
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · 现代言情
199 Chs



I was really pressed with loads of work, but still I was within my deadlines. Keith Junior was thorough; too thorough; if you ask me. We had just come back from visiting a filming sight in the afternoon, and I was almost done with checking the venue assessment reports. Working at K JNR PRODUCTIONS was pure bliss. Keith Junior, our CEO, was rather too thorough; and that paid off. We got to work with the most experienced actors and actresses. Our film production was top notch. When the company joined the entertainment industry, in their first year, they entered the annual industry competitions, and took the seventh position for the best screenplay award. By the time the second year came to an end, K JNR had managed to acquire a number of good actors and actresses, landing in second position for best actor and best original screenplay. In the third and fourth years, they landed at number 2 in the best film producer award. They continued doing well until the fifth year when they scooped seven awards. In three of the categories, they landed on first position, they took second position in two categories, and third position in one category.

The company's vision, in the sixth year, was to bring home the gold in at least five categories. It was tough. Considering we were competing with some giants who had been in it for centuries. We held meetings five times a week, in which Keith Junior himself would be seated, asking for individual updates on the work assigned to each and every person. Excuses were a big no. Keith Junior led by example. He worked extremely hard to ensure that he met his targets.

K JNR PRODUCTIONS once faced a fair share of ridicule from journalists, viewers and all who cared to say a word. Initially, when the film producing company rose in the limelight, people assumed that they rose not because of their good work, but because of who Keith Junior was. Everyone knew Keith and Honour Octavia, the giants in the hospitality industry, so people suspected that Keith Junior used his parents' muscle to pull strings and get awards. However, after watching some of the works by K JNR, they agreed that the company deserved what it was getting.


I was still busy editing the background music to a movie when my phone rang. I realised that I was the only person left in the office, everyone else was gone! Oh by the way! There was a musician playing on that day, so everyone was excited to go. The musician was not really one of my favorites, thus I allowed it to pass. I stood up lazily, let out a loud un-lady-like yawn before I picked up my bag and headed home.

"Are we heading straight home, ma'am?" The driver asked and I just nodded my head. I felt exhausted.

I got home and soaked myself in the bath, and when I came out, the dinner table was already set.

"Isn't it too early to have dinner?" I asked Mrs Silva.

"I thought you looked drained, ma'am, so I thought it best to prepare diner so that you may go to bed early," she smiled sweetly at me.

"Oh, well, sounds good. You're considerate, Mrs Silva."

I picked my phone to call Dylan, and he advised that he was not coming in early, so I was not supposed to wait up for him. Oh yes by the way…he did tell me that in the morning! I yawned again before planting myself in a chair. I tried to imagine how hectic life was going to be once Liam joined us. I truly needed to brace up for motherhood.

Mrs Silva came in to notify me that I had a guest. A guest? Who?

Following closely behind Mrs Silva was Ciera, she came in with a bright smile.

"I'm heading over to mum's place. I know Dylan is busy tonight, so I thought I might as well invite you over. Let's go. Keith Junior and I will have dinner at mum's today," she smiled at me.

Tempting offer, but I really felt tired….could I make it through dinner without dozing off at the dinner table? Also, it seemed to me like it was too early for me to be going into my mother-in-law's place uninvited (by her). I knew she had accepted me, but our journey had been too rough. Were we already that OK; such that we could just visit without notice? And worse, without Dylan by my side? Umm, I could not be too sure.

"I won't take no for an answer", Ciera went towards the lounge and sat on a sofa. I followed her.

"I have great news," she told me and smiled. "In fact, Keith Junior and I have great news. KJ is coming to pick me from here, then we can go. You'll hear the good news once we get to Clear Opal."

"Well, I can guess what it is!" I looked at her with eyes full of anticipation.

"What?" Ciera asked me.

Now that she was asking me to talk, I suddenly lost all the confidence. Great news? From Keith Junior and Ciera? What else could it be? Guess...guess...I will just take a guess…."you and Keith Junior are expecting?" I said with a voice full of doubt.

"Well, yes you're right! We're going to be parents!" she seemed happy that I got it right.

"Wow Ciera, congratulations!! Does mum know yet?" I asked.

"I'm going to tell her tonight. Besides KJ of course, you and Arianna are the only ones who know. You're the second person I've told. Arianna was the first person to know."

I was about to say a lot more words of congratulations, when Mrs Silva came in, with a guest again.

Standing before me was a man dressed in a courier's uniform. The name "Fletcher" showed clearly on his name tag. He smiled a bit and said,

"Mrs Anisha de Milo? May I ask which one of you is Mrs Anisha de Milo?"

"It's me," I smiled. "How may I help you?"

"Well, I have been sent by doctor Dylan de Milo. I'm from the courier company, and I have a parcel here. As per his instructions, you're supposed to wear this item inside the bag, and I must take a picture of you and send it to him. He is waiting."

"My brother is too sweet," Ciera said in admiration.

"Wow Dylan, thank you!" I smiled and took the bag.

I picked my phone so that I could call my husband and thank him. as if reading my mind, the man said,

"I suggest you call him after I'm done, ma'am. I am really in a hurry to finish off other duties."

Something struck in my mind. Hmm? Fletcher? Who was this man? Why did his voice sound a bit familiar? I looked at him, but his face was not familiar at all. But that voice.,..I could swear I knew that voice from somewhere. That voice...

"Have we met before? You voice sounds a bit familiar," I asked with a frown.

"We might have met once in doctor Dylan de Milo's office. I have been at the hospital a few times," Fletcher said.

"Oh, if you say so," I spoke and ran up towards the elevator.

Fletcher followed me. I would have preferred him to stay and wait for me to come downstairs wearing the dress, but I just thought well, let him come.

I offered him a seat in the hallway while I proceeded to my bedroom. In great excitement, I opened the bag to see a lovely white dress. I knew it! With Dylan, white is always his choice! Either white, his favourite; or blue, my own favorite. We did buy some other different colours; but those two were our very best. I had too many clothes in that colour. Nice dress. I quickly removed what I was wearing and threw the clothes on the bed. I wore the beautiful dress. It was a bit too long for me, and the bust area was also too big, leaving spaces. It was very unlikely for Dylan to buy me a wrong size. Anyway, I told myself that I was going to have it adjusted at Ani-Lan Boutique on the very next day.

What about the photo? Could I…take a photo with it while it looked so big? My mind told me it was best that I call Dylan and inform him that the dress needed to be adjusted, and therefore I could not send the photo as per his request. I had hardly picked the phone when a stone cold voice hissed from the bedroom door, "put that phone down!"

I froze and slowly stood up straight, adjusting my dress to make sure that it wouldn't show my bare shoulders and part of my breasts, and I faced the man. He had closed my bedroom door, was standing behind it, and looked at me with a face devoid of any emotion.

"The dress looks too big," he stated. "It's because I bought it!"

"You...you bought it?" I stammered.

"Of course. I had to use it as a passport to gain entry into the heavenly mansion! The classy place…the heavily guarded mansion, where your security guards don't even know that procedure requires that you verify the identity of a person before he proceeds." His voice was undoubtedly full of mockery.

I remained standing in my spot, feeling very scared. Mansion staff…where on earth were they at that moment? The maids; the butler; the chef? They usually walked around the mansion. Mrs Silva? Where are you, Mrs Silva? Usually when I am alone; she would bring something to eat or drink…Mrs Silva, please open that door and rescue me.

The alarm!! Dylan told me about the oval shaped switch. If I press it, all the security guards, selected police officers and him, would receive a notification that there was danger at the mansion! But how could I? How could I press it? The man was standing right in front of the oval switch.

"W...what do you want?" I mastered all the courage to ask.

"I want you. Today, Anisha Meyerton, is your last day on earth!" he sneered.

His voice….his voice…why was it sounding so familiar? That voice,…I knew that voice. I knew it… I knew it….

"Eden Salatto!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Israel Bassard!" I screamed again.

My body shook in great fear, and my bowels nearly gave way. Israel Bassard? What was he doing in my house?