opposition to the day, Bakugo and Deku had fought every time they saw each other. It was on sight with them. One day, Izuku was walking the streets and spotted a dojo.
His now sensei, taught him, free of charge, seeing the fire in his eyes. Since then, he has been teaching him how to fight. Mostly, with his legs, the legs are three times stronger than the arms, but he didn't neglect that part of training.
Izuku told his sensei, he has a regeneration quirk, so he doesn't need to hold back. He gets two types of training in one.
With his creation quirk, he found everything that would be useful to him...
For ten years, Izuku would train, fight with Bakugo, get into trouble here there. Because of that, Mitsuki and Inko stopped being friends, but Mitsuki still cared for Deku.
Sometimes, he would visit Mitsuki when Bakugo wasn't home. When doing so, Izuku noticed that Masaru wasn't around as he used to. She told him that he would come home late, smelling like liquor or perfume.
She tried to talk with him, but he would always push her away. Starting arguments, accusing her of sorts. They talked for hours on end, until Bakugo came back.
Mitsuki tried to stop them from fighting. Izuku respected her so he wouldn't do so in her house, but anywhere else, it was on sight.
On the other hand, when he wasn't talking to Mitsuki, training, or fighting, he would spend his time studying. Since his mother, didn't do much for him, he had to get it on his own.
Just like any other day, a fight with Bakugo and being sent home. Instead, he went to Mitsuki's house. He knew Bakugo wouldn't be there, so he wanted to check-in.
Once he got there, he saw a young woman running out and yelling coming from the house.
"You're getting old! I need someone young. You are worn out." Masaru said to Mitsuki who looked hurt.
"Get out! Never come here again!" Mitsuki shouted, to which he scoffed and walked out the door.
He saw Izuku who was looking at him, pure disgust in his eyes. He heard everything he said, the woman he respected so much to be emotionally abused by her husband, sickened him.
When he walked by him, he said: "You know what lead taste like?" In a cold tone, sending chills down his spine.
"You're just a kid, you don't know anything!" Masaru said to Deku.
The hazel-eyed boy created a Glock 19 in his hand and aimed it at his head. Cold sweat dripped from his face, being held at gunpoint.
"Izuku, stop!" Mitsuki yelled from inside the house. She saw him with a cold glint in his eyes, pointing the gun at her ex-husband.
Not taking his eyes, off Masaru, the two of them began to get worried because he didn't have a speck of hesitation on his face.
Masaru expected the pain and Mitsuki expected a dead body, neither one of their expectation were met.
Deku let off a warning shot, barely missing him, grazing his ear. The gun disappeared ad he said: "I missed," With a deadpan tone.
Masaru ran off, not wanting to be hit by one of the bullets. Izuku looked to Mitsuki who had just broken down. Her tears were flowing as the words of her husband, repeated in her head.
Deku came and hugged her to which she cried in his arms. He comforted her until she calmed down.
"Honestly, I don't know what he doesn't see in you," Izuku said, breaking the silence. She looked at him, reddened eyes from crying.
"You're strong, beautiful, smart, different from a lot of women. It's his loss." Brushing his hands through her hair.
She hugged him once more, but longer than the last time. She felt so comfortable hugging him, feeling the muscle through his shirt from the years of training.
She broke the hug to which he didn't complain to. Around Mitsuki, he softened up a bit, there was no need to act the way he does with other people to her. She was one of the few people he respected.
Taking a look at her, she was wearing black shorts that showed off her curves. Though she is in her thirties, she is still a beautiful woman. Also, she wore a red, sleeveless, sports tee.
Her milky white thighs attracted him, but he held himself off from seeing her that way. But his hormones were betraying him.
"Thank you, Izuku. I don't know what I would do without you." Mitsuki said with a smile as she put her hand on his.
All of sudden, he placed his lips, on hers. Her eyes widened with shock from being suddenly, kissed. She pushed him off of her after a few seconds.
"We can't..." Mitsuki said as she was thinking about what just happened.
"Yeah, my fault. I'll go..." Izuku said, getting up from the couch, then walking out the door.
Mitsuki wanted to say something but she watched his back, walking out the door. Deku shook his head, before closing the door.
"The fuck is wrong with you?! You just kissed the closest thing you had to a mother. What you on?" Izuku was talking to himself, about what he just did.
While talking to himself, he heard the scream of a girl in an alleyway. He snapped out of his thoughts and ran towards the scream. In the alley, two guys were cornering a girl.
"What the hell is wrong with you, bitch?!" One of the guys said.
"You could be alarming some pedestrians... Now, we don't want that do we?" The other guy said.
"Yo!" Izuku called out getting their attention.
"Oh, lookie here, a dumbass came to be a hero." The big guy said, pulling out a gun.
Deku quickly looked behind him, looking back to if anybody would be caught in the crossfire. The big guy grinned as he started letting off shots.
He shot Izuku 2 times in the chest, 3 in the torso, and 2 times in the arm. The guys started laughing as the girl screamed, seeing him filled with holes.
"Look at 'em, a wannabe hero, dead! Now, why don't you-"
*Bang!* *Bang!*
Before he could finish his sentence, Izuku shot him in the back of the head. He used rubber bullets instead of real ones. For his partner, he shot him in the chest. He was pretty skinny, so it knocked the wind out of him.
"What the hell... How are you alive?!" The girl screamed, seeing a dead man walking.
"Called a quirk," Izuku said as he began to walk away.
"Wait! Can I get your name?" The girl asked seeing him walk away.
"What you need it for?" Izuku asked.
"I-um," Startled by the question, she could form a proper sentence. Usually, when someone saves someone they get their saviors name.
"Damn, that hurt like a bitch..." Deku said, lifting his shirt to see his wounds still healing.
Thinking about it, having the bullet wounds, would be cool. But with his quirk, it wouldn't be possible or so he thought.
When he got back home, his mother looked at him, seeing him covered in blood, she got a little worried.
"What happened, Izuku?" She asked with worry in her voice.
"What a surprise... You now care for your sons well being, after ten years?" Izuku said, making Inko look down, disappointed in herself.
"If you're that interested, I got shot saving this girl from some weird-ass people," Deku said as he lifted his shirt, hoping his wounds were still healing.
Instead, there were bullet wounds, where he got shot. Izuku could see the worry in her eyes, which worried him. She was still his mother, even though she wasn't the mother she could've been to him.
"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Inko asked even after seeing his healed wounds.
"Let's not waste the both of our time, taking a useless trip to the doc... wait." Laughing slightly, a word popped up in his head.
'The meaning off opposition... A shorter version... Opp. Yeah, that sounds better, and who would say, 'You an opposition'?.' Izuku thought concluding.
"Bakugo a opp... Yeah, that's it," Izuku said, out loud.
"An opp? What does that mean?" Inko asked after hearing her son.
After explaining what he meant, his mom got the gist. She questioned why Bakugo was considered an enemy. He also explained what happened all those years ago which made her feel even more disappointed in herself.
She had missed so much of his life, that she wouldn't get back unless she starts now. She started to cry, seeing how she neglected her son for her selfish reasons.
Izuku walked over to his mom, lifted her chin, then wiping her tears. Her skin was pale because she hadn't been eating a lot.
"We only got each other, I'm not going anywhere, so you don't need to worry. You don't need to cry, or be sad because you still have me." Izuku said, kissing her forehead, then putting his forehead on his.
After a while, she stopped crying to which they starting cooking, bonding like a mother and son. After they finished cooking, they had dinner together, something they hadn't done in a while. The first time in years, he saw his mother laugh and smile.
"By the way, how are we still in this house? I've been in the house all these years." Inko asked looking around.
"I got a job... I paid the rent when it was due." Deku said as his mother began to tear up.
"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have had such a burden on you at such a young age," Inko said trying to wipe her tears.
"Everyone goes through something to be the person they are today, I just stepped up so you didn't have to stress any more than you already did," Izuku said, making his mom cry even more.
Soon after, she stopped crying and they talked a little more. They were looking like a familiar once again.