
Destined to protect the devil: If you were min

"What is coming Kaiser? Don't think I wouldn't recognize uncle's dog guard."   This time it was Kai who was serious upon hearing he was still made allusion to that fool's guard dog. He hate that demon with everything in him. Sarah too was surprised while she switch glances from Kai to Nicko. Kai never told her about this.   "Then why are you here?" Nicko flip through a page on his text while he asked.   "Sneering for the souls of sinners whose time are already running thin but still seeking redemption from the 'ONE' who forge the planet into life."   Nicko instantly slams the text again his desk which shook Sarah nerves.  . . . . "Don't you want to know who you really are." Sarah halt in her stride. "What do you know?" "Only for you to find out." He smirked. She was a little annoyed taking fast paces toward him. She had no time for games. Within a second Sarah stood before him but what he did next was quite unexpected. Sarah stood still like a doll already possessed. Her eye wide open in shock while his lips snared on hers and his grip was on her back head holding her even locked his sexy lips. Nicko kissed her. . . . . The journey getting back to her reality had allot of set backs starting with questions to who her mother was, betrayers and finally falling in love with the apparent heir and devil to the underworld Nicko, even though she was engaged to someone else.

DaoistFnCTjZ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 6: Dead people at school

Both Sarah and Kai was shocked to their bones to see that the only one who blurt those words was Nicko. But he didn't move his face away from the text he was reading.

  Kai cleared the tensed air, "Whoa, did you just spoke. For once I thought you were mute. Haha. This is a breakthrough, a good breakthrough." Kai was all praise for himself for doing nothing in particular.

  Unmoving from where he sat, he asked, his grave voice sending cold shivers down Sarah's spine. "What is coming Kaiser? Don't think I wouldn't recognize uncle's dog guard."

  This time it was Kai who was serious upon hearing he was still made allusion to that fool's guard dog. He hate that demon with everything in him. Sarah too was surprised while she switch glances from Kai to Nicko. Kai never told her about this. 𝑲𝒂𝒊 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒅 𝑬𝒍𝒊 𝒃𝒆𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆.

  "Then why are you here?" Nicko flip through a page on his text while he asked.

  "Sneering for the souls of sinners whose time are already running thin but still seeking redemption from the 'ONE' who forge the planet into life."

  Nicko instantly slams the text again his desk which shook Sarah nerves. 

  "You lie Kaiser. Many such as you leaves where they belong and come here to make an illicit world for themselves with the living, such as Marriage and children." Nicko left his seat to Kai while he spoke. He looked like a bloody predator quietly ready to slaughter his target in one quick catch.

  "That is what you think Nicko. But am not such. I scavenge for escaped souls and soul of sinners not women." Admitting those words only made Kai irritated. That was his father's job. But he had failed in his duty and was killed by Eli for betrayer. Eli threatened to kill his mother if he did not take his father place and amend his father's ways. He was young at that time, still a little part demon part Cerberus, a dog guard for locked souls of the dead. He fear for his mother safety.

The reason why Kai was here right now was not for himself but Nickos. Still he didn't want to spill it out. Nicko had saved him from the hands of his uncle Eli and even taking Kai in as his sworn blood brother even if they were not related. Thinking about what Nicko had done for him, he was willing to put his life on the line. But exposing his uncle's true nature is not up to him. That means war and fingers will be pointed at him for making blunt accusations. He is just a mere demon and a guard dog. Nicko doesn't need to know yet.

"Lies." Joshua charge at Kai gripping him by his throat. It shook more fears into Sarah's body chokes the life out of Kai. She jolts out of her seat. She wanted to do something but Kai gave her a halt that it was fine. He smiled, the situation to him right now was not serious.

"Speak Kaiser." Nicko demanded. His grip already growing tighter by the second."

𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒌𝒆 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉, 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌. Sarah need to stop this madness but she was halted.

"Leave us Sarah, this is none of your business. Leave us." Sarah boss order was obeyed.

In between loss of air, Kai manage to say, "it alright Sarah, go." She was hesitant before she left. Only Sir Charles could stop this. She needs to find him.

Where the heck could he be. He had a duty to keep watch of the students attending his night class. Sarah was already getting annoyed while she called on his name but still got no reply. She was still farther away from the classroom Kai and Nicko were in, when suddenly she felt a chilly sensation in the air. Its as if a rush of cold winter wind just blow to her directly, it gave her goosebumps. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒊𝒓𝒅.

The school hasn't installed anything like an air condition on the hallway or even in any of the other classes since all of them was well ventilated with lots of windows and the building was situated on a windy spare leasow. She wrapped her arms around her upper body while she walked down the second floor of the building. Maybe Sir Charles was at the history museum. She went into the vast history museum at the second floor, called his name but got no reply.

Her breaths became fogging. She decided to go back to check on those two taking the same path back. Each steps she took always pricked her skin with chilly cold. She rubbed her palm against her arms for warmth. Suddenly she halted, she had heard someone or was it her imaginations. The voice called her name. She brush it off afterwards. Maybe it was just her imaginations.

Getting to the stairs which leads to the third floor, Sarah thought she heard some chilly voices hissed passed her making her turn to check who was there. It couldn't have been Sir Charles nor the hallway cleaners she thought. She was scared remembering how Kai had said Nicko's uncle was hell himself that she didn't want to see and experience. Sarah needs to go back, fast.

Her pace moved fast up the stairs. Farther up atop the stairs. She turned to the opposite path sensing something was looming on her. She saw some shadows approaching. No students will probably be awake at this time of the hour.

"Who there?!" Took two steps down, she squinted her eye to check. "Hello?"

It seem like thick smokey cloud of fog had formed the whole atmosphere. Well the school is to be blamed for the dim lights they had installed through the hall and stair case. She walked down another two steps down, her curiosity building up already. Sarah cursed within herself, this school was so ancient. She swollen through thick cloud, hand blanket herself from the chilling sensation and squinted her eyes more.

"Sir Charles?" Her calm toned needed to be sure. Yet horror struck her from what her eyes came to fathom. She screamed. Those shadows weren't students or teachers but something much hideous for sights to behold. They were tattered all over, from their hair, to their clothes. Their skin looked dead or worn away with moth and warms pricking in and out of their skin. Some were without eyes for sight, ears, nose, jaws. Even hands and feet. They walked like drunken diseased people groaning in pains and they were after Sarah.

"Bring her to me." Someone or something had called within the crowd. It wore an old cloak with a hood making no hint of its face come into sight while darkness hovered. It held on to a book with long aging nails and the other he strengthen his ancient crafted staff forward to Sarah's direction. Its ordered again.

"Bring her to me."

Knowing not what to expect, Sarah ran. She needed not ask what this was about. She was too terrified to. Only her heels up the stairs spoke. She ran like the devils was on her heel. She took a quick glance behind her, those people were after her too. They looked to be up to a hundred or more. Most slipped while running with others running atop them. They were all after her. She scream while tears flown.

Relieved she was at the hallway, she took to her heels faster to where Kai and Nicko were. She lost balance of her legs and fell down. Sarah knew she excelled in anything but sports but this time it had been proven wrong. She crawled on her belly, unwilling to give up. Her ankled hurts. She kept crying in pain praying silently its not her end.

"Help me," she cried. "Nicko, Kai"

Someone gripped her, grabbed her entire left leg from where her ankle was bruised. Sarah screamed, not because of the pain. But what kept pulling at her left legs. The dead looking diseased people had now surrounded her. She kept struggling with her legs while allot more injuries were inflicted on her from others that were trying to grab her. They rip and torn her uniform.

This time her scream mixed with cry and pain echoed down the hallway.