
Despair System

Have you ever heard that as long as your alive, you should be thankful, that a lie. hecould still hear the laughs of joy and happiness, the trumpets of celebration, till he came. Vormatu, the Demon of endless suffering and pain, his greatest foe, he slaughtered Adam armies, burnt down his kingdoms and sold away his wife and daughters as whores to his demonic legions and made him watch as they ravaged them till death. he wished for death, he wanted death, he craved it, he lusted for it but it never came, centuries after centuries he made me watch as everything he ever loved, everything he ever built was destroyed. He cursed him with the greatest punishment, immorality, and he stayed millenias suffering under his rule, he forgot the feeling of joy, him forgot the feeling of happiness and all I knew was despair. he hated this world, he despised it but suddenly one day in this hell, he saw something, a miracle, everything was back to normal, time itself had been reversed. [Congratulations. The universe has grown to pity you and your existence, you have been gifted one more chance at life] [Is the user willing to forsake their humanity and awake their innate forbidden bloodline] [Yes]. [No] "Yes"Adam said [Congratulations. you have chosen to be a Primodial demon] [You have been chosen as a Candidate of the Despair System] [Go out there and show your enemies through Despair] Now watch as Adam rises through the ranks and cultivates the despair of his enemies

Demonreaper · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Two days, it had been two days since he met Una and things were changing more than he expected, the streets were crowded with people moving through in groups of hundreds.

Why was this happening?, it was because of this strange incoming war that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, no matter how Adam thought about the reason this war suddenly sprouted, he couldn't find a suitable explanation, he couldn't even remember anything such as this happening.

"My mind is over 10,000 years old, it possible I just don't remember this war ever happening maybe due to bad memory ' Adam thought.

Why were this people villagers running away?, they weren't running away from the war itself, the war would take months to reach them so this sudden reaction was uncalled for, they still had all the time to leave before it arrival.

The villagers were running away from the soldiers of 'their' kingdoms, soldiers that swore to protect them, it a very common mistake among people, people do not fear wars, people fear going into wars.

The kingdom of Yandor had decided that it current military might was not enough to handle this incoming war, so they chose to recruit from the commoners to strengthen their forces.

But not everyone is that loyal and patriotic, after all who would step forward when they know death waiting at the other side, chances of survival were slim so why not choose the easy way out of this predicament, flee!.

"I wish some of the people were a little bit more rational and not let fear over take them"

Adam was currently inside his home sitting down on a couch and watching the stampede of people, he wasn't planning on leaving.

Staying was the smartest choice, to others this decision was quite foolish but if someone was to evaluate the situation then they would come to his same answer.

To do nothing, firstly why would the military allow such a leak of information, they could quickly dispose of it, it obvious why they allowed such information to spread.

It because they didn't care, they were already prepared for it, meaning that if they wanted everybody in this village to stay here, they would have no choice but to submit.

Adam walked out his house to observe the situation outside and as he thought, the military was already here, a large transparent dome covered the area and no body could leave.

To get a better view of the situation, with barely any effort, he jumped up to the red roof of his small home, he could see the desperate looks of sorrows form on their faces

Adam stared at the crowd, people began to cry, some screamed for their different gods to save them, soldiers of the military walked through the dome, some were knights others were casters.

"Leave us alone!" A woman screamed as they dragged her son and husband away from her

"Please surrender peacefully and no one will get hurt" One of the knights spoke but his words didn't get through to the masses.

The commoners didn't have the power to rival this soldiers but they were using their numbers to try and overwhelm then, they rushed through the military formation like a elephant stampede trying to crush and push anything out of their path.

And the results of this was gruesome, not only did some regular soldiers die but commoners to, some fell and others trampled upon them without care of who they were trampling on.

Some mothers stomped on their own children without knowing, it was a horrible sight that depicted humanity as a race of barbarians who lost all sense of rationality when influenced by fear.

This riot was soon subdued easily by the military might, hundreds of spells were cast, some were even fatal, after all if they wanted this giant crowd of people to obey, they had to show power regardless if anybody got hurt.

Adam watched this sight from the rooftop of his home with the mysterious Una sitting down beside him, she didn't seem to mind the scene of blood and Gore.

Adam could barely control himself from rushing down there and slaughtering all in his path and enjoy the essence of despair they gave off after death, the aroma of their tears and screams of pain, sadness and suffering was so enticing.

Adam could only dream of how much essence of despair he would get from this Carnage, it was a perfect opportunity for him to go wild.

"Why do you restrict yourself" Una spoke breaking the silence between them, it had been two days since she spoke, she had been observing Adam, her words were faint and soft, it was totally consumed by the constant screaming, He was sure he wouldn't have heard it if not for his enhanced hearing.

" So it now you choose to speak, I guess it won't hurt telling you, after all your the only person I can talk to about this, I restrict myself because...I am afraid of truly losing my humanity" Adam replied.

Una was puzzled and confused, how could Adam lose his humanity when he wasn't human anymore.

"I am afraid you already lost it, your humanity"

"That not what I mean, I don't honestly care about this body of mine, I don't care if the blood flowing through my veins isn't human, what I am afraid of losing his my human mind"

Una didn't reply, she remained quiet and looked at Adam like a student listening to a teacher, her blue eyes remained glued on him waiting for him to continue

"after living for thousands of years, I realized something, the difference between humans and animals, it isn't our anatomy neither is it our supreme intelligence, rather it how we handle out desires, animals let their desire control them and we humans control our desires.... if i choose to relinquish myself to this uncontrollable hunger even just once I might lose myself in it permanently"

Una didn't speak, she actually seemed disinterested, Adam had been only been talking to himself, he could only sigh after realizing he had chose to share his problems with this strange woman, he knew nothing about.

' I poured my troubles out and she didn't even care to listen'

"Forget what I said" Adam didn't expect to be ignored like this, it was so embarrassing, someone like him who had been famous all around the continent and beyond, someone who Kings begged to just see his visage and stay within his mere presence, was ignored.


Adam leapt off the roof landing with a thud on the concrete ground, he needed to get prepared for their arrival, he wasn't dumb enough to fight back.

He wouldn't fight back, yet anyways, it not like they would ship them back off to the battlefield immediately, most of the villagers here had zero battle experience, so teaching them how to fight and various combat styles would be the ideal solution, of they just sent them out with no proper training, they would just be wasting manpower.

Any proper training would take some months, so Adam wasn't worried about the entering the war, he was worried about Logan, he was at the prime age to be recruited, and he wasn't much of a good fighter.

Adam wouldn't risk it, he wouldn't risk his family life all because of some petty war, the huge crowd of people had all been subdued and were being walked to the middle of the village.

There was probably going to be some big announcement coming up, and missing it would only invite trouble to him, it was still to early for that.

"Logan!, we have to go their here" Adam shouted.

A young man rushed out Adam home door, he wore a white sleeves shirt with a brown jacket that was tucked into his trousers.

"Let get going then"

He had informed his family about the war already before the beginning of the rumours, so why are they still here, if they left this village, they wouldn't have any enough time to leave the kingdom, they would only end up in another town were the military has already set camp, so moving wasn't a wide choice.

Adam didn't call Lilian and his two cousins, she was to old and they were to young, they wouldn't even have use for them in the military.

They both walked off to the village's center, noise of the crowd and their constant blabbering ceased, the ever so vibrant village had finally been swallowed up by complete silence.

Adam could see beggars laying on the streets, the current situation didn't change their demeanor, after all even if they were able to runaway at the time, what next, no money not food, there was nothing out there.

He felt sad for this people, the war would only make their lives worse, Adam and Logan finally reached the town center, walls of people stood firm in their spots, men, women and children.

Even the soldiers kept the heads down and didn't utter a word, a show of respect, even Adam could feel the majestic regal aura that casted over the scene..

"So this is all of you"

A feminine voice broke the silence, all. eyes were glued onto the female that stood before them, a katana rested by her side in it scabbard with unique rune symbols written on it, she wore a white sleeves jacket with a black tights trouser, similar to what other soldiers wire but there was a different symbols on the left side of her chest separating her from the rest, it was drawing of a vicious blue Hydra with three heads.

Even the her crimson eyes looked like that if a warrior, intimidating to look into yet inviting to stare at, it was like beautiful precious rubies, the young woman hair was snow white with small strands of red scattered around it.

Stunning, absolutely stunning, her presence wasn't hostile but neither did it give off naiveness, it was perfect.

"You all have__" As the young woman was about to speak, she was soon interrupted.

A middle aged man walked out of the crowd of people towards her, he had short brown hair with glasses, his skin was brown and he wore a large green shirt, his size was about two times the young girl's, he had a warm smile kept around his face, he had a special charm around him that was similar to that of a loving father.

"Please miss, you have to let us go, so many of us here have a family we need to provide for, we can't join this"

The young woman looked at him, her eyes unfazed by his pleading but still showed no signs of hostility towards the man.

"Please just let us go, how would you feel if your father or mother were forced to go into a battle field, how would you feel watching them being thrown into this war"

The woman eyes looked as if they were set ablaze just from hearing the words father and mother, as the man spoke his final words, she took in a deep breath.

"Huuuu" She breathed in.

The sound of clicking didn't escape Adam keen ears, he couldn't quite make out what it was but it didn't take long to, the woman blade unsheated at sonic speed and with a horizontal slash, her blade easily cut through the air.

' What the hell did she draw her blade for '

Everyone was left confused, but we soon figured out what happened, the man hand fell down his wrist and an eruption of blood followed out of this man hand.

"Ahhhhhh!" He screamed.

The villagers could be seen shivering, fear, that all they felt, this was a sign, no a warning, and they got the gist, resistance led to death.

"Treason, all who choose to disobey or choose to deny this opportunity to serve the kingdom are traitors and criminals, feel honored to fight for this nation, your life's belong to the kingdom and they can use it how they see fit, that how it is, if you can't accept that then step forward"

'And as expected nobody stepped forward, I am also not stupid enough to step forward or I won't know how I died....hmmm is it just me or did I smell__' Before Adam could finish his thoughts, he was quickly interrupt by a running soldier that dashed towards the girl.

He caused quite a scene, he was almost out of breath, he fell down to his knees in front of her and struggled to even speak as he kept gasping for air.


"Speak Richard!" She commanded, her tone was filled with authority but her expression didn't change even as she spoke, it remained as cold as ever.

"Miss Elena enemy forces are on their way"

'Shit, if they get here, it will be a masscre' Adam thought, he never expected the war to reach here so fast, were the military that incompetent that they would already lose so early in the war.

The young white haired woman, Elena eyes shook out of surprise but it was soon steadied once more, her expression was firm and showed no hesitation or fear.

"Prepare the troops, we will attack them before they even know it"