
Different world reincarnation

An Archeologist from India Ravindra gets reincarnated into the world of swords and magic".Different world reincarnation" is an intriguing and captivating tale that follows the journey of Arthur stormwind, who is reincarnated as Northern Duke's eldest son. Unbeknownst to him, he possesses an ancestral pendant that holds the key to unlimited power and magic. As Arthur explores his new life, he is confronted with the tragic news of his mother's death under suspicious circumstances. In the castle where he resides, he discovers an air of hostility and animosity directed towards him from all corners.How will Arthur live in this new world and what storms would he create. Will he became a tyrant or a new hope to this world.Will his previous life values remain or will he sublimated by this new world's barbarity. Discover as Arthur struggles with his ideas and ideals and realises that world always has something unexpected for every one.

CSK2023 · 奇幻
42 Chs

7 days later part 3

As we walked out of the castle and boarded the carriage, I couldn't help but assert my status "Jack I know that the butler has asked you to keep an eye on us.Even though I may not hold any power,I am still the eldest son of the duke and it is quite easy for me to ruin your and your friends life so why don't you do me a favour".

With a threatening tone, I made it clear that could influence and potentially ruin his life if he crossed me. Harold, appearing nervous, asked for my suggestion on how they should carry out their duty.

Leaning in closer, I responded, "You can keep an eye on us as instructed, but I would prefer if you and your colleagues maintained some distance. I don't appreciate being constantly watched."

The guards, understanding the implications, silently acknowledged my request and began to keep their distance while still monitoring our movements from afar.

After wandering around the city for some time, I turned to Beatrice and suggested, "Beatrice, why don't you lead me to the place that Jeffrey frequents? I would like to see it for myself."

With a nod, Beatrice took the lead, guiding me towards the city center. The bustling streets were filled with various establishments, including hotels, inns, casinos, pubs, and even brothels.

Finally, we arrived at our destination—a discreet restaurant called Moonlit Nights.Beatrice pointed towards the restaurant and whispered, "Young master, this is the place Jeffrey often visits."

"Thank you, Beatrice," I acknowledged her help before turning to Agnes. "Agnes, I'm feeling hungry. Is there a recommended place nearby? Perhaps somewhere close to the Moonlit Nights restaurant?"

Agnes pondered for a moment before suggesting, "There is an inn called Golden Wheat nearby. It's known for its affordable and delicious food."

"Excellent choice. Let's head there for our lunch," I declared, eager to satisfy my hunger and gather more information in this unfamiliar setting.

Upon entering the inn, a muscular man greeted us with a booming voice, "Welcome to the Golden Wheat! How can I assist you?"

I confidently replied, "We would like a quiet room with a window and five servings of today's special, please."

The inn owner obliged, instructing us to follow Mary, one of the waitresses, to an upstairs room that matched our requirements. We followed Mary as she led us to a private room with a window overlooking the inn's backyard.Mary politely informed us, "Please wait, dear customers. Your food will be prepared shortly."

Expressing gratitude for her assistance, we closed and locked the door to our private room.After locking the door, I turned to Beatrice and requested, "Beatrice, please cast a silence spell on the room to prevent outsiders from hearing our conversation."

Beatrice nodded in understanding and proceeded to cast the spell, enveloping the room in a protective silence. With our privacy secured, I addressed the group, "Now we can talk freely."

As if waiting for the cue Matilda raised a question, "Young master, why didn't we meet Jeffrey directly?"

I explained my reasoning, "Meeting Jeffrey directly would only raise his suspicions and alert the guards. It would be challenging to convince him to help us, and the guards would be on high alert but with him coming to us It will be completely different we will be one's having the initiative in the negotiations".

To demonstrate my plan, I opened the window and blew a whistle, summoning the small bird that everyone saw in the morning. The bird swiftly flew in through the window.

I turned to Agnes and asked, "Agnes, do you have a pen and paper?"

Agnes quickly provided the requested items, and I wrote a message on the paper. Folding it carefully, I handed it to the little bird, which took it in its beak and flew back out through the window, carrying the message.With the task completed, I settled onto the bed, closed my eyes and began to gather my thoughts, preparing for the upcoming events.

Jeffrey's Pov

As I sat in my regular spot, sipping my drink, a flash of movement caught my attention. A small bird landed gently on my shoulder, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by its sudden appearance. Its vibrant blue eyes seemed to convey a message.

Turning my head towards the little bird, I noticed it held a small piece of paper delicately in its beak. The bird's presence piqued my curiosity further, and I extended my hand, palm open, as an invitation for it to approach. With a slight tilt of its head, the bird seemed to understand my gesture.

Carefully, the bird dropped the paper into the palm of my hand, as if presenting me with a hidden treasure. With a swift flutter of its wings, it took flight and disappeared into the distance, leaving me alone with the mysterious message.

I held the paper in my hands and I could sense that whatever was written on it was meant specifically for me.As I unfolded the paper, my heart sank with every word I read.

The message struck deep, targeting the secret I had desperately kept hidden from my wife, Lydia.

It was a truth that could shatter our marriage and tear our family apart."Jeffrey I know your secret you have been hiding from your wife.Jonah and your child. If you don't want your wife to know about them then meet me at the golden wheat restaurant. And please come discreetly as we both don't want others to know about our meeting." the message read, causing a cold sweat to break out on my forehead.

The words echoed in my mind, amplifying my anxiety and filling me with a sense of impending doom. How could someone have discovered what I had so carefully concealed?My eyes scanned the rest of the sentence, absorbing the weight of the instructions that followed.

I was being summoned to the golden wheat reatruant.The author warned me not to seek help from others, claiming they were constantly monitoring me. The sense of being trapped, with no way out, gripped me with a vice-like grip.

Fear washed over me as I looked around, my gaze meeting the intense stare of the little bird perched on a nearby tree branch. Its innocent appearance now seemed menacing, as if it held the power to expose my deepest secrets to the world. I couldn't shake the feeling that it knew more than it let on, that it held a key to my downfall.

Without wasting a moment, I hastily settled my bill and rose from my seat. The urgency in my movements mirrored the panic coursing through my veins. There was no choice but to obey the summons, to confront the unknown figure who threatened to unravel my carefully crafted facade.

As I walked towards the golden wheat restaurant, each step weighed heavy with the burden of my past. Memories began to surge through my mind,