
Did I just awaken an overpowered ability?

In a world where Earth enjoys unprecedented peace and prosperity, wars and conflicts have become distant memories. However, beyond the veil of this utopian existence lies a hidden realm, a dimension where countless individuals known as ability users engage in unseen battles against monsters, demons, otherworldly races, and even their fellow humans. While humanity is aware of their existence, the truth about their whereabouts, nature, and identities remains shrouded in mystery. Amidst the backdrop of this hidden conflict, Raven Michell experiences a profound awakening. His once ordinary eyes now shimmer with an otherworldly hue of deep purple, a previously unseen ability that sets him apart. As the realization of his newfound power dawns, Raven is compelled to confront the enigmatic world that has long remained concealed.

killzoldik · 奇幻
15 Chs


"What's up with this guy?" Lucas inquired.

"It's only been a day, and he's already able to use energy. This talent is quite impressive," Ain commented.

Matt approached Raven's seat, intrigued. "How did you pick it up so quickly?"

Raven gave Matt a puzzled look but eventually grasped his question. "It's probably because of my eyes, nothing too remarkable."

Ain playfully teased, "His eyes aren't just for charming women, haha."

Luna, not saying anything, stood up, walked over to Raven, and pointed at him. "What's your ability?" She asked loudly, her tone commanding.

Raven observed her from head to toe. "Who are you?" he questioned.

Everyone was taken aback. "She's Luna! Don't tell me you forgot that quickly?" Lucas asked in surprise.

Raven shook his head. "I meant, who is she to demand an answer and speak to me in such a tone?"

The room fell into silence, and Luna's face turned red from embarrassment. Matt decided to lighten the mood with laughter. "Hahaha, she always acts like she owns the world. Don't mind her."

Ain and Lucas approached the center of the room, trying to defuse the situation.

Raven remained stern. "I don't care. You guys might be friends, so you can talk however you want. I don't know any of you, so don't speak to me as if you're entitled to something," he retorted with a cold tone and a piercing gaze.

Tension filled the room even more.

David entered, interrupting the escalating situation. "Alright, everyone, today we have a combat lesson." As he spoke, the students returned to their seats.

Luna, still upset and at a loss for words, stood there, a mix of anger and embarrassment.

The lesson continued with David lazily introducing various techniques, explaining swordsmanship, and demonstrating various martial arts techniques.

In this school, students had only two lessons a week: one focused on energy and the other on martial arts. The rest of the week was dedicated to self-training.

After the lesson, Raven packed his backpack and left the classroom. He headed to the library to read some books.

"That was your fault, Luna. He's new and has already had a tough time. Your approach was too harsh and demanding," Ain scolded.

Luna scoffed and turned away.

"Man, he's talented and cold. He'll be a lady-killer once he becomes strong," Lucas commented.

"Are you jealous, 'MC'?" Matt teased.

MC is what Matt called Lucas, as Lucas often acted as if he were the main character in a story.

"No, it's just that with him, I have the perfect main cast for my story," Lucas joked.

Ain, confused, asked, "What's the main cast?"

Lucas replied shamelessly, "I'm the main character, handsome and charming, always bringing joy to people. Matt is the big guy who loves to fight. We have the Cold Beauty here and you, the Cute Princess," he explained.

Luna shot him a dangerous glance, perhaps for calling her "Cold Beauty" or for referring to Ain as the "Cute Princess."

"Hahahah, with Raven, we've got the edgy, cold side character," Lucas added.

Ain's eyes lit up. "I see, we do have the perfect cast," she agreed.

"You're all just a bunch of kids. I have training to do," Luna said as she stood up and walked away.

"Wow, she really doesn't like having fun at all," Matt commented.

Lucas's smile turned serious. "She has her own problems; just leave her alone," he said.

Matt and Ain nodded. "Let's go find the edgy side character. We need to get to know him better," Ain declared in a cute way.

They all started looking for Raven.

"So there are countless abilities. Based on what I observed, Ain probably has Ice abilities, Lucas has fire abilities, and Matt seems related to physical strength. As for that annoying girl, I don't know what's wrong with her head," Raven mused to himself.

"Hahahaha, and smart too, figuring out our abilities just by looking. You're the perfect side character," Lucas commented from behind Raven.

Raven was startled. "Don't tell me that girl actually has a mental ability?" he asked.

Ain nodded, "She has an ability called 'Truth Radar.' She can tell if someone is lying or faking something and can distinguish between the real and the fake in various things. Basically, you can't hide anything from her," Ain explained.

They all sat down next to Raven Uninvited.

Raven didn't mind. He wanted to learn more about them and their abilities. They seemed friendly and harmless, so he welcomed the opportunity to spend time with them.

"So you have Ice abilities, that's actually cool, and you have fire. Your ability is pretty impressive," Raven complimented.

Lucas laughed, "Hahaha, well, our abilities are common, nothing special," he admitted.

Ain nodded in agreement, "Yes, our abilities are common, but that also means people have had more time to prepare against us. They know how we fight."

Raven nodded, "But it also gives you an advantage in developing your abilities. Unlike me, I don't even know the purpose of my eyes," he explained.

They were surprised. "I thought your eyes were for charming women," Ain said.

"I thought they made you smarter," Matt added.

"I thought they could see through walls," Lucas commented.

Raven gave them a confused look. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Well, I always found your eyes charming," Ain said shyly.

"I think you're smarter than most of us," Matt added.

"I always noticed you staring at the wall. I thought you were watching movies in another room," Lucas explained.

Raven chuckled. "You're a funny bunch. No, I can indeed understand techniques faster, and that's because of my eyes, so maybe Matt was right," he explained.

Ain was shocked, thinking, "That smile, oh my god, I'm falling in love."

"Hahaha, you can smile, I see. Let's go train. You can learn better if you fight more," Lucas suggested.

Matt immediately stood up. "Yeah, let's go train. I miss beating you up," he said and started dragging Lucas with him.

Ain, with a red face, followed to avoid Raven's eyes.

"I don't think it's bad to have some fun," Raven whispered with a weak smile. He stood up, returned the books, and walked after them.