
Did I just awaken an overpowered ability?

In a world where Earth enjoys unprecedented peace and prosperity, wars and conflicts have become distant memories. However, beyond the veil of this utopian existence lies a hidden realm, a dimension where countless individuals known as ability users engage in unseen battles against monsters, demons, otherworldly races, and even their fellow humans. While humanity is aware of their existence, the truth about their whereabouts, nature, and identities remains shrouded in mystery. Amidst the backdrop of this hidden conflict, Raven Michell experiences a profound awakening. His once ordinary eyes now shimmer with an otherworldly hue of deep purple, a previously unseen ability that sets him apart. As the realization of his newfound power dawns, Raven is compelled to confront the enigmatic world that has long remained concealed.

killzoldik · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Matt's heavy punch landed on the right side of Raven, but Raven managed to block it and counter with a side kick. The impact wasn't enough to budge Matt.

"It's like fighting a wall, what a monster," Raven commented as he gasped for breath.

"Hahaha, not bad for your first time," Matt complimented.

The next sparring match was between Ain and Lucas, and it was a closely contested battle, but Lucas emerged victorious. The four of them continued to rotate, and with each fight, everyone noticed that Raven was improving at a terrifying speed.

"That's enough for the day; we need to focus on our training," Lucas declared.

The guys stopped, and Raven excused himself first, heading to the showers.

"What a terrifying guy. He's like a sponge, absorbing everything we throw at him," Lucas commented as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Hahaha, he's fun to fight against. I'll train with him every day," Matt declared.

"Haha, Lucas, your best friend is being stolen," Ain teased.

Lucas laughed and led the way out with the rest.

In a room far away from the arena, Luna observed everything. "He's talented. I made a mistake earlier, but he didn't need to embarrass me like that," she murmured.

Mixed emotions filled Luna as she reflected on her actions; she felt both regret and anger.

In Raven's room, he had just finished his shower. "Okay, I can also copy all the skills and techniques people use against me. So it's fair to say my eyes can copy anything," he concluded. He sat down to practice, and all negative thoughts faded away as he immersed himself in his training.

The next day, Raven followed the same routine: reading, meeting with the group (though this time, Ain and Luna didn't join), training with Matt and Lucas, and returning home to cultivate. He maintained this routine for two months.

What surprised everyone, including Luna, was that during those two months, Raven didn't exchange a word with Luna, nor did he meet her gaze. He ignored her, as he did with the others on the days when they didn't come looking for him in the library. He practiced his sword alone without asking them where they had gone.

The guys concluded that Raven saw them merely as classmates, nothing more. This realization perturbed Ain, but the others didn't give it much thought.

The only person Raven enjoyed talking to was Matt, a straightforward and honest individual who shared his passion for combat.

During those two months, Raven made incredible progress. He learned all the martial arts offered at the academy and began to fight Matt on nearly equal terms. While he still lost, it was no surprise—everyone lost to Matt.

"We have a mission in Milan, Italy. Some new ability users are using their superpowers to cause chaos in the city. Your mission is to capture them," David explained.

"Luna and Raven, you're going," he ordered.

Everyone was surprised by the choice. Lucas spoke up, "Teacher, let me go with Raven; Luna is busy with her training."

David shook his head, "No, Luna is the most experienced, and Raven is new. We need to let the newcomers learn. Plus, you and Matt have a mission as well."

Ain inquired, "Is there no mission for me?"

David replied, "No, the principal is returning next week, and she wants to see you."

Ain's eyes lit up. "Finally," she commented.

Lucas noticed Raven's confusion. "She's Ain's mother."

Raven's perplexed look turned into one of understanding. "I see; that explains it," he commented.

Everyone frowned and turned to him. Luna demanded an answer, "Explains what?"

Raven, still not looking her way, responded, "Explains why she is by far the strongest here." He said it casually, as if it were a matter of fact.

Ain was taken aback, unable to comprehend how he had figured out her secret. "How did you know?" She inquired, shock evident on her face.

Everyone turned their attention to her, and Lucas appeared the most surprised. "So, you were really holding back? And here I thought I had beaten the principal's daughter."

Luna, too, was surprised, even feeling a sense of betrayal. She and Ain had become close friends despite knowing each other for less than six months.

Ain noticed the reactions and felt guilty. "I've been training for a long time; I just wanted to hang out with all of you, that's all," she admitted shyly.

David's presence was almost forgotten. "Ahem, your mission will begin tomorrow. Prepare," he ordered and left the room.

Matt stood up and declared, "Alright, Ain, you're my training partner for the day."

"But I..." Ain began to protest.

"No 'buts.' I need to fight stronger opponents to improve," he explained.

Ain shot a blaming look in Raven's direction, but he turned away and stared at the sky.

"Hmph," she mumbled and followed Matt, with Lucas in tow. Luna was left alone with Raven, knowing they needed to discuss their upcoming mission.

Luna hesitated, "Listen..." She wanted to talk but was reminded of their recent incident, so she hesitated.

Raven cut to the chase, "Just do your part, and I'll do mine. I know you don't like me, and I don't like you either, so let's keep it professional."

Luna was embarrassed again, realizing this wasn't what she wanted. She didn't actually hate him, but she struggled to communicate properly, and Raven took everything literally. "Good. We'll meet in the morning. Don't bring your sword; we need to act like normal people," she ordered.

Raven nodded, stood up, and left. Luna sighed, mumbling to herself, "What can I do? I don't want this to continue."


"There's unusual activity in Thailand. I need you two to investigate, but remember, investigate, don't fight," David ordered.

Matt, with his bandages, nodded, while Lucas struggled to contain his laughter.

"She really beat the hell out of you, ahahaha," Lucas teased.

"Shut up; I underestimated her," Matt argued, trying to hide his embarrassment.

Lucas couldn't contain his laughter and enthusiastically put his arm around Matt's broad shoulders. "Ahahaha, let's go prepare, come on," he said, and the two of them walked out.

David, observing the scene, picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Observe but don't interfere unless it's a life-threatening situation," he ordered.