
Devil Heir Phoenix Flight

'My wish is... It's something that is to dear for me to give up on. So come at me foul Monster. I Davi Hawker will strike you down with the power of my Demon Blade!' Strange Beasts, that some would even label as Monsters... Vast wealth, and all the gold you can carry... Treasures long since buried and forgotten by the world... Evil Ghosts, and Foul Devils... Unexplored lands, filled with uncharted territory. Vast Quests and all the world's Mysteries. Those who find themselves determined enough to go through the trials of hell and discover all the secrets this world holds, and the true secrets of Arcane Energy go by a single title... They are called... The Arcane Hunters! Warriors wielding powerful mystical energy, who came together joining groups known as Guilds! Davi Hawker, and Athena Dawn, set out on a Quest to find the ten pieces of the sacred Devil Stones, in order to rebuild the Devil Blade, a sword said to rival Excalibur in power, and bring peace to the world by defeating the criminal group known as Dragon Dwellers. They soon encounter Oliver Lot, a boy who wants to join one of the ten great Guilds filled with powerful Arcane Hunters. Watch as they all embark on this next great Adventure, exploring Dungeons, and fighting Monsters, as they begin to discover the secrets of the four hundred year war, which had plagued the Kingdoms ever since King Arthur fell in battle... Will they stop history from repeating yet again, or will they make the same mistakes as their elders? The start of an Adventure. A tale of Magic, Friends, Guilds, Quests, Dragons, Swords, Guns, Powers, Loss and Love. It all starts here. Devil Heir Phoenix Flight!

RainyLiquid2020 · 奇幻
16 Chs

The Ghost King

'The Rising...'

"W... Who ordered this!" Davi said with wide eyes and wobbling arms holding several plates.

"Over here!" Someone called out waving at one of the tables.

It had been a few hours now, and now that a shark tooth brat, wasn't resting outside of the restaurant half dead more people began to show up. They were finally getting customers. Unfortunately Davi quickly showed how lacking he was in this fields as the entire day he had been bringing the wrong plates to the wrong table. Thankfully most people were more understanding.

"S... Sorry!" Davi laughed sheepishly as he replaced two plates of food that he had mixed up.

"You really are hopeless Davi you know that..." Leena sighed shaking her head. "Oh well... At least you didn't drop-"


The sound of the plate slipping out of Davi's grip sounded throughout the room as it exploded in a shower of glass.

"...S... Sorry..." He said as the owner slammed a pan down on his head hard. Although that seemed to do way more damage to the pan snapping it in half? What the hell was this kid made out of?

"...As I was saying..." Leena said shaking her head. "You are so hopeless..."

"I've never really done this before..." Davi said tapping his fingers together in embarrassment as he bowed his head. "I'm really good at more physical stuff." He laughed. He punched the air a few times his smile growing. "My grandfather trained with me everyday until I became strong. Strong enough to beat anyone. And with the power of my demon blade, and Cath there isn't anything I can't do!" He reached up picking the cat up off of his head.

Leena let out a small hum. "Demon Blade... Come to think of that... That cat really is odd Davi... Is it magical or something? Are you an Arcane Hunter?" She asked with a bit of excitement for a moment.

"I'm not an Arcane Hunter." Davi said making Leena's smile fade. He threw his arms behind his head giving one of his large shark tooth grins. "I know about them though. They're like the Knights Of The Round Table right? In Avalon there are many groups of Adventuring Guilds. Arcane Hunters, are people in these Guilds. They serve the Kingdom and go on quests, and explore dungeons and stuff right? Getting better loot, and serving the people?"

"For the most part yea... Though not all are quite as Noble as people think. Our King, has fallen ill and... Well I suppose that story really wouldn't matter to you." She laughed. Her look grew serious for a moment though as she eyed him up. "So if you're not an Arcane Hunter what are you... That Guitar and that cat... Are you a musician? I guess that wouldn't explain the cat though... At least I think its a cat..."

"This cat thing." Davi said petting the weird creature that was on his head. "Her name is Cath. She's helping me find rocks! Also I can't play the guitar! This thing is just for show!"

"Oh is that all." Leena said flatly.

"At least act like its cool!" Davi sighed folding his arms up as he let out a small sigh. "The truth is... I'm heading to the Kingdom of Avalon." Leena's smile faded. "What?" Davi asked when he saw the look on her face.

"You're an outsider then right?"

"Yeah. I didn't grow up in any of the four great Kingdoms. I live on an island called Wasteland."

"Maybe you should head back then." Leena said nodding her head.

"What? Why?"

Leena looked back and forth for a moment before leaning in to the boy as she began to whisper to him. "I know it might not look like it since everyone here seems to have happy faces but the truth is we're all terrified. There's a massive war going on between the four great Kingdoms, Avalon, Camelot, Alnwick, and Wormelow. On top of that many dark groups have risen up... One of these is called Dragons Dwellers... Many of their forces are just common thugs with guns and swords, but a few are called Dark Bodies, evil warriors who are almost impossible to kill... Only the best Arcane Hunters even stand a chance against them... All of this negativity has flooded to the Kingdoms... More dungeons are appearing as well as Oddity Beasts... I heard an entire village was burned to the ground by a fire drake... It's one of the reasons the Guilds aren't as liked as they used to be... They need more, and more people, because of all the issues rising up, so they're hiring more, and more people, which means those less experienced are getting in. And not everyone who joins the Arcane Hunters are nice... One Guild called Phoenix Flight is even hiring criminals now, and those who practice black magic... Some people even are saying rumor's about demons returning..."

Davi pulled back a frown crossing onto his face. "I see... That does sound bad. But even so. I have to go." For a moment he had an unreadable look in his eyes.

"Are you sure..."

"100%" Davi nodded. "I have to. No other option." He grabbed his arm giving it a light squeeze. "Oh. And no need to worry about me. I'm pretty strong."

Leena hummed for a moment staring at the boy and his strange cat. "As long as you're careful I suppose it might be fine..."

"I think so to." Davi said nodding his head. "I need to get to Avalon no matter what. There are these things I have to find even if kills me!"

"Uh Davi..."

"You see if I find them I can have a wish of mine granted..."


"Then I can save my sisters and-"



Leena pointed behind the boy and he slowly turned around seeing the owner of the restaurant glaring down at him.

"Somebody needs to get back to work!" He yelled waving a frying pan around and smashing it down on the boys head.


"Back to work the both of you!" The man snapped.

"Yes sir..." Davi, and Leena both said moving away.

They got back to work and for a while nothing seemed to happen.

After a while though the ship began to shake once more and the sound of the cannon going off, as well as loud cheering could be heard. They must have managed to shoot another Aqua Drake or something. For a moment it was silent than more yelling could be heard but they were all to far away to really tell what was being said.

Resting at a large table three Nobles who were on the boat, using it as a chance to escape their constant busy work, could be seen.

"Finally." One droned out. "The shaking has stopped... I guess those men finally took care of those beasts outside..."

"About time." A Noble woman said letting out a sigh as she sipped her whine. "I didn't think they'd ever handle it... Honestly... You'd think they have some Arcane Hunters aboard our ship to keep us safe. I mean they could afford to mount a magic cannon, but not hire a few Arcane Hunters... Not even one?"

"Now, now... You know they can't do that." A third guy said cutting into a large piece of meat. "What with the war going on in the three other Kingdoms, as well as the terrorists that have risen up... Like those Dragon Dwellers... And of course... You have the Ghost of the King... The Kings Ghost..." The three Nobles all jumped suddenly when a mug was placed down in front of them roughly. They all looked up finding a new person was standing next to their table.

Davi Hawker who seemed to be looking for another excuse to skip work as he smiled.

"You were talking about some Ghost story?" Davi asked cocking his head to the side. "I love scary stories like that. My sister use to tell me about them all the time so please tell me more." His smile grew but by now the three Nobles managed to calm down slightly when they got a better look at him. His smile might be creepy but he seemed alright at the very least.

"O... Oh you're that new waiter for this ship aren't you..." The woman asked eying him up.

"Aye Sir!" Davi said giving a half salute for a moment. Even his casual smile, it would seem was large and filled with razor teeth. "The good Captain found me when he cut open a Aqua Drake! It had swallowed my chest I was in! I'm trying to get to Avalon, and he said he'd take me since this boat is heading back there, but in order for it to happen I'd have to work off my debt so he said I could work as a waiter for this ship!" He announced. The cat on his head let out a loud meow its eyes closing as it began to purr. "So what's this about a Ghost King?"

"You really don't know?" The third Noble asked wiping at his mouth as he cleared all the food off.

"Nope!" Davi announced throwing his arms behind his head. "I don't know anything about that."

The Noble seemed to hum for a moment. He took a sip of the fine wine, that Davi realized likely costed more than his home town. Finally though the man spoke. "It's a simple Ghost Tale really... You see roughly four hundred years ago a man founded a Kingdom... This Kingdom was called Camelot, and the man who founded it was known as Arthur. The Knight King... When he did that, several others started their own Kingdom. Like Lancelot who started the Alnwick Kingdom, or Morgan La Fey, who started the Avalon Kingdom... The four Kingdoms have all lived together... However they've also always seemed to be at war... Currently the King of Avalon, has fallen ill. He's fallen into a deep slumber and hasn't woken up... Worse yet his Queen died several years ago during child birth... And all three of his Heirs are underaged... As such the three Top Guilds, Shining Sentinels, Umbra Mortis, and Mourning Stars, have come together and run the Kingdom. They're doing their best but well... With this silly war going on, and the terrorist group known as Dragons Dwellers, as well as talks of Demons, they seem to be reaching their limit..."

"I mean this is all fascinating sir, but what does it have to do with the King's Ghost?" Davi asked cocking his head to the side.

The man gave a chuckle. "So eager and to the point. Well as I was getting to, recently something on the seas has been spotted. It started about a year ago... A wandering small barrel, wearing brown robes... It is believed he is the Ghost of King Arthur, who now wanders the lands, seeking those who have plunged the four great kingdoms into chaos. His once beautiful world he created, now nothing more than a battle field."

Davi hummed scratching at his chin. "That's an interesting theory. Though I don't believe in Ghosts."

"Oh? Even when we live in a world with magic?" The man asked wiping his mouth. "Powerful Wizards, who spend their whole lives honing their craft, as well as warriors who imbue their very will, and soul, into their blades, or find rare magical weapons. Yet you don't believe in Ghost? Actual Magic, Dragons, and Demons exist, but you refuse to say Ghosts are real?"

"That's right." Davi threw his arms behind his head. "I think people only get one chance at life, and once its gone, that's that. No magic in the world that can fix that. Or at least that's what my mom once said. Ghost ain't real."

"I see... I guess from a view point like that I can-"


The doors suddenly burst open as everyone in the restaurant turned. Several of the crew could be seen running in now. They looked terrified. Even that buff Captain that was with them looked scared.

"G... G... Ghost!" The Captain stuttered. "I... It entered our ship!"

"What does-"


The doors once again slammed open, and a cold chill seemed to enter the room, as ice began to expand out. Everyone let out loud screams, expect Davi. Leena, as well as her father, the many Nobles, and pretty much most of the crew all backed up as something stumbled into the room. Davi remained standing a small frown on his face.

"D... D... Davi get away its dangerous." Leena said through chattering teeth as the room grew icy cold.

The figure walked in slowly... They wore long brown dirty robes, and cloaks, that covered most of them up. They nearly stumbled a few times, and their entire body was covered up making it impossible to see their face. Every step they took seemed to freeze whatever was around them as snow began to fall in the room.

Davi's frown grew. "A Dark Eater... So you're with 'that' group." He reached up grabbing his ruby red guitar as Cath began to let out loud hisses glaring at the brown cloaked figure. "Well you picked the wrong boat to attack." Davi announced. He shocked everyone when he jumped nearly twenty feet in the air, reaching the roof, of the massive fancy restaurant, he spun his body around so he landed feet first on the roof and fired down towards the figure swinging his guitar as if it was some kind of battle axe. For a brief second Leena swore the thing was glowing with a weird black light as Davi dropped down to the figure who slowly looked at them.

"H... Help... Me..." A weak voice said coming out of the cloak. It made Davi's eyes go wide when he heard it causing him to stumble past the figure and crash into the floor face first. Thy looked up at him on their knees now. "Please?"

Davi stared down at them for a moment. "Sure thing!"

The figure took another step forward on their knees than slowly fell forward landing flat on their face. Now that they were on the ground the cloak moved just enough to show a young eighteen year old girl underneath the cloak...

"Uh... Huh... I don't think this is the King?" Davi called out.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts