence it was almost deafening. Ryong's eyes widened as his hand instinctively grasped the wrapped staff on his pack, slowly facing Lutyimon who was vigilantly scanning the surroundings, taking account of anything and everything around them. Ryong, using his hands to gesture to Lutyimon to flank right on the doorway while he would flank left to get a better vantage point on what may have made that noise. Suddenly a rat came barreling through the doorway, sniffing the air oblivious to the two individuals frozen and completely bewildered. Taking a moment to realize how ridiculous they were being, Ryong and Lutyimon smirked at one another before carefully stepping out of the doorway.

Stepping out into the dim evening sunlight, Ryong was surrounded by a city that had been in ruins and abandoned long ago. An outline of the street remained, the majority replaced by sand and dirt, a few lonely destroyed cars lay parked on the remnants of the roadside, a few indistinguishable buildings and what seemed to be a restaurant before the fall of civilization. Sighing heavily, Ryong put his hand on his head and stretched as Lutyimon emerged from the dilapidated hospital. A deafening roar came down the street, the source covered by the ruins on the corner block, quickly the partnered pair turned heel and began running as fast as they could leaving a trail of dust as they ran away from the source of the roaring. No longer worried about being careful, Ryong quickly swung his pack from his back to his chest as he rummaged through it to grab the radio while running at full steam towards the next corner. "Damien! Retreat back to sanctuary, I repeat retreat to sanctuary, our position is compromised!" Ryong frantically spat into the radio, he glanced behind, to his horror a large mass of grotesque creatures flooded down the street.

These creatures were mutated terrors, half human, half digimon, horrifically disfigured through accelerated mutations that tore through flesh and bone, exposing decaying and infected flesh. Driven feral from the Death X Error, viciously destructive with terrifying powers, devoid of any semblance of the human they once were, these monstrous creatures seek to devour any living thing they see. Called Death X Sapiens, droves of them were now clambering towards Ryong and Lutyimon. "Fucksake you two I told you to get out of there, Liliana! Star! Things have progressed to level fubar, get your asses to the Western Sector!" Ryong and Lutyimon scrambled down the ruined city street, passing shattered display windows, broken down apartments and stores, followed closely by the swarm of writhing, growling Death X Sapiens that seemed to be growing with more and more of these horrid creatures appearing from every crevice they passed. "Lutyimon we can't outrun these fucks, next corner take it and transform!" Ryong quickly uttered as they dashed through the ruined city, "If we must fight, then fight we shall!"

Lutyimon leaped into the air, his body compressing and contorting, Lutyimon's arms connecting above his head emitting a blue energy that became a blade, combining with the armored helmet, along with his legs combining together to form a large spear head and half of the shaft. Lutyimon's tail extended and turned rigid making up the rest of the shaft as well as the tip becoming a weighted pommel. Ryong would grab the now transformed Lutyimon and turn the corner, the soles of his black boots skidding creating a cloud of dust and flinging glass in all directions, as Ryong quickly turned about to face the swarm. "Hoyah!" flinging his hood up and pulling up his sleeves to reveal a strange contraption on Ryong's wrist that began glowing a light blue creating a trail of fractals, Ryong's Digivice. "Activate Protocol Blue." accents on Ryong's vest began glowing the same odd light blue, a familiar voice echoed in Ryong's mind, "Keep calm and don't be overtaken okay Ryong?" "Hehe we got this!" Ryong smirked as he crouched positioned to pounce, spear at the ready as the grotesque inhuman growling swarm of infected rounded the corner. Confident in stance Ryong faced this massive swirling behemoth of gnashing teeth, glowing eyes and putrid blood, swiftly he struck with spear in hand. The moment Lutyimon in spear-form made contact with a Death X Sapien, a large explosive blue beam fired from the tip of the spearhead. In an instant half of the swarm was either displaced or destroyed, leaving a large circular burn mark where the blue beam had traveled and light array of fractalized energy that dissipated into the air, but just as quickly as they were blasted apart the swarm came back together charging at Ryong and Lutyimon.

A Death X Sapien jumped forward, a human face with glowing red eyes, its mouth disfigured with sharp teeth protruding out of the mouth and a horn growing on the front and back of its head. Its arm was covered in blue striped fur with purple claws, the Death X Sapien swung its arm smashing everything in front of it. A massive cloud of dust and debris billowed from the force of this strike, with a loud thud the Death X Sapien came flying out of the cloud followed by a smaller beam of blue light that pierced the head of the infected creature. Ryong rushed forward at impossible speed becoming nothing more than a blur of blue fractal light, attacking the swarm of infected. A quick jab from Lutyimon, Ryong unleashed another large blast destroying hundreds more Death X Sapiens. The digidestined looked up at the remaining swarm with a wicked smile on his face, Ryong's eyes glowing a slight blue color. "Ryong!" Lutyimon's voice rang in Ryong's mind as he shook his head for a second to collect himself, looking back up Ryong's eyes no longer were blue. "GRAH!" a Death X Sapien with orange skin and blue stripes struck Ryong right in his stomach with its tail, sending Ryong flying into the remnants of a brick wall, bits of rock, dust, glass and debris were sent in all directions as Ryong made contact with the now rubble wall.

It took but a moment for Ryong to recover and bounce forward at the same impossible speed as before, swinging Lutyimon and slicing the attacking Death X Sapien in half. Without missing a beat Ryong spun about and fired another large blast from Lutyimon destroying the remainder of Death X Sapiens in this immediate vicinity. Breathing heavily Ryong took a moment to collect himself, "That's…..right...fuckers.." Lutyimon transformed back into his original form and placed his hand on Ryong, "Come on you stubborn son of a bitch, we gotta keep moving." The blue light faded from Ryong's vest and digivice as he unsteadily stood up, "Stubborn….enough….to win" he said mockingly while out of breath. "Yeah, yeah so stands the victor who can barely breath," Lutyimon stood next to Ryong and stabilized him as they began walking forward. "Hey, not all of us are blessed with impenetrable scales, okay buddy," Ryong smiled at Lutyimon.

"You're both idiots!" two large tan hands came down on both Lutyimon and Ryong, sending them face first into the dirt. A large figure stood above them with bronze skin, long luxurious black curly hair, a well built muscular frame in a large cuffed shirt that revealed their midriff and maintained but hairy chest. "Star...how uh...long time no.." Star looked down at Ryong, a stern look anchored on their face with fabulously done eyelashes, blue and purple eyeshadow, with deep chestnut eyes. "Shut…..Up" they said in a quiet but hostile tone, "Do you know how worried I was about you two!" Ryong massaged his head as it throbbed from the pain of meeting the ground, "If you were so worried why are you trying to kill us?!" Star's look was unchanged as they responded, "Kill you? Pulease, I barely tapped you, plus you and Lutyimon have titanium skulls." Ryong looked at star with a unamused stare, "Fuck you Star, fuck you very much." Lutyimon stood up and dusted himself off, "We are sorry Star, we didn't mean to worry you and you know how Ryong is." Ryong shot Lutyimon a look of daggers causing Lutyimon to smirk, "Don't blame this on me." "Oh I blame it on you!" "Why you little!" SMACK! Once again two large tan hands struck both Lutyimon and Ryong upside their faces leaving a nice red mark on Ryong. "We don't have time for this, Damien is waiting at the pass, NOW MOVE OUT!" with a rebellious look while massaging his face, Ryong and the rest of the group began walking down the dirt path away from the ruined city.

The sun was just about to set as Ryong, Lutyimon, and Star reached a large 4 way intersection surrounded by fields of unmaintained wild grass, behind them lay the ruined city, the dust still settling from all that had ensued. Sitting at the base of a broken stop sign was a dark tan man, with large dreadlocks neatly placed in a bun, striking black tribal tattoos on his cheeks, chin and lips, wearing a camo brown cargo vest with a rifle hanging from his shoulder, a sleeveless shirt that revealed the tattoos on his shoulders and arms, cargo shorts with worn black sneakers. "Damien, hey hey, thanks again for the save my friend," Ryong said joyfully as he saw Damien begin to stand. "Kia Ora, Ryong you bloody Muppet, you coulda gotten yourself killed ya know." Damien smiled as he whistled loudly. Suddenly from the grass as if they appeared out of nowhere came 3 young women, as they came closer it was quite apparent they weren't human.

The shortest among them had no mouth and 3 eyes, she had long white hair that covered most of her body, underneath was an elegant flowing white dress that covered any discernible legs and on her arms were lace white gloves. The palms of her hands had a mouth each that spoke together with a young voice, " I do believe we must keep moving, it is imperative we reach the colony soon as there are more coming." Damien looked past Ryong at the city with worry, "Okay Clothomon lets saddle move out," Another of the 3 Digimon that had emerged from the grass, she had long white hair as well that covered the majority of her body, wearing an elegant gray jumper with long thin chains creating a skirt, her eyes were covered by a cloth, and when she opened her mouth a emerald could be seen. "Alright Lakhesmon lets get out of the wop-wops and get home." From Lakhesmon's mouth came an otherworldly sound, it was pleasant and disconcerting at the same time, a right of light surrounded the group as large archaic symbols flowed in the light around and in a blinding second all that was left was a scorch mark and cloud of dust.

"Are we tracking them?" an enigmatically sweet voice spoke amidst a thick fog of smoke, in a room illuminated only by the light on multiple console panels that lined the wall of this mysterious room. "Yes m'lord, each one has been deployed and making remarkable progress on foot, It seems the Russian colony has already fallen! heheheh" a raspy voice answered gleefully, "I must thank you m'lord for the test subjects, without them it would have taken years to reach this stage." A figure stood up, only a winged silhouette with glowing yellow eyes could be seen in this dark room filled with smoke which seemed to be coming from the mouth of this figure. "I haven't a need for your groveling DexVademon, keep me apprised of their progress, I must tend to the apple" the silhouetted figure spoke softly, smoke swelling out its mouth with each word, as it turned and left the room. "Yes m'lord, hehehe!" As the smoke cloud began to clear away another silhouette writhing with tentacles gutturally giggling, could be seen standing hunched in front of multiple dimly lit displays each seemed to be showing different cities, two of them were ablaze and a faint screaming of hundred could be heard through the display.

In front of a tall metal building barely maintained, A loud crack and another blinding flash of light followed by a billowing cloud of dust that sprayed onto the front door as it opened. "Foda-se, I should of waited before opening the door, I just put on my lab coat you cadelas!" Standing in the doorway was a tall beautiful olive skinned woman with short dark strawberry blonde hair, elegant black glasses with slight freckling over the bridge of her nose, wearing a white lab coat, orange blouse and tan khakis. "Now Liliana Artezia, you watch your language!" Star attempted to look sternly at Liliana, who leaned against the doorway and stuck her tongue out at Star. "What took ya'll so long to get here?" Liliana said, smiling at the group as the dust settled around them.