
Deviant Devil

"Did magic affect the speed of the humans' corruption and greed, or did it just reveal their true selves? Within the dystopian future, where humans had explored and put their names on several different planets, they had instituted a grading system. the leaders of the planets had been instructed to give reports to the governments so they could gauge its ranking against the others: Creating a hierarchy. And centuries passed without anyone saying a word, until a young man by the name of Crim opposed the system, but his war had failed, and the officials forced him into a simple Bounty hunter. That had been until the young man lost to his target, and finally detached from the nature of humans he hated so much

Kexer · 奇幻
31 Chs

Skelly Squad -Full Chapter-

The squad navigated the winding pathways with minimal casualties, but everyone coped differently with the death of the so-called "useless cripple." Some were deeply affected, while others remained indifferent.

When the path split, Crim double-checked the map, excitement building as they drew nearer to their escape from this bewildering illusion. The group, worn out from their journey, decided to make camp for the night. They shared a modest stew, but Crim, surprisingly, was not hungry and generously handed his portion to the brawny man.

The woodcarver also abstained from eating. Crim ventured into a nearby thicket and settled down, despite the branches poking him uncomfortably. Once again, he awoke with the strange horns on his head and glowing eyes, suspecting that the domain was sapping his life force. Time was running out as the horns grew larger, and his eyes turned as sharp as a tiger's.


After a sip from a nearby lake, he rejoined the group and finally entered the pathway leading to the shrine. The atmosphere was heavy, making it difficult to breathe as if the gravity of a thousand deaths weighed upon them. Crim's senses went on high alert, and his skin tingled.

It became apparent that they were not alone in this eerie place. Other creatures, although of more reasonable size than the giants, emerged. The bulky man and the Poisoner quickly adopted defensive stances, prompting Crim to raise his sword.


The frightened family huddled behind the woodcarver. Crim's hands moved deftly, forming a new statue while readying himself for action.

And then, the moment of revelation came. Five skeletal figures emerged from the earth, each standing at the same height. Their bony frames creaked and cracked with every step, with traces of decayed flesh clinging to their empty eye sockets. Their skeletal hands morphed into menacing claws, and their jaws dangled grotesquely, dislocated from their spines.

'A skeleton, huh? Wonder how I should kill it, cracking their heads would be the best choice, but I should be wary if It is different then the ones Im used to." 


Crim was having none of it. He lunged forward with his sword gripped in his right hand, the left one still bearing the lingering effects of paralysis and not yet fully healed. But that didn't deter him. With a single functional arm, he was more than capable of handling these simple monsters.

He started his assault with a swift low kick that sent the skeletal creature off balance. Without missing a beat, Crim executed a precise horizontal slash, ending the creature's existence with a clean strike.

But his battle was far from over. As he turned to face the remaining skeletons, they launched themselves at him in a frenzy. Crim met their onslaught with a fury of punches and a series of powerful kicks, his legs moving like a whirlwind. He sent the lightweight creatures flying in all directions, temporarily scattering them.

However, the skeletons were not easily defeated. They quickly regrouped, clawing their way back to their feet and removing the dirt and debris from their throats like trained assassins preparing for their next move.

"Let the fun begin."

They started circling around Crim while pushing a season of blood out his nose.

The skeletons began to move in unison, forming a circle with trails of white light reminiscent of comic book graphics. Crim recognized this tactic from his days with his former teacher. It was a strategy often employed by assassins when confronting a formidable opponent.

These weren't your run-of-the-mill animated corpses. They moved with eerie coordination, a precision that made them all the more dangerous. Crim struggled to regain his composure, knowing he was in for a challenging fight.

The skeletons advanced with a combination of punches and strategic retreats, creating a formidable offensive and defensive strategy. Crim found himself overwhelmed, unable to block all the incoming strikes. His body bore the consequences, marked with painful, swollen, purple bruises.

"Come on! Show some courage and fight me head-on, forget these tricks!" Crim's frustration and annoyance grew, pushing him to act. With determination, he charged into the circle of skeletons, but his bold move was met with a swift kick that sent him reeling backward, intensifying his vexation and irritation.

The Bulky man and The Poisoner came to his rescue, squishing two of the skeletons head with massive boulders they picked up near a tree, the frail man's arms wobbled staring at the Brutes confident smile.

'…God damn it' Crim cursed.

Crim dashed towards the two remaining lifeless bodies and gathered them with a swift yet graceful movement.

  With a powerful overhead strike, he attacked the two figures, who just barely managed to evade his strike. He couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, even though he knew that, in reality, he would require magic to perform such feats.

The previous night, while nestled in the underbrush, he had conducted some painful experiments. These trials were conducted to uncover the divergence between his physical abilities in this world and his true self. It felt as though he had inherited the powers and characteristics of the character he was supposed to portray.

The monsters took advantage and rushed onto Crim.

But the young man with a lightning-quick motion, the young man retrieved his sword, which had been embedded in the ground, and severed the skeleton's outstretched hand. Oddly, the monster seemed unfazed, casually reattaching the severed limb before straightening itself. It was becoming apparent to Crim that the remaining two adversaries weren't as formidable as the initial wave of attacking corpses.

These creatures appeared to lack strategy, mindlessly assaulting with a disorganized fervor. In response, Crim executed precise, fluid movements, severing their heads as he moved with the poise of a seasoned action hero from a movie.

His actions left his companions astounded and bewildered, their earlier plans rendered irrelevant in the face of his awe-inspiring performance.

'Well, I guess I can see why a lot of people have this in their bucket list, It's kinda awesome seeing all these people stare at me like a god." Crim smirked.

The other contemplated if they should enroll with their plans they had discussed previously (Refer to Chapter: 10) they couldn't help but be lost.

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