
Despair System

Have you ever heard that as long as your alive, you should be thankful, that a lie. hecould still hear the laughs of joy and happiness, the trumpets of celebration, till he came. Vormatu, the Demon of endless suffering and pain, his greatest foe, he slaughtered Adam armies, burnt down his kingdoms and sold away his wife and daughters as whores to his demonic legions and made him watch as they ravaged them till death. he wished for death, he wanted death, he craved it, he lusted for it but it never came, centuries after centuries he made me watch as everything he ever loved, everything he ever built was destroyed. He cursed him with the greatest punishment, immorality, and he stayed millenias suffering under his rule, he forgot the feeling of joy, him forgot the feeling of happiness and all I knew was despair. he hated this world, he despised it but suddenly one day in this hell, he saw something, a miracle, everything was back to normal, time itself had been reversed. [Congratulations. The universe has grown to pity you and your existence, you have been gifted one more chance at life] [Is the user willing to forsake their humanity and awake their innate forbidden bloodline] [Yes]. [No] "Yes"Adam said [Congratulations. you have chosen to be a Primodial demon] [You have been chosen as a Candidate of the Despair System] [Go out there and show your enemies through Despair] Now watch as Adam rises through the ranks and cultivates the despair of his enemies

Demonreaper · 奇幻
10 Chs

The Universe's Incarnation

"Call me Una" the woman said.

"Okay Una, would you please enlighten me why your exactly your in my house?" Adam asked, he hadn't smelt her scent, neither did he hear her footsteps and that was a feat on it own.

" leaving her alone should be best, is that what your thinking?" Una spoke, her voice seemed so distant yet so close, it was an indescribable feeling, his ear didn't pick up on the sound of her voice yet he could hear her.

"What the hell are you talking about"

Adam couldn't understand this sudden question, he felt annoyed that this mysterious lady just entered into his house and started asking him questions before explaining why she broke in.

Adam was also beginning to question his very sanity, the reason for this, Una presence, her presence didn't feel real, Adam could see this woman, yet he felt like he was looking at an empty space, he couldn't smell her, neither could he hear any breathing coming from her, his demon skin was so sensitive that he could see the heat from nearby lifeforms but she didn't give any heat off

' Is she a ghost?' he wondered.

"What I am talking about you ask, obviously it the girl who left" the mysterious woman called Una spoke

Una smiled for some unknown reason after saying this, it didn't feel like she held any malicious intent but that didn't matter because Adam knew people that could smile while committing heinous act that put the devil to shame.

"Anna, why do you care about her" Adam didn't know this woman in his past life so he wasn't sure how Una knew Anna, he had seen all of Anna friends and Una was definitely not on the list

"I don't but you do, after all in the future you both got married" the woman still had that strange smile while she began walking circles around him.

"How do yo-" Before he could speak she interrupted him yet again, she pressed her index finger against her right cheek and looked up to the ceiling.

"I wonder if she going to die again this time" the woman chuckled at her own words but Adam paused for a short moment, hearing about Anna death made his mind flash back to the past, he had registered every single details of her demise.

"I don't care who you are but next time you speak about Anna death like her life means nothing then don't expect to keep that rotten tongue of yours!" Adam threatened, his involuntarily hidden aura was released from his body and the room was drowned within it terrifying might, the furniture, utensils, walls and floor shook tremendously but Una stood unshaken from this act

"means?, her life meant nothing why are you talking as if she alive, after all you did kill her with those hands of youars or is it so easy to forget murdering your own spouse" Una said

"Keep quiet, Keep quiet!" Adam muttered, his words could barely be picked up and to most what he said sounded like inaudible nonsense.

"So your trying to reject the truth, hmmm, let see how long you can hold" Una snapped her fingers and a bright blue light illuminated the room.

The scenery changed and three familiar faces could be seen, Anna but this time she was far older and his two daughters, Alicia and Kathie.

"Please stop" Adam said, his lips trembled and Una took a glance at him noticing his state, his eyes lid shook uncontrollably and Una knew the reason why but she wouldn't pity him.

it was a past memory, and he remembered this particular scene too much, he knew the tiniest details of what would happen.

"Please stop, I beg you!"Adam repeated

Him and Una stood beside each other as another silhouettes approached his wife and daughters, it was him, he already knew the next actions that would occur, it was this evening that would forever scar his soul for the rest of his life.

Note: I am using [ ] to specify which paragraphs are memories

[Adam in this memory carried a slim blade, a silver blade it was durable and light and any experienced swordmen that saw this would know this blade was screaming quality.]

[In the memory, Adam walked towards his family with the blade in hand and without even speaking, he drew his sword horizontally across the air with such accurate precision and speed towards their vunerable necks, with no resistance at all, his blade had easily sliced open their necks.]

[Silence ensued for a brief moment before a fountain of crimson blood erupted out of their necks severed arteries, their bodies fell down to the ground and Adam dropped down to meet their corpses, teared flooded his eyes not because they were dead but because they weren't.]

["I am sorry" Adam in the memory said]

[Their neck wounds healed and Adam had to thrust his sword into their heads but it healed once more, fatal wound after fatal wound healed.]

[Adam relentlessly slashed his blade onto the tender bodies of his wife and daughters, the sound of metal tearing through flesh mixed with screams of agony filled the memory.]

[Streams of blood flowed out their ever regenerating flesh, he cut off limb after limb but they didn't die, their flesh was torn and shredded by his Silver blade.]

[A pile of flesh rested on the floor, none of it was unrecognizable, it was a disgusting sight that would make the skin of most crawl,no face, no limbs, just cut up pieces of muscles and bones, their deaths would have been quicker if not for Vormatu, he had curses them with a powerful regenerative ability so Adam family would have to suffer countless deaths by their own father.]

["Splendid" A powerful hoarse voice spoke, the very ground shook at his words all because of the shockwaves it created, it was Vormatu]

[ "It was a wonderful sight watching you slaughter your family, again, again and again, so this is what it feels like to be highest point of pleasure" Vormatu spoke as he sucked in the nearby air, a black smoke erupted out of Adam and was sucked towards Vormatu mouth]

"Why did you show me this"

Adam had already fallen to the floor, he couldn't handle this anymore, it was to much for him, "I did it to save them, death was release from the suffering Vormatu was going to give them, I didn't want them to suffer a similar fate to me"

"Save them, it your fault, you killed them, your wife and children, you killed them with your own hands, and you call it salvation" Una increased the sound of her voice making sure Adam heard clearly

"My own hands" Adam muttered

"Yes, your a murderer, you killed your own family, and now you think because you have another chance that you can just forget them and chase after a new life, you don't deserve happiness" Una said.

Adam remained on the floor, his head faced the ground as his hands trembled, after seeing this no one would be shocked if one broke down.

"I-I killed them with my h-hands"

' Did I succeed in breaking him ' Una thought as she sighed in dissappointment but contrary to her believe, Adam did something that made her want to step back, Adam after seeing all this....he laughed.

"AHAHAHAHAHA!, I killed them with my own hands, I can still remember the looks in their eyes as my swords kept cutting through them, I can still remember their precious screams and the warmth of their spilling blood, it was such a wonderful sight watching them suffer, I want to do it again and again, AHAHAHA!" Una raised an eyebrow and was wondering if he had snapped from the emotional trauma

But Meanwhile Adam body was rejoicing after seeing this memory but his mind thought other wise, he felt trapped right guy now in his own body, his body said things which his minds didn't want to.

'I want to cry but instead of sobbing I am laughing, I want to mourn over my family but instead I am rejoicing and making a joke out of their deaths, I want to apologise but instead my body feels like doing it again, my body wants to see it up close, my wife and daughters suffering and despair, this urge wants to eat me alive, it was the break out and stop being restrained, I am truly a monster now!" Adam thought

Una still didn't know how to react but after a few seconds she composed herself from the shock of Adam reaction to the memories.

"I expected your will and mindset to break but I never expected such a reaction, it scary even for me, I don't know if that was your personal answer to what I showed you or it was from the influence of your demonic bloodline but I will take that answer as a pass... Adam you were qualified to wield the Despair System and now you have qualified to 'live' to use it."Una said

Adam ignored her, he was to busy with his current situation, he had finally returned back to his usual self, he was extremely worried about this demonic bloodline, it was affecting him and he needed to find a suitable way to control this urge but the only ways was to kill people and absorb their despair essence and he wasn't planning to start running around and killing and torturing anybody he saw.

But that problem was for another time, he had to deal with this woman, she was the present problem, Adam didn't know how she knew off him and his memories but he didn't like the idea of someone deliberately trying to break him emotionally

"What exactly are you?"

"Adam, that a rude questions, you also don't call peo_" Una was quickly interrupted by Adam not letting her finish her words

"Your not a person, people give off heat, smells and sound but you posses none of those, I am not even sure I am seeing you right now" Adam stared at her, his eyes clearly showing his dislike for her, after all she just showed him a memory he had kept locked away within his mind.

"Interesting, your quick on the uptake, I am Una, the incarnation of this universe's will and also the one who inhabits your system" Una spoke, her words were intended to make Adam relax and feel safe around her since he had been on high alert ever since she appeared.

Instead after this sudden reveal Adam put up his guard than ever before, he didn't trust her one bit after her behavior so far, it was to be expected.

After all any thing related to this system was a mystery to him but there was one thing he knew for sure, whatever caused him to go back in time had power unfathomable beyond his understanding and he hated it.

He hated powers far above his control, he hated being played like some sort of doll, this second chance he was given, Adam had taken it as a gift at a new life but it also made him uncomfortable because some mysterious entity out there was treating his life like a game.

Adam knew this feeling to well, it was the feeling of powerlessness, this second chance of his had made him feel like just a means for some higher being to reduce their boredom and gain some entertainment, this was e exactly the treatment he received from Vormatu, using strength to control his life.

Adam had grown to hate fate, it was a power beyond his control, a river that pushed him anywhere it desired without his consent, he was always forced to submit after meeting powerful beings like Vormatu, all because that was his fate, the fate of the weak was to bow to the strong.

Adam didn't want to experience that again, Adam had already decided the moment he came back to this time that he would resist biting more than he could chew meaning he would try to stay away from any foes beyond his current level.

But that didn't mean he would stay weak, after all the lives of the weak rest in the palms of the strong and he wouldn't let his fate rest in the palm of anyone, NEVER AGAIN.