
Destined to protect the devil: If you were min

"What is coming Kaiser? Don't think I wouldn't recognize uncle's dog guard."   This time it was Kai who was serious upon hearing he was still made allusion to that fool's guard dog. He hate that demon with everything in him. Sarah too was surprised while she switch glances from Kai to Nicko. Kai never told her about this.   "Then why are you here?" Nicko flip through a page on his text while he asked.   "Sneering for the souls of sinners whose time are already running thin but still seeking redemption from the 'ONE' who forge the planet into life."   Nicko instantly slams the text again his desk which shook Sarah nerves.  . . . . "Don't you want to know who you really are." Sarah halt in her stride. "What do you know?" "Only for you to find out." He smirked. She was a little annoyed taking fast paces toward him. She had no time for games. Within a second Sarah stood before him but what he did next was quite unexpected. Sarah stood still like a doll already possessed. Her eye wide open in shock while his lips snared on hers and his grip was on her back head holding her even locked his sexy lips. Nicko kissed her. . . . . The journey getting back to her reality had allot of set backs starting with questions to who her mother was, betrayers and finally falling in love with the apparent heir and devil to the underworld Nicko, even though she was engaged to someone else.

DaoistFnCTjZ · 奇幻言情
8 Chs

Chapter 7: Summoning the Devil

"Sarah," Kai blurted halting Nicko's fist from going down his guts again. He heard her scream. Worry with strong emotion took hold on him that the pain on his neck didn't matter to him anymore. "We need to help Sarah. She is in trouble." He disappear out of Nicko grip and appeared and the doorway. "Sarah?" He ran out, Nicko followed sooth.

The duo ran down the hallway to see dead looking people surrounding Sarah who had been trying to free herself from them. Kai and Nicko didn't hesitate to kill and slaughter each and everyone one of them. Hell of anger burnt in their head and guts, while they fought with their bare hands. Allot of the undead fought back at their attackers. Kai appeared just where Sarah had been struggling. He fought any who tries to hurt her. He scoop her off the ground and when necessary he shields her from being taken.

Nicko fought his way to where Kai was. Took a glance at Sarah who seem to still be trembling in fear and pain while she face chested Kai. His jaws clench with hatred for what had happened to her. Domineering dark smoky cloud hummed from the depths from where he stood. Kai and the undead gave him some space. The devil has emerged and Kai knew it. The noxious smoky cloud lit up with hell fire and Nicko burn in it. He took a new transformation. Wings, black yet shapeless draw forth. He stood seven foot taller with horrifying blacken skin and huge pointed ears. His eyes were dark glittering pit of madness and horror. His gruesome features was partly concealed by decaying oozing growth. The only thing kind to his features were his slimy hair ending right behind his shoulders. His hand jagged claws held a sword burning in furnace of hell fire.

His full transformation made an impact on everything around. The ground shook and the weather rumbled. The owner of the hooded cloak and book had disappeared before anyone would take notice.

"Take her somewhere safe." Nicko devilish horse voice ordered. But too late, they were already surrounded. Kai held quivering Sarah firmly. It pissed Nicko to see her that way. But why, he had no time to think it through.

His eyes burned red with hell from what blocked Kai's way from getting Sarah into safety. He charged forward with his sword, and with one swoosh through the air, tens of them disappeared into dusts.

"Take her out of here Kai." The ground shook beneath him while he made his way to the rest of the undead. He hunger to kill them all that instant. Kai wanted to fight them too. They had hurt Sarah and he sought revenge. He grumble under his breaths knowing. Not farther away, Kai laid Sarah down, taking a brief moment to access her breaths. It was heavy but she will be ok. He held on to her face.

"Sarah, Sarah!"

He wants her awake. Maybe he thought she will die if he left her alone, just like his mother. He blink that thought away.

He looked Nicko direction. He was surrounded. The undead were in great numbers. Sarah manage a glance to Nicko direction too, but everything seem blur. All she could fathom was darkness closing in on a brightly lit inanimate object. Tears blinked freely down her cheek. She hate the defeats darkness brings.

"No." She whispered while she slowly stretch forth her bruised arm to grab that light and protect it.

"NO." Her mind called out. White light beamed from her eyes to her outstretched arm jerking Kai away from her. And within a quarter second the darkness immediately disappeared. Sarah lost consciousness on the floor.

• • • • • • • • •

A child is seen weeping in the midst of scarcely forested trees with its broad leaves sprawling in the air and its vegetation grounds. This little child held on to her little sword made of stick. She was atop the leaves on the ground. It seems like she was hurt while her other hand held on to her limp. A lady came to her, held the child face slowly to her.

"Sometimes the best thing you can do is not think, not wonder, not imagine, not obsess. Just breath and have faith that everything will work out for the best." She quoted and the child manage to smile. "Come on Stella, let's go again."

She slowly open her eyes. Sarah knew she it was just a dream. Her sight was not on track with the white lights everywhere but her sense of smell was. Everything smelt of disinfectant. She now knew she was in the nurse office or rather the school clinic wearing a white mini singlet gown with bedsheets atop her.

"Nicko?" She manage to call out, her voice little more than a whisper. Why had her boss name come first to mind. She worried what had happened to her with those strange looking people, had happened to them. But that's surprising, she was in the nurse office, had it all been a dream? Or a nightmare?

A lady slid open the white curtain to check on her patient. She looked professional with her white uniform and she looked nice too. And well different from the strict Nurse Martha.

"Oh. Already awake." The nurse ascertain her patient who with the support of her elbow was trying to get down from the bed. Pains all over hit up on Sarah. She winced.

"Slowly now. You are still hurt." The nurse quickly came to Sarah's aid steadying her on her bed

"You are?" Sarah asked.

"Oh. Sorry lass. Several students whom I have attend to ask the same the questions. The boys especially." She giggle while she felt Sarah head. "Am Riche Robert. Nurse Riche. While nurse Martha is on leave, I take over her spot."

"What about my friends. Were they hurt too."

"They are fine and in class. Those handsome lads brought you here. Am sorry for what had happened."

"What exactly had happened?" She asked with curiosity, while the nurse tugged her under her covers.

  "I was told you fell off the stairs while looking for Sir Charles because you wanted to stop a fight between those handsome lads. But just between us," Nurse scanned the room for anyone watching. She acts funny. "Was the fight for your love?"

  Confused Sarah only felt awkward. "No." She shook her head.

  "Aw non. But I would have love to know more. Well you need some rest. And food too, right?" 

  Sarah nodded.

  "Ok then, just wait for me. I will be back." Nurse Riche went to bring her food.

  Sarah searched the nurse office. She read the time on the wall clock. It was past 12 pm. She has been out for half a day. Much surprisingly  Kai and Nicko are save too. So she just had another nightmare? 

  Sarah contemplated within herself the more. What about the cyst boring people. They were not illusions. All this was not an accident. But then another thought tries to convince her. If she had told them the real truth, they will not believe her. Kai had a good reason for lying and it was probably for the best that she don't mention anything to anyone even her friends.

  Nurse Riche came in with Sarah's tray of food, followed by the principal and Sir Charles. He didn't look at Sarah. Maybe he was ashamed. Of what exactly? Sarah greeted them, they answered in return. 

  "How are you doing Miss Alden." The principal asked.

  "Getting better Mrs Christin." Sarah answered.

"Kai told us about what happened. I am so sorry about this, most especially sir Charles." Sarah turned her gaze to Sir Charles, his head was still low. Before he finally said something.

"I hope you get better Sarah. Am sorry for being irresponsible last night." For once, Sarah thought Sir looked better apologizing for his wrongs. This way all the students wouldn't be afraid of him. But apologizing still wouldn't change his strict and harsh traits. He is just admitting his wrong now because the principal was here. This is just an act Sarah will never buy.

"Mrs Christin, please don't tell my aunt about this. I wouldn't want her to worry." Sarah gave her the sad puppy eyes. Though she lied about her aunt being worried, she really don't want her aunt finding out at all. She knows she will not buy the story of Sarah having a minor accident, making her aunt more suspicious about her niece. Mrs Christin assured her that her aunt wouldn't know anything about it. "I trust u will get better." The trio took their leave maybe to go talk some more outside. Sarah had a good rest later on.