
Destined To Love Only You

Having met Anisha more than a decade ago, Dylan never had a chance to express his feelings to her; and due to hidden acts by a person close to him, Dylan lost the girl. He tries in vain to find her; until one day, under unfavourable conditions, they meet again. While they are both fighting for their lives, without knowing whether or not they will see the light of the next day, they also try to get to know each other well, as their hearts fall in love. Coming from totally different worlds, the two have to fight all the obstacles that come their way. When Dylan is forced from all angles to leave the woman of his dreams, he finds himself caught in a corner between pleasing the people that he loves dearly, and keeping the love of his heart. He almost loses her again more than once, but sometimes destiny has an answer to the battles of the heart.

Ethel_Manyeruke · Urban
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199 Chs



"What do you want?" I asked in a shaky voice. In bright clear images, visions of the terror that we once went through under Israel's tough hand flashed in my mind. Why was he here? What did he want?

At that moment, I wished if only Ciera had the character of Arianna! For if it was Arianna seated downstairs, she would have quickly run up to check on me. But knowing Ciera, the chances of her following me up were very slim.

"Israel, what did I ever do to you?" I was so scared that I failed to control the shaking of my limbs.

"Nothing," he laughed. "I also think you're sweet, but you must die."

"Did someone send you?"

He did not respond but instead, pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

No! Not again! A gun in my face again! What was happening? What had I done? Mrs Silva, where are you? Why are you not checking on me? Dylan, why are you not coming back home now? Any maid? Any other member of the mansion staff? Anyone, please!

I kept my eyes on him, and did not know how to react. I was facing death, and I dreaded to think what was going to happen to Dylan when he walked in later, to find my body lying in a pool of my own blood. Oh no! The image of Mrs. Larissa la Martina flashed in my mind. I did not want that image! That image…that would be me in a few minutes, or maybe seconds?

"What…what did I do wrong? Eden please, don't do this!" I pleaded with all my heart.

"The name is Fletcher now," he let out a low laugh.

"Fletcher please, I beg you, don't kill me.

"I have to. I have already accepted the payment." The man sneered.

His gun made a sound, and from the movies that I had watched, it was enough to tell me that the gun was ready to fire. Oh God, help me. Something flashed in my mind. Why not use that. Yes, I could use that to buy time…all I needed was a chance to get to the oval shaped switch and call for help. If I failed to get to the switch in my bedroom, I had to make it to the one in the lounge. According to what Dylan told me, there was one behind the sofa on which Ciera was sitting. I had to reach one of those. I cursed myself over and over, for failing to ask Dylan to show me all the alarm buttons. If I knew them all, it was going to be easier for me to access one quickly. Who knows, maybe there was another easier way to call for help, yet I had never bothered to ask about it.

What a mistake I made! I should have known; I just should have known! What do I do now? That idea kept playing in my mind. I needed to use that. I could try…

"I…I can give you something, Eden, I mean Israel….oh Fletcher. Fletcher, I can give you something."

My left hand clutched to the oversized dress which was sweeping the floor, I wrinkled it up and held a ball of the excess fabric in my hand. My right hand was stretched towards Eden, as if I was worshiping him, literally, begging him to spare my life.

"You can't give me anything!" he spoke in a seriously cold tone. It was easy to tell from how he spoke that he had no room for negotiation, but all the same I swore to myself that I was going to die trying….

"Liam! I can give you Liam!" I spat it out with great hope.

His hand lowered the gun slightly, and his eyes were full of doubt. Seeing that there was a chance that he might give in, I maximized on that;

"You always wanted to have him, to slice him up yourself. I know that you are a man who believes in revenge. Remember Lucas la Martina? He killed your brother, did he not? He stole your dream. I can hand over Liam to you now; today! To do to him as you please! You can have him, Israel…I mean Fletcher. I can hand him over to you!" my voice sounded so desperate that I also failed to recognise it as mine.

"You can't! Liam was adopted by some couple. I did my research!"

"Trust me I can get to him! You can have him tonight! Within an hour, if you let me go!"

"I don't believe you!" Israel marched forward and placed the gun right on my temple.

"P…please. Hand..hand over my ph..phone. I …I can show you…e…evidence…." I stammered, sweat pouring freely from my face and whole boy.

Israel looked at me, then at my phone at the bed, and he picked it up.

"What's your password?" he opened it.

"Ok go…go to the ...gallery. Under…under the videos file. You will see ….a .. video of me and Liam. That was…two days ago. I..I always see him. Check the date. I…I can take you to him, Israel."

My breathing was so loud that I thought I was going to faint. Fainting from fear and exhaustion, for it seemed like with each breath I took, my energy was drained. My knees were slowly giving way, and my lips were seriously dry. The temperature in the room was suddenly very cold, I shivered from both the cold and fear, and I could not tell what was running down my legs. It could have been anything; either sweat or a product of my own bladder.

Israel played the short video again, and looked in my teary eyes. "Is this the la Martina boy?"

I nodded profusely, my breathing uncontrolled, and I managed to speak, "yes it's him! He is grown up now! Look, he looks like his father Lucas!"

Israel trailed the nozzle of the gun down from my temple, moving it slowly towards my collarbone. He moved it up again, made a few circles with it on my neck and smiled.

I was so scared that I dared not move. I stood in my spot, fighting to steady my shaking legs. My stomach knotted and I could feel rumbles building up; yet I held them all in check. Sweat was running down my back. I was feeling seriously cold, but I was sweating as well. I feared to close my eyes, yet I also feared to have them open. The sight of a gun at such close proximity scared the daylights out of me, and I almost fainted. I had to hold myself with all the strength I had left, hoping and praying that Israel was going to buy my story and agree to be taken to Liam. He was a man of revenge; anyway. Why was he taking so long to buy the idea? He literally thrived on revenge; as far as I knew him. I believed that if I managed to make it out of my bedroom, I could send a hint to Mrs Silva or Ciera, or even one of the mansion staff. I could send a hint somehow, and let them know that I was in serious danger.

"Take me to Lucas la Martina' son!" Israel's command boomed.